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Will my PC Run this? What CPU/GPU to get? What settings? System Specifications.

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$250 isn't gonna get you a 5850 so I guess you're best off with an ati hd5770, you could consider a 5830 but they actually use more power then the 5850, meaning you have a bad chip. That would be ok if they were much cheaper as 5850's, but they aren't. They're also a lot slower.

Thanks for the reply.

Lets say im getting the 5770, on what res \ settings i will be able to run and play smooth ?

atm i play on 1024x768 with normal settings (AA\AF and posteffect are off)

and the game looks kinda crap comparing to what i see in youtube and screenshots

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If you stick with that resolution you could go high/very high with the gpu intensive settings. If you run at 1920x1200 you could run them on medium/high.

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Hey chaps :), i would like to know what i would have to upgrade in my pc to get higher frame rate and maybe higher settings :p. My specs are:

nvidia xfx 9800gt 1gb of ddr3

4 gbs of ddr3 ram

intel quad core 2.8ghz

500gb hhd

right now i can run the game, at around high res: 1400x1400 (i dont really remember the res but its the ones with the 14 :o) at 20-30 fps. And since arrowhead released and my copy should be arriving in a week, i would like to upgrade for better awesome gameplay. Any reccomendations would be really appreciated :D.

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i would like to know what i would have to upgrade in my pc to get higher frame rate and maybe higher settings :p. My specs are:

nvidia xfx 9800gt 1gb of ddr3

4 gbs of ddr3 ram

intel quad core 2.8ghz

500gb hhd

None, the problem is not your computer, it's the game. A 9800GT and quad 2.8 is more than adequate for all games that, like Arma 2, were released more than a year ago. Of course, if you want to dig in your wallet to compensate for incompetent programming, be my guest. With your specs you can play a game like The Hunter with 50fps and have ten times better looking landscapes:




Just my 2 cents.

Edited by Placebo

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hey guys i was wondering will arma 2 run good on theres system specs

like med low high etc

will the game run anygood on there specs

Intel Core i5 750 (2.66GHz Quad Core)

Intel Chipset Motherboard


Dual-Layer DVD-Writer


Black & Silver Gaming Case

nVidia Geforce GTS 250 1GB Dedicated Video Card

Realtek 8-Channel HD Audio

Genuine Microsoft Window 7 Home Premium 64-Bit

(Note) i dont have the monney to upgrade but will it run good ?

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None, the problem is not your computer, it's the game. A 9800GT and quad 2.8 is more than adequate for all games that, like Arma 2, were released more than a year ago. Of course, if you want to dig in your wallet to compensate for incompetent programming, be my guest. With your specs you can play a game like The Hunter with 50fps and have ten times better looking landscapes:

Just my 2 cents.

A 9800, thats essentially a 4 year old GPU. PCs aren't consoles. Try running BC2, Metro 2033, Crysis, GTA IV, AoC et al (a few there are less than a year old but whatever) on a 9800 and see how far you get with high resolutions/AA/eye candy.

Edited by BangTail

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Hi guys,

Back again but a guy helped me to assemble good components and bundles.

http://www.overclockers.co.uk/showproduct.php?prodid=BU-023-OB - is the mobo,cpu,ram and fan bundle.

I will use a ATi HD 5770 as my gpu.

What type of settings could I see in Arma 2

and what type of settings could I see that pc handling at 1920x1200 resolution?

Ignore my HDD at the moment as it is a cheap one to fit my budget.

Thanks again guys, you have been very helpful.

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That's a good bundle - but such a system deserves a stronger graphics card. It's a bit of a waste of money spending £450 on an overclocked i5/mobo/RAM package if your graphics card isn't up to scratch. If you already have the 5770 and can't change your mind on that one, I'd see how the game runs but you'll probably have to play about with the settings a bit. Performance-wise the 5770 is worse than the last-gen 4870 in many cases.

Edited by n00b1

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Hi guys,

Back again but a guy helped me to assemble good components and bundles.

http://www.overclockers.co.uk/showproduct.php?prodid=BU-023-OB - is the mobo,cpu,ram and fan bundle.

I will use a ATi HD 5770 as my gpu.

What type of settings could I see in Arma 2

and what type of settings could I see that pc handling at 1920x1200 resolution?

Ignore my HDD at the moment as it is a cheap one to fit my budget.

Thanks again guys, you have been very helpful.

Don't neglect the HDD, ARMA2 and OA rely heavily on streaming models and textures so a decent quick HDD will benefit you for them.

You could have the best GFX in the world but still get stuttering as your drive can't keep up with it.

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Personally I think the 5850 would be a good choice. It can be nicely overclocked to near the levels of the 5870 on stock cooling, too.

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Don't neglect the HDD, ARMA2 and OA rely heavily on streaming models and textures so a decent quick HDD will benefit you for them.

You could have the best GFX in the world but still get stuttering as your drive can't keep up with it.

I know I shouldn't neglect it, the HHD will only be temporary until I can find a way to get a better one.

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Hi all, Just thought I would post my specs and game settings to give you an idea of what you can expect with your own rigs.

My sytem:

Antec Nine Hundred Two Case,

Sapphire Radeon HD 4870 Vapor-X 2GB,

Akasa PowerMax 850W Power supply,

Asus P6T Motherboard LGA1 366 Intel X58 ATX RAID SA,

Intel Core i7-920 D0 Step Processor (8M Cache),

Corsair XMS3 3GB (3x1024M B) DDR3 Memory 1600MHz,

Noctua NH-U12P CPU Cooler SE1366,


Seagate Barracuda 7200.11 1.5TB Hard Disk Drive 72 (Two),

SB Audigy SE OEM Creative Sound Blaster,

Windows XP Home Edition. updated to SP3

No overclocking done and everything running at stock speeds but I disabled the soundcard and use the onboard sound.

Game settings:

Texture Detail= very high

Video Memory= very high

anisotropic filtering= normal

antialiasing= normal

terrain detail= very high

object detail= very high

shadow detail= high

post processing= very low

Quality preference= very high

screen resolution= 1280:800

visibility= 3012

aspect ratio= 16-10

I ran the OA bench mark four times to give me an average and it gave me an average of 44.5 frames per second. That broke down to two tests at 45 and two tests at 44 in the following order.

1st test= 45fps

2nd test= 44fps

3rd test= 44fps

4th test= 45fps

All in all I think that is not to bad considering there is no overclocking done on my system yet. I hope this will help some get an idea of what to expect and that the rest of you guys get as good performance on your systems.

Edited by Killerwatt

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What about your post-processing settings?

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What about your post-processing settings?

Oops! I missed that. Edited original post to include it and also quality preference.

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Thanks. Pretty decent and stable performance I'd say.

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Is there an benifit using windows7 64bit over winxp 64bit in Arma2 and OA?

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Is there an benifit using windows7 64bit over winxp 64bit in Arma2 and OA?

If you're running XP64 now and dont have any issues I'd say no, not in arma 2. If you're going to choose, choose windows 7 x64, will probably save some headaches.

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If you're running XP64 now and dont have any issues I'd say no, not in arma 2. If you're going to choose, choose windows 7 x64, will probably save some headaches.

Using xp 64bit now but that is dx9 just wondering if its any better with the later direct x.

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Processor: Intel® Core i7 CPU Q70 @ 1.60GHz

Memory (RAM): 4.00 GB

System type: 64-bit

Grapic;s Card: GTX 260

Computer: Alienware M15x its an laptop?:bounce3:

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Guys ive just bought an imac i5 750 as you can see in my sig, and was wondering if anyone has played arma2 or arrowhead on a mac and what type of performance they got i know it will play on my pc but thats boxed up as i only want to use the mac.

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