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But I'll spare you that :p

Download the file for both infected and zombie sahrani civs here:


(needs the original Sahrani Civilians package)

Had a quick test, they should work but I may have missed some config error which shouldn't be hard to fix.

I'll download once all errors are stamped out. Much appreciated. :)

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In the Zombie leaders init i put Zedgrp1= groupthis an then i have this script that i call in the init.sqf:


sleep 15;
Zedgrp1 setvariable ["CHN_UNDEAD_NONMIGRP",true]; 

I tried it again like above but it dont looks like it works correct.

With "NONMIGRP" the zombie group should only move a few meters (50 ?) from its starting position until it spots a human, is this correct ?

And with "STATICGRP" it should not move at all until it spots a human, correct ?

I saw this script by charon in this thread:

_loc= Put your spawn location position here ;
_locx= _loc select 0;
_locy= _loc select 1;
_group = createGroup resistance;
for [{_i=0}, {_i<_spawnnumber}, {_i=_i+1}] do
_spawnpos=[_locx + random 3,_locy + random 3];
_rd = random ((count CHN_UNDEAD_INFTYPES-1));
_inftype=CHN_UNDEAD_INFTYPES select _rd;
_inftype createUnit [_spawnpos, _group];

sleep 2;

[b]_group setVariable ["CHN_UNDEAD_HUNTS",objNull];
_group setvariable ["CHN_UNDEAD_ONTHEMOVE",false];
_group setVariable ["CHN_UNDEAD_IS_UNDEADGRP",true];
_group setvariable ["CHN_UNDEAD_ENVOYGRP",false];
_group setvariable ["CHN_UNDEAD_ENVOYDEST",[0,0]];[/b]
_group setvariable ["CHN_UNDEAD_NONMIGRP",true,true];

This spawns random zombies, how can i set the type of zombie in this script, and is the part i marked important ?

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In the Zombie leaders init i put Zedgrp1= groupthis an then i have this script that i call in the init.sqf:


sleep 15;
Zedgrp1 setvariable ["CHN_UNDEAD_NONMIGRP",true]; 

I tried it again like above but it dont looks like it works correct.

With "NONMIGRP" the zombie group should only move a few meters (50 ?) from its starting position until it spots a human, is this correct ?

And with "STATICGRP" it should not move at all until it spots a human, correct ?

I saw this script by charon in this thread:

_loc= Put your spawn location position here ;
_locx= _loc select 0;
_locy= _loc select 1;
_group = createGroup resistance;
for [{_i=0}, {_i<_spawnnumber}, {_i=_i+1}] do
_spawnpos=[_locx + random 3,_locy + random 3];
_rd = random ((count CHN_UNDEAD_INFTYPES-1));
_inftype=CHN_UNDEAD_INFTYPES select _rd;
_inftype createUnit [_spawnpos, _group];

sleep 2;

[b]_group setVariable ["CHN_UNDEAD_HUNTS",objNull];
_group setvariable ["CHN_UNDEAD_ONTHEMOVE",false];
_group setVariable ["CHN_UNDEAD_IS_UNDEADGRP",true];
_group setvariable ["CHN_UNDEAD_ENVOYGRP",false];
_group setvariable ["CHN_UNDEAD_ENVOYDEST",[0,0]];[/b]
_group setvariable ["CHN_UNDEAD_NONMIGRP",true,true];

This spawns random zombies, how can i set the type of zombie in this script, and is the part i marked important ?

The marked parts are actually also set by the main module init scripts, so they are not mandatory.

You just assign the group variable "CHN_UNDEAD_NONMIGRP"

"STATICGRP" dont move until they spot a human,

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Hey, great mod you've got here Charon. Some friends and I played this at a LAN this weekend and had a blast. Nothing better than decimating a city filled with infected using hellfire missiles. Everything seemed to work fine in multiplayer and was relatively lag-free.

However, while working on a mission I encountered a problem. I searched this entire thread to see if anyone else experienced it, but found nothing. I first noticed it when used the Ford Crown Victoria police car mod (which was actually meant for ARMA I) and had the car's lights activated in the initialization field. The lights were going full speed for the first 5 seconds after loading the mission, but then slowed down by about 75% once the Infected Module kicked in.

This was only a small annoyance however, so I overlooked it and continued with making the mission. Then I used the "MP Compatible Fast Rope Addon" and set up a fast rope unload waypoint. I first tested the rappelling from a helicopter onto the roof of a building without the infected module in the map, and it worked flawlessly. Then I tested it again with the infected module in the map and the ropes took about 50% longer to deploy, and the soldiers descending down them appeared very laggy and descended at 1/4th the speed. To top things off, the AI controlled units fell through the building. Without the infected/zombie modules, the soldiers unloaded on the roof every time.

Now I'm sure your modules run a lot of code to control all the zombies/infected across the map, but are they really so bloated as to bring every other script to it's knees? I'm running this on an i7 920 (OC'ed) and experience no lag in the game other than what the scripted sequences show. Also, keep in mind that I have no zombies/infected in the mission, just the module, and it still causes the slowdown.

So my question is: is this simply an incompatibility with the few scripts I've tried? Am I the only one experiencing this? Or is this something that hasn't been noticed yet that you may have a fix for?

Thank you for your response, and again, Awesome mod!

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I'll download once all errors are stamped out. Much appreciated. :)

That wasn't really the plan, I won't test this on my own as I'm not playing the undead mod alot and have other stuff to do.

The plan was for you guys to test it and give a shout if there were any errors :p .

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Very well, I will test it out, sir. :)

If charon could put them in his next update that would be great as well

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Hey, great mod you've got here Charon. Some friends and I played this at a LAN this weekend and had a blast. Nothing better than decimating a city filled with infected using hellfire missiles. Everything seemed to work fine in multiplayer and was relatively lag-free.


I have notice as well, when you start a mission with the Undead Mod it locks up the host for just a like 5 seconds. When playing online I never had any issues with any of the clients having any sort of lag or delay of scripts. Just the host. Which again, isn't at all, game breaking.

Very well, I will test it out, sir. :)

If charon could put them in his next update that would be great as well

Ha! That would be cool but let's hope that Charon focuses on more important things with his already limited time.

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Well the zombies work yes. However when they kill a 'Sahrani Civilian' it dosen't change to it's respectful skin, it changes to a default Chernarus/Russian civilian skin. That's my beef with it. Any fix to that? Also if you could make pre-set groups and put those in their respectful tabs that would be tight.

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Hey, great mod you've got here Charon. Some friends and I played this at a LAN this weekend and had a blast. Nothing better than decimating a city filled with infected using hellfire missiles. Everything seemed to work fine in multiplayer and was relatively lag-free.

However, while working on a mission I encountered a problem. I searched this entire thread to see if anyone else experienced it, but found nothing. I first noticed it when used the Ford Crown Victoria police car mod (which was actually meant for ARMA I) and had the car's lights activated in the initialization field. The lights were going full speed for the first 5 seconds after loading the mission, but then slowed down by about 75% once the Infected Module kicked in.

This was only a small annoyance however, so I overlooked it and continued with making the mission. Then I used the "MP Compatible Fast Rope Addon" and set up a fast rope unload waypoint. I first tested the rappelling from a helicopter onto the roof of a building without the infected module in the map, and it worked flawlessly. Then I tested it again with the infected module in the map and the ropes took about 50% longer to deploy, and the soldiers descending down them appeared very laggy and descended at 1/4th the speed. To top things off, the AI controlled units fell through the building. Without the infected/zombie modules, the soldiers unloaded on the roof every time.

Now I'm sure your modules run a lot of code to control all the zombies/infected across the map, but are they really so bloated as to bring every other script to it's knees? I'm running this on an i7 920 (OC'ed) and experience no lag in the game other than what the scripted sequences show. Also, keep in mind that I have no zombies/infected in the mission, just the module, and it still causes the slowdown.

So my question is: is this simply an incompatibility with the few scripts I've tried? Am I the only one experiencing this? Or is this something that hasn't been noticed yet that you may have a fix for?

Thank you for your response, and again, Awesome mod!

No incompatibility per se,

it all relates to the Bohemia Interactive Arma2 introduced 3ms script execution limit, that aggressively stalls ALL scripts that are running.

The undead main module runs a lot of code, because the potential run-time

spawn of zombies has to be checked or a potential script invoked variable change to turn a unit into a zombie, so at any time all groups and units have to be checked even if there are no zombies on the map.

So it is inevitable that overall script execution slows down with every new script executed.

However, i stated multiple times that i can not guarantee for flawless

function with other user-made addons, because i did not write them.

Hopefully you can play this anyway somehow.

Well the zombies work yes. However when they kill a 'Sahrani Civilian' it dosen't change to it's respectful skin, it changes to a default Chernarus/Russian civilian skin. That's my beef with it. Any fix to that? Also if you could make pre-set groups and put those in their respectful tabs that would be tight.

No fix for that, because as described before, i have no time to make zombie textures for every new released unit addon out there.

Instructions have been given however, how an addon maker can make his units "zombie-compatible", if he so desires.

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Yeah the rappeling issue makes me sad :( I wish I could send clean up teams into the city that way, but alas it is not possible

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Minor problem

the zeds ingnore this script

this addEventHandler ["handleDamage", { false } ];

they die anyway even though they SHOULD be immortal to damage

and the same code is ignored for the humans, the zeds can still kill you and if friendly fire is enabled the allies can accidentally kill you even though YOU are suppose to be immortal

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can someone tell me how i can do it that the zombies i placed in the editor only walk (patrol) a defined area like a trigger 50x50 and attack only humans that are in this area ?

This would be great.

I searched the demo mission but could not find something similar.

Thanks for helping !

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I don't believe you can make zombies just stay in one area and not leave it using a trigger.

You can however encircle them with "safe zones" that the zombies will not cross, so in essence, that will work.

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I don't believe you can make zombies just stay in one area and not leave it using a trigger.

You can however encircle them with "safe zones" that the zombies will not cross, so in essence, that will work.

Oh, thats a good idea !

You wrote a aswer to me some time ago but deleted it, can you remember what you wrote there, it was very interesting !

I do this at the moment:

In the Zombie leaders init i put Zedgrp1= groupthis an then i have this script that i call in the init.sqf:


sleep 15;
Zedgrp1 setvariable ["CHN_UNDEAD_NONMIGRP",true]; 

But not really patrol, and it looks like that they move away if there are other RESISTANCE Units on the Map. They move to them, it looks like.

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Hmm, I'm not sure I know exactly what you are asking, but I would recommend saving resitance ONLY for the zombies. I have known a few issues that this caused. If you want the units to still look like resistance but be classified under BLUFOR or OPFOR look here

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just wondering three questions

1. what's the difference between "Zombie" and "Infects"?

2. What's "Zombie Spawn" for?

3. Is it possible to set that killed people will not turn into zombies?

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just wondering three questions

1. what's the difference between "Zombie" and "Infects"?

2. What's "Zombie Spawn" for?

3. Is it possible to set that killed people will not turn into zombies?

Zombies are the old "Dawn of the Dead" style zombies that shamble 'twords you.

Infected are the "28 days later zombies" that run and go "OMGWTFBBQ NOM NOM"

The Zombie Spawn is a module that spawns zombies at a set time. It is highly customizeable.

I do not think it is possible to change the people coming back as zombies without changing the mod itself. (They wouldn't be zombies then!!)

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i noticed a cool thing is that, when a spawn module is in sight of "Any Non-Zombie" the spawn module dis-continues to spawn. atleast until you move out of sight of it

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its'a zombie on a motorcycle!

Zombies can drive Vehicles when the player plays as them, they can get on vehicles! :)

oh but sometimes they just stand up, like there floating on the bike!

Edited by That guy Over there

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Ha! Next time you are playing as a zombie pick up a RPG and mess with some poor AI's day.

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i noticed a cool thing is that, when a spawn module is in sight of "Any Non-Zombie" the spawn module dis-continues to spawn. atleast until you move out of sight of it

The module is not designed to behave like that nor could i explain why that should happen. The spawn code is extremely simple and does not check for proximity of anything.

---------- Post added at 03:31 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:29 AM ----------

Minor problem

the zeds ingnore this script

this addEventHandler ["handleDamage", { false } ];

they die anyway even though they SHOULD be immortal to damage

and the same code is ignored for the humans, the zeds can still kill you and if friendly fire is enabled the allies can accidentally kill you even though YOU are suppose to be immortal

The main module makes heavy usage of that eventhandler, so even if you try to override it with your script, it will be interfered by the modules EH scripts, because they ARE being executed even if you set yours to false.

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I don't believe you can make zombies just stay in one area and not leave it using a trigger.

You can however encircle them with "safe zones" that the zombies will not cross, so in essence, that will work.

I have encircled them with copied safezone trigger from a demo mission. I changed the number on all triggers so i get 1, 2, 3 and 4.

I have 4 triggers.

The encirceled zombies dont leave the area but dont walk around in this area. After a few seconds the all stand still. And the leader of the zombie group will never again move, just attack if i get near him.

Is there any way to let them patrol in this area ?


And is it possible to dont get infected if a zombie "hits" you ?

They should just do damage without this countdown, no infaction just damage.

Edited by Wiggum

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Not sure if this has been asked for but couldnt see it in the thread.

Would it be possible to define zombie groups? so they can be called to spawn from say... the ACM? define groups of 2 maybe? then set the acm list so it only spawns them? The acm should tag them for removal too so slip in the garbage collector module and you have yourself a dynamic zombie system.

Anyone wanna help? I can sort the ACM, just need someone to help me define groups.


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your mod kicks bro love it. im new to this but getting by.can you stop the spawn module in away like blowing up a car or something (triggers)if you can how is it done.

thank you for this mod

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