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A.C.E. Advanced Combat Environment - Public Beta!

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kk thanks again chaps that worked.

although now they are saying it needs ACE maps :S

Which are also available in the @ACE folder, under MPMissions. Copy them to ArmA 2\MPMissions.

Need sugar with that too ? :)

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only milk here pls :p

do you had time to look into that crashproblem, sickboy?

some posts before i mentioned that im crashing allways when i place the Special Force Group from ACEX and load? Thanks!

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only milk here pls :p

do you had time to look into that crashproblem, sickboy?

some posts before i mentioned that im crashing allways when i place the Special Force Group from ACEX and load? Thanks!

Milk's gone!

Well, how about you visit the issue tracker and find my ticket there which i've set to "resolved" in upcoming update? :D

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A quick note. Im running a server with ACE and Ive noticed more server crashes with ACE and the latest beta version 61362. We run Ace domination and it has run flawlessly until yesterday when I upgrade to this new beta.

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A quick note. Im running a server with ACE and Ive noticed more server crashes with ACE and the latest beta version 61362. We run Ace domination and it has run flawlessly until yesterday when I upgrade to this new beta.

Several crash opportunities have been fixed for tonight's update.

Just a more general announce:

If you post your server and client issues in the issue tracker, with rpt's, situation description, etc. etc.

We are able to help you much more easily and effectively :)

It doesn't just help us, but helps you too! :)

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Crash application ArmA 2 when you install the editor fighters of special purpose - Heavy Gunner (ACE_SF_FR_AR) and Assault Grenadier (ACE_SF_FR_Assault_GL) ... This happened after the upgrade to version 0.1.187

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Just posted on the bug tracker with regards Chemsticks..

I can see them and carry them in my inventory but I have tried everything and cannot use them. I hit the F key and I can toggle, semi, full, genade, smok, but no chemstick?

Is this possibly due to a missing key? For example I heard that there is an ACE action key which is the right windows key. Well my gaming laptop does not have a right windows key? Could this be the issue?

I can use everything else perfectly fine, just not chemsticks. I have tried dropping all the gear and only having chemsticks in my inventory, still the ammo toggle will not detect them?

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Which are also available in the @ACE folder, under MPMissions. Copy them to ArmA 2\MPMissions.

Need sugar with that too ? :)

Sorry mate, I'm not an Arma2 player, so if its not on the "guide" I wouldn't know where to even look.

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Are bullet catridges integrated yet? I activated them in userconfig but never saw any.

No, not yet.

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Narrowed it down to the Assault Rifleman and the Heavy Gunner, I went through all the units under ACE/Special Forces and those were the only units to crash the game. I even tried placing a group in the editor and took out the Heavy Gunner and there were no problems

I have thesame problem / sollution as you have.

EDIT: read above that it already was solved. Great job again ACE-team!

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I have a question for someone experienced in a field of suppressed rifles. Anyways, when using silenced sniper rifle, are you able to hear a bullet ''crack'' sound on a distance of lets say 1500m in front of the rifle?

I tried that with my friend on airfiled with TAC-50 silenced. He was on one side of runway and I was on the other side, I could hear LOUD bullet crack each time he shot and it sounded like he was shooting from position right in front of me... Is that realistic?

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If the bullet travel at supersonic speed, regardless of the suppressor, yes it's realistic

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Yupo. The supressor only acts against the muzzle flash and it strays the sound abit ( in RL anyway ).

A subsonic .50 cal wouldnt really make alot of sense would it ^^.

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When the bullet passes you it is still in supersonic. So it should make a "crack" sound when it passes you. According to reports of soldiers you always hear it. If the bullet is sub sonic you just hear a "swish" sound. I heard it once when a hunter just shot past our garden ( about 2m ). You can even hear those sound when playing paintball or airsoft if the bullet is fast enough and happens to pass very close to you head ( not the "crack" sound :) ).

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Ive started another thread about public server settings here. There I ask why so many public servers are running in cadett mode. If anyone wants to discuss feel free to post there :)

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I would like to discuss why many great missions like Air Cav and many others come with grass layer turned off and view distance at 1500 with no option to change that on CLIENT side?

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AS50 is in the Armory, but not on any live servers that iv been on, Is there a reason why im unable to find it ?

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Probably because it isn't in the default ammo boxes, I've made a script that adds all the US weapons to an ammobox, but that's the only way I've managed to use it. I suspect an all-in-one ammo box will be made at some point though.

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Probably because it isn't in the default ammo boxes, I've made a script that adds all the US weapons to an ammobox, but that's the only way I've managed to use it. I suspect an all-in-one ammo box will be made at some point though.

Thankyou for the prompt reply..

Guess il just have to wait a little longer ;o)

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