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When will the reviews be comming?

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Any word on reviews? I want to see if this game totally rock or flip out.

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In before lock.

EDIT: but seriously, I would expect actual reviews (i.e. no "BubiGames" reviews) to be out when the german version is released... may 29th or something from memory.

Edited by cm

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lol cm. Review by BubiGames: Arma2 rockz :O

(BubiGames is an unregistered Trademark by De_little_Bubi)

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Thomas, search a bit. really.. PREviews are out in droves, more coming this week on the new build of the engine. REviews only happen after the game features are locked down, gone gold.

Welcome to the forums.

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How do you know there will be previews of the new build this week?

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How do you know there will be previews of the new build this week?

Good point...

Please, do tell :386:

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Good point...

Please, do tell :386:

Yes. 7.may in PC GAMER this month issue :)

Edit: I missed point about new build. I don't know which build PC GAMER got :/

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Actual reviews will most likely come between early June and August.

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So we have to scan the mag? I think this magazine will be released this date in a few contries.

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Considering there's a pinned press coverage thread one would assume it to be prudent to look in there.

The game is not released yet, thus there are no reviews for it, when there are there will be an "ArmA2 Review Thread"

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