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Airplanes automatic rudders

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Like in the title several of my friends now playing ARMA2 (no account here) told me the jets when going above a certain speed with automaticly rudder left and right leaving the jets to wobble back and forth. They dont have any joy installed or anything that can mess with it.

Anyone else noticing this or is it limited to my mates?


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have this porblem too, if you fly faster than 400 it starts and you cant control the plane

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I've noticed a little "swinging" in the nose of the plane but not enough where I am not in control.

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According to my friends testing this now as we speak say it wobbles hard as the rudders kick in auto.

BIS - something to fix! Or are they missing something? No joys or pads or anything connected that can interfear with the controls.


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Is it particular to one plane or across them all?

In fact bugger it, firing up the armoury now to test a few planes at high speed (heh any excuse really)

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So far they say all fast planes does it. Speed the planes up fast. Hold "Q" all the time and it should be more and more.

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Well just a quick blast around in a few of the planes in the armoury and on my end it and I can so far only get the "nose wobble" in two planes, the F-35 and the AV-B. Even then its only a slight wobble and I wouldnt say I was out of control.

The SU's seemed very solid and no nose wobble at all.

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Yes I have the problem using joystick, thats 2 things on planes that are worse then OFP (not to mention the 3rd person view)

So now we have:

*Not full control of the rubber, the game trys to take over

*No Analogue throttle again :(

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Well just a quick blast around in a few of the planes in the armoury and on my end it and I can so far only get the "nose wobble" in two planes, the F-35 and the AV-B. Even then its only a slight wobble and I wouldnt say I was out of control.

The SU's seemed very solid and no nose wobble at all.

Maybe your not "out of control" but c'mon mate, should we have the rudders move by themselves? Definate no to that question. Firing with guns and rockets when a jet wobbles is not good. Having a jet wobble due to automatic rudders is just... very very wrong.

BIS will fix im sure.


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When I said I was not out of control it was mostly toward Paladin who said he would lose control of the plane with it, I fully agree the plane should nose about like that.

But yeah I am more than confident it will be sorted.

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In ArmA 1 there was some strange control binding issues. Is it possible that you have the joystick bound to 'turn left / right' instead of something like 'roll left / right'? It might be an avenue for investigation.

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When I was testing it I was only on the keyboard and mouse with default keybindings. Surely if it was device/keybinding causing it than it would manifest across all planes and not just two (for me).

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I can confirm this bug, and I get the same auto rudder thing on the SU-25 too.

edit: It only happens occasionally. Most of the time the rudder is fine.

Edited by sk3pt

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Skip the throttle talk here please even though its wanted too.

The issue of this thread is: Rudder is automaticlly swinging left and right while in flight. Needs to be fixed.


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Glad it's known. On the F35 it's pretty bad, easy to see in 3rd person.

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I have noticed this issue, I fly with the mouse.

I've only flown the f35 so far, To me it seems to happen at higher speeds.

It sure makes CAS strafing runs near friendlies an unwieldy experience, not that I should be doing those in an f35 but.......ya there it is.

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Happens to me as well, doesnt make it uncontrolable just annoying as hell and can put me off a attack run in the harrier easily...

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I think the Yaw-Damper is broken... lol

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72;1317333']Skip the throttle talk here please even though its wanted too.

The issue of this thread is: Rudder is automaticlly swinging left and right while in flight. Needs to be fixed.


You should report it in the bug tracker.

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I have also noticed this allot with the F35... if you set up any yaw motion at high speed it quickly becomes and uncontrollable oscillation... the Yaw damper is either too slow or overcorrecting, I have a feeling that its the a bit of both.

One thing to try as well is.. get the F35 into a stable hover and let go of the stick.. On my system it WILL yaw one way or another requiring rudder input to get it back... If you go to the outside view and look at the rudders you can see that they are actually the cause of it yawing like mad in the hover, as you let go of the stick in the hover the rudders slooowwly go full deflection one way or another... Very strange :yikes:

Ironically the real F35 has a "hands off" hover stabilisation system allowing the pilot to pretty much take his hand off the stick while in the hover... The same thing can't be said for A2 version :p

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Yep. Im sure BIS will adress this though. We dont have auto rudder left and right in ArmA1. Must be something overlooked. Im sure they get it fixed as soon as they can as it is "important". Hard to dogfight and use guns and strafing runs you have to all the time wait until the jet swings back to center before shooting.


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Is this reported to BIS? It's so gd annoying it sorta makes me a little sad.

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i noticed the same bug .

its not allways present but it happens on all planes.

very annoying.

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considering this isn't a flight sim are you surprised? The only thing realistic about this game is the 'combat experience'

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