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Arma 2 cars and controlls

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Will the textures of the SKoda cars look like they are from a ps1 game and will there be no pointer while driving?

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Is there meant to be some kind of witty insult hidden away in that question?

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I think his point is does BIS intend on improving civilian vehicles/civilians (especially with diversity of vehicles, where the ambulance and firetruck etc), which I must agree to that question smile_o.gif

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That's his question? Can't say I got that question from reading his comment, guess my trolliversal translator is broken again sad_o.gif

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Well I kinda added to it tounge2.gif (it actually reminded me about a question I had, so might as well add it here).

Also are cars physics going to be fixed (which he did ask, refering to the controlls)?

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For sure cars will not be fixed. Rost on  them will be the same, tires will be all flat and some cars will have ability to drive backwards.....

On current Arma1 settings, I dont have a problem with driving. I use keys and mouse at same time. It takes time and practise...

...censured word here... or beep...

If devs say that they work on it, than they work on all, not just on some parts of the game. Wait, sit and we will see. Maybe you will be surprised...just like me.

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I hope they have it so that I can control the "Honk" rather then it just let out a normal one. I know it's nothing big, but its nice to have and shouldn't be too hard to add either XD

Car driving control wasn't too much my problem, driving on grass tho, it was like driving in thick mud I hope this is changed a bit.

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I'd settle for seeing the hands actually steer with the wheel instead of having the wheel turn through my static fingees.

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I'd settle for seeing the hands actually steer with the wheel instead of having the wheel turn through my static fingees.

As if that is the most important thing it needs fixed....

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No the most important thing about cars that needs to be fixed is the bloody autocenter thing.

Ofp was way better for car controls, fluid mousebased steering instead of a constant "fight with controls" we have now. If there is a good reason to keep the autocenter thingy (xbox controller compatibility e.g.), at least make it a setting so people can change it.

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No the most important thing about cars that needs to be fixed is the bloody autocenter thing.

Ofp was way better for car controls, fluid mousebased steering instead of a constant "fight with controls" we have now. If there is a good reason to keep the autocenter thingy (xbox controller compatibility e.g.), at least make it a setting so people can change it.


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No the most important thing about cars that needs to be fixed is the bloody autocenter thing.

Ofp was way better for car controls, fluid mousebased steering instead of a constant "fight with controls" we have now. If there is a good reason to keep the autocenter thingy (xbox controller compatibility e.g.), at least make it a setting so people can change it.

+1 from me too.

BUT, do remember that OFP went through phases too, it also had auto centering, which came and went and came back again (but thankfully went with the final patch)

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I'd settle for seeing the hands actually steer with the wheel instead of having the wheel turn through my static fingees.

As if that is the most important thing it needs fixed....

Where 'o where does it mention "most important thing" in the topic title? Sometimes I wish some of you would actually take more time reading and less time responding or simply take your meds before doing so icon_rolleyes.gif

While it may not be the most important thing to fix it is a rather noticeable aesthetic that's gone untouched and it looks ridiculous. H3ll, maybe if they actually have the guy steering the car controls wouldn't suck as much either smile_o.gif

...of course I don't mean that it would make a difference so I better state it now before someone else takes it the wrong way confused_o.gif

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I've said it before and I'll say it again, the cars need more detailed damage. You should be able to shoot the hood and damage the:

Transmission- The car would jerk as it switches gears.

Radiator- The car would overheat, smoke would appear from the hood and the car may eventually stop driving. Extra points if there is a warning light in the interior.

Belt- Engine works, but wheels don't move.

Then of course you'd have the wheels popping, which could have a more realistic visual. The glass could also be improved by adding broken glass decals when it's shot, (remember, though, bullets don't simply go through the glass. In the videos I've seen there is always, what appears to be, a puff of smoke). Simply replacing the texture as in Arma doesn't look good at all.

I should say, though, I'm not an expert mechanic so maybe my descriptions may be a bit off. tounge2.gif

PS. The same standards should apply for aircraft and armored vehicles.

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Well, to be honest, I can live with the autocentre, it is annoying, granted, but I've coped fine driving in ArmA. I'm sure they'll get rid of it in ArmA2. Well, they'd want to anyway, unless BIS wants another billion complaints. smile_o.gif

With regards to the hands moving on the steering wheel - I'd actually love to see this implemented. Not sure how it would be done, but it seems a travesty to not have it in a game made in this era. This comment can also be extended to manning pintle/turret mounted weapons - it's about time the model's hands stayed on the grips, if you ask me. If I were to see this in ArmA2, I'd probably weep with joy.

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Just as long as they fix the physics, so that tanks don't drive 100 miles an hour or do mutiple flips in the air because it hit a speed bump.

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Well, to be honest, I can live with the autocentre, it is annoying, granted, but I've coped fine driving in ArmA. I'm sure they'll get rid of it in ArmA2. Well, they'd want to anyway, unless BIS wants another billion complaints. smile_o.gif

With regards to the hands moving on the steering wheel - I'd actually love to see this implemented. Not sure how it would be done, but it seems a travesty to not have it in a game made in this era. This comment can also be extended to manning pintle/turret mounted weapons - it's about time the model's hands stayed on the grips, if you ask me. If I were to see this in ArmA2, I'd probably weep with joy.

From what I know about animations and games, it actually wouldn't be very hard to implement in a very basic form in a new engine. I'm not sure how easy it would be to shoehorn into this one, though. This feature would go along with their new focus on 'selling' the moment with animations, though.

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Well it's not a racing game where the driver never repositions his hands to turn the wheel more, so I don't think it's easy to do accurately. But if all you want is an indication of which way the wheels are turning then I guess that wouldn't be too difficult.

The crosshair in ofp was a better direction indicator than a pair of model hands ever can be though.

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With regards to the hands moving on the steering wheel - I'd actually love to see this implemented. Not sure how it would be done, but it seems a travesty to not have it in a game made in this era.


I think it's these small things that give the game a better feeling and help move away from ArmA. I know people will complain here saying it's not as important since the main game is war and there's better things to fix, which their right, but that doesn't mean that can't add something like this at all. I'd be willing to wait an extra few months if they needed it to help improve everything with the vehicles.

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