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[R3F] Artillery and Logistic: Manual artillery and advanced logistic (mission script)

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@Hbomber110 :

Yes, I'm aware of the NouberNou aiming interface. The R3F system already includes his own aiming interface. And it's not an addon but integrated in the mission pbo.

Yes it is possible to change the charge. You just need an addon providing different charges and the R3F system will be able to work with this new charges (you just have to generate the ballistic table before).

@Manzilla :

How many time did you wait before close out ArmA 2 ?

Did you get some info in the arma2.RPT ?

@[=SFLR=]DK :

Do you get some features (action menu) provided by the system ?

You should check the installation in your mission.

Check your arma2.RPT to get more informations about your problem.

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no i got nothing, i go redo every thing

ok all i did was put your demo mission in my mission folder loaded it up on editor place sat phone and nul = [this] execVM "R3F_ARTY_AND_LOG\create_arty_quarter.sqf"; still get nothing, dont worry about it to night to tired to figure it all out i will try again tommorow may create my own mission and thy that, fantasic effort by the way

Edited by [=SFLR=]DK

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Cool work.

One problem - make some stuff less hard to move.. like howitzer or big pile of sandbags.. One man just cant push them with walking speed

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Manzilla: I thaught also the arty would fire my mission, but you punch in it all and then get into the gun. When in as a gunner in the arty you can see the mission you made and then move the gun into position. It is more MP oriented so to speak even if it works great in SP. I bet you knew this by now but... anyway. ;)

But to actually set the fire mission and then have a buddy carry out the orders is so bloody fantastic. :) Awesome work all around madbull!

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Manzilla: I thaught also the arty would fire my mission, but you punch in it all and then get into the gun. When in as a gunner in the arty you can see the mission you made and then move the gun into position. It is more MP oriented so to speak even if it works great in SP. I bet you knew this by now but... anyway. ;)

But to actually set the fire mission and then have a buddy carry out the orders is so bloody fantastic. :) Awesome work all around madbull!

Team switch just isn't an option in the mission I'm working on now. Maybe in a different one, but I'd still love to see AI artillery execute the order.

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@Alex72 :

That's exactly that ;)

Peonza :

I think you would said "more" instead of "less" ?

We know that. In ArmA 2 you just can walk/run/sprint. If you mean that more than one man should be needed to move a heavy object : it kills the gameplay (easy usage) and the technical lightness.

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MadBull this looks absolutely brilliant and am going to try it right now. Please leave it scripted so we dont have to tell everyone to download another addon.

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MadBull, great addon, and I can assure the 3rd Marine Division will be using this soon. Its nice to have a system built in game instead of using a older script with a fire control calculator in excel. Also for adjustments, any chance it could be more realistic so that you can input the direction from the FO to the target, and adjustments would be Add, Drop, Left, Right, instead of north, south, east, west??? This would make it a bit more realistic.

Anyway thanks again!

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Ok, i have strong request for an addon version... I think the ACE team is interested, just one thing stops them - they need addon version.

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Manzilla: Hehe i didnt mean teamswitch mate. :) I tested it by setting the fire mission and then i walked up to the gun and now since i set the mission i knew where to aim the gun. So ideally ofcourse you'd do this with a mate, but just meant it was cool to see how it worked by just jumping into the gun myself. When you do - youll see a screen with the info you putted in. It tells you elevation and azimut on the left - and to the right your current aiming info is. You move the gun and the numbers move. You match the numbers to the fire mission values youve set and BANG!

I totally get your craving here though. Set the fire mission and hit EXECUTE - AI's carrying out your arty orders. :) That is excisting though isnt it? That earlier arty scripts with similar complexity. With a screen you punch in values in. Use that mate for now. You know this one.

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This is the best thing since sliced cheese! Since ACE 2! Thanks for putting this one together. Using this along with the Map Plus mod will make the ultimate artillery module.

A few questions....

Can you change ammunition types? Sorry I'm an editing idiot and only just starting to learn.

And does anyone know the island height for Isla Duala as I need to change the config.sqf for this island.

Edited by tromac

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^^ Amen. Loving this. This would be SUPERB as the default in ACE2. Please talk to them seriously about this Madbull.

Keep up the good work.

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looks like max range on the m119 is 5.8km? Is that right. It should go about 11km.

Another item that would be awesome. Jones arty system requires an ammo truck to be close by to reload. That would be great. Also requiring multiple guys to move heavy items like the m119.

awesome work

ahhh ok you have to be close the hq tent to rearm.... sneeky devil. Make it close to an ammo truck.

Edited by gunterlund21

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This is incredibly awesome! I am very impressed. Now we can have an FDC as well as man the tubes.

I have, however, run into a problem. It seems that it can't calculate positions (for guns or target) that are multi-digit. For example, if you take the guns to the top right hand corner of Chernarus and attempt to target anything NE, you will get an error saying that it can't compute the location.

This is a problem for me as I would love to use this in missions on my islands (not yet released) but their grid systems are in the multi-digit. Additionally, I have used the correct grid system (default north-south is backwards/upside down). Will this affect your system?

Again, I really love this and hope to see all the kinks worked out.

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I get an error when trying to access the artillery computer with a message about r3f_arty_dlg_saisie_mission. I don't get any computer opening.

Has anyone had a problem with this?


Disregard I missed a line in editing the code. All good.

Edited by tromac

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I get an error when trying to access the artillery computer with a message about r3f_arty_dlg_saisie_mission. I don't get any computer opening.

Has anyone had a problem with this?


Disregard I missed a line in editing the code. All good.

yes I have. but as you figured out it was setup error

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How do you work out the height of an Island??

Really big tape measure!

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Awesome looking addon, can't wait to move stuff around

downloading now

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I'm absolutlly stunned...!!! One question though - does this work for west(bluefor) side only - Or can this also be used for the east(opfor) aswell...?

I'm mean can the D30 be towed like the M119...?

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To all the ones (on this board or elsewhere) who talked about integration in ACE2 :

At the current state, nothing forbid you to include the R3F system on an ACE2 mission. You just must edit the config file to do the ACE2 objects managed.

The conversion of the R3F system to an addon implies some technical/usage difficulties/inconveniences.

However the remark is took in consideration.

you can input the direction from the FO to the target, and adjustments would be Add, Drop, Left, Right, instead of north, south, east, west???
You're right. Wait for the next version to see that. I just understood something that I have misunderstood.
Can you change ammunition types?
Yes. Check the INSTALL.pdf explanation. You have to generate a ballistic table before and your new ammo type will be handled and the action menu "Reload with ammo_type" will be available (if you have an arty command quarter in the 100m).

To those speaking about the island height configuration :

Open the island in the ArmA 2 mission editor. Insert an object on the left-top corner of the island (coordinate 000 000). Save the mission. Open the mission.sqm in a notepad. Read the third value of the "position" property of the objet. I get for example : position[]={0.033755802,-30,20480.023}; So the height of the island is 20480 (after rounding the value due to the imprecision of positionning the object in the editor).

looks like max range on the m119 is 5.8km? Is that right. It should go about 11km.

Yes, the ArmA 2 default M119 charge permits you to fire from 3000m to 5800m (appx). To fire further (or closer) you need other charges (provided by an addon). (See also my comment to the previous quote.)

Also requiring multiple guys to move heavy items like the m119.
Too complicate for players. Too heavy technically. Not enough benefits to the gameplay.

@phaeden :

I think you tried to enter coordinates out of the "normal" Chernarus area. You can't exceed the right-top corner of the island because the coordinates are 999 999 (there is no more linear relation).

The calculations are based on a GPS grid wich have the 000 000 at the right-top corner. And where you don't go above the 000 000 point (to the north-west).

I think any island should respect this coordinates system ? It's the case, isn't it ?

@Major Woody :

Absolutely, opfor, bluefor, civilian, guerilla, ... It works for any objects wich is set in the configuration.

D30 can be towed (they are towed in the opposite sens of the M119 as in reality). Try it on the demo mission.

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@madbull - negative on the coordinates. I tested it on two other islands and if the coordinates are above 99, the arty returns an error. Try placing one on Chernarus on the far NE corner (still inside the actual game area (and not the endless terrain)) and see if you can get your position. Perhaps I am just doing something incorrect and it is causing the problem.

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Yes. Check the INSTALL.pdf explanation. You have to generate a ballistic table before and your new ammo type will be handled and the action menu "Reload with ammo_type" will be available (if you have an arty command quarter in the 100m).

Madbull you are a legend! I did read that but opening the ballistic tables looked just like a bunch of numbers and the rest was in French. How do I put together correct ballistic tables?

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You're right. Wait for the next version to see that. I just understood something that I have misunderstood.


Thanks a lot and looking forward to it. My unit has many military service members (mostly usmc) which includes myself. We have a gentlemen who is also a British aviator and JTAC/FAC and is stationed here in the states, along with a few connections with some other artillery and even a guy who worked in FDC (Fire Direction Center). If you can use any assistance and input your welcome to ask us boys at the 3rd Marine Division.

Like mentioned earlier to, having a computer system for the guns to adjust the elevation and azimuth that seems to be a WIP by another dev. would be great. Also can you add in a option to disabled the uninstall of the artillery control center that would be great. Does your plug in allow more than one Computer to? (have not tried)

Thanks a lot madbull

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