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  1. 1. What do you think about the script?

    • Very Good, i will use it
    • Good, but it can be done better
    • Not bad, but still needs a lot of work
    • Realy bad, i won't use this

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Changed the infantry support from the guys spawning in 100 meters away to them being transported in by UH1Y. Let me know what you think?

[] exec "lkscripts\menu\close_menu.sqf";

inf = false;

publicVariable "inf";

player sideChat "HQ we need infantry support at my location ASAP, Over";

sleep 3;

[West,"HQ"] SideChat "Roger that, infantry units are mobilizing and on the way, over";

sleep 3;

player sidechat "Roger HQ, out";

sleep 10;

GroupHeli1 = CreateGroup West;
Heli1 = createVehicle ["UH1Y", [(getpos player) select 0,(getpos player) select 1, 0], [], 2500, "FLY"];
HeliPilot = GroupHeli1 createUnit ["USMC_Soldier_Pilot", [0,0,1], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
HeliPilot moveInDriver Heli1;
HeliGun1 = GroupHeli1 createUnit ["USMC_Soldier_Pilot", [0,0,1], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
HeliGun1 moveInTurret [Heli1, [0]];
HeliGun2 = GroupHeli1 createUnit ["USMC_Soldier_Pilot", [0,0,1], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
HeliGun2 moveInTurret [Heli1, [1]]; 
Heli1 FlyInHeight 50;

sleep 1;

Hwp1 = GroupHeli1 addwaypoint [position player, 0];
Hwp1 setwaypointtype "TR UNLOAD";
Hwp1 setwaypointspeed "full";
Hwp1 setWaypointStatements ["true", "heli1 land ""GET OUT""; {unassignVehicle _x} forEach units TeamAlpha1;"""];

Hwp2 = Groupheli1 addwaypoint [position ussupport, 2500];
Hwp2 setwaypointtype "MOVE";
Hwp2 setwaypointspeed "full";
Hwp2 setWaypointStatements ["true", "{deleteVehicle _X} forEach (crew heli1)+[heli1];"];

sleep 1;

TeamAlpha1 = CreateGroup WEST;
a1 = TeamAlpha1 createUnit ["USMC_Soldier_TL", [(getpos heli1) select 0,(getpos heli1) select 1,0], [], 10, "FORM"];
a2 = TeamAlpha1 createUnit ["USMC_Soldier_AR", [(getpos heli1) select 0,(getpos heli1) select 1,0], [], 10, "FORM"];
a3 = TeamAlpha1 createUnit ["USMC_Soldier_Medic", [(getpos heli1) select 0,(getpos heli1) select 1,0], [], 10, "FORM"];
a4 = TeamAlpha1 createUnit ["USMC_Soldier_LAT", [(getpos heli1) select 0,(getpos heli1) select 1,0], [], 10, "FORM"];
a5 = TeamAlpha1 createUnit ["USMC_SoldierM_Marksman", [(getpos heli1) select 0,(getpos heli1) select 1,0], [], 10, "FORM"];
a1 = leader TeamAlpha1;

sleep 1;

{_x setSkill 1; _x allowfleeing 0; _x moveincargo heli1} foreach units TeamAlpha1;

sleep 10;

waituntil {heli1 distance player < 600};
execVM "lkscripts\othr\smokepot.sqf";

Iwp1 = TeamAlpha1 addwaypoint [position player, 0];
Iwp1 setWaypointBehaviour "AWARE";
Iwp1 setwaypointtype "SAD";

waituntil {a1 distance player < 8};
a1 sideChat "Sir, Team Alpha reporting for duty";
[a1,a2,a3,a4,a5] join player;

inftrig1 = createTrigger ["EmptyDetector", [0,0,0]]; 
inftrig1 setTriggerArea [0, 0, 0, false];
inftrig1 setTriggerActivation ["NONE", "present", false];
inftrig1 setTriggerStatements ["{alive _x} count units TeamAlpha1 == 0", "player exec ""lkscripts\support-req\infdone.sqf""", ""];


	deletevehicle inftrig1;

sleep 180;

hint "Infantry support is available again";

inf = true;

publicVariable "inf";


_Helipad = createVehicle ["helihempty", [(getpos player) select 0,(getpos player) select 1, 0], [], 10, "none"];


player playAction "ThrowGrenade";

sleep 1;

_smoke = createVehicle ["smokeshellred", [(getpos player) select 0,(getpos player) select 1, 0], [], 20, "none"];

waituntil {heli1 distance player > 900};
deletevehicle _Helipad;

Edited by cobra4v320

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yes cobra its a great ideea, i will implement this to, but can you figure it out why is he not deleteing the High Command Modules.

in delfob1.sqf i have a line that saids : deletevehicle HC (name of High command module) and.... its not working .. can figure this out, and there is another bug:

- if you build a fob you have construction interface, but if you destroy it and call it back again construction interface its not there anymore... thats a bumb.


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Hey Lucilk I received your message and will work on it, I have also fixed the above infantry script.

I changed the script above one more time, added throw grenade action with smoke on the players position. I will work on getting it spawned in about 5 meters in front of player.

Edited by cobra4v320

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Here is the updated paratrooper script:

[] exec "lkscripts\menu\close_menu.sqf";

para = false;

publicVariable "para";

player sideChat "HQ we need infantry support at my location, Over";

sleep 3;

[west, "HQ"] sideChat "Roger that, Airborne Infantry units are enroute to your location, over.";

sleep 3;

player sidechat "HQ roger, out";

sleep 10;

GroupPara = CreateGroup West;
ParaLift = createVehicle ["mv22", [(getpos player) select 0,(getpos player) select 1, 0], [], 3000, "FLY"];
pilotMV22 = GroupPara createUnit ["USMC_Soldier_Pilot", [0,0,1], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
pilotMV22 moveInDriver ParaLift;
ParaLift flyinheight 200;

sleep 1;

wp1 = GroupPara addwaypoint [position player, 0];
wp1 setwaypointspeed "normal";
wp1 setwaypointtype "MOVE";
wp1 setWaypointStatements ["true", "[ParaLift,Airborne] execvm ""lkscripts\othr\eject.sqf"""];

wp2 = GroupPara addwaypoint [position player, 3500];
wp2 setwaypointtype "MOVE";
wp2 setwaypointspeed "full";
wp2 setWaypointStatements ["true", "{deleteVehicle _X} forEach (crew ParaLift)+[ParaLift];"];

sleep 1;

Airborne = [getpos ParaLift, side player, (configFile >> "CfgGroups" >> "West" >> "USMC" >> "Infantry" >> "USMC_InfSquad")] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup;

sleep 1;

{_x MoveInCargo ParaLift; _x allowfleeing 0} ForEach Units Airborne;

sleep 1;

{_x spawn {_this allowdamage false; waituntil {(getpos _this) select 2 < 3}; _this allowdamage true}} foreach units Airborne;

Awp1 = Airborne addwaypoint [position player, 50];
Awp1 setwaypointtype "SAD";
Awp1 setWaypointSpeed "normal";
Awp1 setwaypointbehavior "aware";
Awp1 setWaypointCompletionRadius 50;

paratrig1 = createTrigger ["EmptyDetector", getPos player]; 
paratrig1 setTriggerArea [0, 0, 0, false];
paratrig1 setTriggerActivation ["NONE", "NOT PRESENT", false];
paratrig1 setTriggerStatements ["{alive _x} count units Airborne == 0", "[] exec ""lkscripts\support-req\paradone.sqf""" , ""];

and updated eject.sqf

private ["_heli", "_eject_grp", "_grpunits"];
if (!isServer) exitWith {};

_heli = _this select 0;
_eject_grp = _this select 1;

_grpunits = units _eject_grp;

_x action ["EJECT",_heli];
unassignvehicle _x;
sleep 0.4;
} forEach _grpunits;

{unassignvehicle _x} foreach _grpunits;

if (true) exitWith {};

Edited by cobra4v320

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I have successfully integrated US Support into Domination now and noticed your Paratroops work fine in SP or Local but in MP on Dedi Server they do not jump out? Helo comes but no Troops??

Have you tested in MP on Server?

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Hey there.

I was able to get things working with the secop, seems the previous code wouldnt work for changing the interval of SECOPS. For some reason the settings were not working with th previous lines.

Heres the code with the settings for a long delay in Secop requests.

This is what works in my support_inti.sqf about 15-20mins for 1st call and then maybe every 30mins or so. Gives you that feeling of being part of something bigger but not bothersome when you are focused on the task at hand.

respawn_west = createMarker ["respawn_west", position ussupport];
respawn_west setMarkerType "Faction_US";
respawn_west setMarkerText " HQ";
respawn_west setMarkerSize [1.2,0.7];

respawn_west_1 = createMarker ["respawn_west_1", getMarkerPos "respawn_west"];

respawn_west_2 = createMarker ["respawn_west_2", getMarkerPos "respawn_west"];

createcenter sidelogic;
_grp = creategroup sidelogic;

coin = _grp createunit ["ConstructionManager", [0,0,1],[], 0,"none"];
[coin] execVM "lkscripts\othr\coin.sqf";

coin2 = _grp createunit ["ConstructionManager", [0,0,1],[], 0,"none"];
[coin2] execVM "lkscripts\othr\coin2.sqf";

UAVmod = _grp createunit ["UAVManager", [0,0,1],[], 0,"none"];
UAVmod setvariable ["name","RQ-1 Predator"];
UAVmod setvariable ["rules",[west]];

logicSOM = _grp createunit ["SecOpManager", [0,0,1],[], 0,"none"];
logicSOM synchronizeObjectsAdd [player];

//Configure SOM module with custom settings. Must run during the first 2 seconds of a mission.

private ["_pool", "_hq", "_callsigns", "_initialDelay", "_autoReinforce", "_secOpSpacing", "_randomActivation", "_secOpDistances", "_settings"];

//List of secops.
//Default: ["ambush", "attack_location", "defend_location", "destroy", "escort", "patrol", "rescue", "search", "trap"]
_pool = ["ambush", "attack_location", "destroy", "escort", "patrol", "rescue", "search", "trap"];

//Enable or disable HQ.
//Default: true
_hq = true;

//Team text, team speech, H.Q. text, H.Q. speech.
//Default: ["ALPHA", ["Alpha"], "H.Q.", ["HQ"]]
_callsigns = ["Anvil", ["Anvil"], "H.Q.", ["HQ"]]

//Delay in seconds before starting random SecOps selection. Only seems to affect the first secops.
//Default: 30
_initialDelay = (+ 300);

//Should an automatic Reinforce be triggered when there are casualties?
//Default is true.
_autoReinforce = false;

//??? Delay between sec ops?
//Default: 30
_secOpSpacing = (+ 300);

//??? From 0 to 1. 0 means no secops starting. With 1 they do start. Some kind of chance variable?
//Default: 0.7
_randomActivation = 0.3;

//Min Max distance of sec ops.
//Default: [300, 700]
_secOpDistances = [250, 1200];

_settings = [_pool, _hq, _callsigns, _initialDelay, _autoReinforce, _secOpSpacing, _randomActivation, _secOpDistances];

logicSOM setVariable ["settings", _settings];

hint "USSUPPORT and SECOPs availible"

nul=ussupport addAction ["Base deployment", "lkscripts\Dialogs\Respawn_Dialog.sqf", [], 3, false, true, ""]

armor = true;
inf = true;
heli = true;
lavhq = true;
mvhq = true;
som = true;
para = true;
thuse = false;

Edited by tractorking

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I have successfully integrated US Support into Domination now and noticed your Paratroops work fine in SP or Local but in MP on Dedi Server they do not jump out? Helo comes but no Troops??

Have you tested in MP on Server?

The jump script is from Xeno's Domination map so it should work fine. You need to make sure that you name the heli or plane first then the group or unit in that order.

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The jump script is from Xeno's Domination map so it should work fine. You need to make sure that you name the heli or plane first then the group or unit in that order.


Am I missing something here? I am using your script and it looks like you already name both helo and troops.

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What I meant was in the new eject.sqf: [ParaLift,Airborne] execvm ""lkscripts\othr\eject.sqf

in the original eject.sqf it would have been [Airborne,Paralift] execvm ""lkscripts\othr\eject.sqf

I will work on it and look in to it.

Edited by cobra4v320

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What I meant was in the new eject.sqf: [ParaLift,Airborne] execvm ""lkscripts\othr\eject.sqf

in the original eject.sqf it would have been [Airborne,Paralift] execvm ""lkscripts\othr\eject.sqf

I will work on it and look in to it.

Ah ok I see. thanks

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This is only a script mod to make "missions" better, or to enhance, correct? If I even manage to make this work, which I still have not, I fear without a step by step manual I won't, is there a default mission involved, since I noticed when I opened it in the editor, it refers to it as a mission. I have a feeling it is not, and that this entire thing is intended to be used as an addition to an already created mission of some kind. I'm sorry I don't know much with regards to this, I simply never cared to learn, but I'm trying, there's just nothing to teach very well.

Are my main assumptions right?

1. There is no actual mission if I get this to load up in editor properly, only the support/mod, which btw looks absolutely incredible. I actually understand what he did, I'm just curious if there's a default mission to use within this mod, I cannot make a mission for the life of me, my very next step (right after I post this) is to download a mission someone else made. So I can look at everything and maybe it will make sense. It seems incredibly complicated to create a full mission, unless a very simple one, like first mission of the campaign, the night one where you destroy communications node, that seemed very simple in contrast to manhatten!

2. I can't expect anyone to take the time to explain this to me, damn I'd even paypal someone to teamspeak/ventrillo talk to me & explain this lol, BUT: The instuctions he gives on the first page where it says noobs; Okay, I put the entire folder where it belongs. I open it in editor, I see one green guy (me I guess) and a Flag, doesn't look like a U.S.A. flag to me, just an off color flag.. Is this the flag spoken of in instructions?

Sorry for Length, and sorry if I don't make complete sense, that's only because I truly don't understand. The so called "noob" instructions are terrible, could have added a few more lines to help us along with executing everything to get it all going... or am I wrong about that? <<< Not complaining! Just asking, I understand this must be very long, and tedious work, and it's being done for free for us all to use and I understand that. I just think the Noobs to scripts/mods like myself need some type of....answer, in the form of, I don't know. A readme, a youtube vid. I really don't know, if I knew how it worked, I would try to make something explaining what everything is, why each step is taken, and how exactly to execute. The editor may as well be in Crillic it makes no sense to me.

Edited by Rhammstein
Serious confusion

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:D ok i got your point and i got other to, but you got to belive me its not that hard:

1. this is not a mission with a script

= its a script with a demo mission that only has 1 green guy and a flag

= the demo mission i have put it on the first page is for you guys (newbies) to copy (ctrl+C and ctrl+V) and paste the flag and to test out the script before u use it.

= for you to use my script , you just need to copy the flag in the editor or you can use a ... women anything , any object but it needs to have that line in the flag that executes the entire scripts.

= after you settle that copy all my files from my demo-mission (US-Support v1.5.Chernarus) but WITHOUT the mission.sqm

= Now paste all the files in you mission folder (meaning another mission created by you in the editor)... ok?

= now lets see u need an object with the line [] exec "lkscripts\support_init.sqf" (Same as my Flag) and you got all my files in you mission folder it should work :D

= it doesnt matter if its a older mission created by you or a new mission it just needs these 2 things.

I hope i got my self understood now.

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Ahh, thank you. Understood and working. Not perfect only because my mission I'm working on isn't finished, but as far as your work, your files and everything it does, as far as I can tell it's all working perfectly. I don't understand why I didn't get the "copy flag" thing, but now I see why. Thanks so much!

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Updated the infantry script on page 8 again. Spawns in a helipad and drops smoke at the LZ. The helicopter actually lands rather than hovers.

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Thats really a nice package of scripts!

-Just want to know if anybody has an idea how you can get this working for only one player per team (e.g. commander).

Have an idea for a new mission, but dont know exactly if there is any solution for this "problem".

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Hi my friend,your script is awesome,:):):),but it's more difficult to install for me,i am stopped to :

=The demo mission i have put it on the first page is for you guys (newbies) to copy (ctrl+C and ctrl+V) and paste the flag and to test out the script before u use it.

Please can you do something,for me,for example a youtube vid,please?:)

This script work in campaign mode?

Thanks a lot

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I have found a bug and a preliminary fix for the US Support Script v1.5.


When deploying FOB1, upgrading to Command Post and getting a platoon (e.g. CAS Heli), the platoon will be added to High Command properly and can be used by the player. Now we undeploy the FOB1 and redeploy it, build the Command Post again and all high-commanded groups can no longer be controlled.


Add High Command module(s) yourself in Editor and sync them to the player as you desire. Then, comment Line 1 to 7 in lkscripts\csupport\cmenu\c_init.sqf so that it reads:

// HCG = creategroup sidelogic;
// HC = HCG createunit ["HighCommand",position player,[],0,"none"];
// HC synchronizeObjectsAdd [player];

// HCs = HCG createunit ["HighCommandSubordinate",position player,[],0,"none"];
// HC synchronizeObjectsAdd [HCs];
// HCs synchronizeObjectsAdd [player];

Now that HighCommand/HighCommandSubordinate modules do no longer get created/overwritten by the script, your HC config will persist throughout the mission.

Someone might come up with a better fix.


PS. Another bug you might want to fiddle around with: When deploying a Tomahawk base and undeploying FOB1, the base will no longer be visible but it will continue to exist (and work). This implies further bugs which I leave to the reader's creativity ;)

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Help please!:help: To use this script in mission of Domination West AI (use 1.09) Who understands it! Write please! (In detail) that where to copy and what to replace! (In advance thanks) :pray:

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I am using version 1.5 and everything is installed correctly. I am using the spec ops manager yet if I die and respawn, the secops manager no longer works. How do i get it work after I an respawn back to base? another question do the revive script works with USSupport?

Edited by fantnet

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FANTASTIC job lucilk !!! :bow:

I've ended now a 2 hours session with your script... I've not words.. just my face when I've seen for the first time the Mv22 landing in a field for to buil the Forward Base !!!! :P

I've read with difficult the thread, for to understand better the instructions... it has been very hard for me (due to my poor English grammar)... and I think it's possibile that some guys have the same problem of mine... so, it's a shame not to have the opportunity to use your script, just for a problem of language (or inexperience with Arma2).

just I want share my "brain torture" for to have your script in a decent mission (not made by me):

then, here what I've done:

0) I've copied your folder into my c:\documents and settings\Arma 2\mission

1) I've DePBO an user's Chernarus mission (I use total commander with OFP plugins)

2) I've copied the user's mission files into a new folder with the same "user mission name"

3) I've moved this folder into my c:\documents and settings\Arma 2\mission

4) I've opened the ingame Arma Mission Editor

5) I've loaded that user's Chernarus mission

6) I've used the "link" function (I dont know if I've translated well from Italian) for to load your demo mission into the current one

7) so, in this way I've merged your "US Support" template mission into a decent mission (not mine) :P

8) I've saved with a new name the mission, exited, and back to my c:\documents and settings\Arma 2\mission folder

9) I've copied the content of both the missions ("user-mission" folder and "Demo-US Support" folder) into mine new mission folder name

10) I've copied some parts from your "US support" scripts files, inside these new mission files:




NB: These parts are good to see. Just take the block between the line ------------ US SUPPORT -------------------

11) I've merged some "item class" from your mission.sqm into that created in my mission folder....

I've used a big attention on this passage... because the items are counted, and all items need to be place in the right class with correct Item Number

12) I've launched the Arma Editor, and load the new mission...

the rest is pure immersion !!!

again... very good work lucilk !!!! THANKS !!!

Edited by qawa1967
grammar error // wrong question

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:D, great, i am glad there are still some guys that are not fluent in English but they still try to help out other guys

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lucilk You can plz! create one a separate script :pray:

â„– 8. Paratroopers - a C130J will be spawned with a 20 members squad that will paradrop at your location. After all members are dead you can call them back.

This function is inside your US Support.

(sorry for bad english)

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