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Hans Ludwig

All PvP server admins please update this list!

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A lot of people on the Steam forum that just bought this game really want to play PvP. Since they have a hard time finding a server they want or a community/clan/unit, their Arma2 experience fails really fast.

What I want to do is have server admins, PvP community members or anyone to post information so I can post it on the Steam forums. We need to do a way better job at getting some PvP servers up and informing the community either veterans or n00bs. Also, if you know of any maps that are smaller, post that information also.

  1. Server IP address/name.
  2. Slots
  3. Location
  4. Website
  5. Contact information: Steam name, Xfire, Email, etc..
  6. Types of maps/missions/addons/MP mod info.
  7. Any other information you feel is needed.

Don't get me wrong by what I'm going to say, but can we get some smaller maps running also? I love big maps like the rest of us, but right now they are so big that even 64 players gets diluted to point you have a hard time filling an open conflict. Maybe something on the size of RO/DH, BF2, and god forbid I say this, Dragon Dieing?

Edited by Hans Ludwig

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A way is to filter for HOLD type or for mission names

like AAS, CTF, ESL.

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We currently only have small maps running on two pure AAS-Servers which would work for 8 or 10 ten players+. All needed information can be looked up via the links in my sig. For our "AAS#2 Panthera-Server" the Panthera-Addon is needed and the "Little-Bird-Addon" both available in our Downloads-Section. Currently we allow all kinds of client-side Addons as it seems not possible that all Host activate verify signatures on there Servers.

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  1. Server IP address/name: The Grunts Clan
  2. Slots: Mission dependant, goes up to 100
  3. Location: UK
  4. Website: http://thegruntsclan.phpbbhosts.co.uk/index.php
  5. Contact information: Found on website
  6. Types of maps/missions/addons/MP mod info: AAS / no addons / no mods
  7. Any other information you feel is needed: Thuesday and Thursday are the busy days.

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  1. Server IP address/name: The Grunts Clan
  2. Slots: Mission dependant, goes up to 100
  3. Location: UK
  4. Website: http://thegruntsclan.phpbbhosts.co.uk/index.php
  5. Contact information: Found on website
  6. Types of maps/missions/addons/MP mod info: AAS / no addons / no mods
  7. Any other information you feel is needed: Thuesday and Thursday are the busy days.

Thanks brother. I posted this on the Steam forums to help out the Arma2 noobs. Hopefully we can make their transition into the greatest genre of game ever produced less painful as possible.


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IP/Name : PingZero

slots : depends, I think I made it 64 max

Location : France

Website : none

Contact information : whisperofp on Skype. whisperofp on XFire

type of maps : AAS, CH, AD from low number of players to high numbers. You'll find coop missions there too, for the other server running coop.

Other info : pretty much unused lately (I'm on mission making duty). Looking for admin

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IP/Name : PingZero

slots : depends, I think I made it 64 max

Location : France

Website : none

Contact information : whisperofp on Skype. whisperofp on XFire

type of maps : AAS, CH, AD from low number of players to high numbers. You'll find coop missions there too, for the other server running coop.

Other info : pretty much unused lately (I'm on mission making duty). Looking for admin

Thanks man. Hopefully we I can inform some people in your neck of the woods so you can grow your community.

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IP/Name : [TAW.net] (filter on TAW)

slots : max 24

Location : UK and US

Website : http://taw.net

Contact information : see signature

type of maps : AAS, Coop

Other info : Thursday and Sunday around 21:00 are good time to join.

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We have C&H missions ( ESL maps ) with limited or unlimited ( depending on the setting ) vehicle and weapons pool.

Maps have fixed classes or free classes ( you can choose your own equipment from a crate ) and some vehicles from light to heavy. Some even have planes or helicopters.

Note: The missions are suited for clans or groups of players who can work as a team due to the fact that these missions are league missions.

Server IP address/name / www.umpc.de

Slots up to 30 depending on mission area size and capture zones

Location Germany

Website www.umpc-clan.de

Contact information: Steam name, Xfire, Email, etc.. Xfire. Enforcer1975

Types of maps/missions/addons/MP mod info. C&H

We are not enough players for bigger missions atm, but we would be happy having a funwar on small missions once and a while.

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Excellent initiative Hans Ludwig!


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Thanks guys. I keep updating the list on Steam. Hopefully we can grow this community even larger.

Is there anyone working on smaller maps? I don't mean COD/CS:S small either.

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SBSMac, Tom Anger, CoolBox, Cat Toaster and his crew.

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Thanks guys. I keep updating the list on Steam. Hopefully we can grow this community even larger.

Is there anyone working on smaller maps? I don't mean COD/CS:S small either.

What kind of maps do you refer to?

Small areas or small like one or two points to capture and hold?

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What kind of maps do you refer to?

Small areas or small like one or two points to capture and hold?

Since the maps sizes we are used to from OFP to Arma are quit big, it would be nice to have smaller maps to help in the transition for COD players or n00bs to the whole combine arms, open world experience.

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Smaller would help even more for when you only have a few players on the server. Check out bunker control: chernogorsk for a simple 16-player C&H (and can less too).

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The missions on our server are made for 4-6 per team ( with 1-2 capture points ). Those have smaller vehicles ( heaviest ist an APC ). Driving distance ~30 secs from base with a mobile respawn point.

Bigger missions have a bit more distance from base to the first point and can have up to 4 capture points. They are still playable with 5-6 per team because they are a kind of capture and advance type ( capture 1 to be able to capture 2, if you don't have 3 you can't capture 4 etc. ). Vehicles are heavy tanks, apcs, lighter vehicles, attack choppers with FFARs only to balance it a bit, CAS planes with limited guided AT missiles and standard weapons.

The largest mission can be played with 15 per team if i remember correct, most of them infantry to have more action in the 4 capturable towns.

Vehicles can be made respawnable in the settings but i would recommend no respawnable vehicles to have teams make more use of team tactics especially in smaller missions with one or two flags. ( unlike BF² where you just respawn, hop into the next tank and drive to a flag to be shot repeating the cycle again and again.)

Motorcycles can be spawned in the base for fast transport in case all vehicles are gone.

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IP/Name : getSkillD AAS battleground (filter: gets)

Slots : max 100

Location : EU

Website : http://www.getskilld.de.vu

Contact information : external communication

Type of maps : Advance and Secure - ClanBase version

Public training days : Tuesday, Wednesday and Sunday 20:00 CET.

You can find these topics on our site for your reading:

  • Game Server
  • Addons
  • ClanBase AAS Addon Pack
  • YAS server
  • Advance and Secure
  • Teamplay, Tactics & Communication
  • Individual Skill
  • Game and Controls Configuration
  • Game Recordings
  • Team

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Since the maps sizes we are used to from OFP to Arma are quit big, it would be nice to have smaller maps to help in the transition for COD players or n00bs to the whole combine arms, open world experience.

Unfortunately, since addons are not automatically downloaded from servers, and new maps are addons, they usually do not get along nicely with newcomers

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SBS server (just filter for 'sbs') is normally running 24 player or less CTF's with the occasional DM or SIEGE map.

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Unfortunately, since addons are not automatically downloaded from servers, and new maps are addons, they usually do not get along nicely with newcomers

He is speaking of maps ( cod wise ) as "missions" like we know it from OFP / ArmA.

his Map ( CoD player ) = Mission for us ( ArmA player )

Maybe Hans Ludwig should just change the naming if he is not referring to islands to avoid confusion.

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This is a great thread, I'm in a @ 100 member tactical COD clan (no RNG foolishness) and a bunch of us are moving into ARMA2 and we need all the help we can get figuring it out, getting a server up and running etc. I like the big maps, but it'd make it easier if we can set up a server in a more "transitional" smaller mode so everyone isn't wandering around lost....... :rolleyes:

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I suggest to transform this into a BIKI page.

Far easier to update and add more content,

like relevants information and links.

The thread should be merely for discussion

and asking questions.

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This is a great thread, I'm in a @ 100 member tactical COD clan (no RNG foolishness) and a bunch of us are moving into ARMA2 and we need all the help we can get figuring it out, getting a server up and running etc. I like the big maps, but it'd make it easier if we can set up a server in a more "transitional" smaller mode so everyone isn't wandering around lost....... :rolleyes:

Setting up a server is the easiest, the worst is uploading all the data :D

If you like to play missions where the objective lets players "meet" in a small zone ( though there is no really small zone in combat environment like in ArmA, a small combat zone might still be a 500m radius due to the view distances and ranges the weapons have compared to CoD ) you should try competetive missions. You might want to hop onto our server and try out a couple of missions by yourself, there are missions with smaller areas and some with bigger areas. IP and server name are at the beginning of the thread, contact info too.

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