Dead-Ćnd-Start 0 Posted March 12, 2002 my 2 both come from the same map, its this map where le resitance have to survive near a church long enough for the yanks to rock up in a UH60 and A-10 any how the first time i played it i was flyin' the chopper and managed to land on a uneven slope, the helicopter then proceeded to flip over onto its roof and and stay round liek that, every one was laughing at me until i jumped out and the chopper blew up. the second was when i was a seagull and one of my buddys "shep" had landed on the far side of the island "away from the ruskies", unbeknownst to him a squad of spetznatz rock up on the far side of the island in a pibber, conversation goes roughly as follows: me: shep, look out there are some spetz natz shep: i'm on the other side of the island me: no shep they're right next too you, to your left(spetznatz like 50m awa) shep: i'm on the other side me: shep to your left! shep: I'M ON THE OTHER SIDE OF TH-...HOLY CRAP! RUN AWAY!!! RUN AWAY!!! (takes off, gets hit by light weapon fire...gets killed) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wright 0 Posted March 12, 2002 Here's mine. This is what happens when you try to back over a guard tower in your t80. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Placebo 30 Posted March 12, 2002 Please keep pics to less than 100kb Seeing as you're the guy who gave us back the fantastic sound addon I've done the pic editing for you Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
drcharm 0 Posted March 12, 2002 Well, it wasn't exactly funny, but: A friend and I function well as a driver/gunner combo (me as gunner). So we started up a MP where west is in a town, entrenched with mine fields around the town. We took our positions and some guy (Jackal I think) jumps in as commander. Fine, whatever, he can hitch a ride in, we figure, and tell him so. So we drive up to near the town, keeping clear of mines and start shelling the town with our T72 (with accompanying "Holy craps" from the west team, as we hammer, hammer, hammer). So we're keeping a careful eye, we see LAW soldiers, back up, move back in, take him out, still keeping clear of the mines. All of a sudden, I'm in the commanders seat, my friend is in the gunner's seat and moron boy is in the driver's seat. So what does he do? Come on, you can guess... That's right, he drives *directly* into the town. Can you guess what happens next? We hit a mine, flip over and all of us die. Moron boy is going "WTF?". Needless to say we curse him out and then I ban him. Harsh? I don't think so, it is severely uncool to steal vehicles from your teammates. So not very funny, but typical of MP OFP in a pickup game. Cheers, Dr. Charm Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Placebo 30 Posted March 12, 2002 I posted one of mine the other day in Opf missions but I can't find it for now, so instead I'll post one of the birthday boy's (Hilandor) We were playing Snow Ambush last night, I was running around laying mines on the road, someone else was getting into position with the Law Launcher and Hil was laying satchels further down the road, I layed my mines and ran back up to the ammo crates for more, suddenly there was a MASSIVE explosion and on the screen it said *Hilandor was killed* then he says "doh I pressed the wrong button" LMAO Another one from last night (also involving Hilandor suprisingly ) Can't remember the mission name but basically we start unarmed being driven to a town, inside one of the houses are ammo crates to get ourselves armed, first off myself and another couldn't find the crate, so we spent about 5 minutes running around the town in and out of every house trying to find the crates, so then we all make a mad rush to the UAZ's ArmourDave is already in one and comes flying down the road straight at me, I try to move out the way but he hits me, so right off I'm injured, fortunately one of the other players was a medic so I went and got healed, so then myself the other player and Hilandor get in a tank, I'm the gunner, Hil is the driver, first he reverses into a house, then he turns around and we get the turret stuck in a window, then finally we start moving off, drive over a bunker and destroy it, straight into the middle of the road where he stops, unfortunately Dave had chosen that moment to drive off, I'm sat there watching Dave's UAZ heading right for us, as you can imagine UAZ v T72 is no contest, SPLATT!!! *ArmourDave was killed* the lesson is if Hil's driving a tank make sure you're inside it as well Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hilandor 1 Posted March 12, 2002 rofl  ok  and we wont say nothing about my  ehh driver getting into the tank  but for some strange reason  laying a mine next to tracks ?  it kinda went like placebo get in t55 hilandor roger BANNNNG Hilandor dead placebo dead wtf happened there we been hit by a law?? placebo gulp ehh noo LOLOL Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Placebo 30 Posted March 12, 2002 </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Hilandor @ Mar. 12 2002,18:27)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">ok  and we wont say nothing about my  ehh driver getting into the tank  but for some strange reason  laying a mine next to tracks ?  <span id='postcolor'> LMAO yes I remember that one...... We start a mission and I head towards an Abrams which I've been instructed to mount, a couple of people were already in it, as I got there I suddenly realised I had a mine in my inventory I didn't want, so I figured I'd drop the mine and get into the tank, unfortunately I dropped the mine right next to the Abrams, and as it was parked next to a building it had no choice but to drive over the mine, no sooner had I put the mine on the ground than BANGGG!!! 4 of us were killed instantly, it must have scared the crap outta the rest of the guys but me I couldn't stop laughing Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cactus 0 Posted March 13, 2002 One moment to remeber came when I played AllOutWar. Just checking it out and jumped into one of the T80's. Put the pedal to the metal and was going out towards the west-flag. Instead of using the road, which winds alot I choose to just go cross-country (hey, it's a tank...) and suddenly I was a airborne. Managed to jump over a hill and was now quickly approching the ground, some 40 meters below. Hit with a loud *THUD* and my T80 bounced around a couple of times and managed to stop upside-down. When I try to drive I can see the tracks only spinning around in the air. Hmmm, didn't want to walk all the way to the flag or back... so I moved into the gunner seat and started to look around (still upside down). All of a sudden the tank starts to jump around again and flips back over! Back on the right track(s) again I jump back into the driverseat and drives towards the west-flag and on the way I pick up one of my teammates as gunner. We totally runs over the flag and get it back to our flag to score a point... Just love the physics of OFP sometimes Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
WhoCares 0 Posted March 13, 2002 Played some CTF yesterday. One mission I said in the beginning 'I put mines in our base'. So the mission started, I ran to our base and started to put some mines. I told my mates 'Use only the backdoor to leave our base!' Just finished to place the first round of mines and was on the way to get new ones I saw one of our tanks driving through base to the front gate. I said 'Mines!!!' but guess what, two secs later BOOM. 'Great...' So I took new mines and placed one right were the other one exploded and guess what - they found it... 'Did I mention the mines???' At the end of this mission I scored 3 or 4 Tks just because my mates tried to find all my mines... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kane 0 Posted March 13, 2002 Well... lets see... a couple of months back, I was at a LAN, with about 30 OFP players. The map was CTF, with regenerating vehicles and base-guards. I hopped into a T72 and drove around for a bit. As I was passing a hill, I spotted an UH60mg on top. It was parked and I saw people getting in, it's left side was to me. As it took off, its front faced me and he must have seen me, 'cause i heard "OH SHIT!!" from across the hall. One Sabot round and 6 kills later we were totally pissing ourselves. In a C&H match, me and a teammate climbed into a Jeep with M2... driving through the countryside near montignac, we got "ambushed" by 5 (i think) AT4 rounds... we had a nice view of Morton as we flew by... I laughed so hard the Jolt came out of my nose and nearly f-ed up my keyboard. :-) - Kane Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KaRRiLLioN 0 Posted March 18, 2002 I made a 3-way CTF mission with a couple of LST's in the middle of a bay that separates the 3 teams. I was taking an OH58 out and got into a dogfight with some other choppers. When I was trying to fly and hide behind the LST I hit the side of it, but instead of dying, my chopper went under the water and LST. I thought I was dead but I kept trying to come up. Suddenly my chopper comes up out of the water with an LST balancing on its rotor. It stayed up there until someone shot me out of the sky with a AA rocket and the LST landed in the middle of the NATO spawn area and flipped on its side. It was hilarious. Later in the same mission I was going to steal the NATO flag and that LST was in my way so I tried ramming it with my tank. It started moving toward the water, but suddenly my tank started bouncing around and then suddenly my tank was shot about 200 meters into the air, narrowly missing a UH60 that was trying to shoot me. I flew up there and then floated gracefully to the ground and landed on the tracks, no worse for the wear until the LST landed on top of me and flipped my tank upside down. We were all laughing our arses off. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lt_Damage 0 Posted March 20, 2002 Are you sure you weren't smoking wacky tabaccy that night? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jawk2 1 Posted March 20, 2002 last night i played in an OPF italian server where there s a map with an helo....24 ppl online i take the command as pilot and we started to embark ppl from the respawn area to the ennemy (US)flag. I landed maybe 20times in a beach to take teammates, paradrop... well as pilot i say "go go go" when we are just up the US camp...really the US soldier dunno the geneva treaty where it's said "dont shoot at paratrooper while in the air". After i crashed (good DCA shot ouch), i go on foot to the US camp, the camp was filled with corpse... near 30 corpse in a 50m*50m... butcher camp sometime u got good map that permit strategy u ll never see in the net, OPF is plenty of good thing: enjoy it *special thanks to MS punkster the mapper* Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ralphwiggum 6 Posted March 20, 2002 one time i was playing CTF, and some other guy and i decide to take our T80 and run directy to NATO base. well, as you could expect, we got shot by a Apache. i thought we were dead, so i stopped driving. but after 10 sec. there were no other attacks from any NATO units. so i talked to my friend, 'let's continue' and no reply. seconds later, he was killed by another NATO unit. Reason: he exited vehicle thinking it was going to explode. well story doesn't end there. since i now have a operating tank, NATO thinks it's dead. I move to gunner's position, and look at NATO base. as soon as I zoom in, i see that our flag has been captured. and I see an Apache landing. so what i do? yup. sabot to Apache. turns out, the player in Apache had the flag. then I drive tank to their base, snatch their flag and come back un harmed! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KaRRiLLioN 0 Posted March 21, 2002 Seriously, make a mission with an LST in it and then take an OH58 and push the LST. You can actually push them pretty fast. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hkg3 0 Posted March 26, 2002 Myself and our Squad leader DB1 were havin a bout of insomnia one night, so being the saddos that we are we decided to post his IP on GaySpy. Anyway 4 or 5 players turned up an we played CTF. The game progressed as follows: I defend DB1 attacks -- outcome major rapefest for DB1, he gets bored and comes back to defend base along with the flag. My turn to attack flag -- outcome major rapefest, i get flag, get back to base and head out again, anyway one of the guys says that we are cheating or some BS and that West has better weapons (Funny that because it's basic weapons M16 Ak's etc), so we swap sides, us East them West, outcome as before major rapefest and much sulking by the other side. What was so funny about that you may ask, well it wasn't so much what was happening it was what was being said, and the other guys started leaving with comments like "You guys are no fun to play with etc" Noobs don't u just love them hehe Anyway i haven't laughed so much in ages and i guess you had to be there, me and DB1 were on fire that night and i only wish it was like that all the time, usually i'm the one on the bad end of a rapefest........ Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ale2999 0 Posted March 26, 2002 K my friend was over so I wanted to show him an mp game of flashpoint. I live in North America but we connected to an European server. It was mid day so my connection was a little bit slower than usual ( I am on cable) and I was experiencing lag. I jump into a abraham and was going 4 enemy flag. I sighted a mi17 and I decided to take it down. I switched to gunner seat and tried to aim. The chopper was warping so I decide to calculate is trajectory and shoot. I shot right at it but nothing happened for 2 seconds so I started making excuses to my friend that the altitude of the chopper and the lag where too much. But then I heard an explosion and the chopper was going down in smoke. It was hilarious Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dark_Shadow 1 Posted March 28, 2002 Mine woulda have to have been during a CTF mission. 2 vs 2. Im looking for these sneaky guys, who we cant find anywhere. Seems i looked everywhere (is a small island map) and still cant find em. I jump into a CH-47 sitting nearby and take to the sky. Sure enough i spot 1 of them about 50m from our flag (my partner is a ways off and couldnt help at all). As he is going for my flag, I bail out of the CH-47 above my flag, hopping to kill him as he ran away after I got on the ground. The bird did a weird "boomerang" kinda manuever and flew back towards my direction as i was floating down in my para and *BOOM* =bad guy is dead! Chopper ended up crashing on top of him! Was funny as heck. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sas_razor 0 Posted March 29, 2002 Most of the time I play defence - roosting in a bush somewhere until a target arrives. This game I couldnt seem to get comfy - everytime I had the flag scoped my aim seemed judder. I was just watching a teamate gather ammo at our pole when my right EAX enganced lughole exploded and he dropped - I jumped up and shot another guy who was in the same damn bush. Two mins later I shot to point out the bush to someone else and two other guys - one on my side on on theirs got wasted. I nearly wet myself. This bush IS big enough for the both of us. Razor Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
168GRN HPBT 0 Posted March 30, 2002 My fav moment was when I killed 2 opposition members using a m113 and a slab of C4 .I set it up so that the M113 would be a projectile, waited until the victims where in place and Boom it looked great. They didn’t have a chance . Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nailbighter 0 Posted March 30, 2002 I was playing a coop once as a medic.... and in this co-op there were Russian helis attack us resistance forces... So, we are getting our ass kicked.. And 2 tank drivers come over to a SMALL clearing between some buildings I go to heal them. I think its pretty safe, we are away from the fighting and there is NO way any one could shoot us. Then everything goes BLACK and I hear a HUGE explosion.. It turns out,,, in the death cam.. That I had a HUGE russian helicopter fall on my head... It crushed the 2 buildings and killed the tank drivers and me and basically destroyed a lot of sh#t... Its not everyday you have a helo fall on your head.... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Pete 1 Posted March 30, 2002 mine was in that first stock ctf mission....i was russian and just showing the game to a friend. so he asks if the sights shake when your exhausted of running, and i say i think so and put up the sight..and i realise that i am actually aiming directly at the head of a enemy soldier who is in a bush...for some reason he didnt shoot me, but i shot him. we laugh over that funny incident and i continue towards the enemy base, then i stop at a tree to write something in the teamchat..and while writing i notice feet just under me, and they are not mine... i was standing right on top of someone, so i get half panicked, press esc to get of the chat-window and start jumping around shooting under me, and he started to shoot me at the same was like a few seconds VERY intense VERY close range shootout, and i survived totally unharmed!! me and my friend was laughing so hard that we didnt notice our own uaz who came from behind and drove over me! this game...its never boring really....i wish i had more time to play it tho Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dead-Ćnd-Start 0 Posted March 31, 2002 jeeze i got annother we where playing 2 on 2 CTF w/ vehicals but the Americans get shit(m113s + m60 V BMPs) all and i was the russians, we got bored so we started respawn raping the yanks, so what would happen would be the Soilder would spawn and then it'd be a race for the man to get in the m113/m60 before we ran him over, so basicaly became a game of cat and mouse until we lost a bmp and they still had an m60, which we then _thought_ we killed. so my friend(shep) in the bmp rocks up into the base, and one of the yanks(tim) sees this bmp charging towards him. (tim spots bmp heading in his direction) (tim) - Shit!!! (tim spots M-60 charging towards him) (tim) - YES! I'M SAVED! EDDIE! KILL THE BMP!!!! (eddie) - thats not me in th m60... (me) - muhahahahahah (tim) - oh...SHIT! (splat) (player Hazza killed Tim) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Titanium Posted March 31, 2002 2 uh-60 choppers carrying the entire west team. I sjhot 1 with a law, it spun sideways and hit the toher. We won cause of one law/. (total of 12 enemies killed) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
moerty 0 Posted April 8, 2002 i don't know how this happened but i was in a town playing defense and as usual there were airdrops coming in regularly. on this one occassion the chopper flies directly over the objective swerving like a jet fighter and me with my aug i just shoot at it to give the pilot those little *plink plink* effects. just as the chopper swoops over my head i see some1 eject and i eagerly anticipate an easy kill, only to see the guy was dead before he hit the ground and moments later i heard the chopper explode in the distance behind me. sweet Ahrnie moment that was. on the recieving end, once i was part of an airlift in the fraghaus server and say what you will about them when they split up the regulars into equal teams things can get very fun. on one such occassion i was in the chopper with the fha crew but the pilot was a regular player to the server i believe. the guy does a beautiful landing at the perfect spot behind enemy lines, we all get out and he's ready to liftoff, except for one problem, there was a gunship on our six who'd been following us for a few minutes and he just waited till we all out of the chopper and then started strafing us with the 30 mm. he got the 8 infantry, the chopper and it's pilot, all within the first 5 minutes of the game. i didn't like dying but i sure thought it was funny. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites