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Arma 3!!! Your Expectations

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arma2 is being sorted during the development of OA. Hence patches are still coming out.....


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my expectations for Arma3:

- pink menu

- gothic fonts

- naked women

- Pika-Choo with M134

- a lot of squirels

- and may be sound track by George Michael and Prince (of course with their photos)

golden edition may be in coffin box with a lot of carrots

and i demand indestructible trees like in Dragon's Rice

cause BIS do not care about natural environment !!

i want stronger trees and Pika Choo

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my expectations for Arma3:

- pink menu

- gothic fonts

- naked women

- Pika-Choo with M134

- a lot of squirels

- and may be sound track by George Michael and Prince (of course with their photos)

I can hear it now, Careless Whisper playing during the main menu screen in ArmA3 every time you load it up.

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I would like BIS and their publisher at the time to make a really cool Special/collectors edition of Arma III, comes with a full map of the island, something cool maybe a joystick made just for arma 3 or a trackir device.

I would like to see:

Hollywood grade Voice acting with state of the art sound effects like BFBC2

Dx10, DX11 and Dx12 support and whatever else is out at that time, oh Open CL and Direct Compute for FULLFELDGED Physics!!!! :D Tesellation instead of LOD's.

Realtime Editor out of the Box, Addon Sychronization for servers, Insanely Human like and Realistic AI, no scripting required unless you want it even more unique.

Easy Script making with some software out of the box, Tons of Documentation out of the box

Real Life Graphics, Ultra Photorealistic.

Hyperthreading blah blah blah.


Arma III my expected release quarter, Q3 2016

about 8 years from now!!

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- and may be sound track by George Michael and Prince (of course with their photos)


Your music taste is... questionable at best. :eh:


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my expectations for Arma3:

- pink menu

- gothic fonts

- naked women

- Pika-Choo with M134

- a lot of squirels

- and may be sound track by George Michael and Prince (of course with their photos)

golden edition may be in coffin box with a lot of carrots

and i demand indestructible trees like in Dragon's Rice

cause BIS do not care about natural environment !!

i want stronger trees and Pika Choo

Well, i had the same kind of ideas last time i drank Polish vodka called "rectified spirit" (just before i collapsed) :803:

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okay than might be Immortal and George Michael or Behemoth and George Michael

but PikaChoo with minigun is must, pink menu is must and compatibility with DX 17 too

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Well, i hope they keep the series, they have been doing a good job so far

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I personally think the future of OFP/ArmA style games from BIS depends on what happens with CC:GM. If it bombs, BIS will go back to what they know with military simulator games.

Look at it this way. BIS is unknown to everyone but the hardcore mil-sim gamers, and is going to have a hard time breaking into the fantasy shooter market that is dominted by the likes of Bioshock and Fallout 3. CC:GM sounds like it might be cool, but as histroy has shown... people are carefull about buying games from un-known developers. Mix that with the fact anyone looking up BIS will quickly find that ArmA1 and ArmA2 could certainly been of higher quality at release... and thats going to make it hard for CC:GM to sell large numbers.

If it does fail to sell well... BIS will really have no choice but go back to ArmA/mil-sim games. Even with the history of releaseing bug ridden games, mil-sim games from BIS will sell great because not only is the mil-sim community a bit more understanding, but there is zero competition. BIS pretty much has the market to themselves. Then there is also the fact that, as others have said, BIS has all this knowledge of working on mil-sim games from the last 10 years... and I really don't see them walking away from that, especially when its knowlage from a market with no competition.

As for the original post... IF there is another military game from BIS, what would i expect? Personally I will not buy any such game unless it uses a new engine. The current engine is really starting to show its age with ArmA2 and is simply outdated. It served well for 10 years, and likely will still be fine for VBS for the forseeable future... but for a game, its just lacking and many of the new features in ArmA2 just felt tacked on and poorly implimented. ArmA2 would have been a far more amazing game if the whole engle was built from scratch with all the games features in mind. Its very understandable that BIS didn't do that of course, but if they make another military game, I personally think its a must.

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@stakex - i am mil-sim freak (cause i hate real wars and fact that people suffer) but i don't think that BIS will change it

i think they love it too ???? (please answer Maruk)

probably BIS also loves mil-sim, cause they done OFP1

and CCGM will just make company more popular

but i doubt it will be "another stupid shooter for stupid kids" cause BIS customers are other

they are not 12-16 years demanding kids shouting "i want this, i want that"

of course BIS as company need money, yes, but they are blocked by PR of CM and such like sh***

BIS knows that WE- community is biggest key to succes

cause we occupying forums, we say to other "buy Arma, not this shit" "Arma allows you to have this and that"

CM announces DR everywhere, even on my mobile provider website

and what money they spent on advertisements in every hole ?

what money BIS must spent ?

less cause we are walking advertisement :P

not stupid shouting boy

if CCGM will be as open and good as OFP/Arma series, that it will be super

and i belive BIS will not give up with Arma3 in far future, cause they also must love mil-sim

and the best job is doing what you love

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-Less AMERICA F*CK YEAH storyline. I don't want to be the worlds most elite soldiers, if I do I play CoD4 or any of the other elite-soldier games.

-Fixed aperture. Surely there must be some variable which controls how fast it reacts.

-Better, cleaner UI.

-More nub-friendly online. Most pub servers players run around worse than chickens without their heads. Make a robust squad system, encourage players to earn points (and not just by killing). Online feels more like a badly planned out mod than a real online experience at first.

-More varied terrain. Bigger towns, steep mountains/cliffy shores, marshes, ect.

-Less suicidal AI. It's so painful to see them stand up while under a barrage of fire.

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Me neither as that would be rather stupid. But after working on OFP, ArmA1 and ArmA2 it's understandable that they want to do something different now. No problem for me though I probably won't be interested in any fantasy stuff. :)

BIS going fantasy stuff will be the death of these forums. We want, and we need, to be able to complain about things not being realistic. How can we do that in a fantasy sim? :D

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Hmm, would be a bit of a shame if they stopped making mil sims after OA considering there is still a lot of room for improvement in the game and there is literally zero competition.

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Hmm, would be a bit of a shame if they stopped making mil sims after OA considering there is still a lot of room for improvement in the game and there is literally zero competition.

Doubt they'll stop entirely (there's money to be had), but I don't think they'll be so exclusive to the genre. I can't blame them, after 3 milsims of basically the same concept dominating your workflow for nearly a decade, you'd want to branch out into some other ideas.

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If they do go for fantasy stuff, then they will lose me for sure

The Best thing about BI is the realism

I hope to see Arma 3 in 10 yrs time

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The audience of milsimmers is way too big to simply abandon. Actually I'm sure that any arcade title by BIS won't be as popular as the Operation Flashpoint/ArmA series due to that fact that BIS marketing does not exist.

A game like Operation Flashpoint or ArmA 2 advertises itself. A regular arcade game also, but not aswell.

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If I was BIS I'd stick to my roots if I'd have to choose. They have something great going here, that is unlikely to die out as long as new versions are released every couple of years. The core is already there as is the fanbase.

On topic, for ArmA3 I'd like to see a new multiplayer system with some main and user-created lobbies instead of/in addition to the gameslist, so people can chat a bit between games without joining a specific server. That worked great on SWAT3 for example.

Also the controls should be better optimized for CQB and more buildings should be accessible.

Mod activation should be handled in-game for simple weapon/unit/object/texture addons with auto-download options from the server.

The editor should feature real-size object placement and a library of scripts. There are plenty, so that shouldn't be too hard.

The equipment section can be overhauled to allow more customisation: carrying additional weapons like shotgun on your back.

Edited by [BBE] Soul Assassin

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Soul Assassin;1476340']If I was BIS I'd stick to my roots if I'd have to choose. They have something great going here' date=' that is unlikely to die out as long as new versions are released every couple of years. The core is already there as is the fanbase.

On topic, for ArmA3 I'd like to see a new multiplayer system with some main and user-created lobbies instead of/in addition to the gameslist, so people can chat a bit between games without joining a specific server. That worked great on SWAT3 for example.

Also the controls should be better optimized for CQB and more buildings should be accessible.

Mod activation should be handled in-game for simple weapon/unit/object/texture addons with auto-download options from the server.

The editor should feature real-size object placement and a library of scripts. There are plenty, so that shouldn't be too hard.

The equipment section can be overhauled to allow more customisation: carrying additional weapons like shotgun on your back.[/quote']

You dont need Arma 3 for all this, these stuff can be done in Arma 2 using patches or mods or expantions etc

Arma 3 should be completely different in terms of game engine, graphics, animation etc, thats why I am willing to wait for 10yrs for something as big as this, which am hoping will come true

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Who cares. Just enjoy the game we have now or not and move on. That's my take. :)

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I think ARMA 3 will come some time down the track but not for a while as carrier command is probably next.

This is a good thing as it means ARMA 2 will be around for ages.

Hopefully BIS do release more expansions to ARMA 2, atleast a russian campaign would be nice

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ArmA3? Are you drunk?

wouldnt you love to see it too?? I dont mean now, but in the future, am sure your answer will be YES OFCOURSE:)

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I think the Arma Series will continue after OA...But it will probably be four to five years before the next release. This will allow BIS to develop a new engine and gameplay technology that will blow our freakin minds....

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