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Patch 1.02 makes image blurry

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I had this problem too. I also have PP disabled and had to set it to low, then back to disabled on every start.

I fixed this by setting hdrprecision to 32 in the Arma2.cfg. At least I believe that's what fixed it. There is now no blur for me on startup. Can anyone confirm?

It works with me. Changing HDRPrecision to 32 I don't have any blur at game startup anymore.

Thanks MadDogX.

Now what HDRPrecison controls?

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Hello all

Altering my PP solves the issue as others have stated.

Ive removed noblur and ill have a peek at the arma2.cfg .



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Since the 1.02 patch, my game starts up really blurry in the distance. Its almost as if Post Processing Effects were on Very High.

The kicker is, however, when I go to my graphics options... the dropdown box says "disabled"!

Switching from disabled to low and back fixes this issue. However occasionally I've noticed very jerky FPS!

I'm running:

AMD Phenom II X4 955 3.2GHz Quad Core

4 GB of RAM

2x ATI 4870s in Crossfire

10,000 RPM WD Raptor HD

Windows 7 64-Bit Build 7100

Any ideas guys/gals?

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This is most likely due to the fill rate setting. Set the fill rate resolution to match your normal resolution, that should make it look correct. If you go higher then normal resolution it will look better, but will have a stronger impact on performance, as it has to renderthe scene at a higher resolution.

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Nah, I've noticed the same. If you set post-processing to 'disabled', then the game won't remember next time it's started. It seems to automatically set it to 'high' or 'very high'. Fill rate matches normal res.

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This is a bug, not fillrate-related.

Please also see this thread: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=75258&page=3

There's an entry in the official bug tracker here: http://dev-heaven.net/issues/show/2196

Please vote for the issue.

I'm haven't tested yet if the game really sets PP to HIGH or VERY HIGH - does it have motion blur after load? To me it seems PP generally is deactivated when this error occurs, but the distant "depth of field" shaders come into effect despite PP set to OFF or LOW at startup. Only by resetting the PP level does it go away.

Edited by Helmut_AUT

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Does HDR Precision cost performance? I think it might just improve the shader detail so it doesn't look blurry, but the shader causing the effect would still be running.

If you can, benchmark this please - one with HDR32 and no blur, the other by deactivating blur and then benchmarking. I have a feeling it will be different performance-wise.

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I'm not a fan of post effects, so I run with it disabled. On my 1920x laptop LCD display, running ARMA2 windowed "-window" in 1280x made the image crisp. I don't even need AA.

Edited by JOGR

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Okay this is weird:

Loading the game with PP deactivated (no mods, no other stuff changed) in 1.02 gives me blurry graphics. PP to LOW then back to OFF resets the situation and the graphics are as clear as in 1.01

My config file isn't write-protected, the setting stick. But next loading of the game, the blurry landscape is back again until I set PP to LOW once.

same thing for me. i finally decided to give "noblurB" a try ! and i work well ;)

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Does HDR Precision cost performance? I think it might just improve the shader detail so it doesn't look blurry, but the shader causing the effect would still be running.

If you can, benchmark this please - one with HDR32 and no blur, the other by deactivating blur and then benchmarking. I have a feeling it will be different performance-wise.

I see your point and I've already thought about that. Yesterday had the opportunity to play for 1 hour and benchmark the 2 SP missions that I played with FRAPS. I'll try it tonight with HDRPrecison set to 8 (as it was before changing to 32) and reseting at beginning the PP and see if there's an increase in performance.

---------- Post added at 12:43 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:41 PM ----------

same thing for me. i finally decided to give "noblurB" a try ! and i work well ;)

noblurB doesn't work with patch 1.02.

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it works, at least for motion blur, which isn't here anymore.

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Yeah, theres something going on with the toggle in the options. This has nothing to do with fillrate setting. Mine is at 100% to ease your mind.

Setting HDRPrecision=32 seems to fix it. However I do not know what this setting configures. Also with it set to 32 I notice a slight preformance hit, however that may just be me being paranoid lol.

Even turning shadows onto high I notice a decent preformance hit... this game is a beast to run!

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Yeah, theres something going on with the toggle in the options. This has nothing to do with fillrate setting. Mine is at 100% to ease your mind.

Setting HDRPrecision=32 seems to fix it. However I do not know what this setting configures. Also with it set to 32 I notice a slight preformance hit, however that may just be me being paranoid lol.

Even turning shadows onto high I notice a decent preformance hit... this game is a beast to run!

I think there is something going on with all the toggle options to be honest, its not just the one you can blatantly see with a blur effect. Texture settings, memory, Lod distance toggle switches, "ALL" are not really doing as they are told to some point, or changing when they feel like it..

How about the grass radius around your immediate area? now its laden with nice vegetation, but when you move or alt free look around a bit you can see some of it pop into place from nowhere to fill the gaps that are there in the vegetation.

When you move then forwards or run etc, you can see it build up slowly as you move, now this is normal to a point in games with vegetation, but to be honest you only see up to a short distance these ground plants and with the gfx card I have being 1 spec short of top end now I should be able to get those vegetations to load further ahead with the streaming so I dont really see them coming into play..

Mmo.s I play do it just as big scaled areas of land for the 100mtrs of vegetation we get in arma, so why not in arma then?

Hers is hoping to this is all about game bug fixing and optimizing.. So looking forward to even much better gameplay immersion.

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Well its weird because the Arma2.cfg shows postfx=0 (or whatever the entry is, I'm at work atm) so I'm not too sure its an options menu problem. I think somethings just fishy with 1.02 and the postprocessing values period.

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My personal theory is that the engine doesn't properly read the config file (or ignores the setting there) upon first load, and only sets PP to correct values once the user changes it around.

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Setting HDRPrecision=32 seems to fix it. However I do not know what this setting configures. Also with it set to 32 I notice a slight preformance hit, however that may just be me being paranoid lol.

32hdr is nice its what i use, takes allot of the lil issues away. and should give a perfomance hit all IQ improvments do.

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Yeah that's all I found on it too. =S Either way I can't afford a performance hit. I'm stretching out my view distances on this rig instead of quality. Snipers need to be able to see whats out there ya know? xD

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Yeah that's all I found on it too. =S Either way I can't afford a performance hit. I'm stretching out my view distances on this rig instead of quality. Snipers need to be able to see whats out there ya know? xD

I tested tonight. I benchmarked with fraps and compared with the results of last night and come to conclusion if there was any dropout in performance was marginal. So I guess its ok to use the 32 value in HDRPrecision.

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This happened to me as well after installing 1.02. To unblur the view I must set post processing to something other than disabled, then switch it back to disabled.

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If you go higher then normal resolution it will look better, but will have a stronger impact on performance, as it has to renderthe scene at a higher resolution.

...then compress it to the normal resolution, so how can it look better ?

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This happened to me as well after installing 1.02. To unblur the view I must set post processing to something other than disabled, then switch it back to disabled.


This works but there is obviously a bug with Post Processing being reset to on every time ArmA II is restarted.

Kind regards walker

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