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Real Stats on ArmA better than myth head-lies

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Hi all

CM must be loosing money hand over fist, it has sent its trolls into the forums to post the myth head lies again.

Ho hum

Kind Regards walker

Edited by walker

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Some more data from the last 7 days.

4039 player names played more than 10 games.

6966 names played more than 5 games.

12475 names played more than 1 game.

15970 names played a game.

Seems like multiplayer is doing pretty well.

And really, people changing name is not an issue. A bigger issue is multiple players using the same name. It's likely any data shows too few players.

Someone named Alex played 287 games, that's most likely atleast 5 real players.

Edited by zyklone

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So your stats are for the whole week zyklone?

What means played a game? Been at least one second on server for a given mission?

The stats would mean that 11 to 23k active MP players.

What is your estimate to call this "doing pretty well"?

Isn't pretty well that player always, at least in their evening times find at least one,

lot better multiple servers, to play the game style they like?

Edited by kju

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You would expect DR to have a surge of interest on release so I think it's too early to take those particular numbers seriously. What is interesting is that ArmA2 is ahead of AA3 (both examples of the more milsim end of the spectrum) but both are 20 times less popular than BF2 !

As I've said before, I would love to see historical data on the original OFP, my subjective experience was that it was vastly more popular than ArmA2.

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I think it was not that much more. It was less game modes and less big servers.

AA3 was said to be a big release fail too. Not sure how it went from there.

DR numbers aren't really relevant for now. Still I am doubtful a2 had these numbers after the release.

Some guy said x-fire numbers are only from people using x-fire.

The numbers seem to be too huge for any game, if it was x-fire users only.

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Some stats from x-fire. No idea how these made.





I found this and it is explained here.

Xfire features the ability to detect the video game a particular contact is running. By analyzing running processes, Xfire can detect active games and send that information to Xfire clients with the current player as a friend. For many games, it can also detect which server people are playing on, the level which is running and ping times. Some games may be joined instantly. Xfire logs what games users are playing, how many hours they have played them, and saves other information (such as scores) from game servers. This information can be converted into a PNG image by the server via PHP for every user to use as a signature.

Note that xfire is broadly advertising DR ...

And no ... I won't implement anything like xfire ... do have spyware enough!

Edited by Herbal Influence

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I found this and it is explained here.

Note that xfire is broadly advertising DR ...

And no ... I won't implement anything like xfire ... do have spyware enough!

That's not really indicative as clearly not all DR players have xfire. It would be more accurate to say that this shows game ownership/activity of xfire users but it registers when you boot the game and does not indicate whether they are playing online or not. It makes sense though because DR is pretty much a BF2 clone and will attract more users than ArmA 2 which is a niche game. It appeals to the average gamer to include adolescents while mil sims generally appeal to older less numerous gamers.

---------- Post added at 09:10 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:02 AM ----------

I think it was not that much more. It was less game modes and less big servers.

AA3 was said to be a big release fail too. Not sure how it went from there.

DR numbers aren't really relevant for now. Still I am doubtful a2 had these numbers after the release.

Some guy said x-fire numbers are only from people using x-fire.

The numbers seem to be too huge for any game, if it was x-fire users only.

AA3 made the ArmA 2 German release appear finished by comparison and while it more or less works now it doesn't appear to be as popular as its predecessor boasting fewer features, only slightly improved graphics and opfor uniforms so closely resembling that of the bluefor it leads to an absurd number of friendly fire violations in low light situations.

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AA3 at release was completely unplayable - much worse than Arma 2 on release.

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Just a note to the amount of DR players, Our group uses direct connect and Hamachi (for OfpDr) so you would never see stats and we have plenty playing now with that said we still have 4 times the amount of ArmA players as we do OFP.

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There is no way the DR stats on Xfire are correct. Whenever I logged in I would only see about ten servers with hardly any players, ArmA 2 has many more.

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Hi all

I see little reason to put DR stats in here.

The X-Fire stats includes single player. Even so it is declining at 50% per week.

Seems like there are a lot of people disapointed with buying CM's DR but many of us warned them.

Kind Regards walker

Edited by walker

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I was of those that warned people of OFP2 being unrealistic and overall a poor game, and regardless of my low expectations I still got disappointed when I tried it...

Anyway I wouldn't rely on Xfire for the said reason: It counts even if you just go on the trip around the world with the game running in the background.

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As to head-lie

You need to improve you Google skills


English is by nature due to our mongrel heritage, a dynamic and evolving language. New words appear in english regularly and unlike french there is no central group who decide what words can and can not be used. In fact the key parameter for inclusion in the oxford english dictionary is "accepted usage"; further the phrase often appears as sub title of english language dictionaries.

In english accepted use and grammar when you conjoin two words you use a hiphen to begin with; then after usage is accepted and apparent by use, the hyphen is removed to form a true new word; as you can see from the link.


I'm still confused. I have problems finding other examples of this "word" being used. The link to who-wrote-headlie, seems to me like a misspelling of headline, which makes sense if you read the article.



(don't know the quality of this dictionary, I just picked one)

No such words. Maybe I'm just stupid and old. English is not my language, but can't we just call a spade for a spade and avoid inventing "new" (at least for me) words?

When I'm out of words myself due to lack of vocabulary in a different language - this, that, and thing seems to work just fine :D

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Hi Carl Gustaffa

I did not invent the word, though in fact in English there is nothing to stop me from doing so!

It is a fine English tradition:





Words get invented and adopted in English all the time, as I said the only measure is popularity in the form of "accepted usage".

That the word in contention derives from the concept of "headline" to give us "head-lie" is a common method of distilling a concept in English and creating a new word.

Consider Shakespeare's invention of the word "Olympian"

When English is not your first language and you come from a more formal method of word creation it is I realise a shocking concept but it is this dynamic nature that has allowed English to become so dominant.

While other languages spend formal meetings trying to come up with a word for new concepts or technology, in English you just start calling it a "Computer" and if enough people do the same then it sticks. If the word comes from another language the same applies. The quintessentially English word "Tiffin" is in fact like many upper crust English words Indian!

Kind Regards walker

Edited by walker

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the berzerk stats hold unique arma id's ... on hold since scoring bugs in arma 1.04

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In terms of AAS public play.

It has reduced to the arma2.ru server in EU, and the BMF for the US.

Maybe there is at times another from Australia.

ESL public play is at max one EU server.

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