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Can countermeasures of F16 be ported to other air units like SU34?

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I'm loving F16 mod so much and it has this awesom countermeasure flare system, that does not make the fighter invincible. With this mod i die sometimes and sometimes i dont, so i love it.

Now the problem is, that i don't want to include F16 to my modded scenario, cause i want the other side to have this ability too or its unfair. So, how could we add the counter measures and missile warning to other aircraft and choppers?

Thank you

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Would be very nice if the system could be retrofitted to all aircraft in game (besides civilian mi-8) since all of them do have flares in real life. I've never seen a video of a Hind going on an attack run without a liberal use of flare countermeasures.

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Guest RKSL-Rock
Would be very nice if the system could be retrofitted to all aircraft in game (besides civilian mi-8) since all of them do have flares in real life. I've never seen a video of a Hind going on an attack run without a liberal use of flare countermeasures.

We're porting over our flare system. It will support all the stock aircraft and should be pretty easy to apply to most people's addons too.

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the flare system on the F16 can be ported to any other addon. The scripts are there to use, pretty self explanatory as well.

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What files do i need to edit? If you could help me abit please, im bit new to modding arma 2.

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We're porting over our flare system. It will support all the stock aircraft and should be pretty easy to apply to most people's addons too.

Would it be possible for you to have it so that you have to manually release the flares by pressing a button instead of this automated release that we have right now.

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As long as there is a launch alarm then having a manual release is fine. If not then having it automatic would be preferable.

Considering how deadly the Tunguska is ... give me the auto release !

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Arma2 already has the flare system built in, as with the aircraft special effects (wingtip trails etc) these are just not switched on at the moment.

I guess they were coming in a future patch release.


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I can totally understand if the game is balanced so AA has to be a bit overpowered so that there's a solid reliance on ground forces to disable AA before the aircraft fly in. However, having absolutely zero warning of an incoming missile is about as rude and unwarranted as those loud screaming faces that appear at the end of some Youtube videos. You can be flying along the nape of the earth in a valley out of LOS of every known AA missile launching system, and yet with no warning you hear this really loud explosion that kills you instantly regardless. It's incredibly annoying.

I tried out Domination in offline mode, and noticed there was missile warning that wasn't present in multiplayer. It made a heap of difference in my enjoyment of flying around, even though I was losing almost as many aircraft to AA missiles as before.

Shock and surprise happens plenty in this game, but there's something about AA missiles instantly exploding your jet out of nowhere that seem far, far more obnoxious than a sneaky sniper in the woods or a sudden artillery attack as infantry.

[Edit] Actually, Countermeasure programs would be more ideal, running a system that regularly spits out flares while over the target area (I've seen Hinds do this.)

Edited by Emberwolf

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the flare system on the F16 can be ported to any other addon. The scripts are there to use, pretty self explanatory as well.

Yup, I can't figure out how to do this. I've looked at the files in the F16's scr folder but it doesn't explain anything in them. Nout sure exactly what you mean here. Can a mission Editor use these scripts on any aircraft in our missions or do you mean they can be added to any aircraft by the author of that specific AddOn/Mod?

If a mission maker could apply these scripts to other aircraft in our missions I'd like to know how. I know RKSL's AddOn is coming to A2 but until then I'd love to have something to use in my missions.

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@Manzilla - hate to quote myself...but:

the flare system on the F16 can be ported to any other addon

as for being able to add them via mission....well, if it's a script, it should be possible...took just a brief look over them really, so i can't give you details i am afraid. Might take a closer look in a few though

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Dude, please look into this and tell me how to edit this to make it work in mp missions. I will send 100$ via paypal if you manage to explane this to me. I just cant fly after experiencing F16 anymore, its so awesom.


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Have changed the flares.hpp file (in my Dta folder) but am not getting flares launch. Any ideas why ?

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You need to have an edited version of the old Extended Event Handlers (not the new CBA one, it won't work with that one). Use search function to find or if you want I can email it to you.

Here is what my hpp file looks like (it has most of the new stuff in it, just missing a few helos):

class Extended_IncomingMissile_EventHandlers


// BIS planes and choppers - flares enabled- comment entry or delete to disable flares

class AH1Z {

class WLM_exclusion_AH1Z {


IncomingMissile = "if ((_this select 0)==(_this select 0)) then {[_this] exec ""\Flares\ecm\CMSe.sqs""}";



class MH60S {

class WLM_exclusion_MH60S {


IncomingMissile = "if ((_this select 0)==(_this select 0)) then {[_this] exec ""\Flares\ecm\CMSe.sqs""}";



class AH6 {

class WLM_exclusion_AH6 {


IncomingMissile = "if ((_this select 0)==(_this select 0)) then {[_this] exec ""\Flares\ecm\CMSe.sqs""}";



class KA50 {

class WLM_exclusion_KA52 {


IncomingMissile = "if ((_this select 0)==(_this select 0)) then {[_this] exec ""\Flares\ecm\CMSe.sqs""}";



class Mi17_MG {

class WLM_exclusion_Mi17_MG {


IncomingMissile = "if ((_this select 0)==(_this select 0)) then {[_this] exec ""\Flares\ecm\CMSe.sqs""}";



class A10 {

class WLM_exclusion_A10 {


IncomingMissile = "if ((_this select 0)==(_this select 0)) then {[_this] exec ""\Flares\ecm\CMSe.sqs""}";



class AV8B {

class WLM_exclusion_AV8B {


IncomingMissile = "if ((_this select 0)==(_this select 0)) then {[_this] exec ""\Flares\ecm\CMSe.sqs""}";



class Su34 {

class WLM_exclusion_Su34 {


IncomingMissile = "if ((_this select 0)==(_this select 0)) then {[_this] exec ""\Flares\ecm\CMSe.sqs""}";



// 3º parties planes and choppers - add the classname here to enable flares

// example:

// class 3ºparty-classname {

// IncomingMissile = "if ((_this select 0)==(_this select 0)) then {[_this] exec ""\Flares\ecm\CMSe.sqs""}";

// };

class F35B {

IncomingMissile = "if ((_this select 0)==(_this select 0)) then {[_this] exec ""\Flares\ecm\CMSe.sqs""}";


class UH1Y {

IncomingMissile = "if ((_this select 0)==(_this select 0)) then {[_this] exec ""\Flares\ecm\CMSe.sqs""}";


class GLT_Falcon_MR {

class WLM_exclusion_Su34 {


IncomingMissile = "if ((_this select 0)==(_this select 0)) then {[_this] exec ""\Flares\ecm\CMSe.sqs""}";


class A10 {

IncomingMissile = "if ((_this select 0)==(_this select 0)) then {[_this] exec ""\Flares\ecm\CMSe.sqs""}";



Edited by PROTOTYPE 001

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Can the old XEH and new CBA be run at the same time ? Or is there another line that can be added into CBA ?

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The problem with most user created ECM/flare systems is that they don't take into account the type of missile itself. There needs to be a standard ECM/flare system addon that all addon makers implement that includes custom config definitions for missiles (ex. seeker type, hit probability, stuff like that) and universal ECM/flare scripts so that even if the aircraft/missiles are from various authors they are balanced.

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We need Mandoble back into Arma2 ... his missile system was the best !

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You need to have an edited version of the old Extended Event Handlers (not the new CBA one, it won't work with that one). Use search function to find or if you want I can email it to you.

Here is what my hpp file looks like (it has most of the new stuff in it, just missing a few helos):

Would it be possible for you to mail it to me at [email protected]

Thank you

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I cannot find this even handler anywhere, could someone please clarify?

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It would be great if the flares system could be ported to the stock aircrafts soon. :pc:

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Guest RKSL-Rock
Would it be possible for you to have it so that you have to manually release the flares by pressing a button instead of this automated release that we have right now.

Yes its done. I have the flare release mapped to the button on my throttle.

UNN is chasing down the last few issues but we now have a fully functioning Flare system which should be released shortly...:eek:

It currently automatically gives flares to each of the stock aircraft...

For those that havent seen our flare system in ArmA1:


Edited by RKSL-Rock

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But will it be able to defeat all missiles with the same success rate, or is it possible to create a missile that is more or less immune to its effects?

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Guest RKSL-Rock
But will it be able to defeat all missiles with the same success rate, or is it possible to create a missile that is more or less immune to its effects?

Its success rate is random. the Probability of Kill(PK) varies on angle of shot too. The angle at which the missile is deflected (when it is actually deflected) varies. The RKSL system isn't like the old OFP style versions going around. It isn't fool proof and even when it does deflect you can still suffer damage from proximity hits... Its not infallible.

As for "immune missiles", with the default BIS missile system a lot depends on angle its fired from and relative speeds. But I've successfully shot down SU-34s with AMRAAMs in our Eurofighter with the system fitted. But you need to learn to attack at the right angles to ensure success. Which in my opinion makes Air to Air combat far more interesting. I've never been a fan of the Tab Lock - Shoot - Tab Lock - Shoot success rate or the invulnerability of the old systems.

Edited by RKSL-Rock

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My point was that it should be configurable for different missiles. This is quite easy in ArmA since you can add custom values to configs and check them in scripts.

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