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It's not BIS's fault there's not 100,000 playing Arma2

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I like playing MP, but only warfare type because it gives me ability to do a big scale operations where I can go wherever I want, or go with other people together to strom towns. There you can be on your own or run around with other people.

Bad part about MP that annoys me is that space bar scan, I have been spotted so many times in various scenarios where it was only possible to see me with binoculars. And couple of other warfare aspects annoys me too.

But anyways, if there arent many people online, its not because they are afraid to get murdered, its because they dont like some other aspects of the game which are more important than getting killed. Like myself I like to play on the servers which allow SOW mod, because I hate Arma stock sounds.

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  Herbal Influence said:
What keeps me since a few weeks away from online gaming .... is Arma2-mission design .. ;-)))

Can be exciting like hell too ... ;-))

And that too :)

Once I get my card back Im gonna spent most Arma time in editor making campaign :D

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It's easy to criticize arma as it has a horde of problems that turn people away from arma MP.. ie the same problems that turn people away from arma SP - compounded.

So maybe a more interesting question is, how exactly would you boost interest for MP in arma?

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  richiespeed13 said:
You think you have issues? It took Jesus 3 days to respawn!

ahahahahahahah richie,this will guarantee the Hell to you:bounce3:

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MW2 sold 4.7 million copies in just 24 hours (US+UK) with a total revenue of $320m in those countries in just a day (!!!) and over 5 days made Activision $550m (I can't find a smiley to express myself). 99% of movies don't make that. Its just so much fun :)

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MW2 is a fast action console game with almost no learning curve. Straight twitch reaction frag game. That's a certifiable niche in the gaming industry, but the ease at which one can just jump in and start playing (lack of learning curve) has killed most other niches in the FPS realm.

Personally, I got bored with COD4 after 3 months and didn't even think about buying MW2.

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twitch or not but half a BILLION dollars in 5 days thats something. Imagine what BIS could do with such money.

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  Soul_Assassin said:
twitch or not but half a BILLION dollars in 5 days thats something. Imagine what BIS could do with such money.

Yes, very very true. What an awesome product they could make.

But remember Activision probably did spend Millions on advertising.

Simple action-reaction via a huge Hype-It-Up Machine.

If BIS can't spend HUGE $ on advertising then we can't expect them to collect millions of fans/sales.

What they CAN DO to help their situation is stay standing like their previous releases.

I know I'll be still playing ArmAII and buying any decend expansions in a years time, but the same I can't say for the other "instant gratification" games on the shelf.

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  Soul_Assassin said:
twitch or not but half a BILLION dollars in 5 days thats something. Imagine what BIS could do with such money.

They'd probably shit out crap products that the general public eats up and sit around on couches made of hundred dollar bills. Oh wait, you said BIS not IW.

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Modern Warfare 2 is hardly crap. Some people here just can't accept games for what they are. Then again, people here are playing BIS' games to get away from the mainstream, so it should be expected that they automatically label every mainstream game as crap. I play both, and I love both.

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  Zipper5 said:
Modern Warfare 2 is hardly crap. Some people here just can't accept games for what they are.

Its a fps just like all its predecessors, and it doesnt bring anything new or exciting.

Whats so special about this game? :confused: .

The first one had a 6 hour SP campaign, this one doesnt even have dedicated server support.. and these are the guys who make all the money in the world.

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If you actually tried the game instead of writing it off as bad due to it not having dedicated servers or a short campaign, you'd see that the matchmaking actually works incredibly well in it. I have the worst possible situation, latency-wise. I live in the Middle-East and have a crappy ADSL connection that generally gets me pings of 100ms+. With the matchmaking, I'm actually being put with people close to me who are also playing, and there are more than I thought. This means that I hardly ever get into a laggy game. It's quite fun.

What makes this game special in my eyes is it's multiplayer, though, for me, the campaign was far above par. It may not have made all the sense in the world, but it was executed in such a fashion that it never mattered. I was never bored. And to be honest, it didn't matter that it was short. It hardly seemed that way, and not just to me, obviously. However, the multiplayer section of the game is the best multiplayer I've ever played. Really, the only two games I play on a regular basis now are ArmA II and MW2.

If you won't accept a game because it's far from realistic, then don't bother with MW2. If you're holding off from trying it because of lack of dedicated server support and the like, but you would actually enjoy the game itself, then try it. You'll more-than-likely enjoy it. Alas, we are derailing the thread.

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  Zipper5 said:
If you actually tried the game instead of writing it off as bad due to it not having dedicated servers or a short campaign

Only reason i'm not getting MW2 is because of no dedicated servers, i'm going for BC2 :)

Best ever multiplayer experience for me was when Joint Operation: Typhoon Rising was brand new, man i really miss those times :o

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  -Total- said:
When it comes to open ground sims like ArmA2, combat flight sims, etc there's one solitary reason why the major populace of shoebox shooter players stay away:

They can't handle the fact that some old fart, slow reaction time player like myself has the room to whoop their butt by out smarting them rather than relying on twitch reaction skills alone.

They are vulnerable out of the shoebox and we're vultures in the trees....waiting :D

cause Arma, OFP are games for other people than :

thats why it is less popular, also OFP/Arma requires more brain from user and more creativity and thinking

people who search for easy shooter to react on hard day in work or stupid kids - they not like Arma

more popular not means better :)

i'd rather be in "elite" game community than be 1 of million of idiots

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  JW Custom said:
Only reason i'm not getting MW2 is because of no dedicated servers, i'm going for BC2 :)

I'm probably getting BC2 as well, but don't be fooled by DICE's ploy to make them out to be the messiahs after what IW did. It's no more than capitalizing on IW's mistake. They honestly could care less about PC gamers. After all, BC1 was a console-only game, which people seem to forget.

Just because MW2 has matchmaking doesn't make it a bad game.

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  Zipper5 said:

Just because MW2 has matchmaking doesn't make it a bad game.

Well i'm not saying it's a bad game, haven't tried it so i really can't. But for me no dedicated servers is enough to rule the game out :)

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I've been playing FPS since MOHAA/COD through COD5/WAW. Playing as a part of a Tactical clan, we did our best to mod the game to not be a RNG hip shooting frenzy and to play on larger, custom maps. What we were doing was trying to play COD like OFP/ARMA, we just didn't know it. ARMA2 is pretty invisible on the gaming radar, I just happened to find it while searching for something other than COD4 to play.

There are players out there of a like mind that would flock to ARMA if it was better optimized and had a friendlier UI. All those players who are COD and BF2 fans who jumped into OFP/DR would be here except for that. Of course, without DS, DR is dead in the water.

Anyway, my point is, ARMA2 has fantastic potential and can be played in a myriad of ways to suit pretty much anyones taste, but it could be easier to use and less of a PITA to get running well. It'll never have the numbers the MW has, but since the majority of those are idiots, it's fine by me.

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.. and I who saw everyone blaming BH...? Whats the point of this thread exactly?

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I think it's because the game basically isn't advertised. You aren't born a milsim fan, you have to discover a game that introduces you to it. I still feel BIS (or their distributors) should do more to get the word out.

Edited by Daniel

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I dunno. This time around ArmA2 got much more press than ArmA did. Granted, it wasn't running TV commercials like MW2 and L4D, but it was #2 on Steam downloads for a good bit.

Where's all those folks now?

I knew 14 who got it. 11 didn't like it becuase it wasn't a shoebox shooter like they were used to. They only paid attention to the eye grabbing videos and screenshots rather than reading what ArmA2 really was. 1 of the 14 loves it, but his system is under spec'ed, so he's waiting til he can upgrade. The other still play.

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I wouldn't mind more people playing ArmA 2, but i would really hate it getting flooded with teens screaming "noob" every other minute!

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Daniel;1503561']I think it's because the game basically isn't advertised. You aren't borne a milsim fan' date=' you have to discover a game that introduces you to it. I still feel BIS (or their distributors) should do more to get the word out.[/quote']

Yeah, I agree. I bet there are lots of potential milsim fans, they just need to be properly introduced to the genre.

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  JW Custom said:
I wouldn't mind more people playing ArmA 2, but i would really hate it getting flooded with teens screaming "noob" every other minute!

Have you played any mainstream fps games online lately? Hearing someone say "noob" in a public game is very rare, and chances are that the noob deserved it by doing something counterproductive or otherwise idiotic. In fact hardly anyone says anything at least on PC side.

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