victor66 0 Posted August 3, 2008 Great work! I would love a replacement pack or instructions on how to make my own. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PSYCHOSIM 0 Posted August 3, 2008 Cheers for the class names....... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kerry 0 Posted August 8, 2008 "green m16"They dont do Iraq, you're correct. Afghanistan. My bad, that was a totally unedcuated guess, i just watched 90000 videos of Canadian forces with "greenM16's" lol... sorry But im using these guys in my next mission, and I must say they are sick. But can you put out the weapon class names? or atleast give me a place to se them. *EDIT* nevermind about the class names, I se someone just posted em, thanks Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GD Mast 0 Posted September 8, 2008 Just used these units on the Avgani v1.1 map and they look fantastic. Â The only thing I would add about the C7's is the green is too bright. Â Use a darker green. Â Also, when you're looking in the weapon crates. Â The C7's have no pictures. Â You do get a warning saying that the C7 pictures are missing. Â Hope this helps with the next release. Â Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kerry 0 Posted September 8, 2008 Another suggestion would be to add some wear on the weapons. Maybe a couple of scratches or somthing on the reciever. Theyre so awesome, great work either way! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dk-vcb 31 Posted September 8, 2008 yeah well see.. atm im abit busy with real life training got 3 weeks of live fire exercise without weekends so cant do much modelling/texturing.. but i saw that the ons guys are working on theyr c7/c8/c9 packs so thats something to be looking forward too.. about the green colour yeah i know its abit too bright but havent been able to fix it... but will try to do it here one of the days..!! dk Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dk-vcb 31 Posted September 16, 2008 well here is a little update on the canadian infantry!!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Posted September 16, 2008 Thanks for informing us DK New version frontpaged at the homepage. The download page can be found here: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stewy 1 Posted September 17, 2008 Great work, DK, that's one tough looking gun! Stew Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GD Mast 0 Posted September 17, 2008 That darker green is much much better. Â I'm still getting this message when you go to the gear menu. [Picture \cmf_diemaco\w_c7a1.paa not found] Also happens with the c7a2 and c8a1, their .paa's are missing too. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dk-vcb 31 Posted September 17, 2008 yeah forgot about that... will be updated at a point just dont have that much time right now.. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
trunkz jr 0 Posted September 17, 2008 Awesome pack, I hope you could help those at project reality mod to help with their Canadian mod XD Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ricnunes 0 Posted September 17, 2008 First of all thanks for the addon! I really like to see the Canadian Forces modeled in ArmA. However I have 2 issues to report about this addon: - First is that the C7, C8 and C9 optical sights should magnify (zoom) much more than it currently does. In fact the current optical sight in this addon doesn't magnify more than just pressing and holding the right mouse button in a gun with ironsights. Don't forget that the Elcan Sight which equips the C7, C8 and C9 magnifies (zooms) x3.4 times. - The second is that the C7 and C8 don't have a picture when we access the gear menu. With this the first time that I access the gear for the first time (while playing with a soldier from this addon equiped with either C7 or C8) I get an error, basically saying that a picture of those guns are missing. This problem doesn't affect the C9, since a picture of the C9 is present when accessing the gear menu. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stavanger 0 Posted September 17, 2008 Mirror updated by CMF Units & Weapons = Canadian units v1.1 by DK||SES|| Regards, Stavanger Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dk-vcb 31 Posted October 14, 2008 CMF_UNITS Here is a new updated version of the cmf units.. including C7A2 with eotechs the eotechs from dasquade... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Posted October 14, 2008 Thanks for informing us DK Frontpaged at the homepage. The download page can be found here: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
miller 49 Posted October 15, 2008 Thanks DK||SES|| Â Mirror and News: Mirror: Canadian Forces v1.2 by DK||SES|| Kind regards Miller Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
vilas 478 Posted October 15, 2008 if you wanna make Canadian verion of Leopard than i can give you MLOD to work on "uparmoured" version Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ricnunes 0 Posted October 15, 2008 This latest 1.2 version of this addon is simply awesome also because it solves the AGOG didn't magnify and the there were no weapon photo in the gear menu for C7 and C8 problems. Thanks DK for looking into these problems and solving them! I also liked very much the new C7 and C8 versions with reflex sights. Well, I would definitly love to see a Canadian Leopard 2A6M (and even and older Leopard C2). These together with a LAVIII would definitly make me very happy (and I would definitly start working in missions with them). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dk-vcb 31 Posted October 15, 2008 well the leopard 2a6 might not be that far out in the future Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stavanger 0 Posted October 15, 2008 Mirror updated by CMF Units & Weapons v1.2 by DK||SES|| Regards, Stavanger Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HotShot 0 Posted October 16, 2008 Great job. I missed the first release but this pack is awesome. Two things I noticed which don't seem to have been reported here or in the readme: -No pre-defined groups -Missing texture on the woodland (but not desert) Medic backpack Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zipper5 74 Posted October 16, 2008 I have that issue as well, just to confirm it's not only HotShot getting it. I also noticed this: The desert units don't have the same problem as the woodland ones. If you look at the desert ones you can see that the creases are more defined and look like they're shaded. Whereas on the woodland one they look like they're only textured rather than shaded. I guess the best way to put it is it looks like how a unit does when you change Shading detail to Very low (and these were taken on full settings). Other than that great job. The units look good and the weapons are even nicer. Been waiting for some Canadian units for a long time now. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dk-vcb 31 Posted October 16, 2008 hmm will look into this later Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DaKa 0 Posted March 17, 2009 Thank you for this terrific add-on! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites