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ArmA2 Modding Toolbox for 3ds max V1.1

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Can you use Maya to mod for this game, or is it too powerful?

You're right, it's too powerful, better back off there or you might hurt the game.

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A Maya toolset like this would be great. I know modelers with Maya but they are too busy to learn O2, but if I could give them a toolset like this say "make me something!" and have them export it into O2 so I can finish it up that would be great. :)

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This Tool is for MAX why asking for Maya ?

Before it, you had one option O2

Now you have two options in some things and it will become more functions

If someone will have a Maya Tool just make one ?

I can not understand why asking again and again for other things then the given ones

Please keep this one here free for MAX related questions

Sorry it happends just to often for me

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Cool down everyone :) To answer Maya question: Ive now spent months on this tool and its at a stage at which I never envisioned it before. 1000s of lines of code. If someone came to me and said they want to port it they would be on their own since it would just take way too long to explain. I do not know MEL scripting :(

General developments:

Because of my exams I wasnt able to spend much time on things for ArmA2 lately but now slowly getting in the game. The tool is progressing nicely with the LOD system almost completely set up, after that I can link it all to the p3d exporter and perhaps it will be time to have a new release.

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WOW! Are you trying to say that all things will be possible to be done within 3DS Max then? No need for Oxygen at all? Or did I understand something wrong?

P.S. Can I ask a question considering my addon I'm working on? I've created car and all the stuff it needs bla bla etc.. Now I want to place it in editor but CAN'T FIND IT ANYWHERE!!!

I'm guessing there is something wrong in my config.cpp but can't see what...

Here's my config.cpp:

class CfgPatches
class Murcielago
         units[] = {Murcielago};
         weapons[] = {};
         requiredVersion = 1.00;

class CfgVehicleClasses
class Murcielago
	displayName = "Murcielago";

class CfgVehicles
    class Land;
    class LandVehicle: Land {};
    class Car: LandVehicle {};
    class VWGolf : Car {};
    class Murcielago : VWGolf
extCameraPosition[] = {0, 0.5, -8};
terrainCoef = 2.0;
crew = "Civilian2";
maxSpeed = 330;

And just in case it's not config here's my model.cfg:

class CfgSkeletons
class car;

class Murcielago:car

	skeletonInherit = "";


class CfgModels
class Default
	sectionsInherit = "";
	sections[] = {};

class car;

class Murcielago:car

	sectionsInherit = "";
	sections[] = 
	skeletonName = "Murcielago";
	class Animations
		class FrontWheelR
			type = "rotationX";
			source = "wheel";
			memory = "false";
			angle0 = "0";
			angle1 = "rad -360";
			maxValue = "1";
			minValue = "0";
			selection = "r_f_wheel";
			sourceAddress = "loop";
		class FrontWheelL : FrontWheelR
                               selection = "l_f_wheel";
                       class FrontWheelRTurn
			type = "rotationY";
			source = "drivingWheel";
			memory = "false";
			angle0 = "rad 35";
			angle1 = "rad -35";
			maxValue = "1";
			minValue = "-1";
			selection = "r_f_wheel";
			sourceAddress = "clamp";
                       class FrontWheelLTurn : FrontWheelRTurn
                               selection = "l_f_wheel";
		class BackWheelR
			type = "rotationX";
			source = "wheel";
			memory = "false";
			angle0 = "0";
			angle1 = "rad -360";
			maxValue = "1";
			minValue = "0";
			selection = "r_b_wheel";
			sourceAddress = "loop";
                       class BackWheelL : BackWheelR
                               selection = "l_b_wheel";
		class FrontCaliperR
			type = "rotation";
			source = "drivingWheel";
			memory = "true";
			angle0 = "rad 35";
			angle1 = "rad -35";
			axis = "r_f_clp_axis";
			maxValue = "1";
			minValue = "-1";
			selection = "r_f_clp";
			sourceAddress = "clamp";
		class SteeringWheel
			type = "rotation";
			source = "drivingWheel";
			memory = "true";
			angle0 = "rad -120";
			angle1 = "rad 120";
			axis = "dr_weel_axis";
			maxValue = "1";
			minValue = "-1";
			selection = "dr_weel";
			sourceAddress = "clamp";
		class IndicatorFuel
			type = "rotation";
			source = "fuel";
			memory = "true";
			angle0 = "0";
			angle1 = "rad 100";
			axis = "ind_fuel_axis";
			maxValue = "1";
			minValue = "0";
			selection = "ind_fuel";
			sourceAddress = "clamp";
		class IndicatorRpm
			type = "rotation";
			source = "rpm";
			memory = "true";
			angle0 = "0";
			angle1 = "rad 250";
			axis = "ind_rpm_axis";
			maxValue = "1";
			minValue = "0";
			selection = "ind_rpm";
			sourceAddress = "clamp";
		class IndicatorSpeed
			type = "rotation";
			source = "speed";
			memory = "true";
			angle0 = "0";
			angle1 = "rad 250";
			axis = "ind_spd_axis";
			maxValue = "1";
			minValue = "0";
			selection = "ind_spd";
			sourceAddress = "clamp";
		class FrontCaliperL
			type = "rotation";
			source = "drivingWheel";
			memory = "true";
			angle0 = "rad -35";
			angle1 = "rad 35";
			axis = "l_f_clp_axis";
			maxValue = "1";
			minValue = "-1";
			selection = "l_f_clp";
			sourceAddress = "clamp";
                       class Wheel_Damper_rf
		class Wheel_Damper_front_left : Wheel_Damper_rf
		class Wheel_Damper_back_right : Wheel_Damper_rf
		class Wheel_Damper_back_left : Wheel_Damper_rf


Please help... :(

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Try this

class CfgPatches
class YourTag_Murcielago
	units[] = {"YourTag_Murcielago"};
	weapons[] = {};
	requiredVersion = 1.03;
	requiredAddons[] = {"CAWheeled2_VWGolf"};
	version = "2009-0-";
	fileName = "YourTag_Murcielago.pbo";
	author = "Minoza";
	mail = "Minoza@mail.net";
class CfgVehicleClasses
class YourTag_Murcielago
	displayName = "Murcielago";
class CfgVehicles
class VWGolf;
class Murcielago: VWGolf
	displayName = "Murcielago";
	vehicleClass = "YourTag_Murcielago";
	model = "\YourTag_Murcielago\Murcielago";
	crew = "Civilian2";
	extCameraPosition[] = {0,0.5,-8};
	terrainCoef = 2;
	maxSpeed = 330;
	transportSoldier = 1;

Get a proper code editor like notepad++ or editpadpro.

Read about OFPEC tags here: http://www.ofpec.com/tags/

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Thank now I found it. Thank you very much! Could you explain me what should I do to avoid same problem in future? I'm afraid I don't understand what of the things you changed actually made it work... Also, now car has sounds of VWGolf which is fine cause at this stage I don't have any custom sound for it BUT for some reason and I don't know why lol my car is turned in wrong way... I'll explain... As I said before it has sound as VWGolf but it also kinda acts as VWGolf but in WRONG DIRECTION... When I press forward it goes back, and other way is same of course, all animations work good it's just it looks like my model appears on the model of VWGolf turned 180 degrees in other deirection... I'm not sure if you understand me... I tried to change some values in animation part of model.cfg for wheels, I had angle0=0, angle1=rad -360, then I changed angle1 to rad 360 But it only made the wheels turn in opposite direction of the model was moving, in this case when I press W for forward my model goes backwards and wheels turn in opposite direction of model movement... I hope now you can understand what my problem is... Also game doesn't use my proxy for driver... Instead it places driver in wrong direction also (front moving direction) facing the back of the car and it places him in the middle of the car...

I can make a video if you don't understand...

Edited by Minoza

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You should make sure your model faces the right way in O2. Consider the front, left and top views and figure out if what you see is right.

The problem with your code (as far as I could tell) was that u were missing a }; in class CfgVehicleClasses.

As for the toolset, as I said before the inherent problem with max is that selection names cannot be passed on vertex level and are done on object level in max. Aside from that the goal is to leave as little work for O2 as possible + include many more features that are not present there for example a node based material editor or a memory LOD integrated model.cfg generator and RTM maker/exporter.

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Thank you for your answer. You helped me a lot!

Edited by Minoza

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Hi again!

Unfortunetly I ran into another problem, you see, there is something wrong with both vehicle speed and speed indicator. It looks like it has same speed as VWGolf (well almost the same since my vehicle is lighter and I guess it uses that data so it's a bit faster) because it inherited VWGolf speed instead of using my parameter from config.cpp where it's stated maxSpeed = 330;

Could you please help me on this? What's causing the problem?

Thanks in advance!

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LOL from max proplems to O2 problems to model.cfg and config.cpp problems. Sorry m8 can't help you there. You will have a greater chance of getting an answer if you just post your problems into one thread in the O2 modelling part of the forum.

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Use the search. Max speed for cars it 120 or so.

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OK true I've found it, max speed for cars really is 120... Stupid... but it is... Anyways That answers half of my question... I also used the search to find out why is my speed indicator showing max value whenever I hit gas but couldn't find solution...

So... can you tell me what's causing problem in your opinion? Btw I don't think this has anything to do with O2, and I don't want to open new thread cause of this... but I'll try that too...

Also my game crashes whenever I exit my car... oO

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I keep getting a rutime error fileIN:can't open file: C:\program Files\Autodesk\3dMax8\scripts\ArmAToolBox\main.ms ???

with this plugin can anyone help me?


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Sorry but to run this toolbox you have to have at least version 9 of max. Some of the very necessary features of the pack have only been introduced into max in that version

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first page updated :) and a new version is released :):) !!! :

DOWNLOAD LATEST VERSION: http://www.sparrowstudio.net/armavdv/toolbox/ArmAToolBox_1.1.rar

INSTALL: http://www.sparrowstudio.net/armavdv/toolbox/install.html

READ DETAILED DOCUMENTATION WITH VIDEOS: http://www.sparrowstudio.net/armavdv/toolbox/docu.html


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Actually you almost do not need O2 :) But yet there are a few little things that have to be done in oxygen.

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So is there a commercial license to purchase for commercial projects? NO really I love these tools Thanks so much

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now how long till Blender mtoolset ? ;)

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So is there a commercial license to purchase for commercial projects? NO really I love these tools Thanks so much

I will grant commercial licenses for FREE but in return all I ask is that the user/organisation/group contact me at vorobiev.a.j[at]gmail[dot]com for it. Untill such a request is received the toolset is still under the non-commercial rule.

now how long till Blender mtoolset ?

Until someone who knows what they're doing shows up :) It uses Python right?

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1. When I run the script I instantly get an error message about a button.

The toolbox only work with 3dsmax versions 9 or higher. No support for earlier versions. Do not ask if a downgraded version is being developed. It's not because of the sheer amount of stuff that would need to be taken out, it wouldn't be a toolbox anymore.

2. When I export to p3d the models in O2 are not the right size

Work in meters, with the right dimensions.

3. When I export to p3d I get an error: Mesh operation on a Non-mesh object: Blabla"

Make sure that all geometry that you want to export in converted to Editable Poly. Also make sure that there is no non-geometry objects (cameras, lights etc.) in the LODs that you want to export.

Restart the toolbox after fixing. Next version will include a warning.

4. It exports fine but when I try to load it in O2 it says Unable to load file.

Make sure that your geometry is consistent of only triangles and quads. N-sided polygons are not supported by O2. Check things like cylinder tops etc. Better warning will be built in in next version.

5. When I check off Save Materials or Save Texture and export I get an error in max and the export is aborted.

When you use this option make sure that ALL geometry that you are trying to export has at least one of the shaders applied as stated in the video. Silly bug, will be fixed. Meanwhile if you need to export untextured stuff just dont check off the boxes.

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oxygen is free and quite good, but i wonder how many 3ds max addons are made on legal soft

this is of course other issue, but addonmakers who work on legal soft are sometimes criticized for "lower polycount" or something like that

it is offtopic issue, but for example i've done all in Oxygen only, sometimes few times used 3ds freeware parts, so when it comes to smooth parts models it is hard to competee with 3ds models

but it were my 2 cents when it comes to 3ds usage issue

shame that Oxygen has no some needed options like: cut one shape by other shape , phase edge, render to texture

someone who makes in 3ds have UV mapping in 1 second (render to texture option) while person who uses legal oxygen spent whole day

but ending offtopic about 3ds max, which cost 5 000 euro as i remember

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