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To ArmA Developpers: aiming system

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Sadly i never had a chance of

kill someone in a real war enviroment.




Some perspective and common sense please.

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Sadly i never had a chance of

kill someone in a real war enviroment.




Some perspective and common sense please.

+infinity confused_o.gif

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Hi, im not a moderator so im not the one who should say this; mainly

because i've already added my two cents on what the first post say.

But... will you mind to get back on topic and stop whinning about my

thoughs?. Let's C ya

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SaBrE_UK, william1, andersson, dotted

If you have nothin constructive to add to a thread, then don't post at all.

+1 is everything but constructive.


"Sadly i never had a chance of kill someone in a real war enviroment."

You're a freak, really. But by now we all know that. icon_rolleyes.gif

Back on topic now, otherwise we can close as the ones this thread was addressed at maybe long time stopped reading the spamposts.

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Edited by Andre
waste of time

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Sadly i never had a chance of

kill someone in a real war enviroment.

I consider that more then "a freak".

That comment is utterly sick and sad. People with that kind of attitude should be locked away before they hurt someone.

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it might also just be a language problem, lost in translation.

On Topic,

I think the way it's portrated in arma is pretty good, after all, it is a game (probably heard that one before)

Though, what could have been fun, is to have som sort of gadget like in wii, to have a gunlike thingy to have to point towards the target, instead of using the mouse :P

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Sadly i never had a chance of

kill someone in a real war enviroment.

I consider that more then "a freak".

That comment is utterly sick and sad. People with that kind of attitude should be locked away before they hurt someone.

And i believe people who don't read what moderators said should be locked from these forums. wink_o.gif

I don't understand how Wipman is able to shoot so well when walking... well some are naturals in some things. Other can fill magazine in less than 20 seconds, for other it takes more than 40 seconds etc. One assembles complicated lock in 20 seconds, some other manages to do that in 1 minute etc. We used word "machine" for those who were clearly better than others in some tasks, maybe Wipman was/is a "machine" when one needs to walk and fire.

As a point: Some people have hard time to hit target while standing stationary at those distances. I can understand that people can fire targets 80 meters away by halting and taking fast shot at target and then start to walk again. Or fire targets (without much accuracy) at 80 meters when moving, mostly for suppressive effect.

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Sadly i never had a chance of kill someone in a real war enviroment.

wipman... if this isn't bullshit, you have insulted every single soldier on earth that had to make that decision.

Andre, you are right but as said before I wouldn't make a big deal out of it.

Aim is never complitely steady in real life.

When you are moving tacticly forward your aim goes mostly up and down not so much left and right as in ArmA but wtf. Then your character should react diferently to bumps and stuff on terrain.

I'm sure BIS will get it good enough in ArmA II. It's looking very nice. Although, ArmA 1.14/15 with good sound mod is great already. If only you were able to reload when moving...

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The ace mod as people said at the first posts fix that issue.

For me the walking while aiming of arma is not perfect but well i can handle with it without problems. Just stop shoot, move, stop shoot.. thats all its not perfect but well is what we have.

in other hand You have allways the option of taking the aiming while moving feature of ACE and port it as a stand alone addon.

Think that arma is 3 years old and arma 2 maybe is too close, dont spect Bi to pach a game forever.

For me arma is not perfect but ive tested this year CoD5, L4D... and other shooters, and still prefer playing a good coop with my clan mates...

We know the bugs, the missing things and the problems with performance. But what about the freedom of walking a entire island, making the mission you can think even pilot a plane, chopper...

For me arma+bether performance+bether AI+reloading while walking= best game ever... at the moment... maybe = arma 2... still don´t know.

Well just get fun with the game and wait for arma 2/ofp2... maybe you take some surprises then

Regards from spain

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Same here man!  smile_o.gif

Sometimes Half-life 2 can be fun but I always return to the games that Bis have made  inlove.gif

Imo the whole walking slow and aiming is just part of a classic OPF component that I thought the hardcore fans wanted to have?

Imo works good to force players to act more tactical and slow and not just run and gun, imo its a great feeling moving around stopping scanning horizon and movin down a enemy or two and then moving position again.

edit I never served any armed forces, but I belive Bi might change it a bit for A2 to get more people easier to it tounge2.gif

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80 meter accuracy while walking and sighted? (or moving period for that matter).

One word: No

I'm a three time Gulf War vet and two time Bosnia vet. Not only is it unrealistic, it's absolutely absurd to think that it is.

Here's a visual example. This was done in a CAD program, so this is to scale. I used yards as my grid measurement just because it's what I was working in last.

Image removed

1 yard = .9144 meters

In the picture, the left oval is the shooter. The bottom line is a straight 80 yard line at 0 degrees to the target 80 yards away.

The vertical lines are placesd at the 10 yard markers along the X Axis.

The top line is an 80 yard line at a mere 1 degree.

The difference is 1.43 yards (1.31 meters) away from the center line of the target.

Since aiming is 360 degrees, when applied to a circular format, here is your margin of error at 80 yards in relation to the average human head size (inner oval is the head, outter circle is the error at 1 degree at 80 yards).

Image removed

At half a meter from the shooter, a variance of 0.36 inches (0.91 centimeters) is the equivalent to a 1 degree variance.

So, unless you hold your weapon steady as a rock while slow walking, then the likelyhood of you hitting anything except air is pretty much null.

ArmA has it right.

This is a great post. I am surprised (or maybe not wink_o.gif) by the number of people who think they should be able to hit whatever they want while moving, simply can't be done. Not at any distance in any rate. This is why we have firing stances.

One thing people haven't really mentioned yet, is the notion that the player himself can use his skill (if he has it, and it seems a lot pf people think they do) to counter the gun movement with mouse movement. If you believe that you can walk with a gun and have great aim in real life, then you should be able to counter the gun sway in ArmA with a simple counter movement with your mouse right? I would say that the skills involved in both are similar.

For the rest of us though, the ArmA gun sway and movement makes the game what it is, realistic. There are mods & addons to change what you do not like. I note that people seem to dismiss this, saying that the vanilla ArmA should be to their taste and not to general realism.

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I am surprised (or maybe not wink_o.gif) by the number of people who think they should be able to hit whatever they want while moving, simply can't be done. Not at any distance in any rate. This is why we have firing stances.

No. I'm surprised (or maybe not wink_o.gif ) that people don't read what has been said. Reason why quite many now days practice it is that it's better to handle it than not. And if one handles it then he has good changes to hit certain sized targets at certain distances while moving. Be it human or target.

Quote[/b] ]

One thing people haven't really mentioned yet, is the notion that the player himself can use his skill (if he has it, and it seems a lot pf people think they do) to counter the gun movement with mouse movement. If you believe that you can walk with a gun and have great aim in real life, then you should be able to counter the gun sway in ArmA with a simple counter movement with your mouse right? I would say that the skills involved in both are similar.

Might be true. Ofcourse mouse and abstracted weapon sway is much different thing that muscles, balance, rifle, inertia. I haven't ever really liked the way OFP and ArmA represents weapon sway. Something is not right, but i can't say what it is.

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