bushlurker 46 Posted January 2, 2010 (edited) Hi guys! Firstly, a few downloads - example Dominations converted to user islands... I've posted two of these elsewhere, the Sbrodj one I made for OldBear before Christmas - we both went off to do Christmassy stuff, and it's out of date before I even post it! - one of the main reasons for the following guide!... Domination Panthera 1.17 Domination Sbrodj 1.22 Domination Duala 1.27 The Sbrodj version was previously unreleased and nicely justifies this thread here in User Missions where casual Domination Tweakers may spot it more readily than hidden in the bowels of "mission editing & scripting" where the guide part at least more properly belongs, I guess... 3 different versions of Domination above, but the procedure for porting to different islands is pretty much version-proof - though the files you need to edit are NOT! Xeno is liable to update these core files with any new version, so confident Domination Tweakers who've made a lot of personal changes - and who hasn't? - may find it more useful to know how to port their personalised version to the island of their choice rather than wait for me to release an updated port and then repersonalise that... On to the more interesting bit!... HOW TO DO IT YOURSELF I'm assuming that if you're interested in this then you already know how to DePBO a mission, access its files and rePBO afterwards... For this runthru I'm using Domination Everon West AI... All Domination versions are actually generated from a single mission, but for porting purposes I always start with basic West AI, and I use the Everon version purely to make things as easy as possible... ready setup for 18 main targets is usually fine for User Islands and throughout the scripts you can just keep looking for those "ifEVERON" lines... I'm by no means a coder so simple and easy is my rule at all times :) For that reason seasoned Domtweakers may find parts of this unduly simplistic... just shortcut thru those parts guys! OK - First stage is to actually get the mission assets physically on to the new island... *dePBO the Domination mission and copy the resulting folder into your users/<yourname>/MyDocuments/arma2/missions folder *Into the editor and load up the mission... switch to "markers" so you see them all as well - theres some hiding in corners - drag select EVERYTHING and hit <ctrl>C *Go to "load mission" and load a "new mission" on the target island of choice *Hit <ctrl>V - you should see everything pasted on to your new island... it needs rearranging now... but first... *Hit "Save" and save this mission as "tempdom" and back we go to windows... *Now - go to the missions folder - you'll see a new mission folder called "tempdom" - inside that is a "mission.sqm" file - this is your new mission, so now all we need is the rest of the domination code *Go to the actual Domination mission folder and select EVERYTHING inside - ALL the folders and ALL the files... <ctrl>LeftClick the "mission.sqm" file so you're NOT copying that and hit <ctrl>C *Navigate back to inside "tempdom" and paste - 411 files will be copied and we're done... *Rename "tempdom" now to whatever you want your mission file to be called. At this stage download and add THIS file as well - just drop it in the main mission folder... we'll call that later to get positions for stuff... (if you have a better way of getting map coordinates you usually use, go with that)... OK - Back into the Editor and load up the mission... This is where you can exercise a little creativity, so pick the airbase you'll be using as mainbase and arrange all the mission assets to your liking - remember the markers too... I'm not going to go into much detail here as it should all be fairly obvious what's what - one thing to remember is to edit all the soldiers individually - make them all "playable" for now... You need a temporary "player" unit too - so add a civilian or something - flag it as "player" for now and add... this exec "Position.sqs" to his init line... *remember to hit "save" every now and then... (watch out for the "boot hill" marker and the temp spawn units - hide them on an obscure offshore rock somewhere if you can)... By now it'll be obvious that some Domination assets are missing - the AI hut, the Ammocrate, Jet,chopper and wreck repair buildings, the radar and base defence... etc... All of these items are added via script so this is what the "position" script is for... You can preview the mission at any time - either position or walk your player guy to where you want the item to be - and note down the coords onscreen - they update every 2 secs... Obviously the ammocrate is best beside the teleport base flag, the repair buildings beside the repair points, etc... Heres a full list of the things you'll need to actually collect coordinates for (as opposed to physically rearrange in the editor)... AI Hut Ammocrate Factories for Jet, chopper & Wreck (3 locations beside the repair points) Radar and Base Defence (3 locations close together) Isle Defence (single set of coords basically the centre of the island) Parachopper Starts (3 sets of coords off out of sight of land near the edge of the map) Parachopper Ends (another 3 as above) AI Attack choppers and planes Start (one set of coords anywhere out of sight) Bonus Vehicles (3 positions somewhere neat on the base) Bonus Air (5 positions somewhere handy as above) OK... At this stage you should have the base as you want it, and have collected a bunch of coordinates for all the items listed above... we need one more set of coordinates - the Main Targets... we'll get these from the island itself... *dePBO the island (or if theres several files look for a likely config-containing one) - find the island config and look for a section where theres loads of entries like this..... class Mallaig { name="Mallaig"; position[]={8291.55,6025.1}; type="NameVillage"; radiusA=150; radiusB=150; }; There'll be a "NameVillage", "NameCity" or "NameCityCapital" entry for each named location on the map... obviously you can copy both the name and the position for each Main Target from here - so keep this file handy for ezee copy 'n paste later... Right - final stage now... we need to enter all these coordinates in the appropriate scripts... here's the scripts we need to edit and the bits we need to change... i_server.sqs *Bonus Positions... look for... #ifdef __EVERON__ d_bonus_create_pos = [4990.15,12084.1,0]; d_bap_counter = 0; d_bonus_air_positions = [ [[4182.3,2256.81,0], 0], [[4166.59,2256.81,0], 0], [[4150.93,2256.81,0], 0], [[4135.31,2256.81,0], 0], [[4120.28,2256.81,0], 0] ]; and... #ifdef __EVERON__ d_bvp_counter = 0; d_bonus_vec_positions = [ [[4237.67,2253.91,0], 0], [[4230.6,2253.91,0], 0], [[4223.5,2253.91,0], 0] ]; Change the coordinates to your collected ones - the FINAL "0" in each case is the compass orientation of the item - remember to set that too Next look for... d_airki_start_positions = [ [170.391,8480.83,400] ]; Change to your AI attack planes & choppers start Point, last figure "400" here is Start Height. Also in i_server.sqs... Parachopper Starts and Ends... look for... #ifdef __EVERON__ [ [648,9586,400], [484,4804,400], [496,789,400] ]; And change BOTH the starting 3 x positions, AND the end 3... again, the final "400" is starting height. ***EDIT*** With Xeno's Domination 2, the above items in red no longer seem relevant - you won't find them so don't edit them... Remember - this guide was really for the first version of Dom - 1.xx and badly needs updating... ***Theres another red bit below - if you're editing Domination 2 - ignore that bit too! As always - Xeno improves things all the time and things have been simplified for us normal humans in Dom 2 Next, look for... d_with_isledefense = if (d_params_WithIsleDefense == 0) then { [[5133,4803,0], 6000, 6000, 0, 3] Change the first two coords to your collected ones And finally... // position and direction of the AI HUT d_pos_ai_hut = #ifdef __DEFAULT__ if (isNil "d_with_carrier") then {[[4665.4,10203.9,0],325]} else {[[14509.6,364.861,15.9], 34]}; #endif #ifdef __EVERON__ if (isNil "d_with_carrier") then {[[4257.52,2133.27,0],270]} else {[[14696.9,543.778,15.9], 34]}; We want to change the FIRST set of EVERON figures - the "if (isNil "d_with_carrier") then" ones - remember that - we'll be doing that again later... the "270" is the orientation... Thats it for "i_server.sqs"... i_common.sqs 3 things to change in this file... the most obvious being Main Targets... look for... #ifdef __EVERON__ target_names = [ [[3788.06,2527.39,0],"Kinsella",250], // 0 [[3156.84,3910.89,0],"Djolan",250], // 1 [[4474.85,6699.12,0],"Bolabongo",250], // 2 [[1258.46,4403.18,0],"Bidora",250], // 3 etc, etc, etc Change the names and coordinates to the ones you found in the islands config... the "250" is the size of the red target circle and also the defences spawn circle - play with this if you like to suit the specific target... *while we're passing - look for this line... #ifdef __OWN_SIDE_WEST__ FLAG_BASE setflagtexture "pics\flag_afrene.paa"; and if you like you can change the base flag here... a 512x256 pic works nicely - even a .jpg, tho .paa is smaller - just include your pic in the "pics" folder and set the filename and path here... Handy for the Island National Flag, if it has one, etc... On to... // positions for aircraft factories (if one get's destroyed you're not able to service jets/service choppers/repair wrecks) // first jet service, second chopper service, third wreck repair d_aircraft_facs = #ifdef __DEFAULT__ [[[4097.22,2231.2,0],60],[[4397.26,10690.8,0],148],[[4405.52,2240.69,0],325]]; #endif #ifdef __EVERON__ [[[4650.07,2240.69,0],0],[[4330.54,2240.69,0],0],[[4405.52,2240.69,0],0]]; #endif As it says - edit the EVERON one with your 3 x new factory coords. and finally... // position base, a,b, for the enemy at base trigger and marker d_base_array = #ifdef __DEFAULT__ if (isNil "d_with_carrier") then {[[4560.96,10291.4,0], 220, 750, -30.6]} else {[[14716.3,542.458,0], 40,230,270]}; #endif #ifdef __EVERON__ if (isNil "d_with_carrier") then {[[4318.38,2248.12,0], 450, 500, 0]} else {[[14716.3,542.458,0], 40,230,270]}; The Infamous Enemy @ Base trigger and marker... change the EVERON "if (isNil "d_with_carrier")" one... Here, the "450, 500" figures control the width and depth of the trigger and marker - as you'd expect, but the final "0" which I think should control orientation - doesn't! Can't figure this one out - can't rotate the damned thing - I dunno... I went into non-coder headache mode at this point and had to go off and lay roads on my island for a rest :) - finally I cheated and just made the marker big enough to cover the base... Ok - nearly done now... on to... i_client.sqs Only one thing to change here... the ammobox... // position of the player ammobox at base (created only on the players computer, refilled every 20 minutes) d_player_ammobox_pos = #ifdef __DEFAULT__ if (isNil "d_with_carrier") then {[[4707.69,10232,0],320]} else {[[14490.3,365.406,15.9],180]}; #endif #ifdef __EVERON__ if (isNil "d_with_carrier") then {[[4162.67,2159.38,0],270]} else {[[14690.2,544.483,15.9],180]}; #endif You know which one to change here..... For the final script we need to delve into the x_scripts folder and open up... x_initx.sqf Slightly more complicated stuff going on in here - it's all kinda scary, but the bits we change are... if (d_own_side == "WEST") then { _x_objs = [[4452.74,10256.3,0], random 0, ["radar","usmc"]] call (compile (preprocessFileLineNumbers "ca\modules\dyno\data\scripts\objectMapper.sqf")); } else { _x_objs = [[4452.74,10256.3,0], random 0, ["radar","ru"]] call (compile (preprocessFileLineNumbers "ca\modules\dyno\data\scripts\objectMapper.sqf")); }; _dgrp = [d_own_side] call x_creategroup; _unit_array = ["basic", d_own_side] call x_getunitliste; [[4452.74,10256.3,0], (_unit_array select 0), _dgrp,true] call x_makemgroup; [_dgrp, [4452.74,10256.3,0]] call BI_fnc_taskDefend; 4 actual sets of coords here, since the Ruskys use the same position but different radar units - we only need to change the "if ownside=WEST" ones really, but if you're even slightly confused - just change ALL these coords to your collected Radar one and on to the next bit - directly after... if (d_own_side == "WEST") then { _x_objs2 = [[4210.8,10670.5,0], random 0, ["anti-air","usmc"]] call (compile (preprocessFileLineNumbers "ca\modules\dyno\data\scripts\objectMapper.sqf")); } else { _x_objs2 = [[4210.8,10670.5,0], random 0, ["anti-air","ru"]] call (compile (preprocessFileLineNumbers "ca\modules\dyno\data\scripts\objectMapper.sqf")); }; _dgrp = [d_own_side] call x_creategroup; _unit_array = ["basic", d_own_side] call x_getunitliste; [[4210.8,10670.5,0], (_unit_array select 0), _dgrp,true] call x_makemgroup; [_dgrp, [4210.8,10670.5,0]] call BI_fnc_taskDefend; Same idea again - we only need WEST but if you're unsure - do 'em all with your second coordinate pair and move on to... if (d_own_side == "WEST") then { _x_objs3 = [[4737.63,9774.83,0], random 0, ["anti-air","usmc"]] call (compile (preprocessFileLineNumbers "ca\modules\dyno\data\scripts\objectMapper.sqf")); } else { _x_objs3 = [[4737.63,9774.83,0], random 0, ["anti-air","ru"]] call (compile (preprocessFileLineNumbers "ca\modules\dyno\data\scripts\objectMapper.sqf")); }; _dgrp = [d_own_side] call x_creategroup; _unit_array = ["basic", d_own_side] call x_getunitliste; [[4737.63,9774.83,0], (_unit_array select 0), _dgrp,true] call x_makemgroup; [_dgrp, [4737.63,9774.83,0]] call BI_fnc_taskDefend; Once more - all the same actual coordinate... just use your third BaseDefence coordinates here and save the file And - I think - that's it!!! Last couple of things to do... go preview the mission - check how the new spawned items look for positioning - retweak if necessary... all the scripts should be kicking in properly now - AI should recruit, radiotowers should be spawning, etc, etc... If you're happy - and you should be! - then delete your civilian position finding guy, and make one of the actual Domination player units "player", set the time to midnight, fill in the mission name and description to your liking (mention Xeno as Author prominently!) and save... Back to the mission folder - delete "Position.sqs" - run "setupcopy.bat" once just to be on the safe side and rePBO the damned thing! You should be done! B Edited October 19, 2010 by Bushlurker updated info 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nazul 10 Posted January 3, 2010 Very well detailed write up. THanks Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
xeno 234 Posted January 3, 2010 Nice. Though I have no idea what Position.sqs is, I'm using another method to write positions and directions into the RPT file from where I can copy and paste it into the code. What's missing are all the position updates for the side missions. You don't need to update all the missions, just add the missions that you've allready updated to sm_array in x_missions\x_missionsetup.sqf (index based). It will only load the sqf files with the specific index. Ports to other islands are doable in two or three hours (at least for me :D). Xeno Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bushlurker 46 Posted January 3, 2010 Hi Xeno!!!! Hey thanks! Glad you approve! Position.sqs is just a little script that hints your current position to the screen every couple of seconds - about 4 lines of code I found elsewhere and twitched a bit... seemed like the easiest way at the time... I skipped sidemissions entirely, though I was contemplating a "part two" to cover them - same general idea for positions collection - a brief edit of any location names mentioned in the individual missions text bit and, as you say, activate the ones that are done in missionsetup.sqf... The best way to learn is to do and I've learned so very much just puzzling over this stuff :) B Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SnR 1 Posted January 3, 2010 Welldone, Podagorsk thanks ;) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Keshman 10 Posted January 3, 2010 (edited) Bushlurker, guys !!! How to download maps from mediafire.com ? :confused: My english no good :( download links no work for me :o I need these MAPS DOMI ! :D HELP PLZ :j: ( SORRY! for sabotage) :D little time has passed! and download links work again:yay: THX for super maps DOMI! :) for new (for me) islands :cool: Edited January 3, 2010 by Keshman Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bearbison 10 Posted January 3, 2010 Very nice Bushlurker, I have been working my way through moving Domination to a new island or two and was getting there slowly with all the positions. This makes it so much easier to know which ones I need now :D Thanks for the work in getting this down and out, Bear Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Thirdup 0 Posted January 11, 2010 Bushlurker, Thanks for the writeup. I always forget a step or two when I try to move Domi to a new map. I'll be using yours as a punch list from now on. Quick question: for several months I've been meaning to add a "pilot" to the ai_hut. I've poured over the files, but damned if I can find where the code is. I brought it up once in the main Domination thread, but Xeno is a pretty busy guy and I don't think he ever saw it. I've got a new clan build ready to push to our server but I'd really like to add the ability to recruit AI pilots/gunner crews. Can you (or anyone) point me in the right direction? Thanks Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Minoza 11 Posted January 12, 2010 OK, I have one question, it may sound stupid but I'm complete noob at this... Anyways, so far I've managed to make custom ammo crate and fill it up with custom layout... What I don't know is how to get it client side... And then I found this: // position of the player ammobox at base (created only on the players computer, refilled every 20 minutes) d_player_ammobox_pos = #ifdef __DEFAULT__ if (isNil "d_with_carrier") then {[[4707.69,10232,0],320]} else {[[14490.3,365.406,15.9],180]}; #endif #ifdef __EVERON__ if (isNil "d_with_carrier") then {[[4162.67,2159.38,0],270]} else {[[14690.2,544.483,15.9],180]}; #endif But, where do I get coordinates that I should use? How to get those numbers? Btw... I'm editing Evo mission not Domi, but that makes no difference for this right? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bushlurker 46 Posted January 12, 2010 (edited) OK - I'm by no means a Domination expert - or even a coder for that matter, so it's all just guesswork and trial and error for me. Secondly - the main Domination thread IS the best place for Domination questions - Xeno and other much smarter people than me hang out there... However... I CAN muster at least one answer here... :) @Thirdup * Look in "X_scripts" folder for "x_setupplayer.sqf" * Search for the section that begins like this..... if (d_with_ai) then { [] spawn { waitUntil {!isNil "AI_HUT"}; AI_HUT allowDamage false; player reveal AI_HUT; if (!(isNil "AI_HUT")) then { if (!(__ACEVer)) then { AI_HUT addAction["Recruit Soldier" call XBlueText,"x_scripts\x_addsoldier.sqf","%1_Soldier"]; AI_HUT addAction["Recruit AT Soldier" call XBlueText,"x_scripts\x_addsoldier.sqf","%1_Soldier_AT"]; etc, etc, etc.... Theres a line for each type of unit you can recruit.... just add another line - like this... AI_HUT addAction["Recruit Pilot" call XBlueText,"x_scripts\x_addsoldier.sqf","%1_Soldier_Pilot"]; That should be all you need to do... @Minoza Ok - I don't know anything about Evolution at all I'm afraid, so I'm not sure how it spawns it's AI crate - lifting the code section you quote out of a Domination script into an Evolution one is not gonna work... However - if I've misunderstood completely, and all you want to know is how to get coordinate positions for things, then... Theres a variety of ways to do that - personally I often use the "Position.sqs" script I mentioned and posted a link for in the First Post... Just drop that in your mission folder - add this... this exec "Position.sqs" To the Init-Line of a player unit and hit "preview" in the Editor... your current coordinate pair will be displayed on screen for the position you're currently standing at - move your player to the position you want coordinates for and write them down... Hope thats what you were looking for - though I'd seriously advise you to ask in one of the appropriate Evo threads... you're FAR more likely to get a coherent answer to your issue than from me! :D B Edited January 12, 2010 by Bushlurker Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Thirdup 0 Posted January 12, 2010 Big thanks, Bushlurker. I can't count how many times I've searched for that ai_hut code. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Minoza 11 Posted January 12, 2010 Well, thank you for that tip on how to get coordinates, it is very useful for me. Shame I can't just lift that part of script... :( Anyways, can I do the same with markers or does it have to be a player? Like placing a marker and then use it to get coordinates for that marker... In the end I want ammo create to be created on each clients PC localy at tha marker on mission startup. I thought I could use that code which I posted earlier with few modifications maybe, dunno... I really have poor knowledge of coding... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bushlurker 46 Posted January 12, 2010 (edited) @Minoza... Well... I guess you could use markers... One way to get coordinates for markers is to place them exactly where you want them in the editor... call them say, Marker 1, Marker 2, etc - save that as a user mission... Then open the mission.sqm in notepad - search for "Marker1"... you'll find it listed as an entry somewhere in the main mission.sqm and it's exact position on the terrain will be listed - like this..... class Item1 { position[]={14543.793,-0.038138382,358.78131}; name="Marker1"; etc, etc, etc However - WATCH OUT! - theres THREE coordinates here... in the format X Z Y (no idea why its like that, but it is) - you only need the X Y coordinate pair - so you copy the FIRST and THIRD numbers - and you have the exact position of that marker... More generally - I'd seriously suggest you try posting in the "Mission Editing and Scripting" section of the Forums - you're getting waaay beyond my limited knowledge already - I only really know a bit about Islands, and a little Domination-tweaking :) B Edited January 12, 2010 by Bushlurker Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Minoza 11 Posted January 12, 2010 Thank you again VERY MUCH!! You just saved me from doing mistake lol!! XD Anyways, I thought Z would have effect too if crate was created at slope for example or at some hill, no? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
zach72 1 Posted March 4, 2010 Good guide - question though: using Xeno's latest domination map from the ACE mod (v. 1.38 at time of writing) there are all the #ifdef __EVERON__ bits to change, but how do you make the scripts load these instead of "Default"?There used to be a # define __EVERON__ in x_setup.sqf, but it's not there anymore to enable (there now is a #define __DEFAULT__ for the default Sahrani version instead). However, adding the define EVERON line (and disabling default) doesn't seem to start the domination scripts - not even the intro cut scene runs. Am I missing something obvious?~Z~ Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
{Op4}Bsilenced 10 Posted March 5, 2010 you have to run settupcopy.bat file if you change anything in x_settup... too bad i didnt see this guide before i did my first Dom Port Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bushlurker 46 Posted March 5, 2010 (edited) hmmmm.... Tricky one there Zach I can't immediately answer since I don't have Ace installed or the Ace version of the mission... In the guide I started with the Everon version, which is set up to use the "Everon" parameter throughout - so I changed Everon throughout... If the ACE version comes set up to use "Default" throughout, then follow the guide, but change all the "Defaults" instead of the "Everons"... ...should work fine... too bad i didnt see this guide before i did my first Dom Port :D... the thread title was designed to show up in searches because I knew the thread would get quickly buried... "Islands, Domination, Conversion, Guide, Example"... maybe it would have been more appropriate over in Mission Editing after all... ... well done with your conversions Bsilenced!... noticed you've done a few other islands I never looked at... anything that encourages people to try out new islands is a good thing, and Dom is one of the best excuses to get around and see the sights... before blowing them up... :) B Edited March 5, 2010 by Bushlurker Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
zach72 1 Posted March 5, 2010 Thanks for the reply Bushlurker. I'd reached the same conclusion, and plan to give it a go this weekend changing all the 'default' values instead. If you don't change anything in the scripts, but just copy everything across to the new island in the editor, then copy all the script folders across, should domination still "work" i.e. spawn stuff (in thier old location, possibly in the water) and create the first 'red zone' etc? 'Cos even that didn't work for me last night when I started again.... Will try from scratch again when I'm not so tired! Thanks ~Z~ EDIT - thanks Bsilenced too! I'd done that. Tried one or two of your conversions - must study them more to see what you've done.... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wastelander 10 Posted March 7, 2010 Hi, This should get a HEAP more missions for those lovely islands... Would be nice to make this a STICKY? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bushlurker 46 Posted March 7, 2010 (edited) Thanks for the kind words guys... glad the guide part has helped people a bit... I don't think this really merits sticky status though.. technically this is at least partially an editing thread - in the completed user missions section... that kind of thing alone can get Wolle or Placebo annoyed... never a good idea :D Fortunately I think the 800+ downloads to date of the title page missions should save my sorry ass from their Mighty Wrath. :) The guide part was an afterthought, which seems to have taken over as the threads primary purpose... I was originally going to add a few more basic Dom ports to the initial selection, but it looks like Bsilenced has taken on that task - and is making a fine job of it! So I'm content to let this thread float now - mostly as a guide nowadays... The title of the thread makes it really easy to find in searches ("Domination Conversion", "Island Conversion", "Domination Island Guide", etc - all turn it up nicely), so anyone making even a half-hearted attempt at info-gathering on the topic should find it OK..... Can't sticky everything.... ;) B Edited March 7, 2010 by Bushlurker Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Darkhorse 1-6 16 Posted March 8, 2010 What's the process for converting a "BLUFOR" Domination to an "INDEPENDENT" Domination, if ya don't mind me asking? Is it just a simple unit replacement? 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
{Op4}Bsilenced 10 Posted March 9, 2010 (edited) but it looks like Bsilenced has taken on that task eh thanks bushlurker but after 3 ports im sick of dom and am gonna actually do my own mission "a painfull process to say the least:) anyways nice guide, i agree its in the wrong forums and i think it deserves sticky status.. it would even deserver more, like a guide posted on arma or ofpec if you did a lil more work to it, like add how to do side missions, change unit types, how to change number of units in ao,s, how to add carrier dom etc etc.. if you want to do this i could help but i cant type worth a shit. anyways really nice guide as is, its good to see people contributing to this great community.. if this is a great guide what does that say for xeno:) Edited March 9, 2010 by {Op4}Bsilenced Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bushlurker 46 Posted March 9, 2010 Thanks mate! - I was most chuffed actually when Xeno himself didn't have much to add... made my day... :D I too grew mighty tired of doing ports... I've got a terrain I want to concentrate on - hence the guide - strictly limited to getting the core mission onto another island and running... there are other guides and discussions elsewhere on other aspects of Dom... its not just a mission, its a whole learning experience... B Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
eggbeast 3685 Posted April 4, 2010 good thread. in case anyone wanted it theres some evo island porting wisdom here: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=82321&highlight=evolution&page=7 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tromac 11 Posted May 20, 2010 (edited) Great post and just what I was looking for. Would it be easy to change the type of enemy from Russian to another nation? Any ideas on what I need to do? Edited May 20, 2010 by tromac Spammed post accident 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites