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have the helo fly to an H pad with a Transport Unload waypoint.

At the activation put

heloname land "GET OUT"

it will touch down and keep the rotors going, all troops inside will disembark but the crew will stay inside.

Still nothing, it will always hover...

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I think the chopper might be bugged, anyways, I should have something for you guys in the next 2 hours...

that sounds promising. can u try with another chopper and see if it works? or send me the mission file..

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I have had that same problem... I had to script waypoints for both Helo and troops and synch them..... for the helo to fully land and the troops to get out

---------- Post added at 09:34 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:31 PM ----------

or try

helo land "LAND"; {unassignVehicle _x} forEach units INFgroup

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Would have been better if the AI could pilot them, that is why I was asking for help.

EDIT: It's watchable, still processing. Edited by JDMT

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ahh so nice too see! iv always loved the usmc helos..i dont know why i ever join the usaf lol! they even took away our mh\ch-53s lol

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I'm using this method:

-add an invisible (or any other) H on the intended LZ

-give a TRANSPORT UNLOAD waypoint to the chopper near/over the H

-give an UNLOAD waypoint for the infantry leader(s) that are in the chopper

-synchronize the two (may not be necessary)

Now it works well if I put a chopper with it's own default crew, I remember having problems back in OFP when adding an empty chopper and giving waypoints to individual units.

Edit: If I don't give any H for the chopper, default BI choppers are hovering above the ground at 1-2ms while infantry jumping out, so I doubt that the chopper is any bugged.

If you think I'll send you a working sample mission in which you change the MH-60 to the CH-46 in the editor and see how it works.

Edit2: seemingly the only important to get the Heli land is a H object and a "TRANSPORT UNLOAD" waypoint near it.

Edited by Banderas

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I'm using this method:

-add an invisible (or any other) H on the intended LZ

-give a TRANSPORT UNLOAD waypoint to the chopper near/over the H

-give an UNLOAD waypoint for the infantry leader(s) that are in the chopper

-synchronize the two (may not be necessary)

Now it works well if I put a chopper with it's own default crew, I remember having problems back in OFP when adding an empty chopper and giving waypoints to individual units.

Edit: If I don't give any H for the chopper, default BI choppers are hovering above the ground at 1-2ms while infantry jumping out, so I doubt that the chopper is any bugged.

If you think I'll send you a working sample mission in which you change the MH-60 to the CH-46 in the editor and see how it works.

Edit2: seemingly the only important to get the Heli land is a H object and a "TRANSPORT UNLOAD" waypoint near it.

I want to say here that there is a bug in ArmA2 in MP.

When you want to land an Heli with this methode for your squad you must put in an single NPC Leader to land the Heli too. If not the Heli will stay in the air in Standby (He waits for the go from an KI Teamleader).

Look at my ticket for more detail: http://dev-heaven.net/issues/show/6866

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I want to say here that there is a bug in ArmA2 in MP.

When you want to land an Heli with this methode for your squad you must put in an single NPC Leader to land the Heli too. If not the Heli will stay in the air in Standby (He waits for the go from an KI Teamleader).

Strange, maybe if team leader is a player then he should give a "disembark" order for all team/squad members. I had similar problems before when I was the leader in an AI group. Don't know much about MP thought. Give it a try, maybe it works there too.

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Strange, maybe if team leader is a player then he should give a "disembark" order for all team/squad members. I had similar problems before when I was the leader in an AI group. Don't know much about MP thought. Give it a try, maybe it works there too.

give a "disembark" order will not land the Heli :-/

Only solution in MP is to put an KI Team Leader to the Heli too

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Doesn't Mando's Heliroute take care of letting the AI fly and land at specific spots?

I'm not sure if you're wanting to incorporate his scripts, but maybe shoot him an email or PM, he's always more than helpful with stuff like this it seems.

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When I make the CH-53 video, I will try some of those suggestions, and eventually I'm thinking of making a video with both choppers.

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When I make the CH-53 video, I will try some of those suggestions, and eventually I'm thinking of making a video with both choppers.

do you think you can make a video of them both hugging and kissing each other?

THANKS for giving us updates!!!

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you have to synchronize the waypoints of the helo with the group that you want to unload.

Also this trick does not work :D

Trust me i really spent a lot of time in this shit for some weeks ago :bounce3:

Putting an AI into the plane is the only 100% working solution :-/

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Hmm...strange things...sorry I couldn't help you in this, I never made MP missions and I rarely ever play in MP in ArmA 2 (due to shitty PC and internet)

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THANKS for giving us updates!!!

No problem, waking up to 138 views, and 5 5-Star ratings made my day :D

For the record, I am not making an MP mission, I'm doing single player, using the AI for massive assaults.

My original plan was to add more choppers to this:


Then reduce the lag, and probably change the island, but since I couldn't get them to land, I just threw together that other one.

Edited by JDMT

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Also this trick does not work :D

Trust me i really spent a lot of time in this shit for some weeks ago :bounce3:

Putting an AI into the plane is the only 100% working solution :-/

true... but I was more or less talking about AI group. Yes the player has to give a "disembark" order for the helo to land

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No problem, waking up to 138 views, and 5 5-Star ratings made my day :D

For the record, I am not making an MP mission, I'm doing single player, using the AI for massive assaults.

My original plan was to add more choppers to this:

Then reduce the lag, and probably change the island, but since I couldn't get them to land, I just threw together that other one.

Me see no CH-46 or CH-53's... me want to see dem!:)

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true... but I was more or less talking about AI group. Yes the player has to give a "disembark" order for the helo to land

The disembark order from an Human Team Leader does not work too

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dude I have made a freakin helo extract script that would come to a position and land on the ground with motor running and a subordinate group would load helo. helo would fly back to base and drop the group off. You have to script a helo "LOAD" waypoint and a "GETIN" waypoint for the infantry group and then synch them together for pickup. Then for dropoff you need to script a helo waypoint either "GETOUT" (if you want all units to disembark) or "TR UNLOAD" (if you just want infantry groups to disembark) and synch it to a "GETOUT" waypoint for the infantry group.

This script I have been working on and been making changes to it and am currently making it into sqf format

; create map markers

_outboundpos = createMarker["OUTBOUNDmarker",markerPos "OUTmarker"]

_outboundpos setMarkerShape "ICON"

"Outboundmarker" setMarkerType "waypoint"

"Outboundmarker" setMarkerSize [.3, .3]

"Outboundmarker" setMarkerColor "ColorGreen"

"Outboundmarker" setMarkerText "OutBound Dir"

_inboundpos = createMarker["INBOUNDmarker",markerPos "INmarker"]

_inboundpos setMarkerShape "ICON"

"Inboundmarker" setMarkerType "waypoint"

"Inboundmarker" setMarkerSize [.3, .3]

"Inboundmarker" setMarkerColor "ColorGreen"

"Inboundmarker" setMarkerText "InBound Dir"

_uhlz1 = createMarker["UHLZ1marker",getPos UH1home]

_uhlz1 setMarkerShape "ICON"

"UHLZ1marker" setMarkerType "mil_triangle"

"UHLZ1marker" setMarkerSize [.3, .3]

"UHLZ1marker" setMarkerColor "ColorOrange"

"UHLZ1marker" setMarkerText "1"

_approach = createMarker["APPROACHmarker",getPos UH1home]

_approach setMarkerShape "ICON"

"APPROACHmarker" setMarkerType "Pickup"

"APPROACHmarker" setMarkerSize [.3, .3]

"APPROACHmarker" setMarkerColor "ColorGreen"


; calling for Helo Extract and placing extract grid

player sideChat ": Carnage this is Spartan.... Over."



CARNAGE sideChat "(CARNAGE): This is Carnage... send your traffic. Over."


titleText ["CLICK ON MAP TO SET HELO EXTRACT GRID","plain down"]


; set extaction LZ

onMapSingleClick "UHLZ1 setPosATL _pos; setfire=false; onMapSingleClick ''; true"


; hints grid of UHLZ1

hint format ["%1", getPos UHLZ1]


; set H (invisible) objects in Y formation

_pos = position UHLZ1

_posx = _pos select 0

_posy = _pos select 1

_posz = _pos select 2

_ang1 = -((wind select 0) atan2 (wind select 1))


_ang2 = -((wind select 0) atan2 (wind select 1))


_ang3 = -((wind select 0) atan2 (wind select 1))


_avgang = (_ang1 + _ang2 + _ang3) / 3

APPROACH setPosATL [_posx + sin(_avgang)* 0,_posy + cos(_avgang)* - 500,0]

UHLZ1 setDir _avgang

APPROACH setDir _avgang

; moving LZ markers to H (invisible) positions

"UHLZ1marker" setmarkerpos getPos UHLZ1

"APPROACHmarker" setmarkerpos getPos APPROACH

;setting markers to face _avgang

"UHLZ1marker" setMarkerDir _avgang

"APPROACHmarker" setMarkerDir _avgang

onMapSingleClick "";

titleText ["", "plain down"]


player sideChat "- Request Helo Extract... grid 3.. 7.. 4.. 8.. 9'er.. 2. Over"


CARNAGE sideChat "(CARNAGE)- We copy grid 3 7 4 8 9'er 2... Helo's on the way. Out"


; setting spawning locations for pilots

_UH1spawn = getMarkerPos "UH1crewspawnpos"

; create pilots type createUnit [ position, group, init, skill, rank]

UH1group = createGroup WEST

_p1 = "USMC_Soldier_Pilot" createUnit [_UH1spawn, UH1group, "P1=this", 1, "MAJOR"]

_n1 = "USMC_Soldier_Pilot" createUnit [_UH1spawn, UH1group, "N1=this", 1, "LIEUTENANT"]

_gunner1 = "USMC_Soldier_Crew" createUnit [_UH1spawn, UH1group, "G1=this", 1, "PRIVATE"]

_gunner2 = "USMC_Soldier_Crew" createUnit [_UH1spawn, UH1group, "G2=this", 1, "PRIVATE"]

P1 = leader UH1group

P1 setFace "face12"

N1 setFace "face54"

G1 setFace "face13"

G2 setFace "face14"

P1 assignAsDriver UH1

P1 moveInDriver UH1

N1 assignAsGunner UH1

N1 moveInTurret [uH1, [2]]

G1 assignAsGunner UH1

G1 moveInTurret [uH1,[0]]

G2 assignAsGunner UH1

G2 moveInTurret [uH1,[1]]


; create UH1group waypoints


;wp1 UH1 fly to "OUTBOUNDmarker"

_wp1 = UH1group addWaypoint [markerPos "OUTBOUNDmarker", 0]

[uH1group, 1] setWPPos markerPos "OUTBOUNDmarker"

[uH1group, 1] setWaypointType "MOVE"

[uH1group, 1] setWaypointSpeed "LIMITED"

;wp2 UH1 fly to "APPROACHmarker"

_wp2 = UH1group addWaypoint [markerPos "APPROACHmarker", 0]

[uH1group, 2] setWPPos markerPos "APPROACHmarker"

[uH1group, 2] setWaypointType "MOVE"

[uH1group, 2] setWaypointSpeed "FULL"

;wp3 UH1 fly to "EXLZ1marker"

_wp3 = UH1group addWaypoint [markerPos "UHLZ1marker", 0]

[uH1group, 3] setWPPos markerPos "UHLZ1marker"

[uH1group, 3] setWaypointType "MOVE"

[uH1group, 3] setWaypointSpeed "FULL"

;wp4 UH1 land at EXLZ and LOAD

_wp4 = UH1group addWaypoint [getPos UHLZ1, 0]

[uH1group, 4] setWPPos getPos UHLZ1

[uH1group, 4] setWaypointType "LOAD"

[uH1group, 4] setWaypointSpeed "LIMITED"

;wp5 UH1 with Team1 fly to "INBOUNDmarker"

_wp5 = UH1group addWaypoint [markerPos "INBOUNDmarker", 0]

[uH1group, 5] setWPPos markerPos "INBOUNDmarker"

[uH1group, 5] setWaypointType "MOVE"

[uH1group, 5] setWaypointSpeed "FULL"

;wp6 UH1 land at UH1home and GETOUT Team1

_wp6 = UH1group addWaypoint [getPos UH1home, 0]

[uH1group, 6] setWPPos getPos UH1home

[uH1group, 6] setWaypointType "GETOUT"

[uH1group, 6] setWaypointSpeed "LIMITED"

;wp7 UH1 crew move to UH1spawnpos

_wp7 = UH1group addWaypoint [markerPos "UH1crewspawnpos", 0]

[uH1group, 7] setWPPos markerPos "UH1crewspawnpos"

[uH1group, 7] setWaypointType "MOVE"

[uH1group, 7] setWaypointSpeed "LIMITED"

;create Team1 waypoints


;team1wp1 GETIN synchronizeWaypoint with UH1 load wp4

_teamwp1 = SPT_ONE addWaypoint [markerPos "UHLZ1marker", 0]

[sPT_ONE, 1] setWPPos markerPos "UHLZ1marker"

[sPT_ONE, 1] setWaypointType "GETIN"

[sPT_ONE, 1] setWaypointSpeed "FULL"

[sPT_ONE, 1] setWaypointFormation "COLUMN"

[sPT_ONE, 1] synchronizeWaypoint [ [uH1group, 4] ]

;team1wp2 GETOUT synchronizeWaypoint with UH1 GETOUT wp6

_team1wp2 = SPT_ONE addWaypoint [getPos UH1home, 0]

[sPT_ONE, 2] setWPPos getPos UH1home

[sPT_ONE, 2] setWaypointType "GETOUT"

[sPT_ONE, 2] setWaypointSpeed "FULL"

[sPT_ONE, 2] setWaypointFormation "COLUMN"

[sPT_ONE, 2] synchronizeWaypoint [ [uH1group, 6] ]

;team1wp3 MOVE to markerPos "UH1crewspawnpos"

_team1wp3 = SPT_ONE addWaypoint [markerPos "UH1crewspawnpos", 0]

[sPT_ONE, 3] setWPPos markerPos "UH1crewspawnpos"

[sPT_ONE, 3] setWaypointType "MOVE"

[sPT_ONE, 3] setWaypointSpeed "LIMITED"

[sPT_ONE, 3] setWaypointFormation "COLUMN"

_home = UH1home

_uhlz1 = UHLZ1


? (P1 distance UHLZ1) < 200 : goto "DROP"

goto "DistanceCheck1"


P1 doWatch _uhlz1

P1 sideChat "(VULCAN ONE): Did someone call for a ride? stand by for extract... Over"


{_x assignAsCargo UH1} forEach units SPT_ONE

(units SPT_ONE) orderGetIn true

waituntil {{_x in UH1} count units SPT_ONE == count units SPT_ONE}



? (SPT_R1 distance UH1home) < 100 : goto "GETOUT"

goto "DistanceCheck2"


deleteMarker "UHLZ1marker"

UHLZ1 setPos _home

{unassignVehicle _x} forEach units SPT_ONE

P1 doWatch _home

P1 sideChat "(VULCAN ONE): Thank you for flying VULCAN airlines.. have a nice day"


Edited by Meatball0311

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Sfc itzhak,

Thanks a lot for the work on this. We have several members including myself who have been doing some testing for you and hopefully providing some good feedback. I am sure you are aware that since the 3rd MD has been given this task we have setup a testing results thread on our forums. I am sure your talking often with Lt. Jax. If there is anything I can do as well for you please let me know. I have recently been talking to a couple of the 4 project leads for the ACE Team (ViperMaul and Sickboy) and building a relationship. One of our current members is already on the inside with ViperMaul, so I hope this will allow us a better platform to present your models to the ACE team when they are complete. That addition would be a big and greatly appreciated one.

Again thank you. Semper Fidelis!

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