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Patch 1.04 Satisfaction Survey

How satisfied are you with patch 1.04 overall?  

193 members have voted

  1. 1. How satisfied are you with patch 1.04 overall?

    • Great: I am very satisfied with the patch, it matched or exceeded my expectations
    • Good: I am satisfied with the patch, but I hoped for more
    • Do not care: I have installed the patch, but I did not notice any improvements worth noting
    • Bad: I am not satisfied with the patch

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I don`t understand, why we should poll for a old patch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Explain it for me.

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it's better than 1.03 sticky right ? :) ... when there is 1.05 there will be fresh one asap ...

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i understand that, but 1.04 was released around the 15. Sept (last month!!!), so why do you post this threat now?

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this is my vanilla copy, so i cant compare it to previuos patches, but i still have campaign issues which i think is completely inexcusable. by the 4th patch iteration the campaign should be 100% good to go.

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i understand that, but 1.04 was released around the 15. Sept (last month!!!), so why do you post this threat now?

Because people need time to check the patch and see if it's good or not ;)

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I've voted the second option, cause I couldn't see the critical problems, which were and are still frequently discussed here in the forums. There's really the need that BI fixes these problems (e. g. grass layer, vehicle AI, performance, ...).

Moreover the beta patches weren't updated quite a while now. Would be nice to see some new in the next days (or a final patch?). The beta patches gave me the feeling that BI is really doing something cause I could actually "see" the outcome of their recent work. Now I can only hope that they work in the background or wait until someone of the team leaves a comment :(.

PS: I noticed one bug, which is gone now, but I don't know which patch solved this issue finally: the repeating refreshing screen. I did not have this problem myself, but some of my friends.

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I loved the beta process, i think it really helped.

Performancewise for me its amazing, i remember CTDing up till patch 1.03 and .04 because of the laggy big cities but now its running smoother than ever.

Now i'm playing the game to its full potential and i'm really enjoying it.

Good work BIS and good luck with 1.05, it seems like a pretty big project because there hasn't been a new beta for a while.

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bad(((((.still receiving screen and no solution for the errors of the previous patches

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Bloom and aperture are still way too much for me. I thought individual controls for disabling them would be provided in .04?

And as a question : Does the sky exist in this game? I always see it as one color, even with changing brightness..

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Good: I am satisfied with the patch, but I hoped for more.

However, since 1.04 the editor is fubar'ed for me and some others. See betatesting forum for more info.


So, thus my my pet hates becomes:

* Broken editor. Happens in alt-tab even in windowed mode.

* Performance issues near certain trees and in larger towns.

* Formation Direction not working/updating too often. Working with AI is really painful when it happens.

* Mortars feeling far too strong, no AI softening possible only utter destruction. All WP ammo is far to deadly to strong equipment.

* Ugly visible egde in artillery smoke texture. Should be easy enough to fix.

Edited by CarlGustaffa

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Kind of late Dwarden. :)

I think 1.04 was a great patch, mouse smoothing is a very nice option helps me alot in battles, although when im in the Multiplayer server lobby or pre/post game lobbies the mouse still lags like crazy so its NOT

100% fixed. :(

I really need an HDR,Bloom,Blur,Objects draw Distance slider, Hell I need more options included with these patches and more optimizations done with the game, like the problem of Red/orange tree's that kill performance like crazy and AI that still are too heavily dependant on scripting these are the main things that need to be in the upcoming patches, driving AI also.

Overall though 1.04 was great but I expect alot more.

Hopefully 1.05 wont be a let down since these patches are about alittle more than a month apart each time, and this game is so damn Fun to play with my friends in coop! :yay:

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Performance and network lag were fixed a lot with this patch. But it still needs more... the game still feels very rough around the edges.

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Bloom and aperture are still way too much for me. I thought individual controls for disabling them would be provided in .04?

And as a question : Does the sky exist in this game? I always see it as one color, even with changing brightness..

Yes Sky exist, it actually looks quiet nice. Im not sure if you're seeing a cloudless day, but I've seen some really good clouds.

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@Windexglow: Try upping your texture setting to normal, then go back. There should be a sky there, but I have had problems with it being washed out to white at low texture settings.

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Yeah, we need performance and networks patch.

We have lags, happends yesterday during the battle (www.cfarma2.com). Somebody have blow up some fuelstations --> server crash

Also performance problem during walk in the city - drop of framerate up to 50% or higher

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For me it seems all fine and dandy.

BIS are doing a great job, and i am sure, things will improve even more.

there are still some things to iron out, and i am confident, that >BIS is working hard to do so.

Thanx BIS for this great sandbox :-)

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There's only two things that seriously annoy me this far with this game:

- The stuttering when driving/running/flying towards a town, the size of the town doesn't seem to matter much..

- How the HDR lighting screws up the NVG, in certain night time situations (like the Dogs of War mission in the campaign) I actually have to go around cities/towns shooting out streetlamps to be able to see something as any bright light source screws up the NVG (streetlamps, vehicle lights, house windows that have light turned on, burning vehicles).

With the lates beta patch the performance despite the stutters is good, this is the first time I can play the campaign's larger missions without having to lower my video settings (I haven't had the time to test the earlier 1.03/1.04 much at all).

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Bad: I am not satisfied with the patch

Well so far in multiplayer this is not so bad.

But hell sweet jesus (and more...), Harvest Red campaign ? It's just a joke. I'am sorry to say but this is unplayable.

The worst thing ? In expert mode, autosave is just making my life worse. It occurs when i am in a heli under fire, when IA think an area is clean but it's not and i am under heavy fire or when one of my stupid IA team member is stuck in prone position because of another bug.

Well... ARMA2 is about multiplayer for me. But selling a solo campaign and claim this is a great solo campaign it's just a shame.

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Aperture settings are set too high, NVG's sometimes still givve you dark light, looking through some of the vehicles, like the M1A1 and the AAVP are almost impossible when theres only insufficient lighting and shadows appear pitch black in forests and looking into the sun will make everything unnaturally dark until your "eyes" adjust.

I say get rid of the HDR and lower all of the aperture settings.

Seeing how the Red Harvest campaign takes place next to water, takes place in Chernogorsk biggest damn city and tons of trees around its virtually UNPLAYABLE for me! :mad:

50% 3D Resolution makes the game too blurry so I cant play on that configuration.

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For me games run great on max settings at 1680x1050 and same 3d resolution, obviously i have an high-end pc. No texture popping, no lods issues, games runs amazing with this patch. Also campaign is playable now, i'm on mission 3 and i didn't encounter any important bugs.

My specs:

i7 860 (socket 1156)

6 gb RAM

Ati 5850

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Glad you guys appear to have finally fixed the heal me with medic bug. Geesh that was annoying! Thanks a bunch!!

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still having 10 fps... I'll be more happy when this game is actually playable.

other than that, nice that you fixed something, I'll check it out after the next patch is out that also gives me 30fps more.


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