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Mando Missile ArmA for ArmA 2

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BTW mando, is it possible for you some time in the future to add in nuclear explosions in water effects? And maybe add nuclear capabilities for the Gnat submarines, like nuclear torpedoes and nuclear ballistic missile.

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ray243, actually the water effects are already there, try a ground burst detonation on water. But the effects are just for water surface explosions like this:


Underwater detonation effects are still missing.

And yes, I really would like to add more systems for Gnat's submarines and Gnat's navy in general, but it might imply some extra changes in the configurations of these addons or to have specific versions better suited to use MMA systems.

Fisgas, MMA Javelin has not changed in the last months, have you asked in the ACE thread? Is this happening for you after a particular ACE2 subversion? Or after a BIS patch? Does it happens for you with ACE2 alone?

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Fisgas, MMA Javelin has not changed in the last months, have you asked in the ACE thread? Is this happening for you after a particular ACE2 subversion? Or after a BIS patch? Does it happens for you with ACE2 alone?

you're right,i have used javelin with mando without problems for ages,with or without ACE2,than suddenly this bug...

Something related to bis patch or ACE2 update

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Latest ACE2 mod for OP+A-10 +last MANDO=No mode

Unable to use Maverick or AA missile....uhm...

Edit:sry for double post.

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Isola, you are right! The introduction of ACE's A10 broke the A10 setup. Expect a new MMA version along this afternoon with the fix.

---------- Post added at 06:01 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:34 PM ----------

Mando Missile ArmA 2.4Beta9.5 is ready (Requires A2 or A2 + OA). Dont forget to read the online MMA readme for more info.



Changes in v2.4b9.5

  • A10 setup fixed (broken in 2.4b9.4)
  • Systems added for:
    • ANZAC mod (thanks to Andrew)
    • Pedagne mod (thanks to Jay)
    • Swedish Forces Pack (thanks to Jay)
    • Antonov225,il76,Ka60_GL_PMC,OWG_MI26,ou_ch_53d,ou_ch_46e (thanks to Jay)
    • Battle Star Galactica fighters and transports
    • Mig15s
    • ACE2 A10s and Su34s
    • RKSL EF2000

    [*]GMRLS and MRLS-SAM systems added for MLRS (optinal)

    [*]Dragon and NLAW systems (thanks to Xeno426)

    [*]Nuclear AGM86 and AGM84 systems for Gnat's B52

    [*]Harpoon systems for Gnat's B52

    [*]BAF Lynx full setup

    [*]Laser transmission fixed for units using laser designators different than the default BIS one (Kiowas, Lynx, ...)

    [*]BIS Flares removed automatically

    [*]IRak F14 GBU12 fixed

    [*]MCC Patriot improved to intercept new SCUDs

    [*]New Fallout console to track down fallout areas and radiation levels

    [*]Fallout aeras improved and ability to control fallout times (thanks to E.Echo)

    [*]SCUD console allowing to choose between air burst/ground burst

    [*]SCUD nuclear warhead types 4 and 5 for ground burst and air burst MIRVs

    [*]New mma_b52_test.Takistan test mission (Gnat's B52 addon required)

    [*]New mma_test_mlrs_addon.Chernarus test mission (MLRS as SSM or SAM)

    [*]New mma_galactica.astro412 Galactica Mod units test mission, including tractor bean

    [*]mma_test_nuke_addon.Takistan test mission modified including fallout console

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Isola, you are right! The introduction of ACE's A10 broke the A10 setup. Expect a new MMA version along this afternoon with the fix.

---------- Post added at 06:01 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:34 PM ----------

Mando Missile ArmA 2.4Beta9.5 is ready (Requires A2 or A2 + OA). Dont forget to read the online MMA readme for more info.

Great Mandoble!:D

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Fisgas, MMA Javelin has not changed in the last months, have you asked in the ACE thread? Is this happening for you after a particular ACE2 subversion? Or after a BIS patch? Does it happens for you with ACE2 alone?

It seems like it started happening when they reworked the wounding system a few weeks ago. Only had it happen with ACE and i was testing with other people, they had the same issue.

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Couple questions:

Is there a way to have the apache gun follow your head movement when you use the trackir?

Also, when I try to change the HUD color it changes to orange for a split second and then goes back to green.


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DangerMouse6, I guess from the gunner seat you should be able, but better to have other Track-IR users repying to your question.

For the AH64 monocle to color is fixed to green on purpose, so the change hud color will have no effect.

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It seems like it started happening when they reworked the wounding system a few weeks ago. Only had it happen with ACE and i was testing with other people, they had the same issue.

I can confirm this is still the case when using ACE and Mando still, unfortunately. :(

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I am curious on how the automatic removal of flares. because the UH-1Y Venom for ACE doesn't have the flares removed. At first I thought (oh, maybe because it doesn't have flares on the vanilla ARMA), but the MV-22 doesn't either and it's flares are automatically removed. Does it have to do with the MV-22 having 240 flares compared to 60 for the UH-1Y? Just curious

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I think for the sake of Mando's sanity he should stop devving mando for ACE lol. It seems to have many problems working with mando.

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Bah, goss, keep your nose outta other peoples business :p

Thanks, Mando and Echo, for all the work implementing the changes we asked for. :D

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Mando is not one to give up easily. Sanity is such a minor thing anyway.


But thanks for the good words. Alway doing our best to make it even better.

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I've just stepped into an AH-1Z during a night training flight and I night vision does not work when in "cannon camera" (right click while in cockpit) and in AGM camera views.

I am sure they worked before, so my guess is..ACE v1.7 STABLE incompatibility?

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When in doubt, test the situation without ACE ( or any other mod for that matter ).

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I am curious on how the automatic removal of flares.

Viper, MMA is removing automatically the following magz:




Might be the chopper you did mention is using a different type of magazine for the flares.

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When in doubt, test the situation without ACE ( or any other mod for that matter ).

Will do, I am about to test it more methodically, all I know is that night vision in camera mods used to work correctly with:

- Mando Missile ArmA 2.4Beta9.5 (script version)

- ACE v1.7Pre-RC

(minor glitch was that every time you closed the camera view night vision would deactivate, and you found yourself wondering .. what's this black screen? but it was just a matter of reactivating night vision to get it back to work).

now, with the same exact mission and with ACE v1.7 Stable night vision in camera mods does not activate.

More feedback soon,

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Viper, MMA is removing automatically the following magz:




Might be the chopper you did mention is using a different type of magazine for the flares.

Your right, on the UH-1Y venom, the name for the Flares are


And thanks again for all you have done. I really dont care too much about this because it is just one helicopter, so don't feel like you need to do anything about it anytime soon (or if at all, it wouldn't bother me). I was just curious on how the system worked.

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I was just curious on how the system worked.

The system mechanics is way easy:

     while {true} do
           if ("CMFlareLauncher" in (_x weaponsTurret [-1])) then
              _x removeMagazinesTurret["60Rnd_CMFlareMagazine", [-1]];
              _x removeMagazinesTurret["120Rnd_CMFlareMagazine", [-1]];
              _x removeMagazinesTurret["120Rnd_CMFlare_Chaff_Magazine", [-1]];
              if ("CMFlareLauncher" in (_x weaponsTurret [0])) then
                 _x removeMagazinesTurret["60Rnd_CMFlareMagazine", [0]];
                 _x removeMagazinesTurret["120Rnd_CMFlareMagazine", [0]];
                 _x removeMagazinesTurret["120Rnd_CMFlare_Chaff_Magazine", [0]];
           Sleep 0.01;
        } forEach vehicles;
        Sleep 5;

Now the magazine you are talking about is



"60Rnd_CMFlare_Chaff_Magazine" ?

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Mando, no offense, but do you consider MMA realistic?

Also, isn't the Apache HUD a little cluttered?

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As you can modify all the firing parameters, detection parameters, lock on type and times, flares effectiveness, warhead power, etc at mission level, you can try to go for realism or for gameplay balance. Of course you can also create new systems, change countermeasures effectiveness too.

Even the huds are customizable, so at mission level you can declutter them at will.

I think the default settings that comes with the addon and script suite are a good mixture between realism and gameplay.

Remember that main target of MMA is to provide mission designers with maximum flexibility, not just to force the mission editor to use the systems and setups as they come by default.

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Based on dialogs between Mando and I have over details of the nukes, I'd say he is a person that strives for realism. However striving is a goal, not an endpoint - at times you run into limits in the game engine and have to compromise.

Note well, Mando does not replace models or sounds as a policy. That leads to maximum portability and compatibility. It also means the uber-alert RWR light on upper left part of the Deathmaster 5000 panel will not light up, since the original mod maker did not make it light up either.

Since MMA is a toolkit, adding your own code to make the blinkenlighten work is quite possible. Likewise for adjusting any weapons parameters. In one of my missions I wanted a PAC-3 varient of the Patriot missile. So tweeked the ranges, speed, etc of a copy to fit my needs. Easy and fun to do.

Edited by Evil_Echo

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