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ArmA 2 Buglist - Content related bugs only

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AI controlled tanks do not fire main gun at enemy tanks or anything,up-dated v1.02 patch in super powers mp...

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Srry if already posted, however during briefings if you pan the camera far enough you can see your headless body. Not sure about other parts of the campaign.

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No hand signal animations for clients on a local host server. Host can see the animations but clients do not. Unsure if this is true for dedicated server as well.

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* Fixed localVRAM detection on Vista x64 systems with 8 GB RAM and more

well, i still need to put -winxp after my shortcut, because the above problem isn't solved

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Hm, ppl, could you help me, i have a strange problem.

When i'm playing in multiplayer somtimes I get a black screen with " Loading...", and it don't remove, before i die(only in Domination and Warfare). Nothing can't help me, not openening map, not pressing Esc, nothing. I just see this black screen, "Loading..." and chat. I can't press respawn in menu, because when i pressing Esc nothing happened.

Please answer in a private message on the forum or on e-mail.

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T90 driver bug ,and BTR90

btr90 bug

*image removed by moderator*

t90 driver bug

*image removed by moderator*

Bit more detail would be nice.

sorry about that my mistake set images to big

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Hm, ppl, could you help me, i have a strange problem.

When i'm playing in multiplayer somtimes I get a black screen with " Loading...", and it don't remove, before i die(only in Domination and Warfare). Nothing can't help me, not openening map, not pressing Esc, nothing. I just see this black screen, "Loading..." and chat. I can't press respawn in menu, because when i pressing Esc nothing happened.

Same story. It seems to me this " unstop loading" screen happens often after map viewing or opening inventory menu.

I stop the game till next good patch.

Edited by Starshina(RUS)

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I think BIS should be aware and know that there are also bugs in some ShadowLOD house models.

I can confirm this with the demo, using the following pictures:

ArmA2_shadowbug_00_s.jpg ArmA2_shadowbug_01_s.jpg

ArmA2_shadowbug_02_s.jpg ArmA2_shadowbug_03_s.jpg

I quote what i already wrote in "my feedback area":

  • Negative: BIS should fix some of the ShadowLods house models because they are not correctly working when shadows are set on "Very High Detail", this means the shadow does not affect the body and weapon when 1st person view is selected. A say again, only in some models. Example from Demo version:

PS- To Moderators & Developers, do what you think its best, but i created this thread because i think BIS should be aware of this small BUG effect that destroys some of the immersion feeling. I as a truly BIS core fan would like to see these kinda bugs fixed.

edit: I'm able and glad to help Developer to detect where these bugs can be found. I could post more coordinates so they could detect easier and fix them faster. Just Let me know if this effort will be considered.

Edited by bravo 6

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I have posted about complex command issues here, but I have described it better in a thread in the general section of what the issue it and more specifics :

Post 1:


Post 2 (reply):


Post 3 (response to reply):


Also using the /3gb switch in XP 32 after some streaming of landscape the game with CTD with no error message and the Arma2.exe will still be loaded in processes and have to kill it also. Not sure if thats just the way it will be with stability on 32bit O/S and the 3gig switch, but reporting it anyway. Before patch 1.02 it would flicker all graphics and CTD with a crash windows error, but not in patch 1.02. I do not use it now.

Edited by mrcash2009

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1. When there is dialog, you cannot move your units. These conversations last 30-120 seconds and during this time 30 enemy troops are closing in on your little Razor team. They die constantly and there is nothing you can do about it. Please allow the user to interrupt the dialog to move their units.

2. When using Binoculars, if you give your an an attack order while using them - your player puts the Binoculars downward at a 45' degree angle. The user has to click multiple times in order to fix this issue. The user should be able to issue multiple attack orders with the Binoculars zoomed in.

3. Map cannot zoom in close enough for precise movement. For a game that advertised centimeter precision, I have no idea why we cannot zoom in further for more precise unit movements.

4. When moving 10+ units on the map from your squad, it is impossible to know what unit is where. Previously in Arma1, you gave a unit a waypoint and their number displayed on the waypoint. In Arma2, you see nothing. You have to guess. This makes it impossible to coordinate an ambush or strike with your own squad.

5. When selecting your units and clicking on a vehicle in-game, sometimes the order "Get in" is given, and sometimes the order "Board" is given. How can you determine which order is given? Left clicking at different times is completely random. I'd like to be able to do both but having it be random is a really bad idea.

6. Telling a unit to get into a URAL or any other vehicle with extra space many times results in the unit saying "NEGATIVE" even though there is plenty space for the unit to get into the car.

7. While driving 7 mph on a road, I turned to the right and one of the Razor team members died because of the bump.

8. For some reason when I get into ANY vehicle, the tires are automatically turned to the right. I sit in the car, not touching anything for 15 seconds and the tires automatically fix themselves. If I try to drive and fix the wheels myself, they automatically move back..

9. Was it intentional to set the player to duck down and begin moving again when using the map?

Manhatten Mission:

1. Mission says: Find Sentry camps. How many? No trigger activates when you clear the forest, the marker doesn't change colors ether. The marker in the forest is red. If you clear all the sentrys, it should turn green or something. I've spent 50 minutes searching the forests that were circled in red and I still cant find them.

2. When you find the priest, you take him to the weapons cache and begin to question on why he was lying. Suddenly enemys spawn around the town. You are NOT able to control your men while the priest is talking for 30+ seconds and your men die helplessly. The enemy troops also spawned less than 5 feet from the priest and me.

3. Radio loops in towns. The message runs many times at the same time. So you get 5 tracks of the message, sounding like a loud noise of clutter and annoyances. "ERGA AIR.."

Bitter Chill Mission:

Position: 111054 there is some sort of missile barrier. Suggest BIS ether A. Put "Do not enter" Marker zone. or B. Tell player that their objective is to take the chopper.

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Heres some more models with the same Shadow bug effect while in 1st person view & Shadow detail very high:

ArmA2_shadowbug_05_s.jpg ArmA2_shadowbug_06_s.jpg

ArmA2_shadowbug_07_s.jpg ArmA2_shadowbug_08_s.jpg

Edited by bravo 6

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-USMC force recon grenadier model comes with tail.


-VSS Vintorez optics are not aligned.

-Tunguska gunner optics are not aligned.

M1A2 tusk commander MG optic not aligned.

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Soldiers who have a waypoint to get into a guard tower climb to the top of the ladder, but don't stand on the tower platform. This adversely affects their ability to see and engage targets and just looks stupid.

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Soldiers who have a waypoint to get into a guard tower climb to the top of the ladder, but don't stand on the tower platform. This adversely affects their ability to see and engage targets and just looks stupid.

When dead also stay stuck in mid air.

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Another bug with 1.02 I meant to post is that 90% of the time if I walk up to an empty chopper I can get in every seat except the pilot's seat.

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I'm having a problem seeing the Move to and Distance Marker , Orange isn't a good colour.


Is there a way to make it more visable?

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I'm having a problem seeing the Move to and Distance Marker , Orange isn't a good colour.

Is there a way to make it more visable?

Agreed, there should be an option to change the colour.


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The PKT doorgun on the MI-8 seems to be firing subsonic ammo. From distance, the sound of the shots from the weapon arrive in the player's ears BEFORE the whizzes and sonic-cracks. That tells me that the sound of the weapon is traveling faster than the rounds.

I might expect that from some submachineguns, but not from something that fires the same round as the Dragunov SVD.

Realistic ballistics?

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Don’t know if it’s been all ready mentioned but dialog seems sometimes not play in the campaign, bits left out, or 2 separate bits on top of each other.

Also I find the hint bar sometimes disappears before it’s even humanly possible to read it or gets over lapped with the next bit, a bit like the campaign dialogue.

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I have noticed that almost all signs do not have the 1st person shadow effect..

I wonder why?! :confused:

ArmA2_shadowbug_09_s.jpg ArmA2_shadowbug_10_s.jpg

Edited by bravo 6

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Without having read the whole thread and seen if it has been reported yet...

In single player (weapons chamber?) a pilot ejects from the Pchela-1T when it is shot. Either those pilots are midgets (no offense meant) or it is a bug ;)

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HMMWV M2 : There is a fixed flash muzzle.

(here with only two bullets in the magazine)


Edited by Guest

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During Single player in the Manhattan Missions...

Right after you complete any objective you loose all of your support abilities... No Chopper pick up and no 81mm Strikes

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