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Getting the AI to use the Laser Designator

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Hi all

This might also be a question for mission editing/scripting, but in general it's gameplay related...

If I have a AI soldier with an Laser Designator under my command, is there any way to get him lasing a target?

As a Squad Leader, it's now very easy with the modules to set up "Tactical Air Strike" support with the Harriers. But if you are not lasing a target for them, they will not drop any bombs. As a Squad leader, you shouldn't have to do everthing yourself, it would be rather nice if you can tell your AI subs to get out the LD and paint the target.

But the action menu for the subordinate soldier doesn't offer "Weapon Laser Designator" or anything similar.

I think this worked once upon a time in Arma1, but can't remember how...

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In Arma1 you just put a LD guy on the map and you start flying. If there are any targets available he will start designating. Tested just a few hours ago, with ACE, during some SP practice runs. You don't even have to be in the same group.

Don't think you can order him to designate a specific target, he will paint whatever he sees fit. Usually the heaviest armor.

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i usually use "this dotarget name" when the AI is not in my group but like CarlGustaffa said you dont need to even do that as usually they will lase on their own. If he is someone in your group then i would assume that ordering him to target the tank should do.

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The AI basically treats the LaserDesignator just like an ATLauncher.

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What happens if there's no aircraft around then? He just points the laser and waits to eat a HE round from the tank? :)

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Haven't been able yet to get an AI subordinate targeting a tank with the LD in A2. I will try it again.

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Ok, might be a bug. I remember this was an issue in Arma1 as well until it eventually got fixed with a patch.

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I've managed to get an AI with LaserDesignator to target with it just fine in ArmA1.0. He just has to have the LaserDesignator, be in range of a target appropriate for the LD, have discovered the target, and once he's settled down he just pops out the LD and turns it on all on his own.

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Haven't been able yet to get an AI subordinate targeting a tank with the LD in A2. I will try it again.
I'm having the same problem. Is there something I'm missing, or is it a bug that BIS need to fix?


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I still see this as an issue in 1.03. I have tried making the AI "selectweapon" the laser designator, and the "dotarget" command but the AI doesnt do what he is told. He momentarily pulls out the LD then puts it back in his kit and selects his primary weapon if he has one.

This was the case even when there was no infantry on the ground..purely armour.

I did an experiment where I "removeallweapons" on the AI then manually add the LD and Battery, even then the AI prefers to lay down with his arms crossed and watch as the Tungsta's blow my Airforce out of the sky.... than try help them by designating targets : (

Hopefully this can be addressed in a patch. If there are any workarounds that can be brought to light..please let me know.


Rough Knight

Edited by Rough Knight

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The AI uses the laser designator similarly to how he uses AT weapons. When he sees a target he finds worthy of marking with a laser, he will switch to the laser and mark it. Of course at 400m a tank is not visible to a max skill AI on expert unless the tank makes some noise. Same thing for aircraft flying right above the tank (with non-guided ammo, will bomb the tank only if it makes noise, though with guided ammo they will see the laser marker and bomb it every time). If you actually place the AI aircraft with the unguided weapons in your own group and "reveal" the enemy tank, he will bomb it (when normally he wouldn't see it).

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It's not exactly noise for aircraft detecting vehicles, it's the IRsignature thingy which is basically off when the engine is off an don when the engine is on.

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From my last post seems I was misleading somewhat. I found that my AI was positioned close to trees so his vision must have been obstructed. I made him move into the clear and then he would actually pull out his designator.

He then seemed glued to his target but I was getting no target show up when I armed my GBU's in the F35.

So it seems he was targeting the tungsta but the target wasnt showing up in my HUD which I think aligns with what nicolasroger was saying.


Rough Knight

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He's got a battery? Batteries run out after continuous laser on as well, but it takes a while.

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It's not exactly noise for aircraft detecting vehicles, it's the IRsignature thingy which is basically off when the engine is off an don when the engine is on.

This is also silly anyway, as you should easily be able to detect vehicles on IR even if they don't have an engine on, not to mention they shouldn't cool down instantly after turning it off.

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Laser Designator works when a player designates, ie laser target is visible to AI, but an AI designated target doesn't seem to be visible to players in an airplane.

Also I noticed AI pilots seem to engage ground targets with sidewinders missiles. Has anyone else noticed this or can anyone else experiment to prove this?

I hope BIS can improve the game to stop AI wasting sidewinders on ground targets. I imagine that wouldn't be too hard to fix.



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OK...Finally I have got AI to lase targets. The problem is is that AI pull out the LD no problems, but they then don't look at the target.

I found this out by experimenting in the editor. In my trigger I had:

spotter selectweapon "laserdesignator"; spotter dotarget aa1

The spotter pulls out his LD and targets about 45deg away from the target. I tried 'spotter dowatch aa1' but made no difference.

So then in the editor I phsically lined up my spotter and the target by the "azumit" angle and suddenly "laser target" appears in my aircrafts HUD when I have GBU-12's selected.

So I guess that clears up why AI designated targets don't show up....it appears unless you script the AI to directly face the target....they won't actually face the target so the laser will not show up.

Interestingly I think the Ai actually believes he is targeting the target however because he keeps his LD out...ie doesnt pack it away.



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I forced an AI to lase a target while messing around in the editor.

I found I had best results when:

  • Removing all weapons other than the laser designator (removeallweapons, addweapon, addmagazine).
  • Forcing him to stand up (setunitpos).
  • Disabling his movement AI (otherwise he runs about quite a lot, probably spooked by the tank) (disableAI).
  • Putting him somewhere where he had clear view of his target.

It's easy to know if he's doing it... the laser dot is massive (about 1 metre radius) and so easy to see. At least, it is on my machine.

It is probably possible to achieve this list of criteria by ordering the AI as squad leader, but I don't imagine it would be simple.

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In my experience you don't need to do anything other than making him know about the target. If he sees the target, he seems to use its laser designator on it just like an AT specialist will use his AT weapons. Except it can get funny when he designates a target even when there is no aircraft around in miles, which strengthens my point that he thinks the designator is just another weapon that he can use for targets that can't be killed with his rifle.

Instead of forcing him to use the laser, make sure he can see your target. Either script something that modifies his knowsAbout, or make the target create some noise so that he will spot it naturally. I've tried the latter and it definitely enabled him to designate a tank from 400m away (otherwise he would not even see it).

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