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Mission makers - Missions - poll

How many missions have you created that have been completed and played right through?  

29 members have voted

  1. 1. How many missions have you created that have been completed and played right through?

    • More than 10
    • More than 25
    • More than 50
    • More than 100
    • More than 250

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Like many of you I have been in the community for a good while and I can recall the days when addons were abundant yet missions were a rare thing. Little animated gifs were even created (one such I can recall that the Avon lady used to have)

So, having been an avid mission maker myself I wondered how many of you caught the same bug I did and by that I hope to quantify it by a rough gauge of how many missions other budding and veteran mission makers have produced.

Said missions do not have to be ones you have made public but they have to have been played by folk other than yourself, eg perhaps you are in a clan or in a gaming community.

Please only respond with your total number of completed missions :)

PS missions you have created can be from OFP and ArmA, or both!

Edited by Rhodite

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I would say for me well over 500+ from OFP / Arma to Now.

And for Arma alone around 150+ most of which only ever got released onto the gol server. Well in my mission backup folder from 2007 there is 78 missions, and considering i make a new mission ever 2/3 weeks fully complete and played by a big clan you can do the maths :P

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I think I've probably churned out (not for personal use, mind) about 7 or 8 fully polished ones, all of which used to be available on OFPEC (Back when I was operating under the moniker UKSubmariner)

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Well, if you count the ones I did from OFP, man I don't even remember. ArmA it's definitely up in the hundreds. I'm a dedicated COOP creator and player

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I've probably "created" about 50 different SP missions yet none have ever been released nor completely finished. I have a terrible ability to spend days making a mission, get very close to finishing it off, then moving on to another mission idea. It's just a vicious circle.

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I'm with Manzilla. I have 100+ Mission concepts and test missions on my HD, only 1 or 2 were totally finished, tested and uploaded somewhere.

I guess one thing that turned me off is the tedious testing of my own mission scripts. If you played a scenario 50 times and still get bugs with things not happening or triggers not firing it's very easy to give up.

As Manzilla said, you get mission ideas faster than you can actually finish those missions. Although without finishing a mission you might never get enough knowledge how to get better with planning & testing a mission. It's a Catch22! :P

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For some reason I only completed a handful of missions for OFP, but I have made many dozens for Armed Assault. Most of these are made for coop play with the RCIR.



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More than 50. In ofp and arma combined.

There are a lot small missions i did for testing stuff, but i don't count them in. Also there are a lot of missions which are only concepts because i haven't gotten around to do the scripts needed for them. Most are on hold because i am unsatisfied with the AI's behavior killing the atmosphere.

But all the missions i make are under constant improvement, which is a convenient excuse for not getting anything done :P

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Has to be above the 250 mark by now they were only released on the gol server and most were for ofp. Every time we changed a mod I made a bunch to play with to bad I lost most of them when i switched pc's and over the years.

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I've made mostly deathmatches and CTF, they're the type of mission that are bound to be played from start to finish.

OFP deathmatches:




Cannon Tag


OFP team pvp:

TDM Online Warfare Tequila (Tequila Slammer Tournament)

CTF Online Warfare Little Everon (Lil E Final Chapter Tournament)

CTF U-Tube

ArmA deathmatches:

VODKA! (with Frantic.bay)

Camel Rage



Road Rage

Tequila Sunburn

Bagango Unlimited

Paraiso Unlimited

Ortego Unlimited

Rocket Rumble


Chopper Rage

Unreal Arena


Anchor Rage

Wild West

Cannon Rage

Long Range


Omni Rage

ArmA team pvp:

CTF Hexenkessel (with Frantic.bay)

CTF Camel Style

Sniper Patrol

I've made some other missions as well but I don't remember them anymore. Mostly training missions for tournaments.

Edited by Celery

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