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Console vs PC

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Just wondering how you play a game as complex as ArmedA on a console.

The reason I'm asking is that for ArmedA 2 I'm looking at a major PC rebuild to the tune of about $1,200 CDN at today's prices (might be quit a bit less by the time the game comes out) vs about $300 or so for a console.

The few console games I have played have all been a series of complex key strokes (ie push "X" then "Y" then "fire" button) and the thumb joy stick doesn't seem to be anywhere near as accurate as a mouse for aiming , moving etc though that might be a simple case of adjusting to it.Top that off with using a voice activation program on my PC for Armed Assault and...

So , I ask .. is the game "dumbed down" for console (ie some features and actions not available), can you assign keys etc. to commands as you do when you customize the PC version etc.

What about patches , custom mods , editing etc. Can these be used in a console version? (I'm assuming a DVD type of console)

Obviously voice activation isn't an option (AFAIK) for console's.

In general , is there any advantage ,disadvantage or no particular change to going the console route other than the obvious one..cost?

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I cannot answer your question, but maybe you find an answer in the OFP elite xbox forum while you are waiting for someone to reply? smile_o.gif

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I'm sure you can hook up a USB keyboard. However - I'd wonder if the console port will support user-generated addons, which is pretty much half the reason to buy a BIS game.

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Nope, no dumb downs, Marek said that personally. Also, PS3 supports mods and mouse/keyboard too. I dunno if all games support the peripherials but UT3 does for sure so it might as well work in other games.

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Quote[/b] ]So , I ask .. is the game "dumbed down" for console (ie some features and actions not available), can you assign keys etc. to commands as you do when you customize the PC version etc.

What about patches , custom mods , editing etc. Can these be used in a console version? (I'm assuming a DVD type of console)

Such questions can only be answered by those who develop the game. The console of course would allow for all these things if the game is made to use them.

Quote[/b] ]Obviously voice activation isn't an option (AFAIK) for console's.

Even that is possible and not that much a question of the platform for a game but of the way how it is designed.

Tom Clancy's End War uses an awesome voice command engine that seems perfect for all kinds of mil sims to make decisons faster and commands more intuitive to use and at the same time enhancing the immersion into the war situation that is portrayed.

Using this engine in their game as an optional command system would allow BI to make a real step forward...:)


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OFP1 work just fine on the box.

I played both and yes the PC was a littel fater overall it giving commands but this is not a run & gun game and for the few 1/2 seond that yousave is no big deal with a slower game pace as OFP1/ and hopefull ARMA2.

The elite was fine it was better then fine and I still play every night welcome.gifwelcome.gifbiggrin_o.gif

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Beerhunter, go for the PC. Arma2 will only come out on the PC. Marek said in an interview (don't know wich one) that they are thinking of going back to the console but at this moment that is still to be decided.

I advice you to wait until the game is released before you go buy a PC because you'll know what the exact specs are but a dual-core PC is a minimum.(see the wiki).

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Quote[/b] ]Marek said in an interview (don't know wich one) that they are thinking of going back to the console but at this moment that is still to be decided.

I highly doubt that and you should not tell folks such 'facts' without giving the proper source for it. Otherwise that smells of the usual console bashing we are so used to here on the fora...


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Beerhunter, go for the PC. Arma2 will only come out on the PC. Marek said in an interview (don't know wich one) that they are thinking of going back to the console but at this moment that is still to be decided.

It clearly says PC and console on the arma2.com site.

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They've said that they will start work on the console version a few months after PC release. I suspect that way they have a chance to patch the game of any faults before committing to console which cannot be heavily patched. It makes sense and is the smart thing to do. Also development for the console may take a while so don't hold your breath.

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A game that is crossed over from a console to a pc is usually quite limited isnt it. My guess is consoles are just a stepping stone to pc's as console users will eventually want more then what a console can do.

Hopefully and it appears to be the case that Bohemia will dumb down the pc game for the console which would be a task but the right way to go for this type of FPS.

My advise on your pc build is to definately use the new Intel multicore cpu i7 . This cpu and its on the die memory architecture is KA for games.

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Oh man... I really hope they release the 360 version before it reaches the end of its lifecycle. I really don't want to see another popularity-killing release right as Microsoft releases a new console.

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Hmmm... sounds like maybe I'd go the "build a PC" route for ArmedA 2.

But thanks for the input. Didn't realize the newer consoles could take a keyboard and mouse though.

Might look at one for some other games.

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Quote[/b] ]before committing to console which cannot be heavily patched

It can't? Since consoles use highspeed internet connection patching can be and is easily done.


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Just wondering how you play a game as complex as ArmedA on a console.

The reason I'm asking is that for ArmedA 2 I'm looking at a major PC rebuild to the tune of about $1,200 CDN at today's prices (might be quit a bit less by the time the game comes out) vs about $300 or so for a console.

The few console games I have played have all been a series of complex key strokes (ie push "X" then "Y" then "fire" button) and the thumb joy stick doesn't seem to be anywhere near as accurate as a mouse for aiming , moving etc though that might be a simple case of adjusting to it.Top that off with using a voice activation program on my PC for Armed Assault and...

So , I ask .. is the game "dumbed down" for console (ie some features and actions not available), can you assign keys etc. to commands as you do when you customize the PC version etc.

What about patches , custom mods , editing etc. Can these be used in a console version? (I'm assuming a DVD type of console)

Obviously voice activation isn't an option (AFAIK) for console's.

In general , is there any advantage ,disadvantage or no particular change to going the console route other than the obvious one..cost?

If you don't love the 360, just go for the pc, easy, you've got the money, time and dedication to go the pc route.

(I'm not going pc anymore, therefor i can only HOPE and PREY that devs will put hard-core sims on console. While always debated by pc die-hards, we see (fact) that some devs take up the glove ... Elite was the ultimate precursor, GhostRecon and IslandThunder should be mentioned as well, prolly the original Rainbow too. On 360 just some weeks ago racer RacePro saw the light, there is flightgame IL2:BoP in the pipeline and we've got OFP2 there in as well .... plus, hopefully and could it make 2009(?) an ArmA2/360)

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Oh man... I really hope they release the 360 version before it reaches the end of its lifecycle.  I really don't want to see another popularity-killing release right as Microsoft releases a new console.

Dude you looked around outside your own house? Credit crisis is hitting everywhere, people loosing jobs and companies going downhill and those that doesn't go downhill may end up as becoming a down sized company compared to before  tounge2.gif

Some of workers of the metal worker union in Sweden even agreed on lowered wages and less  working hours to save their companies :P

Pc for me as it will give me more bang for my bucks, I'll probabyl buy the game before I even have a decent gaming Pc just to support Bis. inlove.gif

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Dude you looked around outside your own house? Credit crisis is hitting everywhere ...

Perhaps we've upgraded a bit too much here. A mobile and a new gfx card every 6 months (and throwing away the 6 months old previous model) is just not sustainable in the long term:)

(gfx of 2008 is not good enough in 2009 ... that sort of thinking ... not only in gaming but everywhere ... it had to come down and it comes down ... back to basics. Advancements, yes, but at a sustainable speed, leave out the hype, just enjoy the slower progress:))

Sorry, my 0.02 cents on the 'crises'

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Have to agree here because IMO it's the gaming industry that's keeping the video card / CPU makers in business.

MS Office and all my other business software ran just fine on a 1Ghz CPU with a GeForce 3 video card. Only reason to upgrade is because of the games.

OTOH , consoles aren't much different because they keep coming out with newer ones with better graphics so you're stuck in the loop if you're a gamer no matter which way you go.

Me..prefer sims and relegate my gaming to ArmedA , MS FSX , X-Plane and a couple of fun ones (NWN1 and GRAW) , all of which run just fine on my present system.

Would only consider upgrade IF ArmedA 2 ends up being a WHOLE lot better than ArmedA 1 and won't run on my system (dual core CPU and ATI 3850 so it might handle it)

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Quote[/b] ]OTOH , consoles aren't much different because they keep coming out with newer ones with better graphics so you're stuck in the loop if you're a gamer no matter which way you go.

The console way is by far the cheaper way I'd say xmas_o.gif


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Quote[/b] ]OTOH , consoles aren't much different because they keep coming out with newer ones with better graphics so you're stuck in the loop if you're a gamer no matter which way you go.

The console way is by far the cheaper way I'd say  xmas_o.gif


SO are the computer parts equivalent to that of console. whistle.gif

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Quote[/b] ]OTOH , consoles aren't much different because they keep coming out with newer ones with better graphics so you're stuck in the loop if you're a gamer no matter which way you go.

The console way is by far the cheaper way I'd say  xmas_o.gif


Without doubt, I don't mind having to upgrade my console every 5 or so years as they're not very expensive.

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And as long as a console is on the market games are made for it, not the other way round as it is the case with the pc.

I'm quite sure that BI is going to publish ArmA2 for the 360 at least, they can't ignore this market and the near perfect online service and they can't ignore that the only competitor in the field is definitely going to be published on both 360 and PS3. So they have to keep up with CM...


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Beerhunter, go for the PC. Arma2 will only come out on the PC. Marek said in an interview (don't know wich one) that they are thinking of going back to the console but at this moment that is still to be decided.

I advice you to wait until the game is released before you go buy a PC because you'll know what the exact specs are but a dual-core PC is a minimum.(see the wiki).

Unless you know things for fact dont post them.

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Wow console fans praising their mantras...  biggrin_o.gif

You didnt say yet: "We're all lazy guys and want simple push-teh-button game."

There is nobody forcing people to buy a customizable PC or simple console. Its still their own decission.  wink_o.gif

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