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ArmA2 crash to desktop

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Putting the memory setting as low as you can get away with after setting your other graphic setting to your desired level, tends to work well.

Additionaly I no longer have CTDs or BSODs with the new Beta patch, should maybe give that a try.

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im about to try the new beta ill let everyone know how it goes becuase my game would NEVER last more than 30 minutes without crashing.

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I only have 2 gig of memory and had crashes and system lock ups from day one, usually within 5-10 mins. I did get a bit improvement after cleaning out my old Graphics drivers.

Also the last two patches really seem to have helped clear up the remaining problems, I played 5 hours last night and about 2hrs tonight without a single crash or lock up.

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so far so good with the new beta patch no crashes other than when i used ramdrive i have 8gb of ram and had a 4gb ramdrive dont know if it was just some freak crash but i would like to continue using ramdrive becuase the gameplay was alot smoother liquidpinky what settings should are you using i know you like ramdrive too? i might have to buy a solid state drive.

Edited by Killakaze

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I am getting what you could call a crash to desktop

What happens is the game appears to close and i am on the desktop, i dont get any errors and when i check Windows Task Manager ARMA 2 is still running and using resources but the icon is no longer in my taskbar nor can i use ALT+TAB to locate it.

Its happened twice at the same area in the game, the area you have to go to the cowshed and help a guy named Olgarich (something like that), hes part of NAPA? (sorry i should pay more attention), he and the other villagers are hold-up in the towns cow-shed and he radios for support (officer Many? back in the army base tells you that he may have information).

The first time it happened i was getting out a truck and the second time it happened i was trying to get out a van.

Any ideas what might be causing this?

I am using Nvidia drivers 196.34 beta (they are the same as the WHQL 196.21 version but they fixed a bug that caused overclocking software to stop working). I have all the latest sound drivers, chipsets drivers etc.

my specs are

Intel i7 965 EE 3.20GHz @ 3.70GHz (verified stable)

EVGA X58 Classified Motherboard (E759)

3x2GB Kingston HyperX DDR3 2000 8-8-8-24 @ DDR3 1600 7-7-7-18 (its rated for 6-7-6-18 at that DDR speed)

2x EVGA GTX 295 @ stock speeds

Intel 80GB SSD Gen 2 (OS = Windows 7 Professional 64bit Retial)

2x 300GB VelociRaptors (RAID 0) (Games)

2x 1TB WD Caviare drivers (RAID 1)

1x 150GB Raptor (Misc drive, Page File)

Anyone have any ideas whats causing this? Apart from that i finally have the game running so its playable at 1920x1200 rez (for both monitor and rendering), i have everything on very high except anti-aliasing which is on normal, i have anisotropic filtering on high, shadows high and i have VRAM on default.

I have only changed settings via the in-game graphics options, i have not messed with changing the config files or anything like that.

I was getting major stuttering, freezing, lag, slow loading of textures and just pretty poor performance in general but i fixed that by adding ARMA 2 to my list of exclusions for my Anti-Virus software, Kaspersky Internet Security 2010, this means ARMA 2 is no longer scanned, only network/internet access is scanned via the firewall.

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Well I see that thousands of gamers can't play Arma 2 for the same reasons that I can't: CTD. I can't even get in game before a CTD. I'm stuck at the configure controls screen. Here's the problem.... software. I see many people attempt to configure their hardware to try and "fix" CTD problems caused by this game. That is ludicrous. A game (software) should be designed to work for hardware, and not the other way around.

I don't have time or patience to try and "fix" my system to make Arma 2 buggy game work. My system runs just fine with every single other piece of software, so I know Arma 2 is at fault.

Until a patch is released by BI that claims "CTD issues fixed", I will not even attempt to install this game again on my system. In addition, I will diligently watch for BI games and avoid them in the future. The quality control is apparently lacking.

Good luck to all of you who can at least play the game for a small amount of time. I will be spending my time with other games where the developers have taken care to avoid these issues. There are plenty of them out there.

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if you have Vista / Seven then accumulation of issues slowly indicates

that lot of problems with startup crash to desktop , fail to start or/and freeze

is related to sound playback/recording devices and theirs setting

usually it mean new device was add and primary output/recording device changed

typical example:


another users reported this started since they added card with HDMI or updated drivers (which included HDMI) etc.

or there is ongoing another similar issue

output frequency is not 44+ KHz (some users were reporting that for some reason theirs OS audio output settings were changed to e.g. 22Khz and ARMA 2 failed to start)

this is definitely something i'm interested into and would like to know if anyone experienced this and is able repeat to replicate ....

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Whenever I have a CTD it appears to be (according to the rpt file) related to video memory not 'flushing' properly. CTD can be prolonged via use of the shift - flush cmd in game. These CTD's can be accelerated via high speed low level flying over the map and particularly around heavy areas such as the main city and the north east corner.

This is the only way to stave off CTD's and even then isn't guaranteed. Various settings have been tried and all have same result.

I see 3 primary types of CTD:

A: Game stops responding via visual/input but audio is still running (sometimes looping) and game is still in task manager, requires termination of process to recover

B: Game just flat out CTD's and there is no error report or any message of any kind.

C: Display drivers seem to 'reset' and game can be heard in back ground running but no input or visual cues indicate the game itself is still running, requires termination of process.

I've posted error rpt dump files up on devheaven previously but can do so here if required.

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Whenever I have a CTD it appears to be (according to the rpt file) related to video memory not 'flushing' properly. CTD can be prolonged via use of the shift - flush cmd in game. These CTD's can be accelerated via high speed low level flying over the map and particularly around heavy areas such as the main city and the north east corner.

This is the only way to stave off CTD's and even then isn't guaranteed. Various settings have been tried and all have same result.

I see 3 primary types of CTD:

A: Game stops responding via visual/input but audio is still running (sometimes looping) and game is still in task manager, requires termination of process to recover

B: Game just flat out CTD's and there is no error report or any message of any kind.

C: Display drivers seem to 'reset' and game can be heard in back ground running but no input or visual cues indicate the game itself is still running, requires termination of process.

I've posted error rpt dump files up on devheaven previously but can do so here if required.

Which gfx card do you own and whats your ingame video memory setting?

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same questions and same answers over and over again for weeks.

disable this,tweak that.whats your card,whats your settings.

its quite easy.what we simply need is a new PATCH.

we all know 1.05 was a big fail,for alot of people.

so really dont understand whats the problem is to bring out even a new beta instead of let people trashing every thread with the same crap again.


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same questions and same answers over and over again for weeks.

disable this,tweak that.whats your card,whats your settings.

its quite easy.what we simply need is a new PATCH.

we all know 1.05 was a big fail,for alot of people.

so really dont understand whats the problem is to bring out even a new beta instead of let people trashing every thread with the same crap again.


Nice attitude :eek:

If you dont like people asking about peoples specs and settings then i advice you to not read these kind of threads ;)

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Which gfx card do you own and whats your ingame video memory setting?

GTX285 factory OC'd to 670mhz. (Temps are all fine, I watch them like a hawk)

3GB DDR3 System RAM.

i7 920

In game vid mem settings, I've used every single one of them and it makes no difference, so I leave it at High.

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1.05 was not a "big fail" for many. Did you forget the numerous bug fixes and performance fixes that were made during the beta period, plus the inclusion of the AH-64 from OA and Eagle Wing? All for free? The only failure with 1.05 is the new "auto danger" mode, but we've all voiced our opinion on that subject so much that it would be stupid for BIS not to fix it in the next patch, which is likely going to be the case.

I advise that if you are to completely remove your computer from the "ArmA II not working"-equation, then you should not visit the troubleshooting section of the forum.

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GTX285 factory OC'd to 670mhz. (Temps are all fine, I watch them like a hawk)

3GB DDR3 System RAM.

i7 920

In game vid mem settings, I've used every single one of them and it makes no difference, so I leave it at High.

I also got a Core i7 920 and a GFX 285 gfx card. When i have video setting on default i get CTD's so i have it on high like you and that works for me. What about your other video settings what are they, having to high settings can also lead to CTD's. Which OS to you have?(im on WinXP 32Bit).

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I also got a Core i7 920 and a GFX 285 gfx card. When i have video setting on default i get CTD's so i have it on high like you and that works for me. What about your other video settings what are they, having to high settings can also lead to CTD's. Which OS to you have?(im on WinXP 32Bit).

Win7 - 64bit

Using 195.96 Nvidia drivers as the latest ones resulted in accelerated CTD's in game.

I'm at work at the moment so I'll try as best I can to remember my settings;

AA - low (x2 enhanced using Nvidia Control Panel)

View distance 4.5k (but I only play warfare which has it's own VD slider and is set around 2.5k)

Post processing is Low

Resolution is 1680*1050 as is in-fill

Shadows - normal

Terrain - high

Object- very high

So yeah, generally I run everything up around high and have no problems with FPS (20-30 steady using FRAPS). Can definitely tell it's Memory related because the Arma2.rpt will often (but not always) indicate at what point it ran out of memory. You can even see the size of the request it puts in for available space.

It's a bit frustrating as it makes flying a very short lived affair and using the shift - Flush command only does so much.

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It's probably not the cause, but just in case, download EVGA Precision and use it to monitor your video card temps while playing.

The only reason I mention this is because you mentioned that there was more frequent CTD's with nVidia's latest drivers, and nVidia's latest drivers had an overheating problem that was causing crashes, artifacts and shut downs. The drivers have now been removed from the nVidia website but if it is overheating then more frequent crashes would occur with those nVidia drivers.

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It's probably not the cause, but just in case, download EVGA Precision and use it to monitor your video card temps while playing.

The only reason I mention this is because you mentioned that there was more frequent CTD's with nVidia's latest drivers, and nVidia's latest drivers had an overheating problem that was causing crashes, artifacts and shut downs. The drivers have now been removed from the nVidia website but if it is overheating then more frequent crashes would occur with those nVidia drivers.

I already have EVGA as well as GPUZ and Coretemp to measure all temperatures while playing. All temps are nominal.

I didn't have the chance to upgrade to the latest drivers before they were pulled, so no worries there with exploding Nvidia cards.:D

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Win7 - 64bit

Using 195.96 Nvidia drivers as the latest ones resulted in accelerated CTD's in game.

I'm at work at the moment so I'll try as best I can to remember my settings;

AA - low (x2 enhanced using Nvidia Control Panel)

View distance 4.5k (but I only play warfare which has it's own VD slider and is set around 2.5k)

Post processing is Low

Resolution is 1680*1050 as is in-fill

Shadows - normal

Terrain - high

Object- very high

So yeah, generally I run everything up around high and have no problems with FPS (20-30 steady using FRAPS). Can definitely tell it's Memory related because the Arma2.rpt will often (but not always) indicate at what point it ran out of memory. You can even see the size of the request it puts in for available space.

It's a bit frustrating as it makes flying a very short lived affair and using the shift - Flush command only does so much.

Seems like many CTD's are connected to Win7 64bit :o

Have you tried with the maxmem parameter: -maxmem=2047

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Yeah bit of a bummer, not the first game to have problems with 64bit operating systems.

And yeah I've tried the maxmem count too, didn't do anything noticable.

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I know it's a poor solution but if you have the chance you should try and install WinXP 32bit on a partition and see how that goes.

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Yesterday I played for the first time in months (too many bugs), and guess what: it started crashing.

Yeah, for me too it was that "out of memory problem". And I found out I'm in good company:


Today I'll try the flush thing

---------- Post added at 10:20 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:07 AM ----------

Nope, flush doesn't really help

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Yesterday I played for the first time in months (too many bugs), and guess what: it started crashing.

Yeah, for me too it was that "out of memory problem". And I found out I'm in good company:


Today I'll try the flush thing

---------- Post added at 10:20 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:07 AM ----------

Nope, flush doesn't really help

Whats your OS?

Have you tried the -maxmem=2047 parameter?

Whats you ingame video memory setting and have you tried them all?

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win7 64 bit

I appreciate the help, but I'm afraid that if I start tinkering again with my computer I will freak out :). I have done it a few times in the past months.

To me the best solution at the moment is to wait longer. I know there is a bug report, and more people have this problem. It should be solved, sooner or later. I'll let more motivated people figure that out. I think I'll check out the next beta; maybe I will try then to play with the settings a bit. Guess it's something to try anyway.


Whats your OS?

Have you tried the -maxmem=2047 parameter?

Whats you ingame video memory setting and have you tried them all?

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win7 64 bit

I appreciate the help, but I'm afraid that if I start tinkering again with my computer I will freak out :). I have done it a few times in the past months.

To me the best solution at the moment is to wait longer. I know there is a bug report, and more people have this problem. It should be solved, sooner or later. I'll let more motivated people figure that out. I think I'll check out the next beta; maybe I will try then to play with the settings a bit. Guess it's something to try anyway.


Most people with CTD's seems to be on Win7 64bit. If you rather sit back and wait for BIS to come up with a solution then good luck.

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Most people with CTD's seems to be on Win7 64bit. If you rather sit back and wait for BIS to come up with a solution then good luck.

Yeah im running Win7 64bit and have been experiencing the same CTD's although i dont get any errors the arma 2.exe still runs in the background after it crashes, have to end the process through ctrl alt del.

I have tried both the 1.05 and latest beta patches, this wasnt happening to me pre 1.05.

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