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Will you be buy Dragon Rising?  

318 members have voted

  1. 1. Will you be buy Dragon Rising?

    • Yes, I definitely will buy it.
    • No, I definitely won't buy it.
    • I will decide based on the demo.
    • I will decide based on reviews.

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Picking on an old video is like picking on a little child! The EGO tech video shows a bit more of what DR will be like...

As far as graphics go CM has it over BIS for sure. It may also do CQB much better than BIS' games but this we will have to wait and see. Both games will have their niche no doubt, and each game will outdo the other on something different.

If you are just a big BIS fan boy though I doubt that these things will matter!

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you are just a big BIS fan boy though I doubt that these things will matter!

And you're a boreing troll, but whatever.

As far as graphics go CM has it over BIS for sure.

Really? Are you even looking at the same videos and screenshots (given, almost everything from CM is pre-rendered atm) as me?

One set is leaning towards photo-realistic, the other has this odd washed out look, with too much noise-filter and very barren object detail.

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Picking on an old video is like picking on a little child! The EGO tech video shows a bit more of what DR will be like...

In that video it looks even more like a Battlefield copy.

As far as graphics go CM has it over BIS for sure.
That hard to believe right know because the graphics in DR looks like pure crap compared to ArmA2.

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In that video it looks even more like a Battlefield copy.

That hard to believe right know because the graphics in DR looks like pure crap compared to ArmA2.


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Boomar please refrain from spamming, if you don't have anything constructive to post then posting for the sake of it is not acceptable, I would also suggest you turn down the trolling a bit, you may like "fire", but I don't and my fire safety training included learning how to use infraction buttons.

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Seriously, boomar., did you even play OFP?

DR looks nothing like OFP. It looks like Battlefield 2! Seriously! The animations are almost identical, it's scary. And the UI is very similar. If you didn't know the significance behind the "Operation Flashpoint" title, then you would probably write off DR as your every-day generic shooter if you saw those videos and screenshots.

How it plays, however, is a different subject. One that we will only find out as time progresses.

Its nothing like BF2, OFP: DR is a realistic shooter while BF2 is just an arcade run n gun type game.

I've played BF2, BF 1942, COD4 and CS:S etc games quite extensively and i know that they cannot even be compared to OFP: DR.

But yeah i know your just hating. The 'omg looks like BF2' seems to be the standard argument around here, pity i can easily shrug it off since its kinda obvious that its not like BF2, + other run n gun games...

EDIT: I hate infractions, they are the trolls hard counter. Fortunately im trained in diplomacy and will easily charm my way out of any infractions. You.. sexy beast Placebo.

Edited by boomar.

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Its nothing like BF2, OFP: DR is a realistic shooter while BF2 is just an arcade run n gun type game.

Correction: OFP: DR now looks like an arcade run n gun type game.

They still havent relased enough vids though

How can you compare BF2, BF 1942. COD4 CSS to an non-relased game is beyond me. You definetly can't see the whole game from some fragments.

I have no problem when somebody prefers OFP 2 much more. Just keep it cool

Edited by Salvatore_Lee

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Correction: OFP: DR now looks like an arcade run n gun type game.

They still havent relased enough vids though


..... :mad: .....:mad:




I respect your opinion, i look forward to future videos also, and ultimately the demo so we can really get a feel for the game.

(hey that was easier than i thought it would be.

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Its nothing like BF2, OFP: DR is a realistic shooter while BF2 is just an arcade run n gun type game.

I've played BF2, BF 1942, COD4 and CS:S etc games quite extensively and i know that they cannot even be compared to OFP: DR.

Y'know, I'm going to laugh at you if DR comes out and it's exactly like those games. How can you say they cannot even be compared to DR? You've not played the game. I'm surprised that, if you've played those other games, that you'd make such a statement. I've played them too, and the footage of DR so far looks exactly like them. Especially in the run-and-gun aspect due to the first person perspective we've been shown. I've not seen anything to make it stand out as a realistic military simulator so far than the title "Operation Flashpoint."

And no, I'm not a hater. I would love for DR to be as realistic as Codemasters are saying it will be, as I don't want to see a name with such significance behind it be tossed into the trash.

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Y'know, I'm going to laugh at you if DR comes out and it's exactly like those games. How can you say they cannot even be compared to DR? You've not played the game. I'm surprised that, if you've played those other games, that you'd make such a statement. I've played them too, and the footage of DR so far looks exactly like them. Especially in the run-and-gun aspect due to the first person perspective we've been shown. I've not seen anything to make it stand out as a realistic military simulator so far than the title "Operation Flashpoint."

And no, I'm not a hater. I would love for DR to be as realistic as Codemasters are saying it will be, as I don't want to see a name with such significance behind it be tossed into the trash.

Well all the hands on previews say it stays true to the original, that its not like BF2 and such. They also stated as negative points that its really complicated and not for the gung ho crowd.

Also its genre is Tactical Shooter:

Definition of tactical shooter:

A tactical shooter is a subgenre of shooter game that includes both first-person shooters and third-person shooters. These games typically simulate realistic combat, thus making tactics and caution more important than quick reflexes in other action games. Tactical shooters involving military combat are sometimes known as "soldier sims".

Since when has a game not represented its chosen genre by its developers. Will this be the first?

So yeah... checkmate biatch =D

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Boomar, have you played DR? Do you have a demo copy of it that you refer to whenever something is out of place, or somebody says something untrue? If so, then show us all how wrong we are.

Otherwise, it is impossible for you to make such distinctions as saying you know for sure that it will be nothing like BF2.

And Red Kite, please, I honestly would love to see something that even matches ArmA in terms of graphics (since everybody is so obsessed with them). Really, blow me away with DR's latest and greatest... Because ArmA continues to do that, and ArmA 2 is beyond DR's reach.

Of course this is all a matter of opinion, but really, my opinion might go as far as to believe statements like DR having graphical domination, would require the person go get vision correction.

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Boomar, have you played DR? Do you have a demo copy of it that you refer to whenever something is out of place, or somebody says something untrue? If so, then show us all how wrong we are.

Otherwise, it is impossible for you to make such distinctions as saying you know for sure that it will be nothing like BF2.

And Red Kite, please, I honestly would love to see something that even matches ArmA in terms of graphics (since everybody is so obsessed with them). Really, blow me away with DR's latest and greatest... Because ArmA continues to do that, and ArmA 2 is beyond DR's reach.

Of course this is all a matter of opinion, but really, my opinion might go as far as to believe statements like DR having graphical domination, would require the person go get vision correction.

Well if you like washed out pencil drawings, rigid expressions and twitchy animations then stick with ArmA2! Like you say it's all down to preferences!

I loved OFP and no doubt I will try ArmA2. But I know how it will look and play and quite frankly I want to move on to something with a different feel to it.

If it turns out to be shit then so be it, but don’t jump to conclusions on account of your love for everything BIS!

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The 'omg looks like BF2' seems to be the standard argument around here, pity i can easily shrug it off since its kinda obvious that its not like BF2, + other run n gun games...

Maybe thats cause it does look like BF2?





Sure the models are higher-poly, and the textures are higher res, but it has that same soft-edged, something not quite right feel to it.

Also, zomg, new OFP: DR pic here.

But yeah i know your just hating.

Much the same way you're hating away on the OFP: DR forums then...

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What would you call your apparent foresight of CM's hands down domination of BIS's visuals if not a rapidly mounted conclusion?

But yes, it is down to preference, and I prefer the play style which has progressed ever since OFP, and now exists in the form of ArmA.

Still no proof of any brilliance from the CM arena. If you're looking to move on to something different, I dont think you'll find anything from DR, since you can already get that from COD, BF2, and the lot.

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Maybe thats cause it does look like BF2?





Sure the models are higher-poly, and the textures are higher res, but it has that same soft-edged, something not quite right feel to it.

Also, zomg, new OFP: DR pic here.

Much the same way you're hating away on the OFP: DR forums then...

Im sure we could also find some Arma2 pics to go along with them...

And yeah, i like to hate.

Edited by Berghoff
Remove image tags when quoting.

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Of course we can, "outside appearence" can be matched together with any game to any game, the actually importance in comparison (if you must) would the players vision.

For example; In OFP we had free floating sights, in Arma 1 and 2 we have the option of free floating to centered and how much.

However in DR I've yet to see the floating sights, also the way the player moves is another factor IE gun raised while sprinting.

But this could all be due a work in progress, we'll not know until the final product comes out.

At this point all we can do is speculate and flame eachother. Also I never noticed how curved the bf2 soldiers noses were, wowies

Edited by NodUnit

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Well all the hands on previews say it stays true to the original,

Have you played the original? Apparently NOT!

This is what annoys us over here, we have played the original, and it doesn't compare at all!

We do not hate CM, we just do not appreciate them dragging the Operation FlashPoint name down.

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Seriously, boomar., did you even play OFP?

He has admitted in Dragon Rising forums he has never played Arma. He has probably never played OFP either. This makes his attitude and his constant bashing of BIS and Arma2 here and on the other forums even more ridiculous.

I am looking forward to both games (Arma2 & OFP DR).

Edited by MQ-9 Reaper

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Also its genre is Tactical Shooter:

Definition of tactical shooter:

A tactical shooter is a subgenre of shooter game that includes both first-person shooters and third-person shooters. These games typically simulate realistic combat, thus making tactics and caution more important than quick reflexes in other action games. Tactical shooters involving military combat are sometimes known as "soldier sims".

Since when has a game not represented its chosen genre by its developers. Will this be the first?

Maybe since Lockdown, Vegas and Vegas 2? :p

Well if you like washed out pencil drawings, rigid expressions and twitchy animations then stick with ArmA2! Like you say it's all down to preferences!

The graphics part is obviously down to personal preference, I don't like the narrow colour palette and grain from the DR screens, but what exactly did you like about the DR animations seen so far?

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As far as graphics go CM has it over BIS for sure.

What eye disease have you got?

Units, vegetation, buildings, everything in ArmA 2 seems to have a high polygon count and higher resolution, higher detailed textures.

There are other areas we could go into, but if you have half decent eyesight and the ability to look for the screenshots and videos (only HD videos are good enough to compare this) then that should be enough.

I'm not bashing OFP2, I'm looking forward to it as well. I just am shocked that someone could think it looks visually more realistic, especially since it has that slightly too colourful look that some games have - typical of in-house games from Codemasters (Grid, Dirt...). Maybe it will improve as it gets closer to release.

One thing we can't take into account with graphics comparisons at this stage is hardware requirements at the different graphics settings though. Maybe it will be the other way around when both are run on a mid-range PC.

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Hi all

Is DReck just an attempt to sell a badly made BF clone in a BOX with the OFP name?

Consider the pictures in the previous threads.

Are CM just selling people a pig in a poke?

How can DReck be considered as anything other than an attempt to fool customers with a shoddy product wrapped up in a name, when it is missing so much of what was in BIS's original OFP1?

Is DReck underpowered?

Is the reason the DReck specification keeps being downgraded that the old fashioned DReck engine is fundamentally under powered?

Why else are CM: reducing the number of multi-player spots, cutting the entity count, removing civilians and Flyable Jets?

Why else have; CM decided not to have Wildlife, remove the Editor for the consoles, and make it external to the game rather than part of the game for PC's; than that DReck is just not up to the task of being a military simulation?

Am I the only one who thinks CM bit off more than they could chew?

And if the code in DReck is so badly written that it cannot even come up to the specs of BIS's OFP1, a game that is ten years older, then it is clearly going to be a hard sell, is it not?

Regards walker

Edited by walker
Spelling repeat pharse "it is " in last sentence

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It's like how people refer to DR as Dragon Rice. DReck.

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