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MODUL Animations Pack v2

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Excuse me, but do AI use these? Or do I have to implement them into my missions myself? That would be really cool, if if you replaced some of the animations completely with these, and possibly add these new ones, so all the AI are reacting realistic.  xmas_o.gif

This is static animation pack and you will see nothing it yet do not use a command unitname switchmove "animname". And AI cannot use animation if you do not force it to do them smile_o.gif

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Modul I have a question for you;

In this picture of yours below, you have the AI (animated) standing close to the wall, but whenever I try and put the AI close to the wall when they are using your anims or the ICP anims, they move away to another position. So how did you do it?


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Modul I have a question for you;

In this picture of yours below, you have the AI (animated) standing close to the wall, but whenever I try and put the AI close to the wall when they are using your anims or the ICP anims, they move away to another position. So how did you do it?

Well, in it is not present what magic smile_o.gif

Actually i really simply to put units is closer to a wall, at the wall the most right soldier is necessary, the soldier in the middle does not nestle on a wall.

But i can give one simple advice.

Use a small script if you need to put someone very close to something:


<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">#r

aP setpos[getpos POS select 0,getPos POS select 1,0]

goto"r"aP - unit name

POS - trigger name

I.e. the unit will move on a position of the trigger with name POS.

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nice looking animations Modul. ive been trying to link them to small scripts and play them on characters as addactions.. hope the dynamic thing comes along id love to use these in mission as true animations.. for now i just jump and stay in the air unless i add other animations to get me back down. also the jump animation doesnt really go forward XD, so u really just jump straight up.. if it was built as a forward motion i could add others to fill in the gaps and make a full jump.. forward an all ^^. i know these arent for player characters yet but im looking forward to hearing more about them in the future.id love to jump a wall someday.. smile_o.gif.. thanks for the great stuff.. take care

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Is there anyway to get the download without the auto installer as every time I install it the Mod folder is never in the Arma dictionary. confused_o.gif

Otherwise, Good work! wink_o.gif

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Just read the readme files and they'l tell you how to use the animations once you install them.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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looks very good MODUL smile_o.gif

Can you please share the system a bit. Is it different anims played

in a loop or just one anim during the freefall (no expert in this area).


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looks very good MODUL  smile_o.gif

Can you please share the system a bit. Is it different anims played

in a loop or just one anim during the freefall (no expert in this area).


Greetings Q.

It consists of 3 animations:

1. Flight before parachute disclosing

2. A short part of flight and parachute disclosing

3. A static pose at the opened parachute (if to get accustomed it is possible to notice that it differs from a standard static pose for parachutes... I is even better it would make not static, but dynamic i.e. that feet dangled also other)

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Those vids are just awesome..especially the parajumper one... inlove.gif Nice work module.. biggrin_o.gif

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Hi, i seem to be struggling with these unit anims, I installed the .pbo in my addons folder then i try to trigger them in the editor via bob switchmove "animation"; and the unit just seems to do nothing huh.gif .

Please help?

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