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*All Islands* Domination Conversion Guide + Example Missions

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I just downloaded the 3 example domination missions and was unable to UnPBO any?

I can UnPbo other missions I have downloaded?

I used two different tools.


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Anyone able to answer on the changing of the OPFOR to say Arab Terrorists?

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Hi guys!

Oops... multiple questions here and I haven't been keeping an eye on this thread like I should... apologies...

Sorta in Holiday Mode at the moment - without actually going away anywhere... ;)



Hmmm - can't reproduce that unpacking problem I'm afraid... I just test d/l'd a couple there - they unpacked fine to the usual "folder of the same name with all the files inside"...

I'm just trying to remember which PBO tool I use - it isn't a tool as such - its integrated into the right click context menu so I think it might be Kegetys Cpbo, from his "ArmaTools" package... Its a popular one... you can get it HERE... though any of the popular DEpbo tools should work fine... they ARE just standard .pbo's...

Sorry I can't be of more immediate help on this one - all I can say is "try again"...


Technically I guess it is possible to specify different units for OPFOR within the actual Dom code... just a matter of finding where they're defined and changing that bit... I've never attempted that before, so my best suggestion would be a thorough search of Xeno's main Official Domination Thread...

However - thats the hard way...

You could basically achieve the same effect with a lot less fuss simply by making a Replacement Config which would replace all Russian OPFORS with, say, Arab Terrorist equivalents...

In case you're not familiar with the idea I'll explain briefly.... essentially, a replacement config is a patch that loads after the main game - it patches into the game config and redirects the definition of each opfor unit to use a different model... while the RC is loaded - ALL of those Standard OPFORS will appear as different - regardless of the island or mission, until you restart the game without it...

Thats both the upside and the downside... The good bit is that its dead easy - you make a modfolder with, say, the terrorists files and the RC... as long as its running - ALL bad guys are now terrorists - no further fuss required...

The downside is - if you decided to start playing the campaign - all the bad guys would still be terrorists! - to get rid of it you need to restart the game without that modfolder loaded...

I prefer the Replacement Config approach myself personally, its quick and easy...

I actually made one a while back, you could take a look at it on Armaholic Here

This was actually designed for MP games for last Christmas, and basically does what we've just been discussing - it requires the presence of the Sen Chi "Santa" pack, and it simply changes all standard OPFORS to "Bad Santas", with OPFORS special forces as "Very Bad Santas"... worked with Domination - in fact, worked with EVERY mission that uses the standard defined OPFORS...

Dead simple to do, as you'll see if you download and open up the BadSanta one - it's just a text file... essentially it just says... "for THIS unit, use THAT model, but keep everything else the same please"...

If you're unsure about doing it yourself, I'm fairly sure there was someone on the Forums, who had in their sig... "need a replacement pack? Ask me - I might make you one" :D

Could be worth a post in the "Addons Requests" thread... someone might make you a replacement specifically for the units you want to use...


Edited by Bushlurker
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Ok ive a few questions here, hehe...

Anyways, can someone explain what "AI Hut" is for? reason im asking is cause im not sure where to have this spawn! haha

Also ive got my domi working, but 2 problems... im not understanding how to set the side missions up! and getting an error saying cant find such and such because of it. 2nd problem is, when I die, I respawn back to base but die! LOL ... ive done everything like it says, Cant remember seeing anything about respawn! so you see, when I die! i should restart the game as i just keep dieing at the respawn point as soon as i hit respawn at the chosen location "BASE"

Just FYI also, ive not touched nothing to do with respawn! :j:

Thanks, and nice guide!

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The AI Hut is for Recruiting AI if you are using that version. The AISPAWN is the marker they spawn at.

Are you sure you copied over the all the Markers? Because Base_Spawn_1 is the marker needed when you re-spawn.

There is a Side Mission How To in the x_missions folder to step you through creating one.

Hope this helps.

Edited by vengeance1

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The AI Hut is for Recruiting AI if you are using that version. The AISPAWN is the marker they spawn at.

Are you sure you copied over the all the Markers? Because Base_Spawn_1 is the marker needed when you re-spawn.

There is a Side Mission How To in the x_missions folder to step you through creating one.

Hope this helps.

Ive just checked, the base_spawn_1 is there, and im still dieing! lol...

Its like the second I respawn I die, simple as that! ive look in the configs and cant see what im doing wrong. :(

EDIT: Well, this is strange! now I know its not my errors! ive just tried the one I ported from Chernarus and the same things happens!

Its the "ACE2 WOUNDS" Domi im using, Strange... any idea whats wrong? With it then.

Edited by DarkXess

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OK... At this stage you should have the base as you want it, and have collected a bunch of coordinates for all the items listed above... we need one more set of coordinates - the Main Targets... we'll get these from the island itself...

*dePBO the island (or if theres several files look for a likely config-containing one) - find the island config and look for a section where theres loads of entries like this.....

class Mallaig








There'll be a "NameVillage", "NameCity" or "NameCityCapital" entry for each named location on the map... obviously you can copy both the name and the position for each Main Target from here - so keep this file handy for ezee copy 'n paste later...

I've dePBO'd Takistan, but can't find the village and city stuff. I've got 3 folders from the 3 PBO's called Takistan*.*, but even using find-in-files, can't find "namecity".

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I'm trying to port the latest Domination (2.54) back to its original home on Sahrani... One of the files mentioned in the guide doesn't exist (or I can't find it).

Anyone able to either point me in the right direction or just tell me I'm doing it wrong?

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Woops... Guess I should patrol my threads a little more... missed a couple of questions...:o


I assume you got this sorted mate, or you'd have griefed me on Messenger by now about it...:D


Which file can't you find? Domination became "Domination 2" since this guide was written, so a few things have changed - I've not done much porting recently, apart from a purely experimental Cherno > Takistan of the Two Teams version specifically for Tankbuster. One thing I did notice however, was that, if anything, its a little more straightforward now... those "radar thingy at base - base defence" things, for example, no longer require delving into scripts folders to relocate... guess I should update the guide slightly...

I'll make a point of trying to get that done at some point in the near future - it's still 99% the same procedure though...

Meantime if you'd like to be more specific about what problem you're having I'll do my best to help out either here or via PM...


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X initX no longer requires coords. Dunno if it still works but there is no coord option.

d_airki_start_positions = [


Is also missing from i server. Find out in about 5 minutes how necessasy they are :D

Do i need to change the island to everon in some sqf? I still get takistan targets :| I using Fallujah as the test monkey map.

Everything from the guide (bar the 2 above) is done just mission still believes its on takistan.

Edited by kdjac

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Do i need to change the island to everon in some sqf? I still get takistan targets :| I using Fallujah as the test monkey map.

Hi kdjac!

Main Targets?

Did you find the main targets list in "i_common.sqs"? - it basically has coordinates and associated names - you change the coordinates to the areas you want, and the names accordingly as well...

I guess with Fallujah it'll have to be "districts" or something...

Have you changed these figures at all? if you have - are the main targets kicking in at the right places, it's just still coming up with Takistan names? - or are they still takistan names - at the takistan places too? - in which case it sounds like you might have changed the wrong list of targets...

The air start positions might have been one of the things that vanished with Domination 2... I think Xeno made a few things more efficient, tidied things up and - I suspect - deliberately labelled things and tried to make it a bit more understandable for us normal humans :D - guess I'd better take a fresh look at it... meantime if you could clarify what you mean about the "Takistan targets"...


Edited by Bushlurker

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I followed the guide 100% but theres a new option #define from what i can see if #define oaver is picked then takistan becomes the map, if #define everon is picked then it will use the things i placed in.

I cant locate this define part, there is a mention of it in x setup but thats for making your own which also doesnt work with fallujah, it still thinks it takistan.

Will post up my i server/common when i get home.

Cheers for the reply, optmistic i can make this work as its an awesome map.

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The #define OA is a bit of a red herring. It doesn't really mean Takistan. What it REALLY means is Arrowhead. You can still use OAvers but have it on any other map.

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The #define OA is a bit of a red herring. It doesn't really mean Takistan. What it REALLY means is Arrowhead. You can still use OAvers but have it on any other map.

Yeah the define __everon__ part had me thinking they were related.

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I've got an issue while porting the Domination 2 version 2.11 over to Celle. Right now everything is working so far having German Army (BW Mod) vs. NAPA. However the side missions aren't working and for weeks I couldn't figure out why. I've checked the mission on the dedicated server, no success so far. I've checked it in the editor - I know, the mission needs the dedicated server for playing, but at least the side mission marker should appear in non-dedicated-server environments.

I've changed every coordinate so the new side missions should work right away. I didn't create new side mission files, but changed the existing ones (coordinates, classnames, mission texts). No paths have been changed.

Can someone help me please to spot the error? Which variable do I have to check? Which file do I have to check? Which part of the code do you need to have a look into it?

So far, the RPT file only shows this error:

Error in expression <target'] call XNetCallEvent;d_kb_logic1 kbTell [d_kb_logic2,d_kb_topic_side,'Att>
 Error position: <kbTell [d_kb_logic2,d_kb_topic_side,'Att>
 Error kbtell: Typ Bool, erwartet Objekt

but I don't know if it is related to this problem.

Thanks in advance for any hint. :)

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Hi Legislator...

OK... sidemissions isn't really my thing... I'll PM you with an idea or two though...

On a more general note - as everybody's probably noticed, Domination has moved on to Domination 2 recently (and just wait till you see what Xeno's planning for the next version!!) - so this guide is getting a little out of date... you may notice I've sorta updated the first post a bit - but it badly needs rewritten... I'm in the middle of doing that right now...

Also - since I haven't really added a sample mission recently (though I'll have at least one to match the new guide), this thread is beginning to look more and more like an Editing Thread in the Wrong Section :D - specially since - to keep the editing posts to a minimum, I'm generally answering queries via PM - bad practise - the answers should really be out there in the public forums so they turn up in searches for others - thats the whole point of this goldmine of info we all contribute to on a daily basis :)

I'll have a word with Wolle or some other Kindly Mod when I've got the new guide ready - see what the official opinion is on best location for it...

So... updated guide (not many changes really - simpler now) and a possible section shift coming shortly...

Meantime - Legislator... I'll PM you later today...



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Thanks for the guide nicely done.

Just a quick question though after i completed my port the MHQ's do not have the MHQ menu, and the lift choppers don't well lift anything. Does anyone know a fix for that?

Just for anyone else simple explanation to the side missions they are located under X_mission\moa

x_sm_pos = [[4665.21,7820.37,0], [4603.19,7867.17,0], [4602.81,7915.03,0]]; // steal tank prototype, Timurkalay, array 2 and 3 = infantry and armor positions

is usually right up at the top, and just find some more locations and add them in for the side mission, most of the sidemission that i looked at usually have a defination after the pos to what is being set where. then of course just edit the fallowing text so that they kinda make sense (the stuff in quotes) like "north of the train station" find a landmark or city that your placing the side mission by

#ifndef __TT__

d_current_mission_text = "Enemy forces are testing an enhanced tank in the field north of the train station. Your mission is to steal it and bring it to the flag at your base.";

d_current_mission_resolved_text = "Good job. You got the enhanced tank version.";


d_current_mission_text = "Enemy forces are testing an enhanced tank version n the field north of the train station. Your mission is it to destroy that tank.";

d_current_mission_resolved_text = "Good job. The enhanced tank version is destroyed.";

Edited by Woodstock21

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My Domination port has been good. I have one problem though. When select the main ordered aos from the parameters, no AOs appear and I get loads of script errors. When I do random 8 I get no script errors and it runs fine. Here are some of the error I get.

.fallujah\x_client\x_setupplayer.sqf, line 300
Error in expression <2,d_kb_topic_side,'Attack',['1','','" + _current_target_name + "',['" + _tname +>

\x_common\x_f\x_functions1.sqf, line 243
Error in expression <ocal _m_shape};
if (_m_col != "") then {_marker setMarkerColorLocal _m_col};
if >

I have changed the number of AOs I have to 14. Here is how I changed my description.ext

	class GVAR(MainTargets) {
	title = "Main Targets";
#ifdef __DEFAULT__
	values[] = {50,60,70,90,2,4,6,8,10,12};
	default = 8;
	texts[] = {"West Route","North Route","East Route","Complete, ordered","Random 2","Random 4","Random 6","Random 8","Random 10","Random 12"};

Please help! I would love to get this working so I could release it to the community. Good right up here. I with I would of found it before I started this project lol

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That's a bit beyond my expertise and also the scope of this thread, mia389...

You'd be far better off asking in the Mission Editing section - and more specifically, in the Modifying and Expanding Domination thread... Theres far more experienced Domination editor guys hang out there who'll probably be able to help you...


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I wish I would have found this thread a year earlier, it clears out things really good and even a totaly newbie should get it straight to port it.

I regard the effort you put intos this, keep it up mate.Well done!

In my opinion, reading Xeno's Domination (Scripts) is like a good bedtime storie and also a nice Tutorial it selfs if you think logical and keep testing things out.

Best regards,

=DEIN=Localhost aka Panza

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Anyone know how to show player names "with names" (the blue names over the players heads) as default?

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Anyone know how to show player names "with names" (the blue names over the players heads) as default?

SpecterM, that is something you can adjust in the description.sqf file. Just look for something on the lines of Player Names.

Bush, great tutorial on how to port Domination over to different islands. I just ported Domination 2.54 over to Panthera and all I have say is wow. One problem that I am having right now is that when I die, I do not get any options of where to respawn at. It always puts me where ever I place the Marker that says respawn_west. Does anyone have any ideas on how to fix this?

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would it be appropriate or too much to ask for people with successful conversions to share their converted maps/missions in this thread?

jus' askin'

Edited by dondaddah

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