Rhodesy77 11 Posted February 22, 2010 i was under the impression that MC will only be givin to units beging deployed to iraq or afghanistan and UCP will continue to be the "offical" cams for the US army until a proper replacement is found. correct me if im wrong though. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
suhsjake 1 Posted February 22, 2010 ACU is still the official camo and will be for some time. The Army has way to much invested in ACU to actually change it Army wide, plus the Army still has contracts with companies making ACU products. It would cost so much to get out of those contracts, that it would be detrimental to tax payers. So until those contracts are up, ACUs are not going away. Like Rhodesy said, MC is only being issued to troops going to Afghanistan, but I think units going to Iraq will still use ACUs. Plus the only people I see wearing MC is Airsoft Rangers. I vote no MC. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Black1ron 10 Posted February 22, 2010 I vote 3-color and BDU's! Anyone else with me? (I hate UCP-D, MC, and 6-color "choco-chip" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AnimalMother92 10 Posted February 22, 2010 I think the reason the article only mentioned troops going to Afghanistan is because they're all leaving Iraq anyways. And MC isn't being issued until this summer, so I don't think ACU is going away any time soon ;) http://www.reuters.com/article/idUSTRE50T6R520090201 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
suhsjake 1 Posted February 22, 2010 I knew that the 173rd BCT was deploying with MC, but I was surprised that they made all US troops deploying to Afghanistan with MC. I am all for a new working Camouflage, but I wish the Army did what the Marines did, two camouflages, one for desert (two/three tone based of DCUs) and one for woodland (three tone based off BDUs/no black). There is never a one solution fits all scheme, but I do understand the Army's reasoning, becuase it makes logistics a hell of a lot easier. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Binkowski 26 Posted February 22, 2010 those look real nice, but I think they just look too bright.. I would prefer the old ones to that. The only reason they are bright is because of the ArmA2 lighting. That's about as close to the real ACU pattern as you can get in A2. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jblack9 10 Posted February 22, 2010 I too would love to see a multicam reskin? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Binkowski 26 Posted February 22, 2010 I too would love to see a multicam reskin? It's not going to happen. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AnimalMother92 10 Posted February 22, 2010 Didn't a guy on the Armaholic forums reskin these in MC? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Binkowski 26 Posted February 22, 2010 Didn't a guy on the Armaholic forums reskin these in MC? I don't know, probably. But honestly, these are so outdated it's not even funny. If I really wanted to do a multicam project, I would get new models, instead of just retexturing. I'm surprised people still use these. Personally, I prefer my later release (2008) over these guys. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Aeneas2020 10 Posted February 22, 2010 I don't know, probably. But honestly, these are so outdated it's not even funny. If I really wanted to do a multicam project, I would get new models, instead of just retexturing. I'm surprised people still use these. Personally, I prefer my later release (2008) over these guys. You could ask a mod to close this thread and direct people to the 2008 units? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
suhsjake 1 Posted February 23, 2010 Redirect and Lock? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AnimalMother92 10 Posted February 23, 2010 it was daveygary1979 ;) http://www.armaholic.com/forums.php?m=posts&q=7961&d=75 But, anyways...I agree the 2008s are much better Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jblack9 10 Posted February 23, 2010 I don't know, probably. But honestly, these are so outdated it's not even funny. If I really wanted to do a multicam project, I would get new models, instead of just retexturing. I'm surprised people still use these. Personally, I prefer my later release (2008) over these guys. Sorry Bink didn't mean to be rude, I think I meant the 2008 units, any chance of an MC reskin... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
1in1class 0 Posted February 23, 2010 (edited) it was daveygary1979 ;)http://www.armaholic.com/forums.php?m=posts&q=7961&d=75 http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b50/DaveyGary/arma22009-10-2821-33-33-78.jpg http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b50/DaveyGary/arma22009-10-2821-53-06-43.jpg But, anyways...I agree the 2008s are much better Nice pic and link. Did not know that somebody was reskin the units. Daveygary1979 did an very nice job, be cool if Bink gave the ok for the releas of them. As for the out date ways go im still liking the 2009 units, thee 2008 are very nice too love the back packs, makes it feel for an 101 long missions types. Edited May 22, 2010 by Rellikki Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KEVINMGXP 20 Posted April 21, 2010 (edited) Well this is nice but there are a bunsh not replaced of all the classes there are only have of it is replaced,,, Officer = Not replaced Squad Leader = Replaced Fire Team Leader = Replaced Granadier = Raplaced Enginier = Not Replaced Scout = Not Replaced Corpseman = Not Replaced Soldier Unharmed = Not Replaced Pilot = Not Replaced Rifle man = Replaced Rifle man M1014 = Replaced Rifleman M136 = Replaced Sniper = Chillie Replacement not inportant Sniper M107 = Replacement not inportant Spotter = Replacement not inportant AT Specialist Javalin = Replaced AT Specialist SMAW = Replaced AA Specialist = Replaced Automatic Rifleman = Not Replaced Mashinegunner = Not Replaced I saw this already on the other replacement packs to the same happens there and the same classes are not replaced so or i do somthing wrong "then it is just odd that i have it also with the other replacements or you are all forgetting to replace those classes. On the other hand i like the 2009 units a lot so it would be nice that all are replaced ;-) best of regards. Edited April 21, 2010 by KBourne Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Steakslim 1 Posted April 21, 2010 These are older units, Bink's newer ones are in the Army 2008 thread. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
splatsh 10 Posted May 22, 2010 How to make all Arma 2 (USMC) soldiers be replaced with Binks 09 US Army soldiers, is there no replace files? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Binkowski 26 Posted May 22, 2010 How to make all Arma 2 (USMC) soldiers be replaced with Binks 09 US Army soldiers, is there no replace files? Yes there is, download this and place it into the same mod folder as the US army guys. Keep in mind, this replacement and addon is very old, and there may be problems with it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
splatsh 10 Posted May 22, 2010 Oh, thanks you, I have missed that one. Thank you for a fast answer =) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
syrious 10 Posted May 27, 2010 Is it possible to create a replacements for the Razor Team in Campaign with this ACUs? The Green ones sucks >_< Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fox '09 14 Posted May 27, 2010 would be cool. These units are kind of old and buggy though, if anything replace them with the glowing clothes 2008 guys.. or maybe bink has something else in mind. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
enad 11 Posted May 27, 2010 Is it possible to create a replacements for the Razor Team in Campaign with this ACUs? The Green ones sucks >_< Those are two totally different camo patterns. The US Marines in the campaign are using Woodland Marpat. Binks US Army units are using ACU... And as far as I know, there is no way to replace Razor Team. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fox '09 14 Posted May 27, 2010 and i bet they wouldn't be happy if they were replaced. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites