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Mando Missile ArmA for ArmA 2

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Sneaker, you can always cycle hud colours via menu actions, but if current combination of colours is not good engough for you, you can also overwrite them in your init.sqf:

// 4 Arrays of colours to be used when toggling MMA HUD colours [R,G,B] per item
mando_hud_colors_sets = [ 

I'm so sorry about this but where can I find init.sqf? Is it in 1 of the mission files or is it tucked away in a .PBO file somewhere?

BTW thanks for adding the Hellfire to the AH-1s HUD. I gave some armour the what for last night on our server. :D

My apologies again

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Moggy, init.sqf is a plain text file that you can create in your mission folder to initialize things. Lets suppose your mission name is test.utes, then you can create init.sqf inside test.utes folder, just where your mission.sqm file is. In the mando missile pack you have many example missions, go and check the init.sqf files used by them.

Gnome, there are some specific missile parameters you may play-with to generate a better gameplay-balance. You can create launchers for long range engagements where the missiles are initially fired in modes 0 or 1, with 30 seconds endurance, with small active range of 1000m or even less and with no m1 updates (= 0). These missiles will be fired from long range, will calculate an interception point, will go there in inertial mode and once there will switch on its own seeker (short range), if they see the target, fine, if not, they will simply fail. So these missiles will be "deadly" against slow and non-maneouverable targets (Gnat's B52s?), but will have little changes to really intercept fighters. You can also play with boom range (proximity range for detonation), if you increase it, the missiles might detonate far enough from the targets to really cause critical damage. Of course you can also use missiles with quite small scan arcs, and also quite low turning rates, that is, if the target reacts, the target will survive in most of the cases.

You can add SEAD planes specically for SAM hunting purposes (AV8B in SEAD conf, Su34 in SEAD conf or Eble's F4).

And you can also give some importante to infantry if using external radars. For example, lets say you "link" your external radars to the "health" of a power station. If the power station is destroyed, then you decrease the range of the radar (_trigger setTriggerArea [_Radious, _Radious, 0, false];), even setting it to 0. Just put some strong defenses around that powerstation and put some infantry groups trying to penetrate the defenses and destroy the power plant to allow your fighters to break the SAM barrier.

All in all you have really many ways to balance the game-play of any mission.

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Hi Mando,

First off, great mod!!

Is it possible to add the Hellfire HUD mode to the ACE AH-1W/Z helos?

I am using the modules but have to use the Hellfire camera as pilot to designate targets as the gunner will not use Hellfires.



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Hey Mando. Great work, much needed addition in my opinion. Allows you to really use the Apache how it was designed, now I can hover in a tree line several kilometers away from the target and just lob in hellfires, love it!

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well im trying hard to get my bearing on this script suite but im still having trouble,,,

i gave my ace m6a1 the avenger hud

[["ACE_M6A1_D","ACE_M6A1_W"], 1, "StingerLaucher", [8,0], [8,0], 0, 0, 0, [0,-1,0,2], mando_missile_path+"huds\mando_hud_avenger.sqf", 0, 0, [[-1,"StingerLaucher"]], 2] execVm"mando_missiles\units\mando_assignvehicle_by_type.sqf";

it will now lock on to targets but still cant fire on them, im lost now....

so i get how to turn it into a hawk console but thats not what im looking for here, i see different mcc types i could put in but none of them are avengers, shouldnt the m6a1 be noticed like an avenger anyways?

Edited by {Op4}Bsilenced

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well im trying hard to get my bearing on this script suite but im still having trouble,,,

i gave my ace m6a1 the avenger hud

[["ACE_M6A1_D","ACE_M6A1_W"], 1, "StingerLaucher", [8,0], [8,0], 0, 0, 0, [0,-1,0,2], mando_missile_path+"huds\mando_hud_avenger.sqf", 0, 0, [[-1,"StingerLaucher"]], 2] execVm"mando_missiles\units\mando_assignvehicle_by _type.sqf";

it will now lock on to targets but still cant fire on them, im lost now....

so i get how to turn it into a hawk console but thats not what im looking for here, i see different mcc types i could put in but none of them are avengers, shouldnt the m6a1 be noticed like an avenger anyways?

The next version of MMA has the M6A1 Linebacker included. Sorry that I forgot it :D

The Stinger of the Linebacker is a new one ;)

Classname is ACE_StingerLauncher_four

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so "ace_stingerlauncher_four" replace "stingerlauncher or i need to wait till you implement?

same with the ace tow btw,,

im loving this mod more and more everyday but i gotta say i just figured out y i was having trouble rearming even though my post was answered 2 pages ago i didnt get it, neither did anyone i was playing with...

just suggesting to make it so you only have to be within rearm distance instead of picking source...

Edited by {Op4}Bsilenced

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aeggwards1, sure, expect the HMD setup for these AH1s in next beta.

Bsilenced, the weapon name seems to be "ACE_StingerLauncher_four", not "StingerLaucher":

[["ACE_M6A1_D","ACE_M6A1_W"], 1, "ACE_StingerLauncher_four", [8,0], [8,0], 0, 0, 0, [0,-1,0,2],mando_missile_path+"huds\mando_hud_avenger.sqf", 0, 0, [[-1"ACE_StingerLauncher_four"]], 2]execVm"mando_missiles\units\mando_assignvehicle_by _type.sqf"; 

About the unit type instead of unit, not in the attacker, but you can easily implement it:

// Bsilenced_MMA_AI_setups.sqf
if (isServer) then
  // Wait for Mando Missile addon initialization 
  waitUntil {!isNil "mando_missile_init_done"};
  waitUntil {mando_missile_init_done};

  while {true} do
        if ((typeOf _x) == "my_desired_class") then
           _var = _x getVariable "Bsilenced_MMA_AI_setup";
           if ((isNil "_var") && (alive _x)) then
              // mando missile attacker for unit _x here <<<<<<

              // This unit (_x) is marked, so in the next check it doesnt receive 
              // a new automatic system again
              _x setVariable ["Bsilenced_MMA_AI_setup", true];
              Sleep 0.5;
     } forEach vehicles;

     Sleep 30;

You can run this script, and anytime during your mission spawn units of the desired class, the while will catch them and transform them into automatic launchers in no more than 30 seconds.

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@TonnyRat, I am having that problem as well. It also seems to happen when only using ACE though so I am not sure if that is the problem.

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Gnat/EddyD/Footmunch Su33 MMA setups will be included in next beta of MMA, meanwhile find here the setups you can use just now with your missions:

mando GNT Su33 setup

This requires MMA in addon or script suite form initialized

It also requires Gnat/EddyD/Footmunch Su33

For GNT Su33 MMA setup follow next two steps:

1 - Copy gnt_su33_setup into your mission folder.

2 - In the init.sqf of your mission add:

// Wait for Mando Missile script suite or addon initialization 
waitUntil {!isNil "mando_missile_init_done"};
waitUntil {mando_missile_init_done};

// GNT Su33 MMA setup

You will have (HUD systems):

R73 AA mode

R27 AA SHAR mode

Ch29 TV (not laser)


CCIP for 500 and 250 free fall bombs.

MCC TVs setups will come later.

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Hey Mandoble,

Another couple quick questions, these regarding mando_gun. I've been trying to utilize the mando_gunattacker.sqf script, to no avail at this point. I believe this is possible?

Here is a cut/paste/piece together summary of where I'm at:

// init_ad_systems.sqf

  _posunit = 3;
  _ttype = ["Air"];
  _quantity = 24;
  _qsalvo = 1000;
  _minrange = 100;
  _maxrange = 20000;
  _minrangeg = 150;
  _maxrangeg = 2500;
  _rof = 3;
  _rofg = 10;
  _pos = [0, 3, 3]; // <<<<- Model position + radious
  _scan = 360;
  _minfo = 0;
  _enemies = [west,sideEnemy];

  //* radar/sam stuff removed for post (works well though)

  [gun1, _posunit, _ttype, _qsalvo, _minrangeg, _maxrangeg, 790, 10, _rofg, [10, 10], 3, true, "", "B_23mm_AA", _pos, 2, _scan, _minfo, _enemies, false, true, true, "", "", "mando_gun"] exec"mando_missiles\mando_gun\mando_gunattacker.sqf";

Other relative information:

gun1 = an empty ural_zu23 atm (does this matter?)

mando_gun = as defined in mando_sounds.h (should work right ?)

Currently I get a "No Sound found" error and script dumps out into the .rpt file. I'm sure it's a case of me not doing something right here, any guidance would be great.



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Hi Mandoble,

thank you for the great addon. Is A10 currently supported with Mando systems? I can't get Mando HUD to initialize for it, but all other listed planes/helis work just fine. Any help appreciated.

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bobrock011 , BIS A10 (classname "A10") is already supported with the following systems:



HUD AGM65 (ground)


HUD Navigation



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i been playing with your mod for awhile now and really enjoying it, i have one suggestion though.. the fact that you can lock on to targets with lgb really takes away from Team gameplay, and is pretty unrealistic too...

heres a quick referance

The Lockheed-Martin AN/AAS-35(V) Pave Penny is a laser spot tracker carried by US Air Force attack aircraft and fighter-bombers to enable them to track a laser spot on the ground (it does not produce a laser beam itself, so the aircraft can not launch and guide laser-guided bombs against ground targets).

from this website

so if you could think about making the lgb only able to lock on to remote targets that would be great... if not ill script it out myself let me know.

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Bsilenced, you are referring to which plane? AV8B?

You can always create an LGB TV script, similar to mando_tv_lgb_av8b.sqs, but with

mando_tv_no_remloc = true

mando_tv_remote = true

The first disallows to switch between local and remote

The second sets the initial mode as remote

Then, in the MCC activation (mando_mccallow_by_type.sqf for the setup) ["Vehicles", "REMOTE"] -> ["REMOTE"]

Note that even with local detection, it will detect only engine.on vehicles, so cooperation might be still needed having ground troops locating and signaling these vehicles or buildinds, etc. Much easier than having the pilot looking for them from camera view.

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