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INKO Disposable

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- Added: LAV-25, AAV-7, BMP-3 and BTR-90 have got disposable launchers added to their cargo. Numbers depend on vehicle size.

- Fixed: Ammo boxes and vehicles have got their cargo changed to provide enough launchers

- Fixed: Correct displayNames for magazines

- Fixed: Magazines (rockets) on ground are now invisible.

Thanks for all the bug reports and for the suggestions to solutions!

---------- Post added at 10:45 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:10 PM ----------

Armaholic has now updated to 1.11.

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At the moment there are just some minor differences. with zGuba's you still need to carry ammo, but it only takes 3 slots. If you got more than one rocket with you, you'll automatically get a new launcher after firing, so it practically allows you to carry more than one launcher per person.

Mine doesn't let you do that, but on the other hand makes the rocket use no inventory space at all. Other than that they are practically the same (altough my version has the RPG-18's name written in cyrillic for all languages! :D )

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Sadly there are no RPG-18 MLODs to fix "happy tubes" issue once and for all :(

I found another issue - You can't use M136/RPG-18 in Armory due to magazine type = 0, but that's very minor and would get common for every mod using our scripts ;)

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Thanks making more realistic weapons!

Is it possible to change current reload animation into a faster one?

Thought that M136 and RPG18 are ready-to-use preloaded launchers. Imo its good if there are only preloaded tubes and no additional + reloadable projectiles. To show the weight of the disposable system the ammo in inventory could take 2 slots for unused tubes.

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For that funcitonality I actually recommend zGuba's disposable addon. It has each rocket take 3 slots of space, and extra rockets = extra disposable launchers.

To achieve only one launcher per person while using magazine space is definitely doable, but it is hard to get it right without making it a compromise that somewhat ruins ease of use, and still isn't 100% reliable in how it works.

To get it to use 2 slots I'd personally prefer automatic magazine management, but if the magazine slots are already full the rocket will be loaded in excess of the 12 existing slots, which makes it just the same as a nosize-magazine.

Not really sure how I'd like to do that one.

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i really like this version, specially not taking any space in the inventory..

only thing im not to found of is the necessary reload, when bringing it up. seeing it is already loaded in the tube when it is on your back.

to simulate preparation perhaps, but then id rather be without it until a proper anim tool is out. and not use the reload anim which just feels wrong.

otherwise, great work and keep it up.. :D

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I agree that the reload animation isn't optimal, but it's the best I can do to simulate the preparation process.

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This addon does not get along with CAA1/OAC_CORE. OAC_CORE sets "LAWLauncher" as the first magazine option and your code picks it up:

_magazine = (getArray (__config >> "magazines")) select 0;

That would explain why the AT-4 shoots way low when this is used with CAA1 (the LAWLauncher mag has an initspeed of 150).



	class M136 : Launcher {
	magazines[] = {"LAWLauncher", M136, "WGL_AT4HPMag", "WGL_AT4LMAWMag", "WGL_AT4Mag", "WGL_LAWMag", "WGL_RPOMag"};


	class LAWLauncher : M136 {
	displayName = $STR_OFP_MN_LAW;
	ammo = LAW;
	type = 2 * 256;
	initSpeed = 150;

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v1.2 (2009-12-06):

- Changed: Empty tubes are now locally created objects on all machines and are not retroactively created on JIP clients. This is all to reduce net traffic and improve overall performance.

This is a bit of an experiment. Don't expect any magic performance increase unless you play Warfare or something with a lot of M136s/RPG18s being shot and having a lot of empty tubes lying around that get hit by occassional explosions. Most notably it should cause less desync when JIP players connect, as well as shorter connection time for the JIP player himself.

And no specific CAA1-support yet, I'm afraid.

I have also been notified of compatability problems with the Bundeswehr mod and the mercenary units in the Desert Mercs mod (terrorists and US Army works fine), which seem to stem from those specific units not having any support for extended eventhandlers, but instead using BIS's default eventhandlers. Respective authors have been contacted and I hope we can see fixes soon :)

Edited by Inkompetent

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Great work! downloading!


update : used it and I must say, GOOD WORK! :) Its not only realistic in that preparation is necessary prior to firing and that its a one-off weapon like its supposed to be, it also saves space in inventory for that additional 2 mags or other stuffs which can be tactically important.

Edited by jasonnoguchi

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I've used this with A2 + OA combined and it worked fine. Can't say for sure but it should work with OA only too because the M136 and the RPG18 are there.

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Thanks for the update on the OA/CO state of my addon (less than a week now though for me to return to my computer!).

Not certain how much I can do about that RPG-18 issue though, because it probably has to do with its GeoLod which I need to be able to open the model for. Don't think I can fix the issue therefore, but I'll look into it.

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My bad, your fault. :) I forget that all the time.

I'm not so worried about the geo lod, it's a detail LOD problem, namely, a missing texture. It could be fixed, but on dePBOing your addon, it looks like you'd have to pull some hex editing love. Fair enough.

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Ahh.. Was hard to judge from the image. And well... if it comes to hex editing I can say at once that I won't/can't fix it. Never done it. And do not intend to learn. Modelling and texturing isn't my thing, so if it's not very basic it's over my head :)

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