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31st Normandy mod for ArmA2: WW2

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Hey Rip31st.

I downloaded this mod when it was first released. Have you done more detailed work to the Normandy map rather than a bunch of trees and bushes formed in H's and made towns like Carentan historically correct?

This is not meant to rag on the mod... I actually want to know because I was excited for the map... and then it was a bit of a let down with the lack of detail. I understand the map is HUGE, but you can advertise and sell a much better mod with just the map alone being worked on.

People wanted to get hand on the mod before it was ready. It takes bit time to get all done.

"Historically correct". hmmm...sorry, I doubt...Three reasons: 1) hard to get accurate maps from 1930s-1940s 2) it takes lot more time to make towns very accurate 3) This is a big map so multiply #2 few times

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We will have a detailed map of the omahabeach area in the future...

maybe like this:




but that will take a while...

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how can i make norrins revive script working?

i think the problem is where it says "soldierwb" can revive so i guess that the 31st units are not listed as "soldierwb".

can someone help pls?

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Forgive me if it's already been posted, but here's a class list of all vehicles as of 0.99c

Ripped with this script and some editing:

_cfg = configfile >> "CfgVehicles";
_c = count _cfg;
_array = [];
for [{_i = 0}, {_i < _c}, {_i = _i + 1}] do {
_entry = _cfg select _i;
if isclass _entry then {
	_veh = configfile >> "CfgVehicles" >> configname _entry;
	if (getnumber (_veh >> "scope") == 2) then {
		_s = format ["%1\t%2\t%3\t%4\t%5", getnumber (_veh >> "side"), gettext (configfile >> "cfgfactionclasses" >> (gettext (_veh >> "faction")) >> "displayname"), gettext (configfile >> "cfgvehicleclasses" >> (gettext (_veh >> "vehicleclass")) >> "displayname"), configname _entry, gettext (_veh >> "displayname")];
		_array set [count _array, _s];
diag_log text _x;
} foreach _array;

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Thanks Doolittle!

Beton your work is always amazing. That map will surely make the 1.00 release.

UPDATE: 3/15/10

The beta release phase of this mod is complete. What you will see and expect next in the 1.00 release:

A universal weapons system which includes custom tracers and feature proper weapons and animations, refined infantry with improved LOD's to increase performance and increase FPS, language packs, editor groups, a consolidated mod to keep the disc size down, changes to the map which will include more custom textures and custom ambient sound. A professionally created sound system, removal of older buggy items, customized damage systems.

The infantry are being professionally reworked from an artist standpoint.

Our tanks troc has provided us just keep getting better. They were already awesome. But there is more in store there. Troc has some nice work!

The 1.00 release will feature warfare, domination, several custom missions, splash screens and a nice ww2 game mode.

There are many models in the works that won't make the 1.00 release. Please do next expect naval units, they will not be in the release.

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More tanks from T Roc? I think he could have gotten a job as Hitler's Armaments Minister...

Stand aside Albert Speer!


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I hope the new map could include more French buildings and etc. from WW2 era and remove the houses still with Tv antenna.

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I hope the new map could include more French buildings and etc. from WW2 era and remove the houses still with Tv antenna.

Germans:Where did you get that?!!?

Home owner:Uh......Ebay?

Germans:What is Ebay?

Home owner:*runs*

But anyways, I agree and I am excited about the first stage. Good luck guys!

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Will the next release feature the Soviets with proper WWII weapons such as the PPSh? I'm itching for some Soviet vs German battles.

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I hope they will clean up the duplicate rw_* weapons and the VIL_* weapons

clearweaponcargo _this;
clearmagazinecargo _this;

_this addweaponcargo ["VIL_tomy", 20];
_this addweaponcargo ["VIL_Carbinea1", 20];
_this addweaponcargo ["VIL_Garand", 20];
_this addweaponcargo ["VIL_bar", 20];
_this addweaponcargo ["vil_bazooka", 20];
_this addweaponcargo ["VIL_M1903a4", 20];
_this addweaponcargo ["VIL_MG42", 20];
_this addweaponcargo ["vil_mg34", 20];
_this addweaponcargo ["VIL_98", 20];
_this addweaponcargo ["VIL_98K", 20];
_this addweaponcargo ["VIL_98KS", 20];
_this addweaponcargo ["VIL_mp40", 20];
_this addweaponcargo ["VIL_G41", 20];
_this addweaponcargo ["VIL_G43", 20];
_this addweaponcargo ["VIL_G43zf4", 20];
_this addweaponcargo ["VIL_stg45", 20];
_this addweaponcargo ["vil_p38", 20];
_this addweaponcargo ["VIL_fg42", 20];
_this addweaponcargo ["VIL_fg422", 20];
_this addweaponcargo ["VIL_stg44", 20];
_this addweaponcargo ["VIL_mkb", 20];
_this addweaponcargo ["vilm1911ww2", 20];
_this addweaponcargo ["VIL_sten", 20];
_this addweaponcargo ["VIL_SMLE3", 20];
_this addweaponcargo ["VIL_SMLE4", 20];
_this addweaponcargo ["VIL_MOsin38", 20];
_this addweaponcargo ["VIL_MOsinsn", 20];
_this addweaponcargo ["VIL_svt", 20];
_this addweaponcargo ["VIL_ppsz", 20];
_this addweaponcargo ["VIL_ppd", 20];
_this addweaponcargo ["VIL_pps43", 20];
_this addweaponcargo ["VIL_bren", 20];
_this addweaponcargo ["VIL_dp27", 20];
_this addweaponcargo ["VIL_rkm28", 20];
_this addweaponcargo ["VIL_wz29", 20];

_this addmagazinecargo ["VIL_HandGf1ww2", 50];
_this addmagazinecargo ["VIL_HandGf2ww2", 50];
_this addmagazinecargo ["VIL_HandGsov33ww2", 50];
_this addmagazinecargo ["VIL_30Rnd_tom", 50];
_this addmagazinecargo ["VIL_15Rnd_carbine", 50];
_this addmagazinecargo ["VIL_8Rnd_garand", 50];
_this addmagazinecargo ["VIL_20Rnd_bar", 50];
_this addmagazinecargo ["vil_bazooka_rocket", 50];
_this addmagazinecargo ["VIL_5Rnd_m3", 50];
_this addmagazinecargo ["50Rnd_762x51_drum", 50];
_this addmagazinecargo ["VIL_5Rnd_mauser", 50];
_this addmagazinecargo ["VIL_HandGnazww2", 50];
_this addmagazinecargo ["VIL_32Rnd_mp", 50];
_this addmagazinecargo ["VIL_10Rnd_mauser", 50];
_this addmagazinecargo ["VIL_30Rnd_kurtz", 50];
_this addmagazinecargo ["vil_8rnd_p38", 50];
_this addmagazinecargo ["VIL_20Rnd_mauser", 50];
_this addmagazinecargo ["vilww2_7rnd_1911", 50];
_this addmagazinecargo ["VIL_32Rnd_sten", 50];
_this addmagazinecargo ["VIL_10Rnd_lee", 50];
_this addmagazinecargo ["VIL_5Rnd_mosin", 50];
_this addmagazinecargo ["VIL_10Rnd_svt", 50];
_this addmagazinecargo ["VIL_71Rnd_mp", 50];
_this addmagazinecargo ["VIL_35Rnd_mp", 50];
_this addmagazinecargo ["30Rnd_762x51_mag", 50];
_this addmagazinecargo ["47Rnd_762x51_drum", 50];

_this addweaponcargo ["rw_98K", 20];
_this addweaponcargo ["rw_98Ks", 20];
_this addweaponcargo ["rw_G43", 20];
_this addweaponcargo ["rw_G43zf4", 20];
_this addweaponcargo ["rw_mp40", 20];
_this addweaponcargo ["rw_STG44", 20];
_this addweaponcargo ["VIL_MG42", 20];
_this addweaponcargo ["vil_mg34", 20];
_this addweaponcargo ["rw_schreck", 20];
_this addweaponcargo ["rw_p38", 20];
_this addweaponcargo ["rw_PzFaust", 20];
_this addweaponcargo ["rw_Garand", 20];
_this addweaponcargo ["rw_springfield", 20];
_this addweaponcargo ["rw_springfields", 20];
_this addweaponcargo ["rw_Carbine", 20];
_this addweaponcargo ["rw_grease", 20];
_this addweaponcargo ["rw_BAR", 20];
_this addweaponcargo ["rw_tommy", 20];
_this addweaponcargo ["rw_m9", 20];
_this addweaponcargo ["rw_colt45", 20];

_this addmagazinecargo ["rw_5Rnd_mauser", 50];
_this addmagazinecargo ["rw_HandGnaz", 50];
_this addmagazinecargo ["rw_10Rnd_mauser", 50];
_this addmagazinecargo ["rw_32Rnd_mp", 50];
_this addmagazinecargo ["rw_30Rnd_kurtz", 50];
_this addmagazinecargo ["50Rnd_762x51_drum", 50];
_this addmagazinecargo ["rw_schreck_rocket", 50];
_this addmagazinecargo ["rw_8Rnd_p38", 50];
_this addmagazinecargo ["rw_PzF_60", 50];
_this addmagazinecargo ["rw_8Rnd_garand", 50];
_this addmagazinecargo ["rw_HandGF1", 50];
_this addmagazinecargo ["rw_5Rnd_m3", 50];
_this addmagazinecargo ["rw_15Rnd_carbine", 50];
_this addmagazinecargo ["rw_30Rnd_tom", 50];
_this addmagazinecargo ["rw_20Rnd_bar", 50];
_this addmagazinecargo ["rw_bazooka_rocket", 50];
_this addmagazinecargo ["rw_7Rnd_1911", 50];

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And I hope you will put all Soviet stuff on the independent / guerilla side.

For these nice three sided battles... :)

And more serious: I hope the many buggy weapons that don't appear on a dedicated server system will be fixed (wrong value for the 'public' variable in the configs?).

Anyway, great work, thanks!


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And I hope you will put all Soviet stuff on the independent / guerilla side.

For these nice three sided battles... :)


Maybe Liberation team would contribute some stuff for that?:)

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Just I sugestion for the map maker/s. In the bocage areas of the Normandy map is it possible to make a slight rise in the terrain allong the edges of the roads and under the hedgerows? it would provide good cover for units and be quite authentic I think. Anyways good work once more chaps keep it up! I'm sure you have your own priorities but one to keep in mind :-)

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Will you be adding more settlements in the future, if you are. Would you be adding Southern English towns?

Would be interesting to do an 'what if' scenario and Germany invades England.

Also, I cannot add WW2 groups, like the Villas, the screen flickers then CTD's. What's with that?

Edited by RossCrispin

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Just I sugestion for the map maker/s. In the bocage areas of the Normandy map is it possible to make a slight rise in the terrain allong the edges of the roads and under the hedgerows? it would provide good cover for units and be quite authentic I think. Anyways good work once more chaps keep it up! I'm sure you have your own priorities but one to keep in mind :-)

I will make more hedgerow models. We had some nice ones for arma1 that worked like that.

thanks for the suggestion

Will you be adding more settlements in the future, if you are. Would you be adding Southern English towns?

Would be interesting to do an 'what if' scenario and Germany invades England.

Also, I cannot add WW2 groups, like the Villas, the screen flickers then CTD's. What's with that?

This is a four phase mod, that part of the map will be covered. Adding groups to the editor will cause a crash, we covered that previously.

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i was just going to give your mod a try,,downloaded the release and all patches.installed

when i launch as any you units i get some error or another missing this or that, when i spawn in as inf i got no weapon.. so anyways i did something wrong..

the exact method of install=

the original mod downloaded and installed like anyother mod

patch1 and copy pasted into the mod folder..

patch2 and copy pasted into the mod folder

patch3 and copy pasted into the mod folder

maybe corrupted d/l?

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i was just going to give your mod a try,,downloaded the release and all patches.installed

when i launch as any you units i get some error or another missing this or that, when i spawn in as inf i got no weapon.. so anyways i did something wrong..

the exact method of install=

the original mod downloaded and installed like anyother mod

patch1 and copy pasted into the mod folder..

patch2 and copy pasted into the mod folder

patch3 and copy pasted into the mod folder

maybe corrupted d/l?

possible corrupted download. Also if your doing multiplayer or a mission with respawning you must use the proper code provided in the readme in patch .99b. That way all your inf will have weapons. The texture issues most of which were corrected. If you find a texture issue, delete your arma.rpt, start up the game, use the item which causes the error, look at the newest arma.rpt with notepad and then paste it in the forums. I will be more then willing the fix it.

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What settings for AI skills and precision are you recommending?

The Vilas and SS units currently seem to be rather blind with my default settings. They spray around lots of lead, until they manage to hit me. This is not that bad, since it makes fire fights last longer, but I would like to tune it a bit.

I seem to remember that Vilas used configs with higher dispersion values back in ArmA 1.

Will release 1 include unified / normalized weapon configs?

Again, great mod, I love it!


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What settings for AI skills and precision are you recommending?

The Vilas and SS units currently seem to be rather blind with my default settings. They spray around lots of lead, until they manage to hit me. This is not that bad, since it makes fire fights last longer, but I would like to tune it a bit.

I seem to remember that Vilas used configs with higher dispersion values back in ArmA 1.

Will release 1 include unified / normalized weapon configs?

Again, great mod, I love it!


Right now we are consolidating our weapons and making a universal system. When we work on the config, this is a setting we will take into consideration

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possible corrupted download. Also if your doing multiplayer or a mission with respawning you must use the proper code provided in the readme in patch .99b. That way all your inf will have weapons. The texture issues most of which were corrected. If you find a texture issue, delete your arma.rpt, start up the game, use the item which causes the error, look at the newest arma.rpt with notepad and then paste it in the forums. I will be more then willing the fix it.


yea i opened it up in mp/ editor....

---------- Post added at 10:39 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:08 AM ----------

i cant believe how big my rpt was after a fresh delete and opening up a test mission once..

rpt and init i used included.......


---------- Post added at 10:40 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:39 AM ----------

after using this init i had my weapon but still missing this or that addon obviously..

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when i host a session my us-units have no rifles but when they respawn they have.

is there a workaround to avoid this bug ?

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when i host a session my us-units have no rifles but when they respawn they have.

is there a workaround to avoid this bug ?

Yes. There is a readme in one of the patches. I think it's patch B. It's a code you post in the init.sqf.

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