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Will my PC Run this? What CPU/GPU to get? What settings? System Specifications.

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I guess you'd have to test a bit if it's cpu gpu or neither. If increasing antialiasing makes it worse a new gpu is prob'ly best. You can also use tools like gpu-z or evga precision to monitor gpu use. and with Ctrl-Shift-Esc -> performance you can monitor the cpu. If you monitor while playing warfare and once in a while alt-tab to look at your stats you can probably figure out what the problem is.

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I see most of fps drops when i play arma2 (OA is usually faster) so i reduced video settings to:

Video memory: High

When i try Arma2 benchmark or OA benchmark i noted good fps (some stutter even at 150 or 70 fps) with some fps drops especially in the benchmark 01 (after the helicopter when the shot go down through the trees and focuses on one or two units on the hill.

P.S. please be patient, i make lot of mistakes when i translate in english :p

Try changing your Video Memory to Default to improve your framerates.

No worries about your English - it's fine.

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I wanna know which setup would run ArmA 2 the best with High-Very High Graphics.

For Processor...

Intel Core i5-2500K Sandy Bridge 3.3GHz

- - - Or - - -

AMD Phenom II X6 1100T Black Edition Thuban 3.3GHz, 3.7GHz Turbo Socket

For Graphics...

Radeon HD 6870

- - - Or - - -

GTX 560

- - - Or - - -

Radeon HD 6950

Offer suggestions if theres a better CPU or a better Graphics Card for those prices please, also I will be getting a 700Watt power supply and 4 gb SDDR3 1600 and a average motherboard, nothing special im putting most my money in the Graphics and Processor to pump out ArmA 2 on High-Very High, thanks alot :yay:

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The 2500K is the cpu to get if it fits your budget.

The 560 and 6950 have about the same price and performance. If you take one of the cheaper motherboard without sli support just flip a coin to decide.

If you choose a sli mobo and want the option to use sli in the future (as crossfire seems problematic with arma) get the gtx560.

The psu should be more than powerfull enough even for 560 sli. You're probably looking at a sub-300W system as it is now, unless you run linpack+furmark or something. Dont get a 300W psu though, some brands lie about power ratings, but if you find a 400+ decent brand psu that'll be good as well.

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would this stuff fit ?



MB should be ok for OC also i guess?


No clue what to look for, i just know i need DDR3 now;-)

Atm Arma is running ok with my GTX460 and my Oc´d DualCore E8400, but i hope for a huge FPS boost with a new Quadcore.

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Should work. Some overclocking shoud be possible, although I wouldn't push it too far on an asrock board. The kingston valueram is a good choice, it's the most common so compatibility is virtually guarantied.

If you run at high viewdistance and/or with a lot of units the new cpu should give a big boost.

Edited by Leon86

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The Asrock isnt that good for overclocking, and thats what you want when you choose a K CPU, dont you?

iXBT Labs review:

Overclocking parameters are not impressive at all (as you remember, this isn't a high-end overclocker board)


I'd go with a Gigabyte 6 Series GA-P67A-UD4-B3 Intel P67 Motherboard which leaves you with more options for overclocking, esp finetuning RAM values.

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The asrock does allow for finetuning ram settings, just look at the last picture in that review you link to. Someone in my house has that particular gigabyte board and it has the same options.

For sandy bridge the only settings you'll want to touch for a 24/7 overclock are vcore, vmem and cpu multi/mem timings. The asrock is fine for a decent overclock as long as you dont push it too far by trying 5 Ghz with an i7 2600K and then run linpack for 24 hours straight.

4.4 Ghz with a 2500K should be fine on that asrock if the cpu doesnt mind.

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You know how it is. Buying PCs is like buying cars, once you had bad experiences you never buy that brand again. I won't buy more Asrocks or recommend them to others.

You bought a great CPU, why should you waste this power with a 'poor' board? You're creating unbalances / bottlenecks in your system just because you want to safe 50 Euros?

Doesnt make sense to me.

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unbalances and bottlenecks is bullshit. asrock is the independent "budget" brand of asustek, used to make crappy boards but pretty decent now from what I've heard. I'd probably still recommend asus/gigabyte, as it's not that much more expensive but I doubt the cheap asus boards are much better than the cheap asrocks.

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I'll go with my own experience rather than what you've heard/read.

They are not reliable, I had 10 DOAs out of 30 with one batch.


If you are absolutely budget limited, get a cheap Gigabyte. Their RMA process alone is worth the few extra $$ should you have trouble (Gigabyte have the lowest failure rate of all motherboard manufacturers in my experience).

Edited by BangTail

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9 months ago, and that was not the first time (although it was the last).

I know of many businesses and end users that won't touch Asrock with a barge pole due to bad experiences.

The motherboard is the most important part of the system, and while I believe everything should be of good quality, if you absolutely have to skimp for whatever reason, it's not the place to do it.

Edited by BangTail

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Guess I'll stick to asus then. Or gigabyte once they start making 150.- euro boards with case fan control.

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Just have to recommend my new setup, it runs like a dream! And with all settings high (aotc=7) arma is simply the best looking game i have put my eyes on!

+ rws, warFX and track IR. Its orgasmic!

Intel Core i7 2600K


Corsair XMS3 8gb


And the next step is to run it in 3d!

i´ll be back

Edited by johanna
Adding 3d comment

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Can anyone tell me if my new system is good enough to run ARMA2 at high graphic settings with decent framerates? (30+)

MSI 870A-G54 motherboard

AMD Phenom II x4 945 overclocked @ 3.435GHZ (stock @ 3.0GHZ)

Patriot 4 x 2GB total of 8GB DDR3 1600 RAM

2 x ASUS 1GB HD5770 graphic cards (crossfired)

Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit edition

My previous setup could run ARMA2 OA on normal settings with playable framerates but with big battles and lots of action going on, it would drop down to 10fps ish. With my new setup i run the benchmark, which gives me a constant 35-40fps but even so playing some missions, the game would slow down to a laggy 10ish fps.

I know ARMA2 relies alot more on CPU and Memory that graphic capabilities, but would Harddrive speed affect fps? I know with a solid state drive, my loading times would be improved but would it affect fps? Should I invest in one?

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It really depends on the resolution tbh.

SSD's have no effect on FPS. They will drastically reduce loading times and provide a smoother gaming experience due to better streaming where ArmA 2 is concerned.

Crossfire is not a good choice where Arma 2 is concerned.

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Asus are great unless it involves software, then they're terrible :|

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hi! i have a 5970+5870 and a i7 920 4.3 wc. win 7 64. game plays fine but soon i need to upgrade my second pc for work and i'm not sure if i wait for the new intel or just stick to this new set up: will a i7 990x 4.6.or a i7-2600K 5.0 plus a gtx 590 or ati 6990 make a lot of diference in playing arma 2? all max lots of ai?

Which one have better performance, less bug with arma 2? gtx 590 or 6990?990x or 2600k?both overclocked close to 5ghz?

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6990 and 590 are both awful cards (as are most 't00fer' cards).

990x is a total waste of money with SB-E/Kepler not too far away.

Nothing available is going to play the game maxed/Highres with lots of AI, no matter how much money you throw at it tbh.

If you have to buy now, go with a 2600K and 2 x 580s but I would wait for SB-E and Kepler as nothing you can buy now is going to help much.

At this point, you could pick up a couple of 580s to replace the 5970 (SLI is a far better choice with regards to ArmA 2).

Edited by BangTail

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I want to upgrade my CPU and GPU but I dont know which to change first. My CPU is an E5700 but my GPU is a Geforce 240. I know Arma 2 is more CPU dependent but my graphics card is really low. Also if you guys reccomend me a CPU/GPU its gotta have a 775 socket.

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Hey lads :) i just dropped a G on this system i want to be able to play the Vietnam mod with say 500 A I not to bothered about a huge view distance, is it possible with this rig?

CPU: NEW! Intel Core i5 2500K

CPU Cooler: Coolermaster Hyper TX3

Operating System: Microsoft® Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit

Motherboard: NEW! Asus P8P67 LE (Rev. 3)

Memory: NEW! 8.0GB Corsair DDR3 1600mhz Vengeance (4x 2GB)

Hard Drives: NEW! WD Caviar Black 1TB S-ATAIII 6.0Gb/s

Graphics card: NEW! ATI Radeon HD 6850 1GB

Sound card: Asus Xonar DS 7.1

Speakers: Creative Inspire T10

Monitors: 22" Widescreen LCD

Case: Xigmatek Asgard

PSU: NEW! 400W Xigmatek

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@Hoofin: yes (theory), but having 500 AI in a mission (without dynamic spawn scripts) is never a good idea (fact). With an SSD your machine would be perfect.

@solidsnake2384: fastet 775 cpu should be an Intel Core 2 Extreme QX9770 (link) but keep in mind you might need a new MB for it, so its not really worth it imo.

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