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October PC GAMER magazine features CD with ArmA2 content !

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Luhgnut;1418254']Right' date=' you pay for the CD when you buy the mag. The mag without the CD is much less expensive than with the CD.

And yes, the material is copyrighted by the author automatically the second it's created. FREE for the community. Not for a game magazine to take the material, burn it to CD then charge like $8.00 US more for the CD. I don't read PC Gamer cause of their Bias, but I thought it was like $4.99 without CD and $11.99 with.

Back in the Day.... A magazine produced a special with DOOM content included on the CD (I mention Doom, cause I remember this happening). They (the magazine) took levels, editors, everything, produced a "how to edit DOOM" article, and took all that original content off the web, burned it to CD and sold it for profit. Gave nothing back to the original authors.... they just took it. Well all those peeps got a class action against the mag and won.[/quote']

Can you even buy without the CD? Im not sure you can that... :p

But anyways its a sweet marketing Pr boost to get the word on the street about Arma 2 :)

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I wasn't asked. I received no contact what so ever, though Full NVG appear in magazine.

If people pay more money for the CD contents, i believe its illegal to do such thing.

(Mods and lawyers should control this better for the interest of BIS)


I would contact them then, asking when you gave them permission to use it.

Just to see what excuse comes back.

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While it might be sad if they didn't ask for permission to do so, I don't think it is that much of a problem. Others mirror them on some own servers or public file sharing sites, some financed via ads/banners/pop-ups...

I`d consider it more a "violation" of the Netiquette than Copyright, as long as they don't sell them under their own name, changed or not.

I'd love to see much more such content put on magazine discs, as it reminds readers of ArmA2 and its moddability/versatility...

In the end, the users finding the addons on these discs will sooner or later show up here anyway, as they will look for updates and more content.

Edited by WhoCares

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i dont get why everyone is being like this, Arma 2 is getting good press lets keep it that way :P ... few config edits / missions etc is nothing much to complain by..

Its not like they are also saying its there own stuff with pdfs of the credits etc etc

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If they refuse to send you a copy then why don't you also refuse to let'em release your stuff?

Makes sense, nah?



Well, their explanation was "we'd have to send 50 to 100 free copies then around"

But I don't mind. In this case I go for the "all publicity is good publicity" theme.


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Technically speaking proper form would perhaps require permission from every addon maker to be included on the DVD, but the reality is that (in our eyes at least) having your addon mounted on a magazines DVD is:

1. Not considered commercial use

2. A feather in your cap

3. Good PR for BIS

4. Good PR for the game

5. Far more likely to increase sales of ArmA2 and increase the strength of the community

Not to mention the fact that whilst many of us take it for granted being able to download GB of addons there are those less bandwidth fortunate who might not get chance to try them without them being in such a cover mounted way.

So I'd hope that people would view this issue in a positive light rather than a negative.

That said, if you absolutely, 100% are against the idea of any of your content being included on cover mounted magazine DVDs then you're completely free to add such in your addon's license.

To be honest we see cover mounted content as a real positive, a boost for the game, community and of course our company, so we would hope to encourage such things, it's absolutely nothing like selling addons on DVD for profit or anything like that, it's a real credit to be included, but as mentioned if you're 100% against it then please include such in your license when you release your content, we respect your right to have that stance.

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Generally speaking, it is always best for anyone releasing their content to include clear license describing terms of use for the content released and also credit. If no license is specifically present, most of the users makes their usage based on common sense (and I believe that works pretty well in Arma Community).

Generally speaking, in terms of BI licenses for tools and sample models, cover mounting addons created by the tools and based on the sample models is not something we have any problem with and I believe it is also beneficial for the community and addon makers.

As Placebo said before, if you want to put specific limitation on to how your creation is released, make sure to write it clearly in your documentation (but also consider possible limitations given by the sample models and tools you could use in creating them).

Similar things is with credit given: the author should make sure to "sign" the work in the documentation and anywhere else where it is appropriate to make sure to get the credit deserved by everyone using the content. And people distributing (or even modifying) the content should keep the credit there. If there is nearly anonymous content on the internet, don't be surprised it is distributed as such.

---------- Post added at 12:51 ---------- Previous post was at 12:47 ----------

I apologize for going off topic anyway, I think licensing and crediting of addons well deserve its own discussion in the appropriate forums section.

For now, I would say: wov, great, there are Arma II addons featured on PC Gamer disc.

Edited by Maruk

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For now, I would say: wov, great, there are Arma II addons featured on PC Gamer disc.

Well said that man !

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Generally speaking, it is always best for anyone releasing their content to include clear license describing terms of use for the content released and also credit. If no license is specifically present, most of the users makes their usage based on common sense (and I believe that works pretty well in Arma Community).

Generally speaking, in terms of BI licenses for tools and sample models, cover mounting addons created by the tools and based on the sample models is not something we have any problem with and I believe it is also beneficial for the community and addon makers.

As Placebo said before, if you want to put specific limitation on to how your creation is released, make sure to write it clearly in your documentation (but also consider possible limitations given by the sample models and tools you could use in creating them).

Similar things is with credit given: the author should make sure to "sign" the work in the documentation and anywhere else where it is appropriate to make sure to get the credit deserved by everyone using the content. And people distributing (or even modifying) the content should keep the credit there. If there is nearly anonymous content on the internet, don't be surprised it is distributed as such.

---------- Post added at 12:51 ---------- Previous post was at 12:47 ----------

I apologize for going off topic anyway, I think licensing and crediting of addons well deserve its own discussion in the appropriate forums section.

For now, I would say: wov, great, there are Arma II addons featured on PC Gamer disc.

If Bohemia Interactive is in favor and if the magazines do Not earn money from the free Community AddOns it is fine by me, and i support it completely. Other wise i'm completely against it and BIS lawyers should be aware of it.

We all know Bohemia Interactive have legal right on their products and the Community addOns are somehow a product of their work, that said, all extra addOns the Community creates should be respected the same way, ie, with BIS copyright terms.

I for one think there is no need to "sign" the work in a documentation or to create specific limitation to the respective addOn, because all credits should be given to BIS and the copyright terms were already mentioned by BIS, so people should respect it.

If BIS say, yes its completely necessary to create such documentation on Community addOns, i from now on will copy paste BIS copyrights to it. I don't need to be recognized by the addOn because i made for the community built on BIS terms, but i do want people to respect it on Bohemia copyright terms.

On this matter i completely agree with the statement of WhoCares:

I`d consider it more a "violation" of the Netiquette than Copyright, as long as they don't sell them under their own name, changed or not.

keep it up ;)

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Why should they ask permission for user-made addons? Its not like its copyrighted. Plus be glad that they include them on a big magazine's DVD.

Anyway, am I stuck in time or what? I think its still august.:confused::D

Because they use your content on the magazine DVD/CD which costs $. Basically they are making money by using someones addons and missions :p

Edited by USSRsniper

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Now this is interesting. Can't remember anyone asking me permission for including my animation viewer on the disc.

Well, it's fine for me, don't see any problem with it. But it's a strange feeling none the less. If I didn't look in this topic, I would have probably never found out about it.

If Bohemia Interactive is in favor and if the magazines do Not earn money from the free Community AddOns it is fine by me, and i support it completely. Other wise i'm completely against it and BIS lawyers should be aware of it.

We all know Bohemia Interactive have legal right on their products and the Community addOns are somehow a product of their work, that said, all extra addOns the Community creates should be respected the same way, ie, with BIS copyright terms.

I for one think there is no need to "sign" the work in a documentation or to create specific limitation to the respective addOn, because all credits should be given to BIS and the copyright terms were already mentioned by BIS, so people should respect it.

If BIS say, yes its completely necessary to create such documentation on Community addOns, i from now on will copy paste BIS copyrights to it. I don't need to be recognized by the addOn because i made for the community built on BIS terms, but i do want people to respect it on Bohemia copyright terms.

On this matter i completely agree with the statement of WhoCares:

I`d consider it more a "violation" of the Netiquette than Copyright, as long as they don't sell them under their own name, changed or not.

keep it up

+1 :rthumb:

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If the original authors are asked for permission then I see nothing wrong here.

I was asked by a german magazine a while back as well if I mind if they add my converted OFP missions on their next Magazine DVD.

Of course if they include this without asking the persons in question this is another story. But even then that's an issue between those two parties.


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