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Mando Missile ArmA for ArmA 2

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"remote" helfre and helfie mode is for if are 2 players are in the choppers

the pilot(helfire mode) sends the target to the gunner ( in remote mode) by pressing "g" (ofc you must target target first with tab)

Edited by Sneaker-78-

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Banderas, you are correct, onboard sensors will target on engine on targets, and non blocked line of sight. You can use GRND to lock on a ground position, and you will never lose that lock. Remote mode is to lock on targets transmitted by other players or scripts, for example, a spotter UAV designating targets for your AH64, while you keep hidden behind a hill, or a target designated by script, the completion of an objetive that provides a remote target for a nuclear submarine, that will be able to lock on it and fire a cruise missile against a new discovered enemy installation, etc.

Remote targetting is not only for players, you can configure MMA automatic systems that will attack them. Use the UAV demo mission as example, you can designate targets with your UAV, transmit them and a friendly AI ship will attack the target with missiles.

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Ok thanks for the answers. Now again with the Su-25 and KH29L, I not only lose targets that have engine not running, but also when the targeted vehicle starts to move at higher speed, and the rocket immediately evades to the left/right.

I don't know if it would be any realistic for those rockets to "memorize" the latest targetted point, and go there anyway (in case of a parked vehicle it would be good). If it is not realistic, then I didn't say anything of course.

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Banderas, are you breaking the lock after firing a KH29L? If you do, missile will miss always. The fire and forget version of Ch29 is present only for Su34, Su25 uses the laser one.

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Yes, it happens that after missile launch I lose lock, and the missile breaks to left or right immediately. But it seems just right after some test, because it looses targets that are moving at medium to high speed.

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Might be line of sight gets blocked intermitently with these targets. Try attacking them from higher alt. Best way of course would be in MP using remote mode with a closer friendly unit using a laser designator.

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ok the message "Is mando missle missing here" is for all players now ,maby it has to do with the latest ace update ?


nvm my fault :rolleyes:

just a reconnect just helps

Edited by Sneaker-78-

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Hello Mandoble.

I've been redirected from the ACE2 beta2 thread to ask you if you were going to let ACE2 team implement your work into their mod?

Its quite silly to see from my eye where ACE2 is trying to build their own helicopter FCS and flare/chaff system when there is a very good and realistic Mando Missile mod is there.

I would like to hear your opinions and comments on this topic.

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yes yes yes,

we want a nice marriage :D :eek:

...ahem now seriously this is a very good idea !

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Hello Mandoble.

I've been redirected from the ACE2 beta2 thread to ask you if you were going to let ACE2 team implement your work into their mod?

Its quite silly to see from my eye where ACE2 is trying to build their own helicopter FCS and flare/chaff system when there is a very good and realistic Mando Missile mod is there.

I would like to hear your opinions and comments on this topic.

I would say this is not necessary, as this mod is already very well usable with ACE 2, Mando even made "compatibility logic", so you can use it flawlessly with it. ACE decided to make their own system, I think because they don't have so much priority in adding features to submarines/ships and much stuff that are present in Mando Missiles, as they say "it's not in the scope". It would be better I think for Mandoble too to not start cutting his work to pieces to meet ACE team requirements.

They'd like to make their own system, just like they will do their own Javelin, RKSL made their own chaff/flare too, not everybody has use the same.

Also Mando Missiles reintroduced the "learning curve" into the gameplay for me, which I really missed some time from games, but I fear the majority would not be happy about that, you can already hear a lot of bitching if something have to make people "learn" a little bit, and teach them to

compromises (thinking about the particular whining about "ACOG can't be used in close combat" bullsh*t) or something gets too realistic (no magically repairable tanks since armor system).

Of course if they decide to work together then it's most welcome by me, but I am satisfied with the present, it doesn't make too much effort to add "@mando_missiles" into the target line.

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Hello Mandoble.

I've been redirected from the ACE2 beta2 thread to ask you if you were going to let ACE2 team implement your work into their mod?

Its quite silly to see from my eye where ACE2 is trying to build their own helicopter FCS and flare/chaff system when there is a very good and realistic Mando Missile mod is there.

I would like to hear your opinions and comments on this topic.

Not to mention that the ACE2 team rejected this very request, even as it was the by far the most highly voted for on the whole ACE2 issue tracker.

Instead they implemented their own system, which, albeit nice, is vastly inferior to mando's implementation on all counts.

Still as was mentioned before, there is an ACE compatibility module by Cyborg, so no need to worry.



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I ought to wait for Mandobles answer but it seems that the mod is not going to be included in ACE2 package.

And I'm totally fine with that.

But if it is so, then I would like to see things like ACE2s EASA module to be compatible with MMA and other compatibility issues to be fixed. Can I expect/hope this will be done in the future?

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TOTAL, ACE can use MMA at will (use the default systems, create new ones, etc), as well as anyother mod, addon or mission. If you mean to put MMA itself inside ACE, then I dont see any advantage for you as a player or for MMA as a project.

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Thanks for the answer Mandoble!

That cleared all the mugginess in my mind.

I would just like to say again, it is totally alright for me to write the extra mod line in the shortcut. And my question was not quite about if MMA was going to be included in the ACE mod.

I was just curious that if MMA was supposed to be compatible with ACE2 then you might/might not have needed some cooperation between ACE development team and you.

Therefore, I was also curious if that cooperation was planned/ongoing. I should have described that in more detail in the first place, sorry about that.

But now, I know that the one whos making the MMA compatible with ACE2 is Cyborg, I should have asked that question about compatibility to him instead.

Now, that my first question is answered, please excuse me to ask another question.

Possibly, this one could be answered by Cyborg, if he sees this.

I know that if I change the weapon load-out on an AV8B with the ACE EASA module, I will not be able to select the newly loaded weapons with mando missile system.

Could this possibly be fixed?

I think this is the only compatibility issue I find at the moment, which is very good!

And lastly, I almost forgot to say thank you very much for the great work you guys have done.

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TOTAL, ACE can use MMA at will (use the default systems, create new ones, etc), as well as anyother mod, addon or mission. If you mean to put MMA itself inside ACE, then I dont see any advantage for you as a player or for MMA as a project.

When using the javelin while running MMA with ACE2 now (didn't happen 3 ACE updates ago), the ACE lockon system sometimes cause the MMA system not to show up at all. Yes, the whole MMA javelin console was not rezzed. Sometimes I have to wait about 5 seconds for the MMA javelin console to rez and sometimes its perfect.... quite weird... maybe the overlapping functions between MMA and ACE does sometimes cause conflicts?

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TOTAL, which ACE2 weapons loaded in AV8B cannot you use with MMA?

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is there a way to bind the mando missle keys to a joystick? the readme says the ABCD/1234 custom key method won't work for mouse buttons and joysticks.

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TOTAL, which ACE2 weapons loaded in AV8B cannot you use with MMA?

I've loaded the AV8B Harrier with Mk82s with EASA module and I've loaded Maverics(AGM65s) and AIM-9s.

I could use the cannon, but I couldn't use either of the missiles via MMA.

Edited by TOTAL22

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I've loaded the AV8B Harrier with Mk82s with EASA module and I've loaded Maverics(AGM65s) and AIM-9s.

I could use the cannon, but I couldn't use either of the missiles via MMA.

I think its because EASA module doesnt load the weapons back into its normal places. I dont know the technical lingo but your right. This is on my list of things to hand in to Mando.

I think this is a tricky one. It depends if the weapons get back into their proper proxies(?) otherwise they arent "seen" by MMA. I remember loading up 2 nukes with the EASA module and i could drop them through the TV camera (MMA). But i also loaded up mavericks wich i got no camera for. I thaught i would get bomb camera + maverick camera in the menu.

Give Mando some time and im sure he sorts this one out. :)

EDIT: Hmm thinking of this some more as i made an example mission that this might get hard actually. The EASA module as i wrote does not put weapons back in its original place and doesnt drop some (all?) of the weapons from the proper hardpoints/slots so that might be a bigger problem than i thaught.

MMA has its own loader when used with an ammo truck. However you cant load "any" loadout you want like with EASA, and there are no nukes atm. This is up to Mando if he wants MMA to work with the EASA module, and if its even possible.

Edited by Alex72

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TOTAL, all the weapons you listed above for the AV8B are fully supported by MMA. In fact, you can load configurations using these weapons with the MMA Rearming System too. Just place your AV8B stopped (engine off) near an ammo truck, a Rearming action will popup, activate it and select the desired configuration for your plane.

Alex, nukes are included, to allow them:

mando_weapons_forbidden = mando_weapons_forbidden - ["ACE_B61BombLauncher"];

As you can see in the MMA readme file ACE_B61BombLauncher is, by default, present in the array of borbidden weapons.

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is there a way to bind the mando missle keys to a joystick? the readme says the ABCD/1234 custom key method won't work for mouse buttons and joysticks.

...using a Saitek X52, all mando keys are able to program with tha stick, its nice :)


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is there a way to bind the mando missle keys to a joystick? the readme says the ABCD/1234 custom key method won't work for mouse buttons and joysticks.

You could use GlovePIE to map the buttons to your joystick :)

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TOTAL, all the weapons you listed above for the AV8B are fully supported by MMA. In fact, you can load configurations using these weapons with the MMA Rearming System too. Just place your AV8B stopped (engine off) near an ammo truck, a Rearming action will popup, activate it and select the desired configuration for your plane.

OK. Does that mean I have to give up about using the EASA module in combination with MMA?

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To be honest I found MMA rearm module much more usable than EASA, but I think you should try out if you can use them the same time. MMA rearm requires an ammo truck, while EASA requires a fix hangar on the map.

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