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Unfortutely I lost the Fab model for a power loss on my PC today, before saving it sad_o.gif

I was really pissed off and I decided to put all myself in next model, before making a new Fab.

Here I give you:


Ub-57-32 Rocket Pod.

I consider it my best model so far, just 534 faces for closest LOD.

Cheers, GH.

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Therefore, you would not encounter any trouble with superior patches (1.09 -> Infinite superior numbers ).

Dangerous thing to say, as Vilas himself will tell you... wink_o.gif

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Very Cool done those models GodHammer thumbs-up.gif

Quote[/b] ] I lost the Fab model for a power loss on my PC today, before saving it
This situation , i had last time , what i got some trojan or virus and PC fixer deleted my whole HDD (it's good it was in 1999 and i was making sounds) crazy_o.gif

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Thanks Robert, much apreciated  notworthy.gif

It's my fault I should save models as soon as I finish them, I was kidding around and then it all happened sad_o.gif

Anyway I'm happy with the Pod, so nevermind, I'll build another Fab smile_o.gif

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I have to say your talent is amazing GodHammer smile_o.gif

Hope to see more progress of your SA-9 in the future.


Very nice pic, especially the UH-1D in the background tounge2.gif

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Fantastic work peapol. U r making a great mod and same fantastic units. Thx for u hard and dediceded work too make a fantastic mod so we all cann enjoy. I hope u will make the mod finish soon, those pic is make woter on our mouths.

Keep up the fantastic work. notworthy.gif

P.S. Vilas i hope whean u finis work on thise mod and the rest of the time there is going too be same WW2 stuf. (Tanks,cars and rest of hardver). yay.gif

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Finished today the KH-29L ( AS-14 Kedge ), laser guided version of the missile, for the Frogfoot, or whatever else air to ground attack vehicle.

I put it in a picture to compare with Strela, its darker color is because of Jpeg compression sad_o.gif

Enjoy smile_o.gif



Need to model the right pylon AKU-58 Launch Catapult, and it's done. Main Lod says 296 faces wink_o.gif

Cheers, GH.

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I could be wrong, but I think the Frogfoot is able to carry 2xAA-8s as well as two rocket pods and six Kh-29s, I think Tomi-D's OFP Frogfoot model has this loadout. Any chances of making the AAs?

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I could be wrong, but I think the Frogfoot is able to carry 2xAA-8s as well as two rocket pods and six Kh-29s, I think Tomi-D's OFP Frogfoot model has this loadout. Any chances of making the AAs?

That was a great plane!

Yes they can carry Molniya R-60's with that load out I believe. I can't seem to find a picture at the moment. I swear I had one though.

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Again, great work GH! smile_o.gif

About Su-25 loadout:

Quote[/b] ]Weapons hardpoints

The wing also served as the mounting point for the Su-25's external warload, which was carried on 10 underwing hardpoints. The four inboard hardpoints under each wing were fitted with universal BD3-25 pylons, and the outboard hardpoint a PD-62-8 pylon. The latter are believed to mount only APU-60-1MD missile launch rails, compatible with the R-60 or R-60M ( AA-8 'Aphid' ) IR-homing dogfight missiles, carried for self-defence. There is no reason why the R-73 ( AA-11 'Archer' ) AAM should not be carried with the appropriate pylon adaptor.

The inboard underwing pylons could be fitted with a range of adaptors, allowing the carriage of a wide variety of stores. The pylons closest to the wingroot, and next but one outboard, were 'plumbed' for the carriage of PTB-800 800-litre (175-Imp gal) or PTB-1150 1150-litre (253-Imp gal) external auxiliary fuel tanks. These outboard 'tankcapable' hardpoints (the middle station of the five under each wing) can also be used for the TL-70 Kometa target winch system on the Su-25BM, and for the carriage of an SPS-141MVG-E ECM pod on aircraft assigned to the anti-radar role. These hardpoints may be the ones used for the carriage of nuclear weapons.

The BD3-25 pylons were stressed for the carnage of a wide variety of stores weighing up to 500 kg (1,100 lb) per pylon, up to the maximum load of 4340 kg (9,570 lb). The eight main pylons were seldom used simultaneously, for the Su-25 normally carries much smaller warloads on only a portion of its available hardpoints, since the carriage of a full load imposes range, performance, agility and take-off penalties.

Hope it can help... wink_o.gif

Good night!


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No worries about the authenticity of the MOD since we already have some dedicated military advisors in charge of the military aspect of the Project, alongside with numerous reliable sources.

Regarding the Su-25, there will be 3 (or more) variants, every version featuring a specific loadout and having its own skin.

Basically, the Frogfoot wasn't designed for Air to Air combat, even if it was defined to carry AA missiles, therefore, as you have spotted through this thread via Godhammer, we will mainly focus on the development of Air to Ground bombs and missiles (KH-29L, FAB-250, UV-32-57 Rocket Pods).

There could be further weapons models, but of course, only depending on Godhammer's time and motivation since he has already achieved a lot for us.

Btw, 'Benus' is back in action again and he is in charge of the new Su-25 skins.



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I have to thank again you Soviet for the help.

I'd like some tips on writings, serial numbers and symbols used on missiles/bombs if possible.

If anyone can help with good links/pics he's welcome to help, feel free to PM me smile_o.gif

In my "wannado" list I have some more surprises for you guys, I am in love with your project and I hope that I can really help a bit there smile_o.gif

Cheers, GH.

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Your missiles are full of win GH smile_o.gif

Just saw this picture over at militaryphotos.net, from a group of DDR/NVA re-enactors, very cool equipment:


Any chance you will be replicating units like this in your mod?

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Someoen correct me there but from my childhood memories i cant remember seing any soldiers in Blumentarn, not even when they did combat trainings in the forrests nearby.

That was in the mid 80s.

I think Blumentarn was more late 50s to mid 60s, later the fabric was used for pouches and tents.

But memory may fail me there.

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I think Blumentarn was more late 50s to mid 60s,

Taken into service in the late fifties by the East German Army (NVA - Nationale Volksarmee) and MDI (Ministry of the Interior). It was produced until 1967 and replaced by the Strichmuster ("needle pattern") which was produced from 1965 and on.

Sorry DigitalCenturion confused_o.gif

But hey, maybe you'll see some of it on the Partisans, who knows smile_o.gif

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Hello Folks,

i would give some Informations about the NVA (East German Army)... First off all - your work is great and the showing Pictures are very good!

Now here you find a ZIP with Reference-Material of the Uniform, Boots and Tanker-Cap...


Now, some Corrections for the shown Units of the East German Army. wink_o.gif

First: On Field-Uniform (FDU = Felddienstuniform) there aren't colored Shoulder-Badges. The used were only oliv-drab onecoloured...


Bigger Picture

Second: The Helmet ist too Green! The Original Color ist like a very dark Grey... I've coloured the Second Soldier to show you how!


Bigger Picture

Third: The Uniform is too tight! The NVA used an Uniform that is very light and comfortable.


Bigger Image

Four: The Käppi (Cap) for the Soldiers has no Camouflage and also a Grey Color like the Helmet...


I Hope this Informations/Pictures make the Units as realistic as in the Real World... smile_o.gif

For Questions - Mail or PM...

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Na Genosse smile_o.gif Thanks for the contribution!

We're just a bit backwards when it comes to Germans... NVA and Bundeswehr.. In the previous versions those 2 armies were none present at all - instead of them we had fictional SLA and RACS units [both of them as we thougt they could have looked like 25 years ago].

It was only a recent development idea to turn them into East/West Germans. As we have turned our attention to details in the Soviet Army, Ludowe Wojsko Polskie etc., we thought we cannot afford to have something totally 'out of place' like Racs or Sla next to them.

So what we're presenting are just early pre-alphas of BW & NVA, let's call them 'placeholders' for now.

Surely they will become more detailed and appropriate with time - yeah, time ...even now we're discovering some issues on the  units we thought were 'finished' [CCCP / PL / USA]

You can be assured that all of the work has it's backup in proper research. I personally [as responsible for the textures on the Germans] subscribed to:


and even watched the whole:


Thanks for all the relevant reference and input. We will surely need and use it with time. smile_o.gif I'll see to that, so the changes proposed will be implemented before the initial release.

Greatly appreciated

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I`m really awaiting Projekt`85, but unfortunately the units that did combat training in my area will not be included by any chance.

I was on the other side of the iron curtain, and Chieftain MBT`s roared through the nights in this area. Sure there where some BW units, but mainly British troops and some from the Netherlands.

They did very large scale combat trainings every fall for a few weeks, and we kids where out in the field every day in that time.

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Brits often were considered but woudl cause too much extra work atm.

Maybe for a later update of the mod.

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Brits will appear in cooperation with Malvinas mod biggrin_o.gif

but not in first release, as we have no time for it, just like untill we do not know if CSLA will release their units and weapons and vehicles for Arma1 we do not work hard on other countries, now we must focus on finishing what we have and making mod work without bugs (i remind that this is total modification + many effects and etc.)

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Looking forward to Project'85 Mod! Will there be customable things with small documentation/readme too?

Are there any plans for future to make "final" BW and NVA units, vehicles etc.? If my memories are right there was always an doubtful feeling on US and Soviet side if germans really fight each other or if they could make serious "trouble". Anyway would be nice to see some "placeholders" at all sides - even in PL maybe as little "undercover (recon) group". smile_o.gif

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Brits will appear in cooperation with Malvinas mod biggrin_o.gif

but not in first release, as we have no time for it, just like untill we do not know if CSLA will release their units and weapons and vehicles for Arma1 we do not work hard on other countries, now we must focus on finishing what we have and making mod work without bugs (i remind that this is total modification + many effects and etc.)

Fine, but is there any info if it will include only infantry, or the heavy stuff from that era too?

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WIP on Molniya-Vympel R-60 ( AA-8 Aphid ).

(edited for saving space)

Cheers, GH.

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What soviet units wore body armor, and what was the body armor called?

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