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Please one more patch before resistance!

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (LauryThorn @ April 09 2002,14:44)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I wish that BIS would release the source code.

Their game development hasn't been open source -type,

but it certainly has been open.

Open to new ideas and comments and corrections.

"You may say I'm a dreamer"

                - John Lennon

biggrin.gif<span id='postcolor'>

eehhh...open source code?

they spent 4yrs for it and that's main reason why they are getting so much revenue....it's there's.... smile.gif

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"it's theirs" (I'm gonna get flamed for this wink.gif )

"No you can not lock the lasertargets with the Maverik."

Maveriks aren't laser guided bombs. The laser designator can only be used to guide LGB's.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (ALDEGA @ April 09 2002,21:48)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">"it's theirs" (I'm gonna get flamed for this wink.gif )

"No you can not lock the lasertargets with the Maverik."

Maveriks aren't laser guided bombs. The laser designator can only be used to guide LGB's.<span id='postcolor'>

The Maverick E is being adopted in the AGM-65E version as the Marine corps laser Maverick weapon for use from Marine aircraft for use against fortified ground installations, armored vehicles and surface combatants. Used in conjunction with ground or airborne laser designators, the missile seeker, searches a sector 7 miles across and over 10 miles ahead. If the missile loses laser spot it goes ballistic and flies up and over target -- the warhead does not explode, but becomes a dud.


So you can see it should be possible (The Cobras TOW´s shuld not be able to laserlock)!

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (ALDEGA @ April 09 2002,22:21)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Who said OF uses Maverik E?<span id='postcolor'>

Ofp uses Maverik A now and they should change it to Maverik E. wink.gif

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I LOVE Nyles ideas for tanks. Especially the one about the bradley commander aiming the turret by holding down Alt. Brilliant idea, BIS should really look into this!

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (LordZach @ April 09 2002,14:14)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">2 words bouncing planes sad.gif<span id='postcolor'>

Hey hey don't go touching the game's trademarks now! tounge.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (N.o.R.S.u @ April 09 2002,14:05)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I wish that weapons in Mi-24 Hind were more accurate and powerful<span id='postcolor'>

yes make the mi24 more accurate but its already powerfull enough

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Thx Mr ThunderMakeR. You made me happy with that. biggrin.gif

Another thing I always liked to see is an improvement of the ammo management of infantry weapons. If you reload a weapon which still had ammo left, you should get the fresh clip size plus the already chambered round from the last magazine. Its only a minor thing but I would love to see this being implemented for realism issues. Its just logical.

Furthermore I'd also support the option to deploy the bipod of machineguns, to make them more accurate. Since MGs were introduced in the Half-Life mod "Day of Defeat" I really liked the option to deploy the bipod. Currently the guy playing the mg is least liked squad position. The weapons simply tend to be very inaccurate and can only compensate with huge ammo loadouts. Even the damage is very low taking the higher calibre compared to most assault rifles into account.

One alternate idea to a completly new deploy option could be to auto deploy the m60 bipod when you go to a prone position via the weapon model. This would only require a rework of the weapon model without having to code in that other stuff. Moving parts on weapon models should be no problem as the grenade launchers have animated cycling of the drum as well.  wink.gif

EDIT: teh GR4mm3r!!@

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Well another thing that would add more atmosphere to the game, would be the ability to walk with your gun in your hands and not runn all the time, this would be great for recon an patrol missions, because don't run all the time, nor do they sneak.

Well and i want pretty much all from the previous posts.


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you can already have this smile.gif

just go to kneeled position. then aim through sight (scope).

If you will walk now, you zoom out and can move slowly. As soon as you stop you aim through your sight again.

You can also move around and stay zoomed in if you do the above without kneeling.

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There's a couple of new radio commands I'd like to see in Resistance or an update of OFP. These are:

"All, load up"

(AI will fill their inventory with ammo for their current weapons, from ammo crates, without being specificly told what magazines to take)

"All, hurry up!"

(AI will sprint like madmen to keep up with formation and ignore threats and not use binocs. This option would be very good if you are sprinting for the woods when a T80 shows up. Usually the AI isn't fast enough and all dies.)

"All, be sneaky bastards!"

(It's currently not possible to give a Black Op a very distant waypoint and hope he makes it there without alerting any enemies. This mode would let the soldiers choose a route far around known enemies to avoid detection, and not run through open fields. When patrolling tanks appear, they will jump into a bush and wait for it to pass. Generally, acting very shy, like a super-stealth mode) wink.gif

"Attack ground" (and then click where he should attack, like when you click on an enemy soldier. Excellent for bombs and grenades, if you want bushes cleared out.)

There are probably other commands that would be good too, but these I have wished most for during single play.

Oh, and a little bug: If you have both mines and satchel charges, you have to lay all the mines before you can lay a satchel. You can't switch.

I'd also wish for the LAW to have a hotkey. I don't know how many times I've selected binocs or put my riffle on shoulder, when all I wanted was to pick my LAW in a hurry.

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Speaking of radio commands:

I would love to see some sort of priority hierachy for the radio.

Very often you are commanding a vehicle and want to order your gunner to open fire on a new target, but other incomming transmissions like info about newly spotted targets are delaying your radio command. In combat situations this can be fatal.

I suggest some sort of priority system that allows specific radio commands to interrupt running transmissions. For example should all transmissions from the "vehicle" frequency get priority in favour of lets say reports about killed teammates on the "squad" frequency. There should also be a tad more efficient radio operating. Currently there is only the option to name either all members of a squad or seperatly name the numbers of the members you want to perform the action. You can't say: "all except 6, 7, disembark". Let the radio code auto-choose this depending on which way will get the whole radio transmission being send faster. Another example for this could be following situation: 2 and 3 have already mounted a vehicle. Now you want to order the remaining 9 men to mount as well. Currently the radio code would name each squad member's number (4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12, board vehicle) which takes a lot of time. The new system would see that 2 men are already on board and would therefore order the rest of the men in the vehicle by using a faster method. (all except 2,3, board vehicle)

Get the idea?

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Nyles @ April 10 2002,20:43)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">you can already have this smile.gif

just go to kneeled position. then aim through sight (scope).

If you will walk now, you zoom out and can move slowly. As soon as you stop you aim through your sight again.

You can also move around and stay zoomed in if you do the above without kneeling.<span id='postcolor'>

No, you got it all wrong, then you would be sneaking. What i want is a new animation for soldiers to walk (just like in safe mode) but with their weapons ready. So the should walk like in safe mode, but they should also be ready to respond immediatly!

Hope that clears things up wink.gif


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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Architeuthis @ April 11 2002,20:42)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Nyles @ April 10 2002,20:43)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">you can already have this smile.gif

just go to kneeled position. then aim through sight (scope).

If you will walk now, you zoom out and can move slowly. As soon as you stop you aim through your sight again.

You can also move around and stay zoomed in if you do the above without kneeling.<span id='postcolor'>

No, you got it all wrong, then you would be sneaking. What i want is a new animation for soldiers to walk (just like in safe mode) but with their weapons ready. So the should walk like in safe mode, but they should also be ready to respond immediatly!

Hope that clears things up wink.gif

Arch.<span id='postcolor'>

I dont know if you know this Arch but if you press (F) that toggles Run/Walk modes and press your run button (W) (not sprint (E)). You can walk around with normally with your rifle ready. You can also fire whilst walking since there's little cursor sway.

You probably want something completly different if you already know this and i'm making a fool out of myself. smile.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Joe Porta @ April 11 2002,21:22)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Architeuthis @ April 11 2002,20:42)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Nyles @ April 10 2002,20:43)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">you can already have this smile.gif

just go to kneeled position. then aim through sight (scope).

If you will walk now, you zoom out and can move slowly. As soon as you stop you aim through your sight again.

You can also move around and stay zoomed in if you do the above without kneeling.<span id='postcolor'>

No, you got it all wrong, then you would be sneaking. What i want is a new animation for soldiers to walk (just like in safe mode) but with their weapons ready. So the should walk like in safe mode, but they should also be ready to respond immediatly!

Hope that clears things up wink.gif

Arch.<span id='postcolor'>

I dont know if you know this Arch but if you press (F) that toggles Run/Walk modes and press your run button (W) (not sprint (E)). You can walk around with normally with your rifle ready.  You can also fire whilst walking since there's little cursor sway.

You probably want something completly different if you already know this and i'm making a fool out of myself. smile.gif<span id='postcolor'>

Well, i knew about the f-key, but i want something else. I want a new animation of i guy walkimg in safe-mode but ready to open fire. Hmmmmmmmmm, its kinda difficult to explain.

But maybe satchel could explain better biggrin.gif he he and i posted other topics with this subjuct.....


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like the infantry in Enemy Engaged: Comanche versus Hokum walk....? I think I know what you mean

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If your standing and look through your scope and then walk...you will continue to walk with your weapon in the scoped position...in other words....walking with weapon at ready position...my guess is that this isnt what hes talking about, but I fugred Id take a shot at it.

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I think the three walk modes are enough and cover every thing you need.

what do you want, throttle control?!? tounge.gif

or analogue keys that make you walk/run faster the harder you push... actually that would be pretty cool.

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No, the animation would be there for the atmosphere. Well, you all have seen the movie "Full metal jacket", well do you know the scene where the us marines enter the ruined city behind some m60 tanks (scene where the Lt. gets killed).

Well i want that animation in flashpoint. Not only would it be cool, it would also be realistic, because a soldier wouldn't sprint all the time and he will not be sneaking all the time either. But what he would so is walk 'relaxt' with his weapon in his hands and constandly scanning the enviroment. Just look at all war movies to get the idea smile.gif

Sorry but i can't explain it any better, just watch that seen of Full Metal Jacket, and see what i mean (BTW i know there are lots of other movies, but this was the first one i thought of.) Or just watch discovery channel when they show some documentary (spelling?) about a war, and look at the soldiers when they are on patrol.


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Just played RtCW - lots of nice soldier animations there that could've been great in OFP. Including the walk-with-gun that Architeuthis is talking about.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Gaswell @ April 12 2002,15:42)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Just played RtCW - lots of nice soldier animations there that could've been great in OFP. Including the walk-with-gun that Architeuthis is talking about.<span id='postcolor'>

Hey yeah, that is a good example. Tha's what im talking about biggrin.gif , so if you (still) don't know what i mean play Rtcw.


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About animations, I just tried OFP demo (v0.36) once again and noticed something strange. There are more animations for soldiers than in the full version. In demo if you have a soldier in "at ease-position" it looks much more natural than in the full version, also some of the graphics like faces and ground textures are much better in demo version confused.gif.

I'm making now a pack that replaces most faces in game with demo faces that look much better. Download the demo and try out and you'll see wink.gif.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (eyes @ April 09 2002,21<!--emo&:0)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Remembered another thing:

When firing bullets from the optics view of the tanks the bullets come from the right and head off target to the right then change direction and head closer to where you're aiming at the last second.

Whats that about?

Also must agree that being able to use the tripod (especially if it took a couple of seconds from the action menu) for the m-60 would be great.<span id='postcolor'>

Yeah that one throws me off big time. I find it harder to follow my target when the tracers are going berserk.

Iv'e mentioned this one over and over but I'll do it again. (am I fanatical?) When you are detected by the enemy and you take cover inside any vehicles as cargo passanger they cannot see you at all unless you enter when they have their fire already on you (in this case most of the time they continue to shoot).

Furthermore if you turn to driver seat although in many conditions the engine isn't even ON , they immediately divert their attention to you.

It's not really a big deal I got through the campaign when there was only a handfull of times I could have really used a vehicle without drawing attention to myself.

Mmmn the machineguns could use some smaller shot radius too, I agree . Sad, it used to be actually better IMO.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (N.o.R.S.u @ April 09 2002,13:05)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I wish they change the BMP model(s) to the demo one with rocket

When you get out of the boat you are being placed far from the boat, it's hard to make good beach missions because of this.

I also wish that machine guns (M-60,PK) were more accurate

I wish that weapons in Mi-24 Hind were more accurate and powerful

I wish hey change the East M2 model to the one in Russian boat

I wish that G36a's power is reduced, one shot one kill is not realistic

I wish they add at least one scoped assault rifle for Russians

This topic indeed has lots of good additions that would make the game more realistic and enjoyable. Since these are only small additions, I guess, it shouldn't be so hard for BIS' elite coders biggrin.gif.

OFP is still in my three best games list even if no addons are made (Thief series/OFP/Half-Life).<span id='postcolor'>

1) isn't that BMP now used for the BMP2?

2) Boat thing, yeah

3) Machine guns are ok.

4) Its an ok balance, I find

5) Yeah

6) One shot one kill IS realistic - until it gets to Delta Force levels with lethal fingernail hits. A slight tone down but nothing huge would be needed on this.

7) Yeah.

(Thief/OFP/Halflife) ?

Thief and OFP are easily worth the place there but Halflife?!? I am truly shockedat that! The many other deserving games could use that slot. Ah well, at least you don't seem to be a HL fanboy who think its from God or something wink.gif

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