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ArmA 2 Buglist - Content related bugs only

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My animation for first aid is fecked. If I go to drag somebody away from fire, I am stuck in the carry pose while the person I am trying to save is dying on the floor with me unable to pick them up. I am then running around looking for all the world like I have just shit my kecks, whilst the enemy take pot shots at my noggin.

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I'm finding many cars very difficult to steer easily (they either don't turn enough, or oversteer in the extreme.)

The rudder on the C-130J seems useless for taxiing, I find it impossible to move it from the taxi way to lining it up on the runway.

Also when the AI take off in the C-130 from the tarmac runway in Chenerus, they always bank right and crash into the trees, no matter where their waypoint is.

When speaking to AI, large portions of speech are normally left out, i.e. rather than saying 'Where are we' my character only says 'Where?' This is the same for longer conversations, especially when the AI are describing any contacts seen. (this might just be my computer messing around, I don't know if it happens with others)

Edited by sashfield

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I'm finding many cars very difficult to steer easily (they either don't turn enough, or oversteer in the extreme.)

When speaking to AI, large portions of speech are normally left out, i.e. rather than saying 'Where are we' my character only says 'Where?' This is the same for longer conversations, especially when the AI are describing any contacts seen. (this might just be my computer messing around, I don't know if it happens with others)

yeah you are right there isn t a way to drive car good enough to stay on the right side of the road and many times on the road itself but from 1.00 its a little bit better. About conversations its a bug i have that too and sometimes they talking chernarusians and some words they say in russian language (it happening with civilians , with soldiers they stick to their language)

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When saving in the campaign (mission Dogs of War), this happens:


and its a CTD.

Edited by Väinämöinen

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Online Campaign Coop. Corrupt game saves. When reloading maps other players always have there tasks missing.

There is also a massive amount of network lag when restarting a reloaded save game everytime, but when we start fresh and not reload a save from were we got killed, everything overall seems fine.

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Do anyone else have trouble with text chat in multiplayer? After i have typed a few times, certain words i have used before will repeat themselves and i can't delete them. Its similar to T9 on mobile phones for example if i used the word 'chopper'. The next time i type 'c' it will go 'cchopper'. Sometimes it even adds extra words.

Is this a bug or can i turn it off? Its extremely annoying when i can't type to people after a few sentences.

Edited by finalstraw

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Doesn't anyone cares about this?! :butbut:

Edited by bravo 6

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no, not really. I didn't even notice anything until I looked at your pics for 5 minutes trying to see what was wrong. This isn't a game breaker for me.

And besides, you might post this in the official bug forum/tracker so someone that can fix it will see it

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This thread is directly for BIS Developers, those who built ARMA2 models.

If they do build models, they should complete them, and its not hard to do it.

How official is this "official bug forum/tracker"? I think the best place to place a bug is in the Original Forum, not in some forum/tracker built by the community. Correctly if im wrong.

EDIT: For those who do not understand this thread purpose: Where should be shadow it it isn't because the model (house or object) is not totally completed in shadows concern.

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I'd say it's pretty official, it's a sticky at the top of this forum.

"I think the best place to place a bug is in the Original Forum, not in some forum/tracker built by the community. Correctly if im wrong."

because it's soley for bugs, so you don't have a bunch of off-topic and useless posts (which are rampant here) cluttering it up and making them "disappear"

Edited by No Use For A Name

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Well this thread was originally posted in General forum, but it was moved to the TROUBLESHOOTING area.

Who was the "noob" who did this? .. placebo you trool ( :p ) can you please sent it to a more appropriate area ppp..please? :)

Edit: deleted text.

Edit2: And yes, this is the correct place to post this kinda bugs. Just hope the Developers sees it and take it into consideration. If not i will be really really really mad. :)

Edited by bravo 6
spoke to Placebo, was not the one who moved the thread.

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Playing multiplayer after ~2 minutes will result in a black screen that flashes "Receiving..." which does not go away. I have to kill the ArmA2.exe process to get it to stop.

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1.02 58134

didn't fixed 8g ram VRAM detection issues in nv 186.18 driver.

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Do anyone else have trouble with text chat in multiplayer? After i have typed a few times, certain words i have used before will repeat themselves and i can't delete them. Its similar to T9 on mobile phones for example if i used the word 'chopper'. The next time i type 'c' it will go 'cchopper'. Sometimes it even adds extra words.

Is this a bug or can i turn it off? Its extremely annoying when i can't type to people after a few sentences.

I also get a text typing bug where although Im in text chat mode and typing away, my on screen toon will perform actions based on what key Im pressing, so if I hit the "g" key I will open the gear menu and generally jerk aroound randomly while typing, this doesnt happen all the time however. At first I though I was hitting the keys without opening the text field, but nope, im typing text in and it still does movements etc.

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I also get a text typing bug where although Im in text chat mode and typing away, my on screen toon will perform actions based on what key Im pressing, so if I hit the "g" key I will open the gear menu and generally jerk aroound randomly while typing, this doesnt happen all the time however. At first I though I was hitting the keys without opening the text field, but nope, im typing text in and it still does movements etc.

I have the exact same thing, i hit key to chat, and i type and every keybind action is executed.

This is very annoying, i have never experienced something like this in anygame. So anyone else having this issue, or is it very rare ?

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Plenty of people are getting it as far as I know, myself included. Same with the chat items being overlaid on top of the actual chat box, so you can't tell which channel you have selected nor can you see what you're typing.

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I don't know if it has been mentionned before (delete if so) If I change a key binding in the menu and switch to the next action (to bind a key for that) the game crashes. I have the STeam version.

Also I noticed horrible lag (black screens with waiting for data message) on a server were I have a ping of 30. That should not be normal but I believe the Steam version of Arma 2 is the cause because other players were complaining about steam noobs drowning the server.

I hope this can be fixed soon as I experienced 4 or 5 times this faulty connection and had to alt F4 out.... escape, alst tab nothing would work. I would see messages go on during the black screen so comms and messages about people getting shot kept appearing.

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Gunner/Commander weapon ZoomIN BUG, "AGAIN"... for all vehicles that can ZoomIN while in vehicle weapons

Another annoying bug that existed in ArmA1 with the M1A1's does also exists in ArmA2 with AAVP7a1 for example.

The bug I'm referring can affect the playability and can destroy certain missions.

To see the bug try the following:

In editor put a soldier (you) and an AAVP7a1 per example.

  • Go inside the tank as gunner. If you want to zoom in with the right button it does not work (its ok, i prefer to use the + - keys for zoom).

  • Then press the "V" key or what ever key you have to go to 3rd person view. Now, in 3rd person view, continuously press the right mouse button to zoom in, it will zoom in when in 3rd person view. The bug will be seen after you press "V" key again, to go to 1st person view, while you still press the right mouse button to zoom in. In Gunner position you will see the canon view in full zoom in without the possibility to zoom out anymore.

This bug is hunting me since ArmA1 came out, I think i also had this bug in OFP and i hated it.

Please, BIS find a way to fix it. It really can destroy the fun and spirit in a Tank coop mission.

PS- This referred bug does no longer applies to the M1A1, maybe it was fixed since ArmA1, though other vehicles have it.

EDIT1: Same BUG happened when using the LAV-25 (HQ) the other LAV-25 did not have the bug. This bug also appears when using commander in M1A1, probably in all other vehicles that have commander option. ARF!

EDIT2: Looks like this damn bug happens to all vehicles that have gunner or commander position.

Edited by bravo 6

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I've noticed that jets on multiplayer (might be on singleplayer aswell, haven't really checked) have an overcompensating yaw stabilization, it's unnoticeable at low speeds but the faster you go the more it starts to shake.

This is not a realistic effect and it makes diving air-to-ground gun strafes extremely inaccurate since the aircraft will keep yawing from left to right and right to left again constantly.

Here's a video:


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I dont know how do describe the Problem, but it happens with some units in game. The heads are visible throug helmets. May be a problerm with LOD.


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Coming out from the UAV while one of the FLIR modes using the UAV module will make it look like image below. At least on my 8800GTS 320MB. Is this only my pc? Switching to the other FLIR mode it wont give this problem.



UNITS (Insurgents):

Heads at some distances of some insurgents missing at NORMAL object detail setting. Only on that setting. Even VERY LOW will show heads on the units but not NORMAL.



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Without reading through all of your previous posts (thus maybe reporting something that has already been reported)

- when I approach civilians they do not "open their mouths" to speak but they say aloud where they are going or what they are going to do - sounds VERY strange ("Go...to...12457...get in...car" etc.).

Otherwise, they do not say anything.

Game is patched.

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When I command my team´s medic to heal himself, he bends to his knees and "resuscitates" a virtual person virtually lying infront of him (heart massage)...nevertheless, he ultimatelly heals himselfs this way:o)

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