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Evo~Blue V3.x

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new bit of editing for v22 available here:

New fixes

FIXED radio messages and rewards on city/ officer capture/ tower destruction

FIXED Scoring for individual player achievements is no longer applied to whole squad (e.g. cost of support, kill score from artillery etc). Support Cost reinstated.

FIXED Group score reward for all players in same group as player destroying radio tower/ capturing officer/ completing side-mission

FIXED Localised CITY NAMES in task list and sidechat

FIXED automatic removal of all support elements after 30 minutes (e.g. fortification, mortar, MG nest, boat, etc)

FIXED Briefing/Debriefing functions (seems to multiply for some reason)

FIXED Blue markers for damaged vehicles

FIXED Enable toggling of MHQ/ReconHQ/FARP etc teleports

FIXED Enable toggling of ranked or unlocked ammo crates/ vehicles

Testing fixes for:

Interactive Briefing map/markers

Capturing POWS

Reinforcements fail at a certain city - need to work out which one and why it happens (e.g. reinforcement algorithm inputs)

Next up

Review and fix Razor's excellent work, namely:

Enable Revive

Enable difficulty options for unit counts

Then it will be time for ACE, Sahrani and British and Russian mods.

Edited by eggbeast

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thanks for the weapons save tips, I was dropping my rifle into the crate so I guess thats why it wasnt working. Another thing thats annoying me though is the weapon cam on the AH64 etc. If I turn it on I cant turn it back off and once I fire a missle the mouse cursor wont go away and give me control of the helicopter again :confused:

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dont you get the option to turn it off in the action menu? its supposed to automatically cancel if you press any keyboard key

Edited by eggbeast

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new bit of editing for v22 available here:

New fixes

FIXED radio messages and rewards on city/ officer capture/ tower destruction

FIXED Scoring for individual player achievements is no longer applied to whole squad (e.g. cost of support, kill score from artillery etc). Support Cost reinstated.

FIXED Group score reward for all players in same group as player destroying radio tower/ capturing officer/ completing side-mission

FIXED Localised CITY NAMES in task list and sidechat

FIXED automatic removal of all support elements after 30 minutes (e.g. fortification, mortar, MG nest, boat, etc)

FIXED Briefing/Debriefing functions (seems to multiply for some reason)

FIXED Blue markers for damaged vehicles

FIXED Enable toggling of MHQ/ReconHQ/FARP etc teleports

FIXED Enable toggling of ranked or unlocked ammo crates/ vehicles

Testing fixes for:

Interactive Briefing map/markers

Capturing POWS

Reinforcements fail at a certain city - need to work out which one and why it happens (e.g. reinforcement algorithm inputs)

Next up

Review and fix Razor's excellent work, namely:

Enable Revive

Enable difficulty options for unit counts

Then it will be time for ACE, Sahrani and British and Russian mods.

Few bugs in your version mate, see SS:


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yeah that doesnt mean a thing or cause any probs that im aware of

i did try taking mandohitch to pieces andrewritinthe hpp file andso on butit didnt fix the error.what on earth does it mean - "does not support serialisation ndshould not be stored in the game spce" or w/e it is?

Edited by eggbeast

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ok i've started work on EVO RED based on v23 of GITS evo

eta a couple of weeks

This will just be plain and simple russian version - no mods yet

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and so is v1 of evo red - very early trial of the mission but most of it works - just need debugging feedback please

GITS arma2 evo blue and red.zip is here - has both v23 blue and v1 red

Edited by eggbeast

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Is there a detailed FAQ or Wiki online for this interesting mod? I am sure there are others like myself who are new to the ARMA community. Though I can figure out most of what is going on, there are some things I don't understand, such as that blue moving cloud on the map...lol.

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that is.... RAIN!

try flying into it

there's a briefing in the mission just look at your NOTES on the map page.

NB: this doesn't always load up when you first download the mission but will appear when next you connect, or if you run the mission yourself.

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I'll post up a briefing link soon so people can understand this mission!

edit - done

I've made a briefing pdf doc available separately here:



It's also in the zip file with the mission now

Edited by eggbeast

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i really enjoy playing on my own and find that i'm overwhelmed by the enemy air is there a possibility or way to increase the amount of friendly units available in your squad.thanks for your efforts.

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ok when you start the server set the difficulty on normal and then in the parameters turn the enemy unit count down to minimum/easy and it reduces the frequency of enemy air units. then once in a while come into the server as a pilot (or play unlocked mode) and take a F35. service it before take off and it gets 8 sidewinders. go hunting and clear the airspace. then you can play for a good hour without being mashed.

Edited by eggbeast

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yeah we're loving the defence missions on evo atm - they bug so they run the full 30 mins :D insane amount of enemy...

best done with 2 apaches on station at all time and an A10 or AC130 for support

awesome flying btw

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Have there been any reports of GITSv23 crashing while its well under-way if you haven't rebooted the server for some time. I just curious because it happens a lot according some of my server buddies.

Its happening everyday, doesn't seem to matter how many people are playing, but it seems to happen more later in the mission. Other then theat great mission dude :rolleyes:

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ok i think i might know why - itsto do wit hte unit and group count - i needed feedback and until now we didnt get too far in the mission beyond about city 5... i noticed that beyond this the reinforcements dont spawn

I've downgraded the unit counts for sahrani evo to see how the numbers work (as its a quicker mission for some reason - maybe cos weknow the map so well!)

if these all work i'll change the numbers in the init file for all evos to make them stable

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ok v24 is in the GITSEvomissionpack now - here:

I have modified the unit counts significantly - they are now strongly affected by the unit count parameter set at start-up.

There are many other tweaks - like setting the static weapon units to combatmodeRED - beware the mg nests!

thenumber of units in each group is also coupled to the unit count variable, as well as the frequency of enemy air units and spetsnaz assault waves.

some other minor tweaks and fixes included

also the overall units are fewer to reduce problems towards the end of the mission and to enable better the reinforcements script after city 5...

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Thanks eggbeast. Downloaded already :)

Will add mandobles bomb console to this as it REALLY spices things up - WOOHOO !

Keep up the good work !

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have you a link for madboles bomb console - id like to look at it

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