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Metro 2033

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In the optimal spec it lists a GTX 480 or 470. Those don't exist. That's why I think it's a joke. As far as I know, that's not even going to be the name of the next line of nVidia cards. I believe it's GF100 at the moment, or have I missed something?

The 400 series, codenamed Fermi, is the Nvidia's response to DX11.

The release keeps getting pushed back though.

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Metro 2033 system requirements revealed:


Minimal system requirements: Metro 2033

- Dual-Core CPU (Core 2 Duo or better)

- DirectX 9, Shader Model 3 graphics card (Geforce 8800, Geforce GT220)

- 1 GiB RAM

Recommended system requirements: Metro 2033

- Quad-Core or 3.0+ GHz Dual-Core CPU

- DirectX 10 graphics card (Geforce GTX 260)

- 2 GiB RAM

Optimal system requirements: Metro 2033

- Core i7 CPU

- Nvidia DirectX 11 graphics card (Geforce GTX 480 and Geforce GTX 470)

- As much RAM as possible (8 GiB+)

- Fast HDD or SSD


Shazbot! The optimal requirements are freaking insane!

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Looking at those requirements it looks like they've coded it for 64bit. Finally! Now games will start to actually use all that power in those rediculously overpowered (for current games) gaming rigs.

That latest trailer was great until the end with that voice over by the GameStop guy. Really ruined the whole thing.

It's also interesting how they can get it to run nicely on 360 then give us those requirements for the PC version lol. Does that mean they've not bothered to optimise it for Windows or the 360 version is going to be hella ugly compared?

Edited by Madus_Maximus

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GameStop tends to ruin all trailers they're involved with. :p

Epic trailer apart from that, though. Can't wait for this.

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GameStop tends to ruin all trailers they're involved with. :p

Epic trailer apart from that, though. Can't wait for this.

No pre release demo and "we're too busy" as a justification.

Still looks good though, fingers crossed :)

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That trailer is SWEEEEEEET.

But, wouldn't the autoshotty be completely useless as it would burn through all of your ammo in a matter of moments?

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If it's as atmospheric as S.T.A.L.K.E.R. then it'll be worth a buy. Those guys know how to make games that make you jump lol. They made brilliant use of the shaders in S.T.A.L.K.E.R. and seeing as this is being made by some of the folks who made that and the engine, this should be interesting if nothing else. At least there's no pretense about what it is. It's a linear story driven game with little freedom to go and do what you want. They've said that from the start so we know what to expect.

Edited by Madus_Maximus

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If it's as atmospheric as S.T.A.L.K.E.R. then it'll be worth a buy.

Stalker is awesome because it's free form, you can do what you want, go where you want, and it has a long life, this according to a preview I read is 10 hours long and linear :(

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I'll be getting "Metro 2033" book by Dmitry Glukhovsky. People say the book is really good with many many copies sold in Russia, this will make good introduction to forthcoming game!

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Live chat with Dmitry Glukhovsky Metro 2033 author, If you have any questions...

US Pacific Coast: 13.00 - 15.00

US East Coast: 16:00 - 18.00

UK / GMT: 21.00 - 23.00

Central Europe: 22.00 - 24.00

Russia: 24.00 - 02.00


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Why is everyone is worried about optimal system requirements, those requirements are for DX11 mode, for those with DX10 cars it will run fine in DX10 mode, if the game is properly optimized.

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Stalker is awesome because it's free form, you can do what you want, go where you want, and it has a long life, this according to a preview I read is 10 hours long and linear :(

10 hours is a life time these days in game terms, especially for a linear story with no sort of free-roam. Things have gone backwards in every respect but visuals for the vast majority of games over the last 10 years. This sounds like it may be a welcome change, it'll rely entirely on it's single player aspect as it doesn't have MP to rest on. How many games can you think of that have sub-par SP, yet it's only given a life line because of the also sub-par MP, people just like to play together! It's like an easy get out clause for devs these days. Look at BioShock 2, if you played the first you'll understand why MP isn't needed (or a sequel for that matter).

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Stalker is awesome because it's free form, you can do what you want, go where you want, and it has a long life, this according to a preview I read is 10 hours long and linear :(

that is not NECESSARILY a bad thing if the single player portion is done well.

it can still be an amazing experience, if only enjoyed once a year. For example the game cryostasis was just such a game, in my opinion an amazing piece of work. If this game can accomplish that level of immersion and setting/mood, it will be amazing.

I am hoping that metro is closer to cryostasis than stalker really, for the reason placebo pointed out, because stalker is all about free roam.

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I had a play around on Metro 2033. It's really pretty good. Like Stalker with better graphics and a lot of post processing. The PP blur effect can get annoying when trying to spot enemies past 10m away, and it's a real resource hog of a game (guess that's why it's linear), but it's a good game.

I won't be buying it though. In Australia it's around $100 on Steam (US$90) which is way too much for a linear singleplayer only game.

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$90 ?????!!!!!!!!for this???

I guess that's the down-under for you...

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I'm getting told by some people that Metro 2033 has seriously under-delivered. Don't know if it's true as I haven't played it myself, but it's a shame if it has. :(

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All I am hearing is how epic it is.

And the reviews reflect that. :)

Can't wait!

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Honestly, if you loved the Stalker series then you'll almost be in heaven with this. It feels exactly like Stalker but has many moments where you just stop in awe of the visuals. Although, the characters look a little cartoony (like Stalkers characters) and the graphics are really only enhanced by the over the top post processing effects but it just seems great. A lot of it is very well done too, but it is even more linear than they all make out. We're talking Doom 3 style tight corridors level of linear.

It has some other issues that would turn off non-stalker fans. The English voice acting is pretty sub-par, but about the same as you got with Stalker, and the animations are over the top. In many circumstances the animations seem quite amazing, then when you watch two characters having a conversation while seated it's like they're all suffering from heavy ADHD, constantly squirming and occasional flailing of limbs. Little off putting but otherwise pretty top notch.

I didn't get the chance to get to play too much of it but what I did I thought was very well done. A lot of the time it felt a little generic until you look at all the details, literally, things like item placement used to the extreme to give an even heavier claustrophobic feel. Other things like the random conversations and random characters walking around the tunnels. Kids that are playing around and will run up to you to tell you random things and such.

The lively AI surrounding have a double whammy effect too. You'll constantly hear conversations going on around you in the main underground hubs which can get really annoying as you're basically being flooded with chatter from every side and it gets a little overwhelming, but at the same time it gives a real feel of the over compressed living spaces they're dealing with. Kind of like going into a multi-family house and trying to get some peace and quiet.

Overall I'd rate it as a very good game, definitely not worth $100 as it's got no multiplayer or retail value, but still a very good game.

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Sound good, will try it after I read the book. To bad about the corridor linearity, guess its needed for the story?

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It's pretty good and one of the most atmospheric and immersive games I've played in a while.

Unfortunately, it's way too short for my taste.

As someone on another forum said, 'Are we going to get an FPS that lasts for more than 8 hours anytime soon'.

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