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Mando Missile ArmA for ArmA 2

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I didnt see any info in the online help about the MFD button loc/rem (in TV mode. F3 or F4 i think it was). Can someone explain that one?

Local & Remote. Got it now i think.

And thank you Mando for your super fast service fixing the flickering TV camera. :) Much appreciated.

Edited by Alex72

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The navigator/gunner slave is coming. Mando mentioned it some page/s back. Or maybe it was a mark to know where pilot is looking and vice versa. In any case the pilot can look at a target and tell the gunner to blast.

FLIR is not working from general view i think(?), but in TV camera mode only. If you run ACE you also have it in the normal (NUM 0) gunner optics. Press "T" for WHOT and SHIFT+T for BHOT. Adjust with PAGEUP/PAGEDN.

Thanks Alex, for the input!

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Just to clarify, MMA is not affecting in any way the gun of the AH64D, it is not planned to affect the gun itself. If the gunner works in "free look" mode, the monocle will not be enslaved to the gun, if not, by default, gun and monocle move together.

And now, about additions, what is currently planed is the following:

- Each crew member will have graphical info indicating where the other is looking at relative to where is looking at the other.

- Each crew member will have a new graphical symbol marking the target that the other crew member is locking on (if any). This complements the current "target transmitted" feature, which currently forces the current target of the other crew member. That is, the gunner might see that the pilot has a tank locked on, this is just informative, that tank doesnt become automatically the gunner's target.

The fix tested by Alex72 for the TV flickering problem will be available in few days with a new beta, probably before this weekend.

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Will those Modifications or similar ones be applied also to russian Helos?

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Sorry but I need help with getting MMA working. I have this mod setup properly like my others in the modfolder method and using Alpine mod starter to start them, I am also using Ace2. I have created a very simple test using Utes island and an apache helo with me as the pilot....what do I need to do in order to use this MMA, do I place the game logic on the map (if so which one) do I synchronize my helo to it, sorry but I did read the info, but, still I am new to helo flying and this program, thanks for helping me in advance.

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@Tonci, Not sure about the indication of where the other one is looking at. But the indication of the target currently locked on by the other, yes.

@Black, ensure to read the instructions here.

Edited by Mandoble

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"Placing the first two gamelogics in a map ensures full initialization of default systems"

Mando Missile ArmA init (the first from the left): This one initializes the MMA engine automatically.

Mando Missile ArmA full (the second from the left):

do I also need this one?

MCC and HUD systems provided by default when placing Mando Missile ArmA full

From what I get I place these 3 on my map? any synchronization needed or no?

sorry for the noob questions.

Edited by blackpulpit

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No synch should be needed (never needed it so far). I run ACE mod so i place INIT_MMA, FULL_MMA and ACE_MMA. Now im not entirely sure (havent read all info 100%) if thats correct, but it makes everything work for me. At least jets, helis and launchers.

If you want the missile system for other things than those then i guess you have to read the info provided or wait for a more qualified answer. :)

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We use to have 'Footmunch Fridays', we need 'Mando Mondays' or something. Great news! (and yes, BEFORE weekends works much better!)

Thanks for crafting such a wonderful piece of code.

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you made my day- works fine! thx


Could you also define a key for "MMA Toogle HUD"?


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Hi Mandoble :)

Your work in this mod is amazing, so thank you for this mod very very much.

I have big request for you.

In latest ACE2 mod version is "ACE Air Lifter". It is basicaly the same mod like was "RAV Lifter" here http://www.armedassault.com.ar/forums/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=2884 , you can download it here http://www.armedassault.com.ar/scripts/RAV_lifter_beta_2.7z.


a) "ACE Air Lifter" does not have HUD. So it is not usable for use in game, because the chopper must be on very very exact point (very small area) over the object to pick him up. It is not possible by pilot withouth help from gound operators. But this is still problematic, because the "hot spot" for "lift up" is very very small. The ACE developers says, the HUD is not there, because they wish to have it "real" so no HUD would be there for usage, and therefore we must use help from ours team-mates as ground oprators. But it is very hard and slow too, so players don't use that.

b) "RAV Lifter" have it's own HUD, but that HUD is not real "dynamic", have only 9 posible states (=9 static pictures) to basicaly represent/show the direction, so is far far away from precise. It is also not usable in game.

There is solution, how to solve this issue and make it REAL. And it is mine request to you:

There can be some "fullscreen real-looking device HUD=monitor" like is now in Mandoble Misile mods in some vehicles for gunners.

Something like on this picture:


But we need something like "camera-monitor" which is mounted under helicopter near point where are the ropes attached, and pointed DOWN. There can some camera effect used, like you was using for some TV HUD camers for navigating missiles. Maybe NighVision ON/OFF, or switch for external lift's light pointed down with switch ON/OFF (that need to be implemented by the addon maker (ACE Lift) i think, but it can be prepared from you on the pannel. Maybe some other information can be displayed there also like basic navigational informations, so pilot can see there also, what angle/speed/height/direcion is moving. The camera self can be on "static" holder, but of course, when you can make possible to change the direction, where is pointing, it would be better, but it is not so important. The height for lift is normaly around 6 - 7 meters (for MobileHQ), and ropes are connected to the down side in the middle of chopper object, so there somewhere +- is place for your camera or maybe external light too.

With this HUD from you the pilot or co-pilot (gunner) would be able to "switch" theyr view from cocpit/cabine to this "fullscreen hud" - like looking on the monitor - picture from camera, to navigate the chopper "visually".

I was examining the "monitor.sqf" (from RAV lifter mod) there is important code:

private ["_obj","_posVeh","_posObj","_dir","_objAnt","_list","_list2",
_veh = _this select 0;
_tgt = _this select 1;
_distDetect = 10;
_delay = 0.5;
cutRsc ["panelOn","plain",_delay];
_ropes = _veh getvariable "eslinga2";
    _dx = (_posObj select 0) - (_posVeh select 0);
    _dy = (_posObj select 1) - (_posVeh select 1);
    _ang = _dx atan2 _dy;
    _dir = abs((getdir _veh) - _ang);
    _dir = abs(_dir - 360);
    if (_dir > 337.5  or _dir <  22.5) then {cutRsc ["Img0"  ,"plain",_delay]};
    if (_dir >  22.5 and _dir <  67.5) then {cutRsc ["Img45" ,"plain",_delay]};
    if (_dir >  67.5 and _dir < 112.5) then {cutRsc ["Img90" ,"plain",_delay]};
    if (_dir > 112.5 and _dir < 157.5) then {cutRsc ["Img135","plain",_delay]};
    if (_dir > 157.5 and _dir < 202.5) then {cutRsc ["Img180","plain",_delay]};
    if (_dir > 202.5 and _dir < 247.5) then {cutRsc ["Img225","plain",_delay]};
    if (_dir > 247.5 and _dir < 292.5) then {cutRsc ["Img270","plain",_delay]};
    if (_dir > 292.5 and _dir < 337.5) then {cutRsc ["Img315","plain",_delay]};

I thing there are all informations which you need from "RAV Lifter Script" ... so we can instead change picture thru cutRsc call some of your scripts with variables, which you need.

So ... can you do that for us ? It would be great for whole community.

When you do that, we can use that with "RAV Freigh Lifter", and perhpas ACE2 developers would be interrested for such a functionality too.

There is ticket in ACE2 about HUD for Ace Lifter: http://dev-heaven.net/issues/show/8254

Thank you for your time and respond.

Edited by Anunnaki Nibiru

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it seems its all programmable check this:

btw. i think there is no more "bigger" new joystick on the market that you cant programm ;)

# Exclusive MAPPING button allows users to instantly relocate functions from one button to another

# Exclusive button enables users to instantly switch from one programmed configuration to another

# Internal memory stores all programmed configurations, even when the joystick is disconnected from the PC

# Fully programmable: 12 buttons and 4 axes, all extensively programmable.


i have this joystick , not managed to set it up without having too use keyboard and mouse as well though. it would be great if there was a way to use the hat to replace mouse when in camera mode and head view when just in cockpit view. havent had stick long but hopefully theres a way to map it all. @TBuck i have it sutup for firing ,locking targets ,switching missiles, flaps up/down , zoom, freelook , only currently but will keep trying other setups as well till i find one better.will try with program @Deralky link above thanks.

Edited by Moxyz1

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I had the same idea ;) . Tomorrow I 'll try it. With the program above you have also the option to define mouse functionality to the joystick, but don't know if you can also manage the cooliehat and how well does it works when it's possible. I think it's not possible because you have for the whole time the mouse functionality for the cooliehat. If you use the cooliehat in the cockpit view your chopper is moving. It schould work if you erase the mouse for moving left right etc. in the control menue. But Mandoble could use this mouse config for the camera mode, so that this is now out of work. Let's try.


Edited by TBuck

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Anunnaki: RAVEN lifter in ACE is the same. ACE made a choice to remove the HUD when you have 3d person activated in the options. Turn it off and you have the HUD back.

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...Turn it off and you have the HUD back.

Read that carrefully again , and than the links to the ACE bug tracker, and you discover that it is not true nor solution.

Edited by Anunnaki Nibiru

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so then its a bug , they will fix it then ,

But to ask mando to make a solution, i think that you better contact the addon maker himself and use the stand alone version instead the ace lifter.

or watch in third person mode :D

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Read that carrefully again , and than the links to the ACE bug tracker, and you discover that it is not true nor solution.

It is explained there why - exactlly what i said. The second thing is i guess they removed it because you should do that with a friend. Someone on the ground directing you - communication. That is possible in Domination. I guess then you can use RAVEN lifter stand alone as it has a HUD and just skip adding the module in ACE. Unless Mandoble makes his own lifter i fail to see why this is his problem to solve? To compliment the ACE lifter i mean.

Sorry if i got what you meant wrong. No harm intended. ;)

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It is explained there why - exactlly what i said. The second thing is i guess they removed it because you should do that with a friend. Someone on the ground directing you - communication. That is possible in Domination. I guess then you can use RAVEN lifter stand alone as it has a HUD and just skip adding the module in ACE. Unless Mandoble makes his own lifter i fail to see why this is his problem to solve? To compliment the ACE lifter i mean.

Sorry if i got what you meant wrong. No harm intended. ;)

Have you tryed to use that lifter in game ? All what you have writted now and beffore was known things for me, i am "the guy" which read all possible informations first :). But i place it here again.

a) RAV Lifter uses STATIC HUD ... that is NOT USABLE in game ... it shows you only direction in 8 ways not in 360°. Nor exact/lift spot, nor the X,Y,Z distance .. nothing. Even it shows you that you are in "middle" you may be still +- 0,5m around the "hot ponint". So it is not usable ever.

b) ACE Lifter have that same problem, is too accurate, so YOU ARE NO ABLE TO PICK UP SOMETHING with GROUND ASSISTANCE in 5 minutes. This is WHY NO-ONE on servers is using it in game, and we are forcing to use others not so nice lifters. There can be sollution, that lifter would be not so accurate to the "hit zone", and not PILOT but GROUND OPERATOR would have option to LIFT/LAY DOWN objects to on the rope. I have writted this too to the autor of RAV lifter.

But ... because ACE need to be "realistics" as posible, there is solution to have "CAMERA" mounted on helicopter pointed down to the ropes.

...but to ask mando to make a solution, i think that you better contact the addon maker himself and use the stand alone version instead the ace lifter...or watch in third person mode :D

On most non-arcade servers you don't have external views, so we (i and my frends) we don't play arcade games.

And why MANDOBLE ?? Because:

a) he is already doing some things with ACE

b) he have ALREADY FINISHED the external cameras and HUDS in Mandoble Missile addon. So for him is maybe very simple to make such a "mod" which will add External Camera HUD to the "ACE lifter" or "RAV Lifter". Maybe he copy few files .. change few variables and DONE.

c) Another reason why i am not asking autor of the RAV lifter to do that is because he must develop and create and test whole new system, and results can be no such good (no fence RAV), like it can be from Mandoble. So easy and fastest way is to ask mandoble to "port" some of his HUD + external camera to be used with those "lifters".

d) I think he (Mandoble) was releasing some own lifter mod/addon for ARMA1, so maybe he would be interrested to help with work with RAV/ACE lifter.

So ... for anyone other ... please read first all what i have writted beffore, and than reply, because i don't have time to explain everything again to other, which are not willing to read all information posted here.

Edited by Anunnaki Nibiru

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And why MANDOBLE ?? Because:

a) he is already doing some things with ACE

Wrong. I did them. :p

Will look what I can do :)

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a) he is already doing some things with ACE

This assumption is wrong, Cyborg11 is doing some things with ACE. Anyway I'm trying to figure out what are you trying to implement, and I think it is not doable/useful. If you are talking about a camera for the pilot to be able to aim better to what is below the chopper, then there is a problem, while you are in TV camera mode you cannot control the chopper. Might be you are looking for something more like Mando Hitch, where the pilot has a specialized HUD from where he can see where his chopper is and where is the closest potential cargo. Note that Mandohitch is not yet ported to A2 and it is also unrelated to MMA.

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Anunnaki: Please chill youll blow a fuse.

Well sorry ... i have updated my post to be not so "HOT". Sorry, my english is not so good, so i must edit it few time to be "OK". And ... of course, my name is Anunnaki, and i am cholerics. So deeply sorry for that.

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I use RAV lifter a lot, and i don`t have problems with the hud ,in a MP i use a friend to guide me to the "object , lot of fun tough :p

And in real life i think they are not using a hud or cam, but they use ppl on the ground and in the copper if i am right(?) when i see some video`s.

its just some practice with it.

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