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Has the "beta" policy changed?

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I downloaded the German version, and installed v1.01.

Looking in the Arma 2 folder, i found that it updated the Arma2.exe and did not work like in Arma with a "beta" folder.

Is this only because it's one of the first patches or has BIS changed it's "beta" policy?

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I think its a beta patch that installs like a regular one, for simplicity.

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It would seem so. And damn i hope it will remain like this.

The -mod=beta provided soooo many problems for users in my opinion..

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Well arma II is as a whole still in BETA. We have the German Release just because of a contract Reasons.

The german version is not even the final version yet that will be released mid June.

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No one forced you to purchase the so called "beta".

Second, a version called 1.0 sounds pretty much final for me, no matter what you personally think.

And last but not least I fail to see what your rant has to do with the original question.

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It would seem so. And damn i hope it will remain like this.

The -mod=beta provided soooo many problems for users in my opinion..

I'm with you on this, -mod=beta was messy.

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No one forced you to purchase the so called "beta".

Second, a version called 1.0 sounds pretty much final for me, no matter what you personally think.

And last but not least I fail to see what your rant has to do with the original question.

It was not a rant. This is what the devs have said on this forum. The german Version was released because of contract reasons. Sorry to make you upset, I actually like the game. Gee.:confused:

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It was not a rant. This is what the devs have said on this forum. The german Version was released because of contract reasons. Sorry to make you upset, I actually like the game. Gee.:confused:

Worst reason to release a game ever..

Got the german version , ain't complaining but this whole release mess is just so unprofessional by both devs and publishers atm..

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Hey, if you're not German and/or living in Germany, this version wasn't even intended for you. You decided to buy it before the European release. If you had done substantial research you would see that the European/American releases of BIS have been the more stable and finished ones, and that the Czech and German versions have not been. It's strange that so many people who aren't German are complaining about the state of the game when they went out of their way to buy a version that wasn't intended for them. :butbut:

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The german Version was released because of contract reasons.
Worst reason to release a game ever.

Yeah. Screw those contracts. Who needs 'em anyway? :rolleyes:

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This is what the devs have said on this forum.

Hmm. Where have they said this? Lead me to a post so i can read from the devs themselves.

Anyways, i think they did it cause it was the first patch.

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The -mod=beta provided soooo many problems for users in my opinion..

Such as? I can't think of one. You get a new icon on the screen which holds the syntax. If they play with other mods, they know how to add and subtract mods from their personal modlist.

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I don't have ArmA 2 yet, but I'd prefer beta patches to stay as a modfolder, just like they are in ArmA1 right now.

Just like CarlGustaffa, I can't think of any problems with this and in case something would go wrong with a beta patch, you wouldn't have to reinstall the whole game, just get rid of the modfolder, switch your shortcut and voila, you're back on the "full" patch.

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