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VTS3.5 - Live Multiplayer coop mission editor

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How to install VTS? Should I just copy files into addons directory?

In your mpmissions directory.

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i copy all files into MPmission folder, but VTS still not working=), what else should i do?

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i copy all files into MPmission folder, but VTS still not working=), what else should i do?

What do you mean by not working ? you'r launching a multiplayer game, right ?

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L etranger really a jaw dropping work!!! THX to please the community with such quality

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I did, but nothing happen. I try to push middle button mouse and still nothing, can some one send me a demo mission?

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I did, but nothing happen. I try to push middle button mouse and still nothing, can some one send me a demo mission?

The VTS is a multiplayer mission. Just run it as a host or dedicated server.

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I know but it is not working, let me explain my steps of installing VTS, i download VTS, decompress it , then move files co105_vts35_oa_rc09.Lingor.pbo, co105_vts35_oa_rc09.Takistan.pbo, co105_vts35_oa_rc09.Zargabad.pbo, into MPMission folder. What else should i do? When i run multiplayer mission a don't have an option to start VTS =\

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VTS IS the mission !

Look for co105_vts blah blah in the mpmission list then run it. Choose slot 1 (the GameMaster) .... then go !

Press T when in the mission for GM tools :)

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oh my good Lord....it's a simple mp mission just run it and choose the master slot than press T.

what's the difficulty?!

I mean if you have problem launching vts i won't imagine when you need to use it! lol

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Sorry for my bad english. When i create a mission with this tool how i can to save this mission for editing of the scripts and units?


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Sorry for my bad english. When i create a mission with this tool how i can to save this mission for editing of the scripts and units?


VTS is not mean to generate editable mission, but to building mission as the players, play it.

RC10 changelog :

-Added simple Artillery support for GM

I'm a bit short on new feature to add. Are you guys interested on some predifined behavior like hostage and target, and if so, which one ?

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More predefined patroling behaviour is good ..... like with UPSMON. So it would be great to create a unit and pass everything (marker etc) to UPSMON etc.

Arty support can be done pretty well with either Drapers or R3Fs scripts.

What about being able to spawn random battles away from you (automatically) so that you get the battle sounds and smoke etc ?

Just ideas mate. REALLY loving VTS ..... has transformed Arma2 for me !

What about doing more with the camera view? Perhaps having some functions on that would be COOL !

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i'm thinking at the possibility to add modules in the mission(bis+ace ones)

agree to add something like the UPSMON to the ai patrolling path

+1 with the R3F scripts

and maybe some tweaks at the shop interface+little tweak to the balance

BTW the mission it's just super also as it is right now

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It'd be great to be able to define a specific altitude range for aircraft in flight to maintain in order to implement HALO insertions or high-level bombing runs. Also, maybe you could integrate a more reliable landing script for MV-22 for insertions/extractions?

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oh my good Lord....it's a simple mp mission just run it and choose the master slot than press T.

what's the difficulty?!

I mean if you have problem launching vts i won't imagine when you need to use it! lol

I already fix that problem, it was a wrong username directory. So thanks to all, and sorry for distrub and for my poor english

---------- Post added at 10:20 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:12 AM ----------

I think placing IED, mines in VTS will be great feature too.

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VTS is not mean to generate editable mission, but to building mission as the players, play it.

Can you make it possible to make it so that it will generate the necessary files to reedit and existing mission you built while live,

this would actualy give the 3d editor a brother that works.

I think this has been asked before but does it work with stock Arma2?

and what is the latest downloadable version?

Edited by Gnter Severloh

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It would be nice if you could add two slots for Game Master. One mandatory GM, and one optional. Reason: we regularly add a bit of roleplaying to our VTS missions, for example a human player who acts as a civilian hostage. This is fun, but the big downside is that the 'actor' who plays the hostage has to sit in a room for one and a half hours before the players rescue him. This can be a bit boring for the actor so giving him Game Master functionality would be great.

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It would be nice if you could add two slots for Game Master. One mandatory GM, and one optional. Reason: we regularly add a bit of roleplaying to our VTS missions, for example a human player who acts as a civilian hostage. This is fun, but the big downside is that the 'actor' who plays the hostage has to sit in a room for one and a half hours before the players rescue him. This can be a bit boring for the actor so giving him Game Master functionality would be great.

That's planned

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That's planned

Excellent, thanks for the great work!:)

Question: in a previous version of VTS I could use the BIS command-interface to control the AI as the GM, but I can no longer find that option. Does anyone know how to access it?

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Its just the high command module that is in every version. Use CTRL SPACE to access it,when you have placed a few groups down.

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New version : VTS 3.5 RC 10

RC 10 change log :

-Fixed : Hostage should not move when in custody

-Improvement : Shop items are now filtred by item slot type

-Add : Arma artillery ammunition support

-Add : Support for ACE AI talk & radio.

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