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Warfare Cooperative (WACO) v1.1.1

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Good news Mankyle!

Indeed, there is a "RunwayMarker" to mark the exact spot where planes should spawn. I thought it would be easier to use a marker than guess the correct offset from the airport building, especially because that building may be in different places for different airports. Now we just need to name the runwaymarker according to the airport it belongs to, like "ParaisoRunwayMarker" and have that string as a parameter somewhere. I will probably put it as a variable to the airport building itself, using setVariable. I'm not sure whether that will also work on clients though. Will let you know when I've made some progress.

Doomguy out.

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Hey doomguy, i`ll still want to resolve the mission with the add-ons because you make the add-on mission better with all the best add-ons there is.

What is the difference between the mission with add-ons and the mission without except the add-ons of course.

Maby someone else knows the problem that i have

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The only real difference is in the Config directory, where the unit types are specified. There are also small differences in mission.sqm and Description.ext, which have different version strings ("SA"), and the stand alone version doesn't have any of the addon verhicles in the mission.sqm. That's it.


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The only real difference is in the Config directory, where the unit types are specified. There are also small differences in mission.sqm and Description.ext, which have different version strings ("SA"), and the stand alone version doesn't have any of the addon verhicles in the mission.sqm. That's it.


so, it must be an addon, strange

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well, reinstalled the server , downloaded the mods and double checked it ,i did check everyting twice,

And gues what , its still not working banghead.gif

I am going do the bannan song now yay.gif , and i play the 1 without the addons help.gif

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I have tested the Sahrani version I have ported. There are some pathfinding issues but nothing unsurmountable.

I have found some problems though.

- The airport code doesn't work with the radio system. I have to look at the way you have used variables to enable the airport because with multiple airports the radio system doesn't work except with only the normal Paraiso international airport.

- There are pathfinding issues with the area near victoria and Mataredo. The AI stucks there a lot.

But so far the mission porting goes well:

- All town names do work.

- Now Antigua and Rahmadi spawn PRACS F16s that take off and fly CAP over those islands, making an aerial assault without air cover a complete suicide.

- I have enabled also choppers for the RACS. They are a serious opponent and an AH-6 has blasted my strikers more than once now.

I'll try to upload the mission ASAP, but I'd like to polish some things before, such as the camps and depot placements.

EDIT: I have taken a look at the airport code, mainly the teambuy and AIteambuy files.

You have added a markerpos that uses the runway marker as the spawning position of all wingedairteams.

With the standard Warfare mission the spawning position of the planes in the airport code is related to the airport's position so if you have more than one airport and you capture one of them and then spawn some planes, these will be spawned near the airport you have just captured, not in a fixed point determined by the position of one marker.

Wat should be done for enabling multiple airports would be creating a variable that uses the town name for refering to the runwaymarker, more or less like the towns code that uses a system based on that towns name or reverting to the standard BIS method of spawning the planes.

Anyway an excelent mission so far

hey mankyle , how is you`re progress with you`re mission  smile_o.gif

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I'm loving this. I running the Naked version and its running well. Only issue was the AI love to cruise the runway, makes it hard take the a10 out for a spin smile_o.gif

Great Warfare Version!!!

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Some requests would be.

1. Make the spawn points more random. My experience has shown that there are 3 points of spawn for BLUEFOR. Near the airport, north of Ortego and in valley region, NE of Cayo

2. Use an island where there are 2 airstrips, makes for a more even balance.

Points dont take away from the fun I'm having. I'm running this with ECS and FROMZ, very enjoyable

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I'm working on version 1.1.5, which will mainly feature some improvements to the player's commander interface. There will also be many tweaks to the AI behavior, in particular embarking/disembarking, formation keeping and returning to base for reinforcements.

To be released soon.


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Fantastic news Doomguy .... looking forward to it!

Keep up the good work.

[TAO] Kremator

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Cant wait!!!

Can you integrate parts of Command center into it as well?

(Satellite view and user view)

Since it mainly single user oriented it would give more C&C kind gameplay into it


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Hi buble,

Can you point me to addons/missions that have that functionality?



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Its there people have been trying to merge your version and the RBT one.

Somebody has already merged it but not all the functions of your waco version are there, would be great to combine these two great warfares (after that i'll shove in all the mando stuff for my version and well all be happy).

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Yo Doomguy Nice Stuff here! Is it okay If I can make a 64 player version of your mod? Mostly good for LAN Play since I like a straight out war! pistols.gif

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Yeah 'arma.isgreat.org' version combines RBT/ADV versions with parts of WACO but alas im yet to see the ai use choppers.

Also he has added dynamic weather too.

So if you could add RBT's command centre that would be great Doomguy  yay.gif

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Yo Doomguy Nice Stuff here! Is it okay If I can make a 64 player version of your mod? Mostly good for LAN Play since I like a straight out war!  pistols.gif

Fine by me!


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Yeah 'arma.isgreat.org' version combines RBT/ADV versions with parts of WACO but alas im yet to see the ai use choppers.

Also he has added dynamic weather too.

So if you could add RBT's command centre that would be great Doomguy  yay.gif

Thanks, I'll check it out.


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My personal recommendation is to keep doing what your doing Doom...1.1.4 works very well.  The hybrid (isgreat) has some different code etc in it..was buggy at first and then fix.  Some of the features u have were not working on hybrid when i last tried (ie AI chopper sorties)

I had small sided ded server for local mates up for about 400 min last night...running off a laptop !! smile_o.gif

The only time frames became an issue was getting towards the end.   For some reason the OPFOR base had over 20 supply trucks etc.  I should take some piccies,  I have seen platoons of tanks in the waiting (intimidating as a recon soldier lol smile_o.gif )  Seems to mass produce.  My 2 cents, adding to what I said

1. Make the spawn points more random.  My experience has shown that there are 3 points of spawn for BLUEFOR.   Near the airport, north of Ortego and in valley region, NE of Cayo

2. Use an island where there are 2 airstrips, makes for a more even balance

3.  Give choice of mission time ie night/day/evening etc

4. Give choice of arty support

5. Support additional islands

6. Include a spectator script (click to view through AI)

7. Support for differnt islands

Even without 1-7 I'm having good battles.  ArmA+ECS+FROMZ+WACO = smile_o.gifsmile_o.gif

Edit: Futher to the above adding RBT etc does effect the balance of power etc it also increases the amount of micro managment. Thing I like about WACO is that the AI commander is pretty darn good with troops and armour vectored to appropriate positions

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I have had the supply truck issue.

Logged of the game went back on about 2hrs later and loads and loads of supply trucks at base?

The random starting would be nice,get same as mazza sed smile_o.gif

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I have had the supply truck issue.

Logged of the game went back on about 2hrs later and loads and loads of supply trucks at base?

The random starting would be nice,get same as mazza sed  smile_o.gif

I have never seen the supply truck thing in my games, but I know other people also had it with WACO, and other Warfare mods. My hunch is that the ArmA (dedicated) server itself is actually a bit buggy and causes these issues now and then. I'll try to make the scripting a little more "defensive", so that it can deal with the bugs.


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I'm about to try out your addon version! Does the scripting for the AI Planes work the same as the Heli teams??? I thought It was cool for you to make a camp at the Airport...

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The independent air team script also purchases planes, if its side holds the airport, and there are targets available. Planes are only purchased if there are interdiction or strike targets (shown on the map as red targets).

The town at the airport (Aeroporto) has to be captured in order to get access to the airport hangar. The AI doesn't need to go near the hangar to purchase planes - it stays near the helo factory.


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