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No dedicated server on MW2 as well...

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wow thats massive, seems the dawn of console only games isn't far off.

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wow thats massive, seems the dawn of console only games isn't far off.

nah, just the dawn of cod boycott.

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it must mean these games are so heavly console versions they simply cannot make use of full PC abilities without making a new game.

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wow thats massive, seems the dawn of console only games isn't far off.

Yes and no, modding for COD4/5 was a fairly barren sort of wasteland anyway (I worked on one myself) and without mods one server is much the same as another. I personally have very little interest in the series but given it's already so generic, less servers administered by 12 years can only be a good thing.

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PC versions of arcade style games get neglected these days.

The PC market for a game like COD is very small compared to the consoles.

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PC versions of arcade style games get neglected these days.

The PC market for a game like COD is very small compared to the consoles.

Call of Duty was originally a PC franchise.

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Call of Duty was originally a PC franchise.

I know, I liked it back when it started.

Personally I don't care for online play when it comes to games like that. But some LAN play with a few friends is fun.

Doubt I'll buy it though. Screw them increasing the price, fail at fighting piracy.

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Fourzerotwo was on a BASH webcast yesterday and he had a few surprises for the PC community.

Here are the snippets:


We're doing a lot on the backend to make the game accessible for everyone.


There is no delay for the PC version of MW2


There's prestige mode


Jason West at the MP event, said that he was dead on, on the matchmaking servers. We've been building a system on the backend called IW.NET.


You are completely reliant on IW.NET. There are no server lists. There are no dedicated servers.


You have private matches where you can customize the game


You cannot put MW2 on a dedicated server.


This is the first time we've ever done something like this and the team has huge plans for what IW.NET develops into.


Customizing your game...you have quite a few options in a private match


You're getting same game (as in Console), plus matchmaking and private match.


Server admin point-of view, NO DEDICATED SERVERS

I've summarized some of my own thoughts from the cast here:


* IW partnering through Steam is what you will see in the future. Matchmaking is not through Steam, but IW.NET is run in conjunction with Steam.

* GSP's will no longer be renting out servers.

* No PunkBuster. VAC will be used as an anti cheat.

* Retail distribution: Pre-orders will get a disk. Or you could order from Steam.

* DLC may now need to be paid for - not confirmed.

* Piracy was only a small reason for going to IW.NET - not the whole reason.


* No more clan servers. Private matches, replace clan servers.

* Listen servers will connect to each other.

* IW.NET/Steam will replace the community server admin

Competitive Gaming

* Competitive gaming has changed forever.

* It might be possible in the future for IW engineers to load a "competitive" setting on IW.NET, but it is far from a guarantee. It might also never happen.


* Modding the game is now very much in question. Fourzerotwo had no info on modding. However, it appears that there will be no mods or maps for MW2.

* Modding in SpecOps? Unknown.

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My jaw dropped when I heard this. This means that the clan I'm in will be gone, because they are insanely sick of CoD4 and WaW, and not to mention all the other clans,

mod makers and map makers which will be gone, and server providers who get most of their income on Call of Duty games. Just think how ArmA would be if you couldn't

mod it or play on dedicated servers, that would just ruin the whole concept. It's ridiculous.

But I will hold my breath until a second confirmation arrives (hopefully monday), because this is just too insane to be true. I really hope he misunderstud, misinformed or

had a different definition on 'dedicated server' for that question.

Edited by colossus

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modding for COD4/5 was a fairly barren sort of wasteland anyway

CoD4 had a lot of stuff going on, played a lot of them myself.

This is, however, awful news. What are they thinking, killing off the dedicated servers like this?

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May interest some people, you can win COD6 Prestige Edition on PlayFire.com ..

Answers :

1 : Infinity Ward

2 : PS3, Xbox 360 and PC

3 : November 10th 2009 (?)

4 : fourzerotwo

5 : Dual-wield handguns

6 : Modern Warfare 2: Ghost

7 : it's one iteration on

8 : Square Enix

9 : Task Force 141

10 : Sargeant Gary "Roach" Sanderson

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Another game fcuked up by consoles, consoles have ruined pc gaming with their shoddy ports, pay for Dlc and now this shít

Well, they've just lost a sale

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Aw! What? Why can't us PC users get the same as console users? Is it really that hard? Or are developers just getting lazier and lazier? I don't know how well this IW.NET thing will work, but why not just stick to the traditional method? And how can MW2 be so radically different from COD4 that they can't have dedicated servers for the PC?

Still going to buy the game, but maybe for my PS3 instead... And I hate playing shooters on consoles. :(

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But you are getting the same!

You are getting exactly the same and that's the problem.

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Aw! What? Why can't us PC users get the same as console users? Is it really that hard? Or are developers just getting lazier and lazier? I don't know how well this IW.NET thing will work, but why not just stick to the traditional method? And how can MW2 be so radically different from COD4 that they can't have dedicated servers for the PC?

Still going to buy the game, but maybe for my PS3 instead... And I hate playing shooters on consoles. :(

Consoles have max 16player, pcs have had 64player...................till now. So You'rer getting exactly the same, sucks huh?

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Meh, this type of game is only good for a few hours of SP anyway.

The MP "communities" are GOD AWFUL. Full of little rubber f#cksmacks that sound like mickey mouse.




Edited by BangTail

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But you are getting the same!

You are getting exactly the same and that's the problem.

Ah yes, I see what you mean. I've always hated the way that consoles do MP. Trying to play in it does my head in every time. If Uncharted 2's MP wasn't worth the hassle, I'd have stopped playing a long, long time ago. Or never even touched it for that matter. If that's exactly what they're going to put in the PC version then... Well... That still sucks!

And really, I don't play these games for any sense of community. I play them to blow off steam and have fun. I'm also a natural at them. :p *cough*

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Time to not buy a damn game until these big guys can knock our collective socks off. Charging more for much less, like an old fashioned carbon transfer. Just keeps getting uglier and uglier. Looked on the forums, and some of these people are the most mindless 'vidiots' I've seen. Clamoring for the drivel they are getting fed, and the doors of opportunity being closed. Just can't understand these hostile drones.

Just had an epiphany, All the disgruntled PC players will probably be looking for a game to replace what they lost... Time for an Arma 2 word-of-mouth push? All these franchises lowering the bar for 'accessibility' (read: catering to the less motivated in society) may be pushing them toward BIS. C'mon OA!

Edited by Scrub

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