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Eliminate Radar of HUD, exist any addon for this?

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The radar of ArmA 1 and 2 is very unrealistic, and some of vehicles in reality not have radar, Ka50, AH1Z, Vulcan, A10, Tanks, Static TOW, Static AAA, MANPADS... not have in the reality radar. But ArmA 1 and 2 show radar, is very bad feature.

My question if exist any addon full eliminate radar of HUD?. If no, i suggest addonmakers create this addon.

Sorry for my bad english.

Edited by Legolasindar

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To remove the HUD Radar you only have to change the ...CanSee value in the config :)

Edited by Cyborg11

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I not know program addons. In the ArmA 1 i tried create addon same of Minimal crosshair, but i cant, but speak about commanderCanSee to my friends, someones works in FFAA mod.

Edited by Legolasindar

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I not know program addons. In the ArmA 1 i tried create addon same of Minimal crosshair, but i cant, but speak about commanderCanSee to my friends, someones works in FFAA mod.

Not only the commanderCanSee command. It depends on the vehicle and which position have the radar.

You have to use all 3 kinds of the ...canSee command :)

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Hey, I'm stumped on this as well, trying to remove the radar for PVP. Is there anyway I can do this without modifying the cfgVehicle file? ie a trigger or an init line?

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You can place ShowHUD=0; in description.ext and the entire HUD (except for the compass in vehicles) is gone. The main problem this presents is knowing which weapon you have selected but it would be easy to script a nice discrete replacement and a key-driven function to query the ammo in your clip/webbing. I briefly considered doing this in my P-v-P mission(s) but decided that the radar as-is is a better approximation of the sensory equipment available than no radar at all. A radar replacement could be coded but would involve more time than I have.

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So if you remove the radar from the choppers, how are you going to use the weapons/lock targets etc.?

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Not sure what you mean, the radar (being the panel at the top that shows you enemy locations) is not essential for targeting.

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How about another version leaving the radar but making all dots grey (instead of red for enemies and green for friendlies) so the player can spot a target easily (FLIR) but has to correctly identify it?

But players can still just 'Tab-spam'...

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Mando Missile would be my solution of choice to the TAB-Boom issue.

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This is what will be present in next Mando Missile release:


It is not eliminating completely the radar, but the redish areas around the very center make all the contacts there to look red, also far away real red contacts become invisible faster. So my idea is not to block BIS radar, but it will have limited 360 degree coverage, while centered area will remain the same.

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The BI radar isnt 360°, is it?

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Or maybe just cut out those red parts alltogether?

I think for most platforms (save maybe the fighters), like the A10, AH1Z and KA50 this would eliminate the unrealistic way of finding your opponent, while still providing info about what is in direct front of you.

This would simulate the pilot being able to spot stuff visually much further out than the current draw distance allows for most ppl.

One might even get rid of the IFF altogether, so that scanning the horizon and visual inspection of the target becomes a important task, before firing the first shot.

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I don't particularly care for the red panels, for me the aesthetic cost outweighs the functional benefit though I am sure many will think otherwise. It does provide a mid-way point between all and nothing but I still feel what's required is something more fine-grained that requires the player to evaluate and interpret more. Picking up on our discussion yesterday Mandoble, why not present the inset as suggested along with the ability to switch to the fullscreen dialog to alter parameters but base it around two primary aircraft modes:

1. Forward Looking - Being the aircraft's own targetting radar and using exactly the same LOS checks as the HUD but providing a view that indicates distance also.

2. Long-Range - Representing a general purpose all-angles radar or again, an approximation of information made available from other assets (ie. satellite, AWACS), intel which would typically be available in most sorties. You also have the ability to limit or omit this mode for 'MiG-21' tech or where such assets are deemed unavailable. This provides yet another distinction between the quality of different assets or setting specific flavour. The key here is to have this mode only consider airborne units above (say) 150m and not perform any LOS checks.

As the only way to reliably remove the radar is in the mission setup and it does so for every unit a 3rd mode would be required for ground units:

3. Full LOS checks would be required but I for one would be perfectly happy for nearest 6 objects, in fact I think it would be a positive. I would also suggest ground and air modes, some units would have both (so it can be earest 6 of one or other). There might also be the option to choose (again adding more 'evaluate and interpret' to the mix) between directional (nearest 6 in an arc of X degress) and omni-directional modes.

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