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[R3F] Revive : A lightweight and efficient revive

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A revive is a major way of increasing coop gameplay :

- dercrease rushing du to respawn

- increased "value" of the medic's actions

- vital need for the rect og the platoon to protect the medic witch should never have to engage fire

- need to be carefull not to isolate a platoon from the others

it has to be light to be easy to set and low the bug's risks.

it is good also to leave an option of respawn in certain condition (to be defined at start)

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You get even better coop teamplay if you can't respawn at all, and thus you have to make sure people don't die rather than send someone to see where the bullets are coming from and then revive him later. ;)

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@galzohar :

We know that. But there are different levels of "seriousness". Are you sure you want to leave the game until the next day when you're playing on a public server with a Domi-like ?

You can set the number of revives. This is a compromise to define between realism and the gameplay.

> "send someone to see where the bullets are coming from and then revive him later"

I hope nobody does that taking in consideration he could be revived... or he is the worst rusher.

But this is not the debate.

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@galzohar :

We know that. But there are different levels of "seriousness". Are you sure you want to leave the game until the next day when you're playing on a public server with a Domi-like ?

If you find a way to make a dom-like mission that is not impossible to play with no respawns I'll think of an answer to that question. But for not such missions do not exist and nobody seems to be making any so I do not worry myself thinking about that.

Just about any long mission you could possibly make (where the "long" is caused by number of enemies and not by time wasted on traveling around, as anyone can make a "long" mission by making you drive around the whole island first but that's not very useful) ends up being either unrealistic because it has respawns or unrealistic because it's not possible to complete due to no respawns.

So if you want to keep things real, start with no respawns and then think about how to make your mission work well without the respawns. That's also why you can't just play "domination without respawns", as the mission is designed around the fact it has respawns, as are most other missions that have respawns.

Not to show any disrespect for your work, as I respect anything someone does to help the community, but those are my takes on the gameplay aspect of revives and respawns in general.

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So if you want to keep things real, start with no respawns and then think about how to make your mission work well without the respawns.

well Galzohar I get your point

you can also see respawn as "reinforcement" if well organized : depending on the number of ennemy's troups and numbers of player on your side.

for ex : 25 P on your side respawning 1 time can be a 50 member troup driving to a longer mission with combat and logistic.

But once again no respwn is a serious way of plannig missions...

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Only medic can revive?
Can i assign other units?
No. Realism and lightweightness needs.
Will be mobile respawn supported in future?
That could be a feature in a next version. But you can already do it yourself easily. As the respawn marker is the respawn position, you just have to synchronize the marker position to the respawn vehicle position. You can script (or find) a temporized loop doing that. Edited by madbull

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@ Dead kenedy

precision : as you can set in the revive config to respawn at base (witch is on "respawn_west" marker if blufor)

you decide a mobile respawn on a vehicle named "mobile" for ex using in a .sqf script :

while {alive mobile} do


"respawn_west" setMarkerPosLocal (getPos mobile);

sleep 3;


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Thank you, i know :)) Idea is to make two resps - one on the base and one mobile, just like in some warfare. AFAIK if just simply create two respawn markers - they will be selected randomly.

But i think, you are right, this is realy not a task for Revive script. Revive script must revive player, but no respawn :))

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But i think, you are right, this is realy not a task for Revive script. Revive script must revive player, but no respawn )

this is the point !! :yay:

in our missions we often just live revive without respawn at all : if everyone is dead : mission faled !

so you must be aware of loosing the medics if fight is still on.

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New version release :


- Fix the altitude of the player when he becomes unconscious in a building, on a roof, a bridge, ...

- The installation manual has been enhanced

The [R3F] Revive is still lightweight as it is our main goal.

Download link in the first message.

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Thx for the new version!

Put it on our scripts section at Assault Mission Studio.


[R3F] Revive Script [1.2] by madbull

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dont worry about galzohar he criticizes everything but offers nothing.

i wanted to know whether this works with a High Commander / Subordinate setup.

i want a Squad Leader and 3 units as Alpha, followed by Bravo and Charlie with 4man teams set as subordinate teams.

anyone know if this works b4 i start testing it?

thanx in advance.


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Sorry for my late answer Lightspeed. I missed your message.

Yes you can use this kind of configuration.

Any medic can revive any friendly player regardless the hierarchy.

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Anyway to assign other classes the ability to revive than just the medic? I usually make small missions (6-8 ppl) and would be nice for everyone to be able to revive. I know this is not the most realistic thing, but it would be nice to be able to do this.


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Hi Nomadd,

Only people able to heal with the default ArmA "heal" action in the menu can revive.

The [R3F] Revive use this action to work and be lightweight.


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Thanks for the fast reply. I figured it was something like that but thought I would ask.


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Does the [R3F] Revive have only one respawn position ?

because I can't set up two respawns (one mobile and one in a camp) ?

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@Nomadd :

As I said several times in the thread :

Only medic can revive. The [R3F] Revive uses the default "heal" action of the medic to be lightweight.

The only way to give the ability to heal to a new unit is to create a tiny addon which consists of a config.cpp.

@panda123 :

You can use multiple respawn. As it said in the manual, use the "respawn_west1", "respawn_west2", ... system to define several position which are randomly choosed.

Edited by madbull

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thanks for your answer

effectivement I've seen in the manuel "respawn_west1", "respawn_west2", etc so I've created "respawn_west1" but didn't work. Did I forget somthing to write in the description file ?

Respawn = "BASE";

RespawnDelay = 60;

RespawnDialog = 0;

#include "R3F_revive\dlg_attente_reanimation.h"

DisabledAI = true;

R3F_REV_CFG_nb_reanimations = 10;

R3F_REV_CFG_autoriser_reapparaitre_camp = true;

R3F_REV_CFG_autoriser_camera = true;

R3F_REV_CFG_afficher_marqueur = true;

or in the init

// The "respawn_west" marker follows the "mobile_respawn" vehicle

[] spawn


while {alive mobile_respawn} do


"respawn_west" setMarkerPosLocal (getPos mobile_respawn);

sleep 3;



execVM "R3F_revive\revive_init.sqf";

I will try to find a solution this afternoon.


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The variables named "R3F_REV_CFG_xxx" must be in the "config.sqf", not in the "description.ext".

Be sure to set your mobile respawn's name to mobile_respawn

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yes indeed my bad

I have two respawn respawn_west for mobile_respawn and respawn_west1

I always respawn at respawn_west1

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Try to rename "respawn_west" to "respawn_west2".

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not working still respawn at respawn_west1 marker

but if I get off respawn_west1 I respawn at the respawn mobile

Edited by panda123

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tried again with different names respawn_west, respawn_west1,respawn_west2,respawn_west3,

still not working

so if you have an example upload it this would be nice :)

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