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Please one more patch before resistance!

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Yep Half-Life. It has been in my hard drive for about 3 years now and I still play it, mostly mods (TFC & Sven Co-op being my favs) and also I like to make maps to it sometimes. I've Shocked myself Many times wink.gif. Deus Ex would probably be in my list but I haven't played it sad.gif and you can't by it anymore in my country unless you are very lucky confused.gif.

With G36 I ment those funny deads when you are being shot into leg and you always die confused.gif. BMP-2 uses its own model without the rocket, but it would a nice addition if both BMPs used a model with rocket.

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- In multiplayer, you can't order AI to disembark

- Also in multiplayer, OFP crashes at Join and Lead waypoints

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I dont care about all that stuff really I just want vehicles to have more traction on hills including helicopters.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (deathguy @ April 09 2002,03:13)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Suma @ April 08 2002,14:52)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (deathguy @ April 08 2002,19:24)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I don't think they come in here often.<span id='postcolor'>

Do you still think so?<span id='postcolor'><span id='postcolor'>

They come here often but they dont care, LOL

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They come..

They read..

Do they care ?  It's hard to say as they don't make themselves "known" too often.  I do see them respond from time to time.

I think the developers come here often, even on a daily basis and review the threads.  They just don't respond to every single post.

Hey Honzíku, co tam deláš ?  biggrin.gif

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Yet another idea from my side..

Seat management:

Currently the "ride in back" option does not differenciate between seats available. there is this pool of "ride in back" places. If you are mounting a truck from behind, you are still being placed as passenger in the driving cabine, beside the driver place. The same way, if this cabine is already full of other passengers, and you want to mount a vehicle from the side, you are being placed on one of the spare seats on the back.

Basically what I'm after is some sort of more realistic seat management. You should be able to only access the spare seats in the cabine from either the right front door, or from the driver door, but then only if there is no driver present (he would block the way to the passenger seat otherwise). Furthermore you should not be able to mount the vehicle from the back and then be transfered to a cabine seat. In this case you should only be placed somewhere on the back. This would differ from vehicle to vehicle, depending on weather a person could access the seats from different doors.

I doubt this would lead to much confussion, as you are seeing if a seat is taken by another person. So if you see the driver is sitting in the car already. you shouldn't be wondering why you can't access the passenger seat beside him from the driver side, as he is blocking the way. It would be more logical.

The only problem I see with this, is how to tell all this to the AI without getting AI controlled passengers to block the way to each other. I have no doubt however, that it could be done.

Taking the whole idea one step ahead, I would also look into options where people could take over the places of crew members. This change of positions should also be able while moving, as long as changing would not require to get out of the vehicle and re-enter somewhere else, like with the isolated driver seat of most tanks. Switching from gunner to commander should be possible though, because they are both in the same place. In the m-113 apc for example, you should also be able to change to the driver position from either the gunner or any of the "ride in back" seats. Of course this has to be defined for every vehicle in detail.

In the case of the truck, only passengers in the cabine should be allowed to switch to driver position, while in a standard 4 seat car, only the passengers beside the driver should be able to switch over. In the uh-60, ch-47 and mi-17, the co-pilot should be able to change to the driver position even while in-flight, making it possible to quickly take the rudder in case of the pilot being shot. It still would be hard enough to reinitiate the rotor thrust and get the helicopter back under control, but it would still be a possibility. In the cobra this would not be possible, due to the seats being isolated. (I know that in most aircraft you should be able to pilot from either seat, but for the start, the above mentioned way should do)

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for the chopper as pilot u can use all the guns with a little training( thought not the side machinegun of the UH60'kind), just take the gunner seat first and do the aiming adjustement then exit and re enter a pilot.

I hope for a air portance for chopper and plane (cut off the motor while in air.... u ll fall like a shit==> never happen IRL).

Ahem, threat indicator.... chopper and plane dont have some... they are very vulnerable to shilka or stinger like weapon.But since the Vietnam the plane got threat indicator... i wont ask for flare and IFF thought (maybe if there was an air to air missile).

AI.... yeah ppl i thought AI MUST BY DEFAULT OFF (and not on like we do today.... i dislike when the side commander lag or simply forget to disable AI).

The ammo crate thing... like i said B4 the player must have a better control about the ammo crate.I m just pissed off to search my LAW with a moving menu when lagging near an ammo box... medals can be awarded for the cold-minded LAW soldier wink.gif

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